Earthy Superstar

Chapter 429:

Song Zhu'er's drink volume varies with her mother, so the mother and daughter joined forces and soon stunned Sun Mou, and Li Tiezhu was also a little drunk. Song Zhu'er, who has the true knowledge of his mother, is actually very good at filling people with wine. His mother won his father like this, and she also won Li Tiezhu like this, which can be said to be in the same line.

Therefore, when they saw Li Tiezhu and Sun hooking their shoulders to each other as brothers and sisters, the two women showed ill-intentioned smiles.

On TV, "Soldier Assault" is still showing the opening credits, why is it not bad?

Obviously he was drunk!

The opening song is a piece of pure music, and the name is "Soldier Assault." This is an accessory product obtained by Li Tiezhu's purchase of the TV series and copied it directly. The style is beautiful and passionate, especially when Gao Chao comes, it conveys the bitterness, joy and joy of the army in the turn of the great era.

Sun cried, and twitched on Li Tiezhu's shoulders: "Brother, this music is really good. It reminds me of my comrade-in-arms...Woo..."

Li Tiezhu: "Brother! It's not easy for you."

Sohn: "I think my comrades-in-arms. After so many years, I don't know if they are doing well."

Li Tiezhu's eye circles were also red.

Aunt Lin said: "Old Sun, you have never been a soldier. Don't force it!"

Sun suddenly realized: "Ah! Yes... I have never been a soldier. However, I am still very moved..."

Aunt Lin whispered to her daughter Sun Juanjuan: "Remember, only drunk men are the most real men! Otherwise, they will always deceive you."

Song Zhu'er shook his head and quietly said, "Tie Zhu won't. He has always been very honest with me and tells me everything."

Aunt Lin: "Impossible! Your father is a role model and his character is always good. I didn't know his little secretary until I got him drunk in Hawaii last year... Hey~ Bah!"

Song Zhuer: "I'm different, Tie Zhuju is honest, you know Lengba? Tsk tusk! It's earlier than me..."

Aunt Lin was shocked: "What? That's a fairy!"

Song Zhu'er said contemptuously: "What kind of fairy? Now kneel and lick me, as long as I say a word, Li Tiezhu can drive her out of the house."

Aunt Lin: "Good job! You are better than me!"

The rich family that female boxers yearn for is actually like this. Men always have toys, and women know it well and accept it with confidence. The society is like this, the law of the jungle, it is impossible for a strong male to take care of himself alone, because there is a word called rushing, even if it is immoral.

Song Zhu'er has been fascinated since childhood, so he is not tolerant to Li Tiezhu, but... as it should be.

In fact, the three views are not correct, but reality is often opposite to morality. Morality is beautiful and reality is cruel. Males are divided into three levels. One is very colorful, and it has nothing to do with the male's carelessness. The key lies in the female's choice. They are like referees in this kind of thing.

The feature film of "Soldiers Assault" begins.

The lens is an empty space in an underground tunnel, dim and damp.

"The pre-planned battle. The enemy launched an attack on a gloomy morning. Our first line of defense was quickly torn apart. Blood and life were exchanged for time..."

Li Tiezhu's iconic silly tone, speaking of this monologue.

Sohn: "Wow~ It's so miserable!"

Shochikuer: "Where is it miserable?"

Aunt Lin: "Don't pay attention to him, your father is drunk and that's it, you don't know, like a child."

Song Zhu'er: "That Tie Zhu is much better than him. Li Tiezhu can still maintain his sense when he is drunk. Although his intelligence is not always high, he is sober."

Aunt Lin: "I like this child too, but you should not be like him if you give birth to a child."

Song Zhuer: "Then I don't know, give birth to a try and see."

Aunt Lin: "Take advantage of your studies in the past few years, hurry up and give birth to one, otherwise I am afraid that I will be busy and run out of time in the future."

Song Zhu'er agreed, and nodded: "I think so too. I will implement it tonight."

Aunt Lin: "Tie Zhu is all drunk."

Song Zhuer: "It's okay, I'm still awake."

Aunt Lin rubbed her hands, a little excited, but couldn't help but worry, because Song Zhuer showed him a picture of Li Tiedan. Said: "Pay attention to the angle, don't give birth to Li Tiedan II..."

Song Zhu'er took a sip of white wine: "I'm a novice, look at God's will."

Aunt Lin said in her heart that she can only look at God's will, after all, there are too many uncertain factors for the man.

The dialogue between mother and daughter hates impurity, while the dialogue between "father and son brother" is pure and spotless.

"The main armies were able to assemble and build a second line of defense. The flood finally hit the dam. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. The high-intensity war swallowed unimaginable resources, and the complicated war suddenly became simple. Who can launch the second? An effective offensive is the winner!"

Sohn: "It must be the Americans, right? It must be them! It is impossible for other countries to break through the first line of defense! It must be them, kill them."

Li Tiezhu: "Brother, this is an exercise."

Sohn: "The U.S. guy said by the dog doesn't speak martial ethics and engages in sneak attacks!"

Li Tiezhu: "It's an exercise!"

At this time, barrage began to appear at the top of the TV screen. Song family, no, Sun’s TV is a smart TV. At this time, I was not watching CCTV 7 sets, but Penguin video. Sun was drunk and tuned the channel, so I could see the barrage.

"It's miserable!"

"It's a miserable defeat as soon as I appear..."

"Is this TV the subject of future warfare?"

"Three wars???"

"Come on, serious brother..."

"It's so burning as soon as I appear! Cool!"

"Fuck! Is it a climax at the start? Isn't it too exciting?"

"Who said my Tie Zhu can only sing?"

"The Best Newcomer Award at the Film Festival, are you kidding me?"

"This dubbing is too stupid, right?"

"The familiar Li Tiezhu..."

"It looks like a drill."

"Yes, it's not like actual combat."

"I mentioned the pre-set battle at the beginning. It must be an exercise."

With the roar of cannons, the buildings in the factory were knocked down by cannonballs.

Li Tiezhu’s original soundtrack: "Code-named Sai Lengsi, silence. At the beginning of the war, I kept absolute silence. I lurked in the area expected to be occupied by the enemy. Four days later, when both sides are recuperating from the explosion wound, we...will not Be silent again."


The tank broke through the brick wall.

Da da da……

Fierce gunfire sounded, and both sides launched a frantic attack.

The water tower was hit by a cannonball.

Water began to leak in the underground tunnel, and the water spilled on Li Tiezhu's camouflage face. He looked at the comrades around him indifferently, and the characters began to appear one after another.

It's all montage editing, and the rhythm is very fast.

Immediately afterwards, the lurking special forces crawled out of the ground, Chengcai, Xu Sanduo and others shielded each other and marched towards the enemy.

Sun Mou burst into tears: "Okay! Fuck them! Fuck them! Brother, let's go one."

Li Tiezhu had another drink with his newly acquainted father. Even if he knew that the other party was drunk, he was not good enough, but he still drank it. After all...make you disagree that I am together with Shochikuer! I drank you to death!

Li Tiezhu: "Dad! Don't be too excited when you watch TV. Beware of high blood pressure."

Sun Mou: "I'm afraid of a hammer, I have insurance! They will lose money if they drink to death!"

Li Tiezhu: "Oh, that's good."

Aunt Lin covered her face.

Shochikuer said to her mother, "Look, both of them are not very clever, Yazi."

Aunt Lin covered her face: "Yes, you can't find a man who is too smart. You have a better vision than me. I was still too handsome..."

The babysitter cleaned up the hot pot very low-key. This family is too weird. Therefore, after the salary increase, it is better to take less money when buying vegetables. This feeling of deceiving a fool is still very uncomfortable.


"Fight back! Fight back!"

"Li Tiezhu killed them."

"It seems that the quality of this film is not bad."

"CCTV dare to broadcast, can it be worse?"

"Li Tiezhu really cheated, he just made his debut for a year and a half, right?"

"Oh! I seemed to see Wu Jing just now."


"I went back and looked at it. It's really Wu Jing, a shot that flashed by."

"It's really Wu Jing! Acting as a sniper."

On the TV, the special forces squad sent out coordinates while resisting the opponent's offensive, guiding the fighters to strike with missiles.

The strike hits precisely, and the task force of the special forces is completed.

The captain played by Duan Yihong shouted: "Xu Sanduo will cover, withdraw!"

Chengcai: "I'm covering."

Duan Yihong: "Withdraw!"

Chengcai said to Xu Sanduo: "Xu Sanduo, I am waiting for you."

Then, gritted his teeth and retreated with the team.

Sun asked Li Tiezhu's name in the show before the start of the feature film, and what he did, because he was drunk and talked very secretly. At this time, he drunkly patted Li Tiezhu on the head: "Why let you cover it? Sanduo, are you not in a relationship? Is the captain targeting you?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's acting, Dad brother!"

Opposite, the mother and daughter rolled their eyes at the same time, very alike.

On the TV, Xu Sanduo saw his teammates retreating cleanly, couldn't help but smile back, showing his big white teeth, and then retreated quickly to attract the opponent's attention and lead the enemy to a factory building.

Li Tiezhu climbed to the roof of the factory building, put a plank on a broken bridge, and walked forward on the single-plank bridge at an altitude of several tens of meters.

Once he walked over, he escaped.

But when he walked to the middle section of the plank, two enemy soldiers rushed out. The soldier played by Wu Jing raised his gun and fired.

Da da da……

The bullet in the exercise was not a real bullet.

However, Xu Sandu on the wooden board was tense and unbalanced. He applied force under his feet and the wooden board broke.

He fell from a height of tens of meters...

Xu Sanduo: "I... I made a fool of myself and made a joke again."

The lens is infinitely close to the ground.

Xu Sanduo: "I should call for help and surrender! Then spend the rest of my time in the enemy camp..."


Chengcai and the captain saw Xu Sanduo's encounter from the sniper rifle lens, and put down their guns at the same time, showing sad expressions.

Xu Sanduo, who fell on the ground, slowly closed his eyes, tilted his head, and vomited blood in his mouth:


Sun shouted: "Dad is here! Don't die! My daughter is still young..."

Song Zhu'er: "Mom, I always thought my dad was very smart, but I didn't expect..."

Aunt Lin: "Smart shit!"

Li Tiezhu: "Dad! Don't get excited, I'm still alive for filming, and I'm not dead in the drama..."

Sun staggered and patted Li Tiezhu's waist: "Isn't the waist broken?"

Li Tiezhu: "The one who pulled the green screen, didn't really fall!"

Sun Mou: "That's good, that's good... Brother, you scared brother to death."

On the TV, the picture turned back to a certain village in Central South Province.

The pace of a man sprinting: "Little Wang Ba Laozi, is it wrong?"

A certain kid: "Captain! He has fallen."

Become a talent at an early age: "Keep fighting, fight to death!"

Xu Baishun wore an ancestral red sweater, rushed into the paddy field, took off his shoes and just did it: "Xiao Wang Ba Lao Zi!"

"Run! Run..."

A group of children scattered under the leadership of Chengcai. Uncle Xu didn't hit a single one, and turned to look at his young son.

"There is a kind of you to stop, what's wrong with your father is the village chief? I'm the village chief and his father! I'll fight your father together."

When he was young, Xu Sanduo sat in the paddy field with a muddy face. He hugged the Fu Manduo instant noodles he was holding fast to eat, with a happy expression on his face.

Aunt Lin: "Flashback? Yes, suspense is quite sufficient."

Song Zhuer: "I've read novels a long time ago. He wrote the novel first, and then wrote the script. Xu Sanduo's three sons, his father wanted them to serve in the army, but the boss and the second weren't regarded as..."

Aunt Lin: "Shut up! No spoilers are allowed. Let me watch TV well."

Song Zhuer: "Tie Zhu, my mother is fierce to me."

Li Tiezhu said: "Mom! Don't be aggressive, you have to fight, or she won't have a long memory."

Aunt Lin: "My Juanjuan has never been What are you doing? We can't bear to beat you behind closed doors."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

I'm just spreading Aunt Liu's parenting experience.

On the TV, Xu Baishun took off his hat, and went up with a kick: "Oh! My father! Eat, eat, you are really a tortoise... ashamed or ashamed? Look at your bear-like appearance, which is like me?"

Xiao Sanduo, who was kicked, rolled his eyes and continued to eat Fu Man Duo, it was incense.

Xu Baishun: "Father Yun, who haven't I beaten? You are not like me at all, let me tell you..."

Immediately afterwards, the history of the Xu family's boss and second child's joining the army made people laugh.

When it was the third son Xu Sanduo's turn, Xu Sanduo, who was wearing an ancestral red sweater, covered the little bit of resentment when he walked out after the physical examination, and turned over everyone with joy. Next, the scene of Xu Sanduo being forced to buy a royal magazine and being beaten by his elder brother is even more enjoyable.

As soon as the screen turned, the army's off-road vehicle stopped on the side of the road. Squad leader Shi Jin was assigned to visit Xiarongshu's home. He first came to Chengcai's home and watched a performance.


"What's all this?"

"I'm embarrassed by cancer."

"This is the recruitment situation back then. That's how I was visited by my home."

"What do Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts do?"

"It feels like singing."

"Chengcai feels so hypocritical, but the opening exercise felt that he and Xu Sanduo were very ironic!"

"He was the one who led people to beat Xu Sanduo in the paddy field before."

"Fuck! What's the relationship?"

"Throwing cigarettes, it's really too much!"

"The village chief is still level."

Then, Xu Baishun and Xu Sanduo broke into the married family compound. With that momentum, the village head was weak by three points: "Baishun is coming? Hahaha..."

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