Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 964: Fragile Australia Team

Seeing the sniper's attack, Lin Yushi quickly got in front of her sister. The next moment, among Lin Yucha's screams, Lin Yushi was hit by a flying bullet. A feather in front of him appeared out of thin air, forming a shield, but the shield was shattered the next moment.

Then two wings wrapped herself, Lin Yushi was knocked out with Demon Extinguishing Wings, and a hole appeared in the Demon Extinguishing Wings. It looked very dangerous, and the sniper on the opposite side also screamed and rolled down.

Because the Arrow of the Eagle is only a level 30 skill, it has not entered the fourth level, so the attack power is not strong.

But Lin Yucha didn't expect that he wanted to force the opponent to attack, but he severely wounded the opponent and caused the opponent to roll down from the mountain. Even if he didn't die this time, I'm afraid it would be an injured end.

This sniper attack is so powerful, but his own defense is so weak. If the shot just now wasn't for Lin Yushi's help to block him, and if it hit him directly, it would not be able to stop it with the magic gauze of only Tier 3.

"Yu Shi, how are you doing." A red light flashed in Du You's eyes, which was an expression of his murderous intent.

"It's okay, it's a special bullet, but my defense is not weak." Lin Yushi's two defense skills are both Tier 4. Although Demon Wings are not specifically used for defense, but the defense is also very strong.

Du You nodded and looked forward. The warrior holding the epee had already rushed over, and at the same time a powerful force broke out, and the place began to rotate, like a whirlwind, everything he passed was shredded.

In front of him was the knight, holding a shield and defending firmly. The next two guys have already begun to prepare for the big move. Seeing that the sniper was hit and dropped, the two men looked incredible.

"Oh no, you **** it." The two of them seemed very excited.

Du You didn't even think about it. He directly detonated the Hellfire Spider. The knight's defensive power was indeed very strong. It was directly blown out, but it was not greatly affected. But before he landed, his face changed.

"Quick retreat, their strength is very strong." The knight shouted loudly.

But at this time, Du You's decomposition spell had been released, and three crystal clear decomposition spells flew out, hitting the high-speed rotating figure. In the next moment, the samurai who was spinning broke apart, turning into countless pieces of meat, spinning and splitting himself.

With one move, a samurai was solved by Du You. Although the attacks of the two wizards were strong, they couldn't play a role under Du You's shield curse.

At this moment, Lin Yucha's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the two wizards.

The Thunder Mage suddenly turned into Thunder and left the place, but the Flame Mage didn't have time to escape, and was directly hit by an explosive sniper. A large amount of toxins exploded, and the fire mage immediately lay on the ground.

"No, we surrender, we surrender, we can surrender this behemoth to you."

Du You raised his brows, let us? Is it necessary for you to give it to me. If this behemoth hadn't had three legs directly abolished by itself, could your snipers hit the same spot with six consecutive attacks? The real natural disaster behemoths are all fake.

And what does it mean to attack yourself first without saying anything, do you treat yourself as an idiot?

Du You didn't say a word and had no concept of an international friend, so he did not hesitate to launch another attack. The knight who had just rushed over put a shield in front of him, but did not expect Du You to use a soul attack this time.

As soon as the soul piercing came out, the knight fell to the ground holding his head on the spot, rolling constantly, and the pain made him speechless.

The remaining Thunder Master was chased by Lin Yucha and ran around. No matter where he went, a few consecutive arrows turned it into lightning again. Although this move is fast, it consumes a lot of money. After using it several times in a row, the face of the Thunder Master became pale.

"Asshole, we belong to the Moon God Alliance. Do you want to be an enemy of the Moon God Alliance."

Luna Alliance? I haven't heard of anything. Du You ignored it, and Lin Yucha continued to attack. For hurting his sister, Lin Yucha wouldn't be Lin Yucha if he didn't report it.

Du You looked back and sneered: "I want to run away. It's really looking for death." In the distance, the sniper who rolled down the mountain was bloodied. Just stabilized, and found that his team had already abolished three of them, so he ran away in fright.

Du You happened to see this guy's escaping movement, and he didn't even want to wave his hand. This sniper has a strong attack, but his defense and speed are not very good, and he was hit without running a few steps.

Without even screaming, the sniper was smashed on the spot, the flesh and blood were corroded clean, and nothing was left.

At this time, the Thunder Master’s magic power was consumed too much, so he didn’t incarnate Thunder and was finally hit by Lin Yucha’s attack. Under the spiral sniper, a huge hole appeared in the abdomen of the Thunder Wizard.

"You...The Alliance will avenge us." The Thunder Mage lost his arrogance, looked at the big hole in his body in horror, and lost his voice after he finally said a cruel word.

Looking at the knight still tumbling on the ground, Lin Yucha used two explosive snipers with Du You's consent, and abruptly poisoned him to death. No way, this guy's defense is too strong, regular attacks are Yu Shi, how are you, are you hurting badly? "The two walked to Lin Yushi's side. At this time, the Demon Slayer Wings on Lin Yushi's body had been restored, but the holes in the clothes had not been fully recovered. The equipment has no self-recovery function, and can only go back. At that time, use crystal coins to repair.

"Fortunately, that guy uses special bullets and has high shooting skills, otherwise it is impossible to attack so strong. But their team is really too fragile, it seems that there is no strength."

Lin Yushi opened her clothes without evasiveness, and a bruise on her shoulder made Du You even more angry.

Fortunately, there was no serious injury, but for the time being, his arm was not able to use strength. Take some medicine and take a break to recover completely. As for special bullets, just like special arrows, they are essential items for long-range snipers.

It has to be said that this attack power is terrible for a technology-type occupation.

"They are not fragile, but are different from our composition. Most of the squad types are for everyone to develop in one direction. They are invincible when they bring the enemy into their own rhythm, but the rhythm is broken, and everyone has too much shortcoming Obviously."

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