Earthy Superstar

Chapter 400: : Off

Li Zijian smiled habitually: "It feels like Li Tiezhu has invited his father."

Han Hong: "His father can indeed sing. I heard that when their hometown carried people up the mountain, his old man was the lead singer..."

Zhao Liya and Song Zhuer are also curious, why is Li Tiezhu, who is usually so low-key and almost arrogant, so arrogant, and what guest can stimulate Li Tiezhu to be like this? Did you... dig out Mike? Of course, dare not say this, otherwise you will be sprayed to death.

Yan Bing, who came back from the breakout, asked Li Tiezhu, "Who did you invite?"

Li Tiezhu: "I won't tell you."

Yan Bing: "Let's talk quietly."

"Then come here."

"Hmm, who is it?"

Li Tiezhu attached to Yan Bing's ear and whispered, "I won't tell you~"

Yan Bing: "..."

Li Tiezhu had a smug look, and he looked awkwardly beaten.

He didn't expect this one to agree at all. Originally, he just asked casually, but since he agreed, it couldn't be better.

Helping to sing, after all, it is better than the guests!


I don't believe it, who else has a better guest than mine.

The audience was very interested in the singing of the guests, and they were especially curious about the singing of Li Tiezhu. Only Chen Yisen is known, and the others are unknown.

However, the game is over here.

The audience was so angry that they cursed:

"Out of Chapter Dog!!"

"Hong Bo, your uncle!"

"Who are the singing guests?"

"Mushrooms dare not be so out of context..."

"Say hello to Hongbo's family and ancestors."

"Fakyo! A musical instrument."

"Is it gone?"

"Yes, there is no more under Hong Bo."

After the show, Han Hong invited everyone to have another big meal before returning to each house. During the period, many people asked who Li Tiezhu's guest singer was. Li Tiezhu was secretive, but not to say whether it was life or death. Even Zhao Liya and Song Zhuer could not pull out the ivory from his dog's mouth.

The more tight-lipped Li Tiezhu is, the more the singers are curious, and the more they feel that this guest singer is unusual.

Can the star that makes Li Tiezhu go crazy be ordinary people?

After returning home, Song Zhuer, who spent the New Year's Day with Li Tiezhu, used the strongest double-sweeping technique and various verbal negotiation modes, but failed to ask why, and she was also depressed.

Li Tiezhu said it was a surprise for her.

This week, Li Tiezhu is still very busy, because he has begun to select actors for "Soldiers Assault". In addition to the absolute starring roles set by Li Tiezhu himself, he needs a dozen supporting roles.

Among them, the actors of Xu Sanduo's family are the most difficult to find. After all, the family should be neat and tidy. It is of course difficult to find actors based on Li Tiezhu's temperament.

In the end, all the other actors were found, except for Xu Sanduo's father and eldest brother.

After searching a little famously in the circle, Zhang Xiaomeng directly sent a message to the young actors and tricks in the Kyoto film circle, organized a small-scale audition, and finally found Xu Sanduo’s father and Brother, what a strange bones.

Li Tiezhu's final decision on the actor is mainly the final decision. After all, he is the director.

It was Thursday in a blink of an eye. Li Tiezhu and Song Zhu'er took a plane to Shonan Province early in the morning. This day was mainly a rehearsal for the participating singers, and the singing guests would not arrive until the next day.

Li Tiezhu brought two new songs this time. The rehearsal that day was solo repertoire, and the progress went smoothly.

Liang Xiaobo and the others were numb. It was no surprise that Li Tiezhu came up with another classic song. The donkeys in the production team did not dare to be so productive. Not only that, the music team never raised any objections to Li Tiezhu's various arrangement opinions, because they were beaten by reality every time.

In the evening, when it was Li Tiezhu's turn to rehearse again, Song Zhu'er walked in with a little girl, but was stopped by Liang Tian.

"What are you doing here? Snooping for information?"

Liang Tian is very dedicated.

Song Zhu'er looked confused: "What information? Tie Zhu's song today was written by holding me and singing with his arms around me. What information should I inquire about?"

Liang Tian was slightly embarrassed, forgetting that they had the ability to fit together, and said, "What about this person?"

Song Zhu'er: "This is Tie Zhu's half-sister, who came to give Tie Zhu something. You don't even know Liu Xiaohua, do you?"

The light was a bit dim, and Liang Tian took a closer look. Isn't this antelope with a tricky look like Liu Xiaohua?

"Aha! Misunderstanding, then you come in, don't talk, or it will affect Li Tiezhu's rehearsal."

Liu Xiaohua didn't speak the whole time, carrying a denim bag.

Liang Tian arranged for the two of them to sit down in the audience, carefully looked at Liu Xiaohua's appearance, and sighed in her heart. Now it's like this... It's a pity, a waste of resources.

Liu Xiaohua opened a bag of spicy strips and ate them one by one with Songzhuer, without any intention of passing it to Liang Tian.

Liang Tian sighed again as she watched their indecent eating, she was not good-looking and lacking in temperament. Although Song Zhu'er is what she looks like, what she looks like!

What a pity, what a pity.

Song Zhu'er: "Xiao Hua, have you had your winter vacation?"

Liu Xiaohua: "No. I asked for leave to attend the Golden Dragon Film Festival the day after tomorrow. Aren't you going? Sister-in-law?"

Song Zhuer: "Oh yes! I almost forgot if you didn't tell me."

Liang Tian wants them to stop talking, but they can't speak, super invincible envy, Golden Dragon Film Festival! The largest film festival in Asia, the highest hall of Chinese-language movies! It's also very lucky to be able to go shopping with her brother's resources, hey! Why don't I have such a brother?

Liu Xiaohua said again: "Sister-in-law, have you nominated?"

Shochikuer drank the hot strip: "No. Do you think I am you? You can get a nomination for the Best Newcomer Award before the movie is released, tusk..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Liang Tian choked on her saliva, what's the situation?

She remembered that Liu Xiaohua, relying on Li Tiezhu's relationship, made a cameo appearance in a star master movie, a small role, why was she nominated? Moreover, the film has not been released yet, how can it be nominated?

This unscientific.

Liu Xiaohua dangled the spicy stick with a cigarette, and flicked it, a little lonely and said: "I was only interested in studying. They insisted to disturb me. They sent invitations and called, hi... …Blame me for being so good, like a firefly in the dark."

Song Zhu'er: "That is! Our old Li family are all talents."

Liu Xiaohua: "Except for my mother."

"Auntie is not bad too, she can still climb the stairs carrying a new washing machine while pregnant..."

"That's all my credit. I have made an indelible contribution to her physical health. It's all tears!"

"Sorrow! It's all right after the iron egg comes out."


"Do you think you can win the prize?"

"Of course not, want to eat it? I don't know how I got in, but I hope my brother can win the award. He is the best newcomer shortlisted just like me."

"Yes! He is more hopeful than you this year. After all, it was released and the box office is good. I really envy newcomers like you, and there are prizes to win. Unlike me, an old artist who has been in the business for more than ten years..."

Liang Tian was shocked when she heard that, what evildoers are all around Li Tiezhu?

From this point of view, Tie Zhu's guest singer tomorrow might also be very shocking. Could it be Dou Xian? Cui Dashen? It seems not enough, then who else?

At this time, Li Tiezhu on the stage sang the wrong rhythm and stopped to communicate with the band.

Song Zhu'er pointed to the stage and smiled: "Hahaha! Seeing your brother's dumb look, I'm so ridiculous!"

Liu Xiaohua: "My brother is a fool. You can tell by looking at the guests he invited to sing. Only a fool would ask such a person to help sing!"

Song Zhu'er was taken aback: "Do you know who the singing guest is?"

Liu Xiaohua: "Yeah."

Liang Tian was also taken aback. Li Tiezhu was tight-lipped and didn't even tell Song Zhuer, but told Liu Xiaohua?

Song Zhu'er was a little jealous: "No! I asked Tie Zhu for so long and he didn't say anything, why should I tell you?"

Liu Xiaohua said dumbly: "It was not my brother who told me, but Zhou Xingxing told me."

"Zhou Xingxing? How did he know?"

"He's just a guest singer."


The pine bamboo hot strips fell on the ground.

Liang Tian was so scared that her legs were clamped. Is this Nima talking nonsense? Can Zhou Xingxing sing? Zhou Xingxing will tell you?

Liu Xiaohua disdainfully said: "Right? My brother is a fool, right? I know Zhou Xingxing can't sing, tut..."

Song Zhuer: "No! I mean how Zhou Xingxing promised Li Tiezhu, he never appeared on this kind of show, and he was notoriously owed favors."

Liu Xiaohua drank a spicy note: "Zhou Xingxing said on the way, he stopped by and took me and you to the film festival. The films on the Spring Festival file seemed to be advertised by the film festival in advance."

Song Zhu'er shook his head slightly, the truth became clear!

On the way? The way to follow the hair, he, whether it's from the East China Sea to the East China Sea, from the Xiangjiang to the East China Sea, or from Kyoto to the East China Sea, it is impossible to drop by to Shonan Province.

Besides, you still drop by by plane? Parachuting halfway?

At this time, Liang Tian was almost urinating, is it so cruel? Ask Zhou Xingxing to sing? What kind of brain circuit is Li Tiezhu? The key star also agreed. But, how dare Liu Xiaohua, a broken child, dislike and slander Master Xing? What if I let Master Xing know?


Liu Xiaohua's phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was another slightly plain call from Zhou Xingxing:

"Xiaohua, do you want to eat acridine in the salt water chicken?"

Liu Xiaohua directly replied: "Don't buy it, everything you buy is terribly unpalatable. Old man, you really want to buy Zhou Hei Ya or Juewei."

After putting down the phone, Liu Xiaohua looked disgusted: "It's so annoying! Two messages came in three days, and my phone was almost handed over by the teacher several times. How old is it that I have nothing to do all the time? I know how to chat."

Song Zhuer: "Heh... I don't know the blessing in the blessing."

Liu Xiaohua said again: "Actually, Zhou Xingxing told me that he came to me as a guest singer because, puff...because..."

Song Zhuer: "Because of what?"

Liu Xiaohua smiled and trembled: "It's because...hahaha goose goose goose goose goose..."

Song Zhuer: "..."

Liang Tian was even more appetite because what you said! Don't get stuck here, people all over the country want to know, and I am no exception.

Because the laughter was too loud, Li Tiezhu heard it. He took a closer look and didn't hit a single place: "Liu Xiaohua, make a sound again, I will sew your mouth!"

Liu Xiaohua immediately sat up straight, her face serious, and she didn't speak anymore.

Song Zhuer: "Because of what?"

Liang Tian couldn't help but: "Yes! Why? You talk, don't break the context..."

What a dog!

Sure enough, Liu Xiaohua didn't say anything afterwards, so she was so angry with Liang Tian and Song Zhu'er that the dog would not die!

(I even scold myself when I get so cruel! Humph!)

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