Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 970: Space materials are all

Space debris swept across, cutting into slices of cracks around it. Suddenly, a figure rushed out, it was Du You. It's just that Du You's face is not so good at this time, and his skin has also become a lot of red.

   "Be careful, this guy's attack is very strong, I almost missed the two layers of defense."

   The space barrier that Du You had just released with all his strength was shattered, and his own darkness absorption almost didn't support it. Fortunately, it was finally supported, but the pressure still made Du You a little uncomfortable.

   Du You knows that this is not only the reason for the powerful attack of the space skill, but also the reason for the high level of the rabbit. This rabbit is definitely in the late fourth stage, or even close to the peak, otherwise it won't have such a powerful ability. Moreover, the space attribute is special, and its own dark absorption cannot absorb space power to weaken its attack intensity.

   Otherwise, Du You's two-layer defense would not perform so badly. But Du You knew that this move was absolutely impossible for the two sisters. If they insisted, it would be a dead end.

   "Although this attack is powerful, its release speed is slow. We can only take a gamble now that there is no way to use other abilities when it uses this trick." Lin Yucha said for the first time.

   When fighting, their ability to observe is very strong. Lin Yushi also knew what her sister meant. After all, the two people were connected at the same time. They took the time to throw arrows of space towards other routes.

   This kind of skill must be teleported to evade, otherwise they won't be able to escape at all, and now they can only gamble. Among the three, only Du You was able to resist this move without being injured.

   The rabbit saw that the attack had no effect, so he continued with his normal attack, still extending his claws. They also noticed that this big rabbit didn't seem to have the ability to teleport itself, otherwise it would have come to him a long time ago. This also relieved their pressure. If the rabbit could use teleport without restrictions, they might really have to run away.

   The lava lion and the bloodthirsty wolf were released, and they approached and attacked in the direction of the rabbit.

   They saw that this rabbit has a very powerful attack transfer ability, but this ability is limited. Continuous attacks and melee attacks are difficult to transfer. Moreover, the continuous blows cannot be completely transferred.

   It seems that this kind of transfer is time-limited, and there must be a certain time interval. Only in this way can they hurt the rabbit, otherwise, the rabbit is simply incomprehensible.

When    Rabbit opened his mouth again, the figure of Lin Yushi who was pointed at disappeared in a flash.

   "Great, right bet, this rabbit is dead." Du You shouted, clenching his fist, and at the same time gave the rabbit a soul piercing.

   Just after Lin Yushi stepped aside, the rabbit did not stop and did no other actions. He still released his skills and completely destroyed the place where Lin Yushi stood. It seems that this trick can not be received, or the rabbit can not take it back at will, otherwise it may backfire itself, which gives them a chance.

   Taking advantage of the various weaknesses of this rabbit, coupled with their diversified abilities, he fought hard for more than two hours. The rabbit was injured all over his body, and finally couldn't hold on.

   "The final blow." Du You didn't mean to let the natural disaster giant dog participate, but when the rabbit almost lost its combat power, a shaped energy magic cannon came on the rabbit's head, completely destroying its brain, and finally killing it.

   As the rabbit died, natural disaster clouds in the sky began to dissipate, and the surrounding environment quickly returned to normal. It is not known how many years of space traps and crack areas have been recovering at an extremely fast speed.

   "Let's move faster, there will be such a big change, and someone will come to check it later." The noise they made these days is not small, and Du You doesn't want to be found out by himself.

  Hiding himself for so long, Du You has developed a character that is cautious in everything.

   The three quickly walked forward, and Du You immediately said, "Do you feel it?"

   The two sisters looked at each other and nodded at the same time. "This rabbit skin is my advanced material." Lin Yucha said.

   Lin Yushi pointed to the rabbit's teeth and said: "These two teeth are strange, why these two teeth are useful." Things are different, but they correspond to the arrows of two people's space.

   Du You didn't hesitate, and immediately said, "Then take it down. Two advanced materials are much more useful than a summoned beast."

   The three people moved quickly, cut off the fur and teeth, and then took out the natural disaster core. Du You smiled the moment he got the core of the disaster, because he discovered that it was also his own space material.

   "Good luck, I also got the space materials." Now the space attribute materials are all.

   I didn't submit the task, and didn't read anything. Du You felt that a breath was approaching far away. Du You winked at the two sisters, and then the three of them turned around and left.

As for the corpse of the big rabbit, let them deal with it. Although it looks like a great loss, they really can’t take it I don’t know how far they ran out. When they stopped, they Has come to another place.

   "Master, where are we going to leave next, this world has great potential, and maybe we can come back one day in the future." Du You heard this, thinking about it as if it was the same.

   "In this case, let's go back to Huangtu City and leave. Those people shouldn't know that it has something to do with us."

After    was confirmed, the three people quietly returned to Loess City. The atmosphere of Huangtu City has become very cheerful now. There are lights and festoons everywhere. You can see drunk guys lying on the ground everywhere on the road, and then dragged away by friends.

   After inquiring, Du You found that no one doubted him, and Du You returned to the Professional Association. This place will provide a safe place for people to leave, so that people will not encounter danger when they come back.

   "Okay, now you can see the harvest." Du You opened the orb that the rabbit exploded: "The sharp blade of the space attribute, unfortunately I can't use it." Things are good things, but there is no way to use them.

   Then Du You submitted the task of cleaning up the vicinity of Loess City. According to the cleaning progress, there should be a lot of gains.

   After the crystal coin, Du You saw a drawing, the drawing of the Sky Splitting Mage Tower (Fifth Tier)

"It's actually an auxiliary building of the Mage Tower. It seems to be a building that can train spatial attribute mages." Du You took a breath. This kind of building is not simple. Even people of Tier 6 will vie for it. It must not be exposed. Du You quickly put away the drawings to avoid being seen.

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