Earthy Superstar

Chapter 430: : Showy

The premiere lineup of "Soldier Assault" is actually quite strong. Few TV series can be broadcast simultaneously with Penguin video on multiple channels including CCTV. Apart from the energy of Penguin and the influence of Li Tiezhu, the most important thing is the quality of the film.

Although only two integrated films were released, and the third episode was only half shot, it was enough to impress the three major TV stations. Everyone is professional, and you can see the standard of this film at a glance.

At this moment, you are all playing the first episode of "Soldiers Assault" on the televisions of thousands of households. After all, Li Tiezhu is too stupid.

It's rare to encounter such down-to-earth TV dramas in recent years, full of small fresh meat on the screen, love and love, either in ancient costumes or in the city, all of them are dressed like ghosts and scratch their heads.

The most rare thing is that the actors in this show burst in their acting skills, and Wu Jing, who is the best performer, has been robbed of the limelight, and even Li Tiezhu is not too brilliant. Xu Baishun, the village head, and Shi Jin's several hurricane acting skills are lively and extremely happy.

But the two elder brothers of Xu Sanduo were the most irritating, even more irritating than Xu Sanduo rolling his eyes.

Except for the few words Xu Yile said when he bought the Xiaohuangshu, he didn't say a word behind him, but he couldn't hide his anger, mentally retarded eyes, and the stupid temperament that appeared between his gestures and gestures. Especially people who grow up in the countryside will always feel familiar. After all, which village does not have such an outstanding talent?

Not to mention Xu Erhe, with a red shirt, purple tights, and a cigarette in his mouth.


"I would like to call Sanduo's two brothers as Wolongfengyou!"

"Are the purple leggings serious?"

"Xu Sanduo's father is really fierce, the village chief was shocked when he saw it!"

"Tie Zhu is acting in his true colors, right?"

"Too Nima is real..."

"I was a soldier walking like this back then."

"This family is full of talents."

"I seriously suspect that Xu Yile took the money and went to buy books again."

"Big brother loves to read!"

"Why are you curious? This is a good thing."

"Sanduo's father is a talent!"

"Yi Le, Er He, San Duo, can it be a talent who can take out this name? Dog head!"

"Clothing and environment are in place..."

"Brother Zhengjing subverted my imagination. I thought it was a war movie, but I didn't expect it to be a sand sculpture!"

"Who is serious about making TV shows?"

"No acting skills!"

"These people have no acting skills..."

"Indeed, it's as real as a special documentary."

"A lot of dogs play well."

In fact, when filming, Li Tiezhu was the most difficult one. He was not like Xu Sanduo. Apart from dirt and stupidity, he didn't have much in common. However, with the help of several good actors, he succeeded in grasping the role positioning-counseling.

Li Tiezhu didn't persuade him, but he knew Qin Tao's characteristics very well. He was like Xu Sanduo when he faced his father at home.

In a blink of an eye, the village leader and the monitor came to Xu Sanduo's home to visit, and Xu Erhe said no.

Then the boss bought meat and vegetables back.

Squad leader: "Hello, uncle, you are Xu Sanduo's father, right?"

Xu Yile had no gods in his eyes, and the zombies walked between the village leader and the squad leader and went to the pot to cook.


"Uncle doesn't want to say anything."

"Laughing makes my stomach hurt, the boss is too handsome."

"One master, three masters!"

"The old Xu family is talented."

"The boss is mentally retarded, the second child is second-rate, the third child is directly a stupid..."

"I'm afraid Sanduo won't be a soldier, right?"

"Don't say anything, this show is chasing it!"

"Prophecy: This drama may become a classic."

"No way, I want to call the police. Li Tiezhu, who said the dog, wanted to laugh at me."

After that, Xu Baishun returned from the teacher's house with Sanduo, and greeted the monitor with enthusiasm, and asked Xu Yile to cook quickly, and the monitor was forced to eat with them.

The old man has a deep routine, and the rural road is more slippery...

Shi Jin looked at Xu Sanduo: "This is Comrade Xu Sanduo, right?"

Xu Sanduo lowered his head, shrugged his shoulders, turned and slid away, and was kicked back by Xu Yile: "Look at you... Comrade JF army is going to eat in this courtyard, move the table, ah!"

Xu Sanduo: "Huh?"

Xu Baishun: "Move the table! Move the table!"

"You talk to me, I have also been a soldier, stab, stab..."

"Assassinate left, kill! Ouch, kill... wrong, look at this..."

"What's the matter with this table? Do you want the legs of the table?"

Li Tiezhu was kicked over with a table and bench.


"I went, I almost got my breath..."

"Stab! Hahaha!"

"Why look so good?"

"This Nima is really a script written by Li Tiezhu himself? Isn't it too showy?"

"After seeing that rabbit, Li Tiezhu is really good at writing stories."

"I used to drag the table like this, and was beaten by my dad."

"Li Tiezhu's eyes are no one."

"The monitor is speechless."

"Li Tiezhu is too cute to eat..."

"Small poor!"

"The boss and the second are not qualified to be on the table!"

"The village chief has a hard time."

"The third child is the son of a turtle, hahaha..."

"His father's routine is so deep."

"The boss looks stupid, his cooking skills are pretty good!"

"The monitor is so gentle."

"San Duo has pimples on his forehead, Song Zhu'er is incompetent!"

"Connotation LSP."

"I guess Li Tiezhu made it when I was shooting."


They really made their guess right. It is true that the dishes on the table were cooked by Li Tiezhu, and the food was really eaten. After all, Li Tiezhu was very good at eating, and it was delicious.

During the meal, the monitor tactfully expressed Li Tiezhu's unqualified opinions, and then Xu Baishun beat Xu Sanduo again, and Shi Jin finally had a single chat with Xu Sanduo.

"Come here, come... Let's talk?"

"He wants to give birth."

"What the hell?"

"He insists on giving birth, saying, the more sons, the better..."

Outside the courtyard, Xu Baishun threatened the village head strongly and wanted to beat him, but the village head smashed him again. He overheard what the squad leader meant and didn’t want Xu Sanduo. The old man rushed in and picked up the small bench and smashed it:

"Turtle son, run! Run to the JF army to see!"

Xu Sanduo ran away and rushed out of the courtyard in the blink of an eye, kicking a chicken to pass out, and in the next shot, Xu Sanduo ran across the village road like a wild boar, and scared a dog into the paddy field...

This was an accident during shooting and was not deliberately arranged, but because the chicken and the dog were too cooperative, the shot was retained.

At that time, Zhang Yi, who played the squad leader, gave the chicken a cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After all, it was a live chicken of the host family. If you die, you will be compensated. Fortunately, the chicken was only frightened and came back alive soon. .

The squad leader couldn't stand it anymore, and was about to leave after taking things, and was blocked by Xu Baishun in every possible way.

Then Xu Sanduo ran back.

"Chanyspi tears to Ruo Rui Ami~"

In the end the squad leader left, and his brain hurt: "Xu Sanduo, in fact, if we don't become a soldier, we can also do many, many meaningful things!"

Xu Baishun and Xu Sanduo stared at the door and were stunned at the same time.

The first episode of "Soldiers Assault" is over.


"It's over?"

"Li Tiezhu Broken Dog!"

"I'm going... This is really disgusting."

"We have to wait for tomorrow again."

"In the end, I must be a soldier."

"Nonsense, otherwise how to act?"

In the old Sun's house in Jinmen, Sun woke up a little, and laughed so hard to follow the ups and downs of the plot. On the contrary, Li Tiezhu was a little dizzy.

Song Zhu'er and Aunt Lin were also very happy.

Song Zhuer: "Although I have read novels and scripts, but I didn't expect you to be so funny, my stomach hurts with laughter. Tie Zhu is great~"

Li Tiezhu scratched his head: "It's okay, it's because they played well."

Song Zhuer: "I know Xu Er and the actor, but what the **** is Xu Yile? Where did you find the actor?"

Li Tiezhu: "I met him last time in the Longtao audition. I decided on him as soon as I saw it."

Aunt Lin said: "Yes, it looks good. Who is the heroine of this play? Why don't you let Juanjuan play it?"

Song Zhuer: "There is no heroine, there are not many female characters, right?"

Li Tu nodded early.

Aunt Lin was a little worried: "Is this all right?"

The old grandson said: "Why not? This is the TV show that a macho should watch! What heroine do you want? I think that squad leader is the heroine..."

While they were discussing, "Soldiers Assault" was also popular on Douyin and the scarf.

Soon rushed to the hot search:

"Soldiers have no acting skills in assault!"

"Xu Sanduo."

Many people like this drama very much. For the first episode of "Soldiers Assault", the most commented on the Internet is anger.

The family talked about other things, and they were ready to rest, although it was still early.

So, how to arrange Li Tiezhu became a problem.

Song Zhu'er suggested: "He has a guest room."

Aunt Lin: "What the **** are you doing? Don't you have to run over at night? Just sleep in your room."

Sun Mou, who had just called Li Tiezhu a brother and brother, protested solemnly: "No! Resolutely not."

But no one listened to him. Aunt Lin was bringing towels and toiletries to Li Tiezhu, Song Zhuer went to get her pajamas prepared in advance for Li Tiezhu, and Li Tiezhu was drinking tea to sober up.

Sun had a dark face: "I want to beat you."

Li Tiezhu: "You are a big boss, it's not appropriate to fight in person? Besides, you can't beat me."

Sun Mou: "..."

The next day, Li Tiezhu got up early, gave Song Zhu'er a shuttle, washed and ate breakfast, and then went to Yunde Club. It was arranged before, and he came to Yunde Society to join the show today. It is a thank you to Teacher Guo, Yue Yupeng and others for their help.

Today, Li Tiezhu’s partner is Xiao Yueyue. Brother Yue prepared a short joke in advance, and when Li Tiezhu arrived, the two would work together and modify it.

I don’t know if it’s the old Guo Neng who counts, he specifically asked Li Tiezhu to perform after the hit of "Soldiers Assault". The advertisement was released a long time ago, and the effect was very good, but after the first episode of "Soldiers Assault", everyone was even more looking forward to it.

"Brother Yue, Brother Dalin! Qin Han criticized."

When Li Tiezhu came to Yunde Society, UU reading first saw these three.

Guo Dalin: "Tie Zhu is amazing. We have watched "Soldier Assault". It's so cola."

Yue Yupeng patted Li Tiezhu on the shoulder: "Congratulations! How was the ratings last night?"

Li Tiezhu said: "Thirty million plays, and Penguin plays 60 million times."

The audience rating algorithm in this world is very simple, that is, how many devices are broadcasting, whether it is a TV, a mobile phone, or a computer, as long as it is released, it is data.

Qin Tao: "The dog said it's okay, treat me!"

Li Tiezhu: "Hammer, come to your site, you call me a treat? Are you shameless?"

Qin Tao: "No."

Guo Dalin: "What is the face?"

Yue Yupeng: "Our Yunde Society is all shameless except for the hot head. Are we proud?"

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