Earthy Superstar

Chapter 399: : Help sing a guest?

Next, Li Zijian finished his singing, affectionate and elegant, very powerful.

In the end, in this round of kick-off competition, the female singer Li Weiwei from Li Jiapo sang a song "Torture" very well, but under the joint "strangulation" of the six singers, she failed to play the stadium successfully, and only won the fifth place. Results, regret to leave.

On December 16th and December 23rd, the tenth and eleventh rounds of "I Am a Singer" will be held in sequence. The new replacement singer is a blind man named Xiao Qi, a man who made Li Tiezhu respect. Master.

He is an original singer and has written countless good songs.

Xiao Qi took third place with "You Are My Eyes" and seventh with "Let", but still advanced.

Instead, another original singer was eliminated-Zhao Liya.

Li Tiezhu won the top four in both games with the two high-quality songs "Once Slow" and "Stranded", and he has no worries about being eliminated.

After Hong Bo announced the ranking, Zhao Liya spoke:

"I always thought I was no worse than a silly post! From good voice to singer, I tried my best all the way, but found that I chased farther and farther! Perhaps this is the gap. In these two issues, one new song I wrote is not as good as one. I know it myself. So instead, I looked away. Brother Jian and I are the same kind of people. We are not geniuses. We are just musicians."

Li Zijian: "Don't compare with Li Tiezhu, it would be boring to live like that. You are still young and look so beautiful! Comparing with Li Tiezhu...not worth it! He is an animal!"

Li Tiezhu: "I am not."

Li Zijian: "Be good, obedient, you are."

Zhao Liya laughed hardly: "Very good! I was inspired by Li Tiezhu's songs at the beginning, but it was more of my rebellion against my mother. Now, I know that she is also moving for me and cheering for me, so Everything is worth it. Come on, Li Tiezhu, my mother is still watching your game! Don't let her down."

Li Tiezhu Alexander: "Ah! Auntie, I must work hard! Thank you! Yaya works very hard, please encourage her."

Zhao Liya smiled, she went to hug Li Tiezhu generously, and snorted: "Come on! Write more good songs. I want to release a new album this year. I don't have enough songs!"

In the capital of Shu, Zhao Muye suddenly became angry: "How can Yaya kiss him? This, this..."

Liu Wanyun was also angry: "This dead girl, I'll kill you when I come back! Tie Zhu also kissed you when you said you kissed? Have you asked if you would like it?"

Zhao Muye: "..."

On the live screen, Li Tiezhu was as simple as ever: "Not enough songs? What...what do you mean?"

Zhao Liya stretched her hands: "Speaking too bluntly makes it boring, right?"

Li Tiezhu suddenly said, "Oh oh oh... I get it."

Zhao Liya took Song Zhuer: "I'm sorry! I am not sad when I was eliminated. The most sad thing is this, silly post, I took your girlfriend away!"

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Song Zhu'er has always had a sense of variety, after all, his brain is abnormal: "Goodbye, ah goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye..."

Li Tiezhu: "It's numb...get off!"

Song Zhuer: "Lost~"

After the game, the singers gradually dispersed.

Li Tiezhu was still asking Xiao Qi for advice on judo during the break. That's right, it was the blind singer.

Even though Li Tiezhu is good at his own skill, after learning with him...but every time he gets knocked down. It turns out that this is a judo master who also won a medal at the Kyoto Paralympic Games!

Li Tiezhu is interested in all kung fu, so...he admires this singer very much.

During this period, Sun Xixi followed Zhang Xiaomeng around the south of the Yangtze River and southern Yunnan to complete the "Soldier Assault".

And the investment is in place, a total of 80 million, the actors are already ready, everything is ready, but Dongfeng.

Sun Xixi and Zhang Xiaomeng are forming a crew. Li Tiezhu thought of the instant editing used by Old Monster Xu, so he cheekedly went to hire an editor.

The studio has come up with a plan. "Soldier Assault" is expected to be filmed for three months, and it will be launched from a few years ago.

The preparations for the production of "Soldier Assault" have actually been carried out intensively, but as the "director" Li Tiezhu has been in the remote command stage because he is going to participate in "I Am a Singer".

After all, his own professionalism is also limited, so he might as well choose to trust Zhang Xiaomeng and Sun Hee.

On December 30th, the twelfth breakout match!

Li Tiezhu finally didn't have to sing anymore, it was rare to take a week's rest.

Except for the singer who retired for "giving young singers room to sprint", all the other singers who failed or were eliminated from the stadium gathered together. After some competition, Yan Bing, Chen Jingyi, Zhao Liya and Zhang Liying made a breakthrough.

As a result, a lineup of ten shock singers was formed.

And the atmosphere of the finals is two issues, that is to say, there are fourteen issues of "I Am a Singer".

This is what Li Tiezhu only knows now, because this is a new program and the rules are not complete. In particular, the chief director is still a slut. Hong Bo changed the rules after seeing the ratings soaring. Therefore, the original 12 episodes of the program were extended to 14 episodes.

After the breakout match, the four successful breakout players sat quietly in the lounge, and then greeted six advanced singers.

When everyone was busy, Hong Bo said:

"The next stage, the thirteenth stage of the competition, will be divided into two rounds. The first round is for group competitions. The singers freely form teams, pair by pair. In this round, a pair of singers will be eliminated. The second round is for Help and sing, eliminate two people. Finally, compete for the top six in the next period."

I have to say that Hong Bo is really cheap. After expanding the final scene with a good voice, he can directly use it with the singer. It's really exciting!

The singers were immersed in joy, and they were all dumbfounded for a while.

Han Hong said: "What do you mean? The two people in the team will be eliminated together in a round?"

Hong Bo: "Yes."

Han Hong looked at Li Tiezhu: "Then I have to choose my teammates."

Li Tiezhu smiled honestly at Han Hong: "Auntie, you have to choose the right ones, so that you can perform better."

Han Hong: "Of course, you..."

After Li Tiezhu finished speaking, he turned and went to pull Zhao Liya: "Let's go together. Anyway, I have worked together a few times, and we are all familiar with it."

Han Hong: "..."

My heart is toward the moon, but the moon is toward the ditch!

Zhao Liya proudly said: "I don't understand, you can ask my music partner."

Song Zhuer looked at the hands held by the two of them and said, "Oh! Do you think of me now?"

Li Tiezhu quickly let go, and wiped his hands on his pants, with a simple face.

Zhao Liya rolled her eyes secretly and wiped her hands? Are you dirty? Pooh! My body is icy and clean...

Song Zhu'er hugged the necks of the two of them, and said in a big way: "It's a group! Good voice, the first and second place are gathered together, the Buddha blocks the Buddhas and the gods and kills the gods!"

Li Tiezhu and Zhao Liya team successfully, Han Hong and Li Zijian team...

Soon, ten players succeeded in forming a team. The next thing to consider is to help sing.

How should I put it, the test of this gang singing session is not singing skills, but the singer's contacts, at least, for new singers, it is quite difficult.

After the formation of the team was completed, the singers began the performance of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea with their magical powers, and they showed their strongest relationships and invited the top singers to help them.

Li Tiezhu is different. He is considering who to choose to help sing. There is no way. He knows too many top singers, and it is a trouble to choose.


Too annoying!

My **** charm...

Andy Lau? Gu Dale? Zhang Youxue? Or is it Master Cheng Dalong? Forget it, Cheng Dalong is not worthy!

Finally, Li Tiezhu called Chen Yisen.

This segment was also broadcast live, which is considered to be a tidbit to the audience before the finals, so all the singers called on the spot.

Li Tiezhu got through Chen Yisen's call: "Teacher Yisen! It's me, Li Tiezhu, that's it... I participated in a show called "I'm a Singer". Ah! Ah... Ah~ Ah? Oh, I got it."

After hanging up the phone, partner Liang Tian asked: "How is it?"

Li Tiezhu looked at a fat man in the distance with a bitter voice, "I got on the ground first."

Han Hongchao Li Tiezhu danced: "Hey! I knew you would choose him, I'll choose first, slightly..."

Li Tiezhu covers his face, auntie can't hold on to be cute!

Change one.

By the time the broadcast reached here, the director was very cheap and proficient and added a subtitle-a summary of Li Tiezhu's relationship network.

"Hello? Uncle Liu? I, ah, it's Tie Zhu to me. What? That's it, I'm going to a show to find a guest to sing, are you free? Ah? No time? Excuse me..."

"Uncle Youxue! My Tie Zhu, you... Are you holding a concert to catch fugitives again? That's fine."

"Uncle Cheng Fu? Yes, it was me, ah... Lao Gu told you? Yes, I need someone to help sing. I have already made phone calls when I sing well, so I didn’t have time to find it. What about you. What? I don’t know how to dance? No, I have no shortcomings other than dancing old wrestling, hello, hello? Hello...ha, maybe the signal is not good, just laugh."

"Dong Chou, I am participating in a show now... Ah, are you watching the live broadcast? That's fine, I am going to invite you to help sing. Ah? Why? I don't know how to speak! I am ugly too Ah! I...I have never played Dream Three Kingdoms? You, your excuse for refusal is also...Hello? Uncle's!"

Almost all the old and new singers at the scene have found their own guests to help sing, and Li Tiezhu became more embarrassed.

Li Tiezhu smiled awkwardly, and dialed the phone again: "Little Mao, Jianghu, please help me in a hurry... What? Are you special... Get out!"

Once again: "Wang Xiaokai, what do you really eat hot pot? You can eat hot pot when you watch my live broadcast? I, I... I ask if you are free, and I will be a guest singer next time... Ann? Are you watching the live broadcast? Yes, I asked the four heavenly kings first, are you better than a hammer with them? Are you worthy? Get out! I don't ask you! Get out! Get out! Call—"

Li Tiezhu was really angry, I didn't believe it anymore.

However, after so many calls, they were all Who else? Who else? It seems to be gone!

No, that's not right... There is still a tuo!

Li Tiezhu anxiously dialed the phone: "Hey... it's me, Li Tiezhu. What? I am participating in a program now. I need to ask a guest to sing with me. Are you free? Ah? Well... …Thank you! Thank you!"

With a puff, Li Tiezhu knelt down, looking like you are my father.

come! Compare with Lao Tzu!

Scared you to death!

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiezhu jumped up and shouted, "Suffer to death, you guys! I will definitely be promoted in the next issue!"

To help sing a guest?


This is more than just a helper?

This is directly carrying me into the finals! Andy Lau? Zhang Youxue? Guo Chengfu? Go while playing in the mud!

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