Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 993: Pure dark blood

Shadow dragons are different from ordinary dragons, and there is no corpse left after death. The huge corpse is quickly dissipating. If the body is allowed to disperse, there will be no chance.

   Du You hurriedly stepped forward and stuck the blood bottle on the shadow dragon. "Very good, absolutely pure, it is the purest dark bloodline, or a high-level bloodline." A high-level bloodline can be directly promoted to Tier 6.

   Any pedigree can only be promoted to Tier 6. If you want to continue to go up, it seems that you need some conditions that you don't know. But among the various materials, the senior bloodline is already the highest, and it fits with him, Du You has no hesitation.

   Without even thinking about it, Du You immediately opened the pedigree bottle. In the void, a special force was integrated into the shadow dragon to prevent the shadow dragon from dissipating. At the same time, a force began to gather in the bottle.

   The black thing, not sure if it was liquid or gas, slowly condensed, and at the same time gave Du You a strong attraction.

   When the blood line was completely absorbed, Du You found that the shadow dragon dissipated faster.

   Bloodline Bottle (Shadow Dragon): After using it, you can get the advanced Shadow Dragon Bloodline.

   The introduction is very simple, but this is what I need. Du You didn't even think about it, so he chose to use it directly. Opening the bottle, Du You drank the contents, and in an instant, a strange force merged into his body.

   Du You felt extremely cold on his body, no, it was not that his body was cold, but a special power was spreading, and this power made him feel very cold.

   At the same time, the black light on Du You's body slowly spread, enveloping himself, becoming brighter or darker. The two sisters were beside them, looking at Du You nervously, with worry in their eyes.

  The fusion of bloodlines is not completely without danger, it involves a relationship of fit. If the fit is not high, it is very likely to fail, which will have a great impact on yourself. There will even be counter-effects, and various negative examples abound. The collection of information in this area is very rich in the college.

   It’s just that the students in the college don’t have many bloodlines, so they haven’t attracted too many people’s attention.

   A blood line corresponding to oneself is very valuable. Du You's own magic is pure, this time he chose a bloodline with the same dark power, and the fit is already very high.

   If this fails, Du You doesn't know what kind of bloodline can merge successfully.

   Du You, who was sitting in the same place, suddenly showed black lines on his skin. These lines are like tattoos, appearing unexpectedly, spreading all over the body, giving Du You a strange beauty.

   It's just that these lines come and go quickly. When the lines are all over Du You's body, they suddenly become darker and darker, and finally they are completely integrated into Du You's body, and no traces can be seen anymore.

   If you look closely, you will find that Du You's skin is fairer and smoother now, and this skin is even better than that of a baby. Even among professionals, this skin can make the envied eyes of female professionals red.

   If someone could see Du You's body, they would find that the blood in Du You's whole body slowly turned black, and then gradually returned to red. After the complete recovery, there is still a little golden luster in the blood. If you don't take a closer look, you can't find it, but the ruby-like texture of the blood itself can't be faked.

   And Du You's body has also undergone a different variation. Speaking of which, after fusion of blood, only a small amount of mutation can be regarded as a very high degree of blood fit.

   I don't know how long it has passed, Du You opened his eyes and exhaled. The black light in the eyes came out like a substance, and disappeared in a flash. Du You knew that he was completely different at this time.

   Although I didn't feel any changes in my body before, I could feel the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness. His own Sea of ​​Consciousness expanded more than ten times in an instant, and his magical power continued to expand, but it didn't expand as fast as the Space of Consciousness Sea.

   In the end, his soul condensed into a sphere, like a dragon crystal, bright and dazzling. Du You knew that his soul had become stronger and stronger, and it would become more difficult to attack his own spirit in the future. And affected by the power of the soul, the light of the gems formed by the surrounding skills seems to be brighter.

   "Master, have you succeeded?" Seeing Du You wake up, the two sisters hurried forward.

   Du You nodded: "It's a success, it's perfect." As he said, Du You opened the panel.

   Lineage: Shadow Dragon (Tier 4)

   Basic attributes increased by 150%, dark skill power increased by 100%, consumption reduced by 30%, and mana recovery speed increased by 100%. Being in the dark, your strength increases by an additional 20%. Increases damage to beasts by 20%.

   With dragon power, passive, increase self coercion, reduce the influence of spirit soul type skills on self.

   With dragon resistance, self-defense resistance increases by level*1, and the effect on light attribute is With transformation, it can be transformed into shadow dragon form partly or whole body.

   With dragon physique, stamina is increased by 300%, stamina recovery is increased by 300%, and healing speed is accelerated after injury.

  With shadow, when facing a physical attack, there is a certain chance to avoid it completely, making the opponent's attack invalid.

   Because it uses the blood of the fourth-order dragon, it directly reaches the fourth-order. It will not be so easy to advance in the future. This is the same as the body of the dark night, it needs dark attribute treasures to be able to improve.

   Because of blood lineage, Du You found that his Dark Night Body level had also increased, from level 31 directly to level 35, and he was about to catch up with his own skill level. The gain can be said to be very huge.

   Although his strength has not been directly doubled several times, his basic attributes have improved greatly in all aspects. Before facing the shadow dragon alone, although he could win, it took a lot of effort.

   But now facing the shadow dragon alone, Du You believes that he can kill it himself without spending too much money. This is the terrible effect of bloodlines. See that the basic attributes have been directly increased by 150%, and this alone has benefited me a lot. Now Du You finally knows the reason why those strong men with bloodlines are so strong.

  The power of the skill is doubled, the consumption is reduced, and the magic power recovery speed is increased. Each one is so applicable and has a huge effect on self-improvement. As for the enhancement in the dark and the enhancement of the beast's lethality, that is the icing on the cake.

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