Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 992: Successful anti-kill

The horrible dragon's breath rolled in like a waterfall, Du You's eyes were calm, he had already seen what the two sisters were going to do.

   Most of the space spirits appeared beside the shadow dragon at this time, and the shadow dragon was unaware of it. Elemental creatures are like this, and they often have tremendous advantages in their own domain. And once some abilities in unfamiliar fields appear, there is a big disadvantage, so that you can't feel it at all.

   When the dragon's breath erupted completely, those spatial spirits suddenly burst out with powerful spatial forces. In an instant, the spatial fluctuation became very clear, and even the shadow dragon found a problem. Unfortunately, time is too late now.

   As the space shifted, the shadow dragon suddenly disappeared in place, appearing in front of them almost instantly. At this moment, the shadow dragon was facing them and its face was facing where it was before. The terrifying dragon's breath just rolled in and was blocked by the shadow dragon itself. The dragon's breath that continued to spray was directly blocked by the dragon's breath that broke out completely.

   The terrifying power exploded on the shadow dragon itself, and even the shadow dragon itself had no way to resist. A scream came from the mouth of the shadow dragon.

   But behind the shadow dragon, the two sisters have launched their own attacks.

  Lin Yucha’s explosive snipers have been sent out. Although the physical attack is ineffective, the poison can destroy the formation of dark power and cause strong damage to the shadow dragon.

   But Lin Yushi directly used a large-scale burst scattering. Although this move has weak local attack power, what Lin Yushi wants now is not direct attack power, but the absolute damage brought by the **** blood demon thunder.

  'S own attack is not very strong, it is difficult to break through the defense and what effect will this weird elementary creature have on. But the Hell Blood Demon Thunder is different. There is no way to resist the powerful direct killing.

   At the same time, the shadow dragon also appeared in the circle of his summoned beasts. These summoned beasts didn't care so much, all kinds of attacks came over. It is completely different from dealing with dragons before, the effect of spell attacks is very significant, on the contrary, the effect of physical attacks is much worse.

   Therefore, the natural disaster giant dog and the dead orangutan are not very useful now, but the effect of the dark dragon that has just been condensed is very obvious. The breath of the dragon sprayed down, directly killing the shadow dragon in the opposite direction.

   A simple teleport caused the shadow dragon to suffer severe damage.

   "It's not good, go back." Suddenly, Du You noticed the black light flickering all over the shadow dragon, so he hurriedly shouted.

   Not only was Du You and the two sisters dodged in an instant, the bubbles that had been walking around the periphery were faster than they dodged. The next moment, a black light spread from the shadow dragon, instantly covering a large area around it. Immediately afterwards, this black light shrank rapidly, and that terrifying power would kill all the summoned beasts encased in it.

   "A strong skill, but fortunately it retreats fast." Du You was not sure whether his defense could stop the outbreak just now.

   The heavily injured shadow dragon looks a bit tattered, and the color on its body is more transparent than before. At this time, Lin Yucha was also uncomfortable. He had just forcibly teleported the shadow dragon, which consumed too much magic power.

   Lin Yucha's face turned pale. Although the magical power was rapidly restored under the action of the surge of magical power, there would be no way to participate in the battle for a while. However, the shadow dragon obviously thinks too much.

   The surrounding summoned beasts had just died, but the next moment, the surrounding black air flow suddenly condensed, and all the summoned beasts were resurrected. The resurrection call, this magical skill played an important role at this time.

   The shameless wisdom of the Shadow Dragon was a little dazed, and he didn't understand what had happened. But those summoned beasts didn't give him time to think, they went straight forward, and all kinds of bites and spell strikes fell on the shadow dragon again. The shadow dragon that had just exploded with a big move was obviously too weak, and it would not be able to handle it for a while.

   Du You's eyes lit up, this is a good opportunity. Without even thinking about it, Du You teleported directly into the abdomen of the shadow dragon, where there was a huge scar. Du You pressed his finger on the shadow dragon, and the Hellfire Spider started.

   At this moment, the shadow dragon lowered its head to face Du You, and a dragon's breath did not condense, and it sprayed directly.

   "Be careful, master." The two sisters exclaimed. But the next moment, I saw Du You standing intact. This uncondensed dragon's breath was completely blocked by Du You's two layers of defense.

   The first layer of shield curse was shattered, but the dark absorption completely absorbed the weakened dragon's breath, and also restored part of Du You's magical power. The shadow dragon didn't seem to expect the other party to be okay, so another dragon's breath spewed out.

   But this time Du You didn't resist, and he teleported away directly. "Blast it for me." Du You snapped his fingers and looked at the shadow dragon who stupidly attacked the shadow dragon in front of him. Just now he had completely released six copies of Hellfire Spiders into the opponent's body, but that was a total of six hundred Hellfire Spiders, and Du You felt terrified even thinking about it.

   Then burst out with a muffled sound, and the shadow dragon's whole body was like a balloon, directly inflated, and the original shape was no longer visible. Suddenly, a large amount of black flames spurted out directly from some of the broken holes in his body.

  The Black Jade Griffon King who was trying hard to attack didn't pay attention, but was enveloped by the spray of flame, and the second death came in an instant, and it was really dead this time. Only this time he died in his own hands.

   But in the face of this kind of attack, the dark dragon still kept a breath, still not dead.

   "Good vitality." Du Youxin said in a secret voice of the black jade griffon king, but he stopped the two sisters and did not let them go forward. Who knows if this shadow dragon has any other means before it is dying.

   Du You was here watching his summoned beasts attack frantically, and the vitality of this shadow dragon was getting weaker and weaker.

   Just before the shadow dragon died, he suddenly opened his eyes and bit the head of the dark dragon with a very fast speed. The power that bursts out instantly is much stronger than usual.

   The dark dragon's head was crushed all at once and died on the spot. This was the second time.

   "I know that these things will definitely counterattack before they die. It's really a strong attack." If I had just been there, I would die under this blow, Du You thought in his heart.

   After the final blow, the Shadow Dragon finally couldn't hold on. Released the mouth that was biting the dark dragon and let out a mournful cry. After Du You saw the ball exploded from the opponent, he knew that he had succeeded this time.

  :. :

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