Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 968: Behemoth for nothing

The **** bird fell from the sky, because for the natural disaster behemoth, the best food is the corpses of other natural disaster behemoths. Eating their corpses is of great benefit to oneself.

   If it weren't for the Scourge Giant Dog to be his own summoned beast, I'm afraid I could not help eating the exterminated Scourge Giant.

  With the constant fighting, now his natural disaster giant dog is already very big. It was originally ten meters, but now it has grown by half and reached a height of fifteen meters. The thickness and size of the natural disaster cloud have also increased a lot. It's just that there is still no change on the panel, and the scope of influence of the natural disaster cloud has not changed. Only the natural disaster giant dog itself has changed.

   This is a fundamental change and will not be reflected in the panel. This made Du You also see the great potential of the natural disaster giant dog.

   Nowadays, a huge strange bird flew down from the sky, and the huge natural disaster dog certainly felt it next to it. Without even thinking about it, the natural disaster giant dog jumped up, trying to bite the huge strange bird.

   The strange bird turned slightly, avoiding the giant natural disaster dog. This guy was not attracted to the giant natural disaster dog to fight.

   It's a pity, what this strange bird didn't expect is that there is not only a natural disaster giant dog that is dangerous here, but the humble people next to him are the real danger. At the moment when the natural disaster giant dog rushed into the air, two arrows had already flown past.

   An arrow flicked by the side of the strange bird, but suddenly vines spread out from it. The vines are not big to this huge strange bird, very slender, and do not have much influence. But it depends on when.

   The swallowing magic vine entangled the wings of the giant bird. When it was swooping and turning flexibly, the body of the giant bird was suddenly affected.

   The second arrow is the spiral sniper, which fiercely drilled a hole in the joint of the giant bird’s wing bone, which instantly dropped the giant bird’s flying ability by several steps.

   This is a technique developed by killing aerial creatures many times. It is very practical.

   At this moment, Lin Yushi’s thunder-cracked arrow hit the other wing of the giant bird. The electric light spread, the giant bird feathers, bones and flesh inside began to decompose under the action of thunder and lightning, and a big hole appeared in an instant.

   The severely injured Giant Bird finally found out that he had made a big mistake. But now it was too late to escape. The natural disaster giant dog that fell towards the ground had its paws on the giant bird and tore it off.

   Then, Xiao Zi instantly released a thunder ring, which fell behind the giant bird. Because the Thunder God Ring could not cover the entire giant bird, it was shrunk by Xiao Zi and placed behind it.

  In this way, the Thunder God Ring can continuously release the lightning power, and the miserable giant bird has just landed, and the whole body is electrified. Xiao Zi also failed to learn from Du You, but he couldn't use this way before.

   At this moment, Du You had already condensed the energy-concentrating magic cannon for more than three seconds to shoot, and the dark light rose to the sky, directly breaking the giant bird's neck. This giant bird was the same as the rotting giant bird that came last time. Before it could display its abilities, it died under the besieging of a group of people, and it was very aggrieved.

"The harvest delivered to the door, then accept it." Du You flashed aside, looking at the unlucky giant bird that had died, his mood was still relatively happy, but then Du You was only happy. , Because new advanced materials are available.

   "A bird's advanced material, this is the most difficult to get."

   Du You stepped forward and cut off the two wings of the strange bird. Although it was not small, it was the material itself.

   "With this, my black jade griffin can finally be upgraded." Du You put his things away very satisfied. The materials collected during this period are relatively large, and my personal space is almost too large.

   "Master, this is indeed a gift. I can feel that the hair behind this strange bird is also my advanced material, which happens to be the advanced material of floating clouds on the platform." Lin Yucha pointed to the back of the strange bird and said.

   So the three people stepped forward and once again struggled to peel off the fur on the back of the strange bird.

I have to say that this strange bird really came to give them gifts. Two advanced materials. For them, they basically already have advanced materials for this kind of skill. It is true that they want to find advanced materials for the remaining skills. It's not easy. Who would have thought that in this case, there would be a big bird to give himself a gift.

   Not to mention the advanced materials, but also a piece of meat, yes, the meat on this strange bird tastes much better than Du You imagined. This is tasted through my tongue after being tested.

   "Haha, it's more than that, this guy gave us a nice piece of equipment. It just so happens that Yushi, your cloak is still green, there is a dark yellow cloak here is very good."

   Black Feather Cloak: Defense 24, magic resistance 36, speed increase 37, increase flight speed, with gliding and slow fall effects. When encountering a bird's enemy, it will reduce the bird's hostility towards itself. (Dark yellow)

   There is a new The previous magic feather cloak has been replaced. Now they no longer need to think about how to deal with these things, just throw them to the territory to deal with them. This year's annual gift package is none other than this strange bird.

   "Let's take a break today, and we will continue to set off tomorrow. The last monster is not so easy to deal with."

   "Do you really want to attack that guy? Among the giant beasts that can be found nearby, there are only two Tier 5 monsters that are the most dangerous. That's the spatial attribute." Lin Yucha said with some worry.

Du You didn't hesitate to say: "It is because of the spatial attribute, so we have to go. This kind of spatial attribute is too rare, and I don't know what kind of material will be in the body. Our three teleport skills are still I need this material. Besides, if there is no advanced material, I happen to have a dark rough stone, which will not be wasted."

   A Tier 4 dark rough stone, it is also very good to change to a Tier 4 space attribute summoned beast. Even if it has dark attributes after conversion, you can still use your own spatial skills.

   But what you need to transform the summoned beast is a complete corpse. Once you take out the material from this guy, you really won’t be able to transform it at that time. This is also double insurance, and it’s good for you anyway.

   Seeing that Du You had decided, the two could only stop talking. Du You looked at the two sisters with a fiery heart, but thinking of tomorrow's battle, Du You could only go back to the tent alone to rest. For tomorrow's battle, I have to nurture enough energy. There is no enemy of the spatial attribute that can be easily dealt with.

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