Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 971: Construction of Garden Star

The relatively fixed behemoths of natural disasters around Huangtu City, this time can be said to have died in their hands. In addition to the two fifth-order ones, there are also those of the flow type, but those are not so easy to find.

   The harvest is very good. After the three people counted, they opened the space channel and left.

   When they returned home, the three of them recovered their short rest time. Before the law aura on their bodies dissipated, they had no way to enter another world, so they couldn't advance their skills for the time being.

   It’s just a few days after resting, Li Mengyao came to find herself. "Du You, great, you have already returned. We have almost completed the construction of the Garden Star, and now we need you to open the passage."

   Du You looked at the documents Li Mengyao gave him. The Garden Star had already had a good foundation. Their construction this time was mainly to replace and set up some technological weapons.

   At this time, around the Garden Star, there are three special orbits around the asteroid, and various combat weapons are scattered on each orbit. Of course, these are all technological weapons, with their destructive power barely reaching Tier 4. Technological weapons that can reach Tier 5 are not so easy to buy, after all, they don't have their own research and development institutions in this area.

   Under normal circumstances, if asteroids of this level want to gain a foothold in outer space, it is impossible not to join other big forces. But the situation is different now, because Du You's performance in the giant world before, the Academy Alliance wants to protect him.

   Therefore, as Du You's only base in outer space, it is still the base that opened the Giant World Channel. The Academy Alliance needs to protect him for two years. With the power of the Academy Alliance, even those big forces in outer space have not dared to mess around in the past two years.

   Otherwise, they really dare not develop this planet now.

  Once the channel of another world is opened, after the channel is broken, the quota will not be refunded, only the channel will be abolished. There may be ways to restore the channel, but the channels are all set.

   "Our strength seems to be a little insufficient. If we are to develop asteroids now, I am afraid it will be difficult."

   A woman next to Li Mengyao said immediately: "According to our plan, there is no problem with preliminary development for the time being. Moreover, as long as we don't set up too many important facilities on the Garden Star, it will not arouse other people's covetousness."

   If you want to attack your own territory, you must first have enough gains. If there is no gain, who wants to attack without problems. Outer space is so big that there is no such thing as fighting for territory. This is also a way to protect yourself.

   Du You thought for a while, it seemed that it was really the case. Do not set up too important factories or other facilities, and do not take the initiative to make enemies, under normal circumstances, no one is willing to risk offending the Academy Alliance and Capital University to attack themselves.

   "Since this is the case, then I agree."

   "Let's start now, come, use this, one-time space teleportation array, just use this in the past."

   Du You looked at the teleportation formation that Li Mengyao was commanding people to unfold in the hall, secretly saying that this preparation was really adequate. It seems that they have sent someone to the Garden Star long ago. Otherwise, it will not be possible to fly there in a short time.

   It takes at least five days for an ordinary airship to fly from the earth to the garden star, and even more time if there is an accident. Outer space is not without danger at all.

   Just like the wilderness outside the city, there are many cities built by anti-human elements. In the past, many criminals also fled to outer space, survived outside, and became like pirates.

   These people may not have any way to enter another world, and many of them are not professionals. But on the side of the earth, technological weapons are not restricted. Before reaching a certain height, professionals are also very vulnerable in the face of these technological weapons.

   Du You also saw these people called in by Li Mengyao's command. There were not so many people around her before. Now that Li Mengyao has to manage some things in the territory, Li Mengyao is much busier than before, and naturally there is a team around him. This was busy for his own territory, and Du You said that it was impossible not to be moved at all.

   For a student, wasting so much time to help him manage the territory is a very big effort.

"Okay, let's go, let's go and see what our back garden looks like." Li Mengyao took Du You forward, and the eyes looking at Du You were also full of tenderness, making Du You very uncomfortable. .

   The two sisters glanced at each other, did not say anything, just followed Du You closely. This teleportation array can accommodate ten people in total, except for the four of them, and then the six entourages walked onto the teleportation array together.

   Speaking of which, Du You really hasn't used this thing before, whether it's in another world or on the side of the earth.

   The light flickered, and Du You felt a familiar spatial fluctuation, but the fluctuation was too cryptic, and it disappeared in a flash. When the picture in front of him changed, Du You knew that he had come to another place.

   This feeling is completely different from the time when the world travels There is hardly any feeling. Du You could only feel a space force wrapping himself up, and then he came here, but he didn't feel uncomfortable.

   "This is the Garden Star, you think our construction is pretty good."

   Li Mengyao pointed to the surrounding area. At this time, a large area of ​​houses had been built around, which was completely different from ordinary houses. There were still many people working in the distance. Of course, large-scale machinery is used for operations.

   Du You even saw Xi Qianxue had already walked here, there were people from other territories, as well as classmates who joined the territories in the college. Du You took a step forward and then stopped. "The gravity is very light, it's a bit uncomfortable." Du You just jumped up in one step, not because he wanted to jump, but because the gravity here was really too light.

   Li Mengyao walked over slowly and said, “It’s okay, just wait until the channel is turned on. Although there is a gravity regulator here, the power of that thing is not too large, and it is impossible to regulate the same as on the earth.”

   Du You realized that with his current strength, after walking a few steps, he completely adapted to it.

   "Du You, you are here, let's take a look at our results first." Xi Qianxue stepped forward, and then pulled Du You forward. Li Mengyao just smiled and followed behind.

   This makes Du You feel even more strange. Don't these two people have to quarrel when they meet? How come Li Mengyao can endure it now. Forget it, it would be nice if the two of them can be harmonious. While walking around, Xi Qianxue has already begun to introduce the results here.

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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