Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 963: Encounter robbing

Du You waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, there are a lot of natural disaster beasts here. We killed them all the way and cleaned them up. The order does not matter. It is good anyway."

Hearing this, Lin Yucha nodded indifferently. If this is heard by other people, I don't know what it will be. It is very difficult for other teams to kill a natural disaster behemoth, let alone so many.

Before long, the group came to a thunderstorm valley. In this place, the sky is densely covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and lightning strikes down from time to time. It is simply a land of death.

Ordinary people near here would be very dangerous, let alone wipe out the behemoths of natural disasters.

Du You did not summon the giant natural disaster dog, but put Xiao Zi in the air, and used Xiao Zi's ability to control lightning to prevent them from being attacked by lightning. This time, Du You was preparing for a sneak attack. As long as the sneak attack was successful, it would be easy to hunt down a behemoth of natural disasters. As long as the final blow is left to the Scourge Giant Dog, the benefits will definitely be maximized.

"That's it, the legendary white tiger caused by a thunderstorm."

"Is this thing really a tiger? Who is it from, a six-legged tiger?"

Du You looked at the front with contempt. The huge white figure clearly had six legs. And that head didn't look like a tiger, but a big cat. There was no king character on this thing.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for an average tiger to be as powerful as this guy.

Perhaps the relationship with the enemy has not been encountered for a long time, this white monster has no alert mentality at all. Du You condensed an energy-charging magic cannon, this guy didn't respond, could it be that there was no sense of crisis at all.

The next moment, a dark beam of light flew out instantly, hitting the position of the tiger's shoulder blades, penetrating in a straight line, directly injuring the monster, and at the same time, two legs were passed through the hole from the inside instantly, losing most of the ability to move.

Lin Yucha flew out with a spiral sniper at the same time, and the rotating arrow hit the white tiger's other leg, completely shattering the white tiger's ability to move. The natural disaster behemoths may each have their own different abilities, but the main combat power is still melee attacks. With three legs abolished, the tiger basically has no chance of melee combat.

On the contrary, it was Lin Yushi's skill, which was not very strong against the white tiger. The thunder and lightning spread, leaving only small scars on his body. "No, this behemoth is too resistant to lightning, and my attack has no effect."

Lin Yushi did not continue to use the lightning power bonus, but planned to replace it with ordinary arrows, and then use other types of attacks.

Bai Hu opened his mouth, and a bolt of lightning struck them. Du You waved his hand and placed a dark absorption in the sky. In an instant, the lightning was completely absorbed by the black barrier and did not diffuse at all.

"This thing has been seriously injured, and the two of us are enough." Du You said with a smile.

Just before Du You started to attack, suddenly a thunder and a fireball flew towards him from his side. The speed is very fast, and the power is not weak, they should all be Tier 4 skills. Because it was an emergency, Du You didn't even react. The defense on his body automatically opened, and the shield curse emerged, directly blocking the two attacks.

At the same time, a loud noise came from the distant mountain peak, and the white tiger who had just launched an attack had a blood flower exploded on his head. Then it exploded five times in a row, and the blood exploded in almost the same place on the head.

"Is it a sniper? No, someone robbed the blame." Du You finally reacted.

The sniper attacked six times in a row and penetrated Baihu's head. Baihu, who had been seriously injured by himself and attracted attention, finally fell. But Du You didn't know if something broke, because the last blow was not his own.

"Haha, this behemoth belongs to us, so if you know it, get out of it."

In the dense forest in the distance, a few figures walked out with a dazzling look. The next two people were the wizards who had attacked him before, and the thunder and flames on them could not hide from the others.

There are two warriors in front, one of them is armed with an epee, there is a shield and a long sword, it should be a knight, but without a mount. The five-person team is very reasonable and perfect.

"You are the monkeys of the Asian League, get out of here." The wizard who used thunder and lightning pointed at Du You arrogantly.

Because things happened so quickly, Du You still hadn't recovered. He was robbed and insulted now. Although Du You has a good temper, it does not mean that Du You has no temper.

"Look for death, kill them." Du You shouted loudly, without any nonsense at all. With a wave of his hand, a large swath of dark flame arrows shrouded in front of these guys.

These people didn't seem to expect that this guy from the Asian League would attack them directly without talking nonsense with them. Doesn’t it mean that the people on the Asian League are very polite and like to reason with others?

But it doesn't work anymore, they must fight. With a wave of the fire mage behind, a barrier appeared beside him, blocking the dark flame arrow formation. But this black flame arrow hit the magic barrier, but it made the barrier constantly oscillate. The last flame left behind, actually corroded a lot of cracks on the top of his own barrier.

"No, this mage is very powerful, attack now."

Upon hearing this, the Thunder Master raised his hands high, and a huge lightning ball formed. However, Xiao Zi in the air did not stand by, but a lightning bolt fell from the sky, and the lightning ball hit the lightning ball and detonated it directly.

With a "bang", the thunder and lightning exploded, and the hair on the two wizards exploded. The two soldiers in front were also uncomfortable. They didn't expect the attack to come from behind, and the two people who wanted to rush forward had to stop.

The knight cursed and tore open a scroll. In an instant, six Tier 4 lions appeared, flaring their teeth and claws toward Du You.

"Compared with us in quantity, thinking we would be afraid?"

Lin Yushi stepped forward and waved his hand to summon 10 lava lions. These lava lions are also level 33, and their aura is stronger than the lions summoned by the opponent. All of a sudden, they were suppressed in strength.

When the battle started, Lin Yucha shot an arrow into the air and closed his eyes.

When the fighting broke out, Lin Yucha suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the opposite mountain. And an arrow in the air turned into white light and fell rapidly downward, the target was the sniper who had been hiding in the dark.

The sniper also discovered that he was exposed, and he pointed his muzzle in the direction of Lin Yucha and pulled the trigger.

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