Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 969: The bunny of spatial attributes

After a day's rest, a group of people walked towards the final destination. No one knows what behemoth is in this final destination, everyone can only judge from the large-scale influence.

   Various spatial cracks and spatial traps often appear around here, so they guessed that this should be a spatial type of influence. The natural disaster cloud in the sky should have this kind of spatial attribute.

   It's just that the natural disaster cloud is ocher, which is different from the color displayed in the general space.

   When Du You and others arrived at this place, they found that this place was really extraordinary, and there were space cracks everywhere. If it weren't for their spatial ability and strong mental perception, they could feel the spatial traps around them. When most people arrive at this place, they will be caught accidentally, which is very dangerous.

   These traps are not ordinary traps, but are composed of spatial attributes. Once you are recruited, even Tier 4 or Tier 5 people will be ashamed if you are not careful.

  Similarly, because space-attribute creatures may be very difficult to hunt, no one will provoke them.

   "These natural disaster monsters are really good at making their own nests." Du You complained.

   The Scourge Behemoth can slowly transform an area as long as it turns on the Scourge Cloud for a long time. This area is his home court. Within the home court space, his natural disaster cloud exerts the greatest power.

   Moreover, it can also influence the enemy's army and even the enemy itself with the help of the natural disaster forces of the same surrounding.

  If you can find restraint ability, it's good to say that this type of space type ability, then it really can only be forced. Du You and the two sisters were not in a hurry, but moved forward slowly, familiarizing themselves with the environment of this place while remembering the locations of these traps and cracks.

  The natural disaster cloud can transform the environment and create an environment that is beneficial to itself, but these environments themselves cannot be controlled by the natural disaster monsters. Unless they have similar skills, they can only be used as an environment.

   It took three days. After the three people slowly adjusted to everything here, they quietly approached the most central location.

   "There are a lot of cracks in the space here, Master, I'm afraid your natural disaster giant dog can't be released here." The cracks in the space around this place are like a knife, standing anywhere.

   The natural disaster giant dog is too big. If it is released here, it will be the same as if it is placed on the mountain of knives. It can turn itself into fragments with a random move. Fortunately, human beings are small, just pay attention to the hidden space traps.

   "Remember, when you are going to fight, never use teleport to avoid being seized by the opponent."

   In front of a giant space attribute, Du You dare not use his level 30 teleport skills. If the opposing party seizes the opportunity, it will really die. In the face of this kind of enemy, Du Yousi did not dare to take it lightly.

   When the three people came to the central location, they found a rabbit more than ten meters high in front of them. That's right, a yellow, fluffy rabbit. If it's not too big, it should look cute.

   At this time the rabbit was sleeping, Du You made a gesture, and the three of them quietly began to explore all the surrounding space. After all, the three are not real professionals with spatial attributes, so it is quite difficult to detect them. Without disturbing the other person, the more you understand the environment here, the better.

   A few hours later, three people knew everything about it, and several road maps were even drawn. Connecting the road map, the three people deduced each other for a long time, determined the position of dodge and running, and avoided falling into desperation, and then they were ready to take action.

   "Let me come first, this guy slept well." Du You smiled, and after getting closer, he waved his hand to the Hellfire Spider. A large number of hellfire spiders fell on the rabbit, as long as it detonates, it is definitely not good.

   But just released, the next moment the rabbit glowed with a bright light. With several explosions, Du You discovered that his hellfire spiders had only exploded. No, it should be said that only a few exploded on rabbits. The others were moved far away, and Du You could feel the fluctuations of these hellfire spiders exploding in other places.

   is still within the scope of this natural disaster cloud, but this shows that the rabbit has the ability to shift attacks.

   The several Hellfire spiders that exploded were not useless. There were already several huge scars on the rabbit's body, and blood was flowing. The rabbit opened his eyes, his eyes flushed quickly, and he looked at Du You.

   "Squeak..." The big rabbit uttered angrily, and stretched his paw to the side. Du You immediately felt the fluctuations in the surrounding space, and ran without even turning around. Thanks to my good health, otherwise I really can't get past.

   In the void, a paw stretched out and scratched the place where he was originally standing.

   At this moment, two arrows flew in indiscriminately. The explosive poison sniped, a large amount of toxins exploded, and suddenly turned the rabbit into a green The strong toxicity melted into the wound and continued to weaken the rabbit's power.

   Another arrow turned into a blood-red thunder, and it plunged directly into a wound. Then vines grew out, and the surface of the vines that had absorbed a lot of blood was red, like blood-red jade.

   The rabbit felt severe pain, the light on his body flickered, the vines were reduced, and the toxicity seemed to be weakened layer by layer. But they can only come again and again, and there is no way to clean them all at once.

   "His transfer damage can't play a full role, continue to use this continuous attack." After Lin Yushi finished, it was another arrow, still devouring the magic vine, intending to entangle it to the end.

   The rabbit's paws were constantly waving and constantly emerging from the surrounding void, but the three of them were fully vigilant and were not hurt at all, and they could calmly avoid it every time.

   If it weren't for the surrounding space environment, this rabbit's moves would not be threatening at all. The big rabbit bounced around, and the surrounding space cracks and space traps did not harm it at all. Even if it hits, it will only penetrate the past. I don't know if it is because of the special physique of the rabbit itself, or because of the homology of these spatial forces.

   "Be careful, this guy is about to make a big move." Du You suddenly became vigilant.

   The rabbit opened his mouth, and took a bite with his teeth against the void in front of him. Suddenly, the space was bitten open. Du You instantly felt the space around him shatter, and a large amount of space debris burst out. Between time and space, Du You did not completely escape, being swept by a lot of space debris.

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