Earthy Superstar

Chapter 434: : Back again

This cross talk ended abruptly, and logically speaking, it was not abrupt, it was just abrupt. Speaking that my sister-in-law went to work at the refund station, this reversed the burden and tied to the above... No one dared to refund the ticket at Yunde Agency, it was already over.

The reason is that everyone actually knows that Li Tiezhu and Yue Yupeng are impromptu cross talks. There is no rehearsal, and the mood is actually high. It ends suddenly, and everyone is a little unacceptable.

Even many of the brothers in the backstage realized after the end. It is actually a good point to end with sister-in-law.

But even they can't help but want to listen for a while.

Yu Qian looked at Guo Gangde: "How about? Horn?"

Guo Gangde: "Brother! Let's watch, they have to go back."

Yu Qian lit a cigarette: "I guess so, it's not so easy for the audience to let them go."

The brothers next to him were all stunned, and returned? Return once and twice? You know, the traditional cross talk can only come back three times, and it will end after three times. Of course, Guo Gangde is different. He and Yu Qian have returned up to fifteen times, which shows the audience's love for them.

But, a rookie like Li Tiezhu who knows nothing, can he return twice?

Applause is the best answer.

Once the corner of the stage steps down, and the applause of the audience is not weak, but stronger, it means that the audience wants them to return.

The number of returns determines the popularity of a corner or a cross talk.

Therefore, the return is a kind of ultimate compliment from the audience.

Generally speaking, there are two types of return, one is the return before the curtain, and the other is the return behind the scenes.

Just now Li Tiezhu and Yue Yupeng stepped off the stage and returned to the scene. This was a return to the scene behind the scenes. And now, before they completely stepped down, they were stunned by the enthusiastic applause, and they had to return before they stepped down. This was a return before the curtain.

Yue Yupeng took Li Tiezhu and walked back. He was experienced.

Backstage, Guo Gangde: "Yes! Let them both play through the stage today! We don't need to use it anymore."

Yu Qian said, "Can you afford to pay? Li Tiezhu's appearance fee can be high."

Guo Gangde wiped his face: "Yes! Pull him off for me!"

Yu Qian: "You bite it yourself, others won't be able to pull it."

Li Tiezhu: "What's the matter? The appearance fee given by Mr. Guo can't be enough for a performance for so long, so it's not cheap for me! How about being a beast?"

The audience still applauded, shouting: "Call~"

Yue Yupeng said: "Thank you for your love, young and old, but we are temporary partners, and we really didn't prepare so many books. We don't know what to say when we return. It's quite embarrassing!"

In the audience, Aunt Lin asked: "Why are you back again? How is the show arranged?"

Song Zhuer did his homework and said, "This is called a return to the scene. It is a special treatment for actors who perform well. Please come back and perform another one."

Sun Mou covered his face and whispered: "Such a bad joke can also return to the scene, Yunde Society is nothing but that."

Aunt Lin: "I think it's pretty good! I rarely hear the cross talk on our pillars, and it would be nice to listen to it again."

Song Zhu'er: "That is! Don't look at Tie Zhu stupid, your mouth is fine."

Backstage, Guo Dalin said, "It won't be a bad thing, right? They didn't say anything about it. Who should go to the rescue?"

Yu Qian said: "Look at it, let me go up."

Qin Tao held a cigarette in his mouth and didn't light it. He didn't know how to smoke. He didn't know how to smoke, so he stole Master Yu Qian's acting and forced: "No! You all underestimated Li Tiezhu's animal. Look, there is a good show. Look, if Brother Yue will cooperate, he will be more handsome."

Guo Gangde: "Oh? He still has work?"

Qin Tao: "Cut! More than just a job! He is a joke himself!"

Guo Gangde nodded. In these years, there are not many men like him and Shen Mouteng who are on the point of laughter. Li Tiezhu is obviously one of the few evil obstacles.

On the stage, Li Tiezhu said blankly: "What's the situation? Have to come back for a while?"

Yue Yupeng: "No words! We are not prepared."

Li Tiezhu nodded and said, "Forget it, how about a press conference? I think there are also many problems with the young and old."

Yue Yupeng: "On-site Q&A? Then Yunde Society has to roll over. Bad reputation!"

Li Tiezhu: "Does Yunde Society have a reputation?"

Yue Yupeng smiled and said, "Haha! No, what? The aunt over there, please ask first."

The aunt stood up, shyly, and flirted with the air bangs like Master Belle, and said: "You said your wife is at the Yunde Agency refund station, then... the last time I went to refund the ticket, why didn't I get bitten?"

Yue Yupeng: "This...Is my wife absent from work? Can't it!"

Li Tiezhu smiled and explained: "This aunt can actually look for problems from yourself. Maybe you have a lack of appetite? Brother Yue eats well, so my sister-in-law shouldn't be hungry or choose food..."

Auntie: "I bought a watch last year!"

Li Tiezhu: "Next! That kid."

A Xiaopangdun wearing a red scarf stood up: "Can I go to Yunde Society? How much tuition is paid in a year?"

Yue Yupeng replied in seconds: "Fifty thousand!"

Xiaopangdun: "Can you get a discount?"

Li Tiezhu: "Legs are discounted! Just say how much discount you want?"

Xiao Pang Dun yanked into his mother's arms, curled his lips, and was frightened.

Yue Yupeng: "Don't scare the kids, it's a good thing that people want to learn cross talk. My master likes to bite this kind of tender little fat guy the most."

Li Tiezhu: "Not chewing."

Xiao Pang Dun wowed and almost cried.

Yue Yupeng: "Who said that? I was very chewy when I was young, my master said."

Li Tiezhu looked at Yue Yupeng's ass.

Yue Yupeng said, "What are you looking at? My master and Teacher Jiang have different hobbies. They don't like fat."

"Your master likes the front? No wonder you have diabetes."

"Huh? Why are you telling the truth?"

Backstage, Guo Gangde frowned, you are paralyzed! Yu Qian smiled straight at Qin Tao, Qin Tao grinned with pain.

Li Tiezhu said honestly, "I want to be honest."

Yue Yupeng looked at the Songzhuer in the audience and said: "Fart! You old cobblestone! I thought that Lu Bu was invincible in the world, but I didn't expect you to come out, say! Where is your Diao Chan?"

Li Tiezhu: "On the waist."

Yue Yupeng: "Diao Chan! I ask you where Diao Chan is."

Li Tiezhu: "My Diaochan is on my waist."

Yue Yupeng was dumbfounded: "..."

Backstage, Guo Gangde burst into tears with a smile: "Hahahahaha..."

Qin Tao knelt and covered his face: "I just said he is a fuck..."

Yu Qian and the others looked at each other, what's the funny thing?

The audience was also at a loss.

Song Zhu'er smiled, raised his arms high and gave a thumbs up: "Box box box box box box..."

Then, the audience also laughed.


Guo Dalin realized: "Such a Diaochan?"

Yu Qian flicked the soot, shaking all over: "It's really shameless, homophonic..."

Everyone realized it.

The audience Sun was ashamed: "Bah! Shameless!"

Shochikuer wanted to refute that the pillars in my house are so long, but when they found out that the other party was his father, it would be hard to beat him, so bear it.

Aunt Lin was laughing forward and backward anyway.

Sun realized that his daughter became like this, all she learned from her mother.

After that, many viewers asked questions, which were resolved by Li Tiezhu and Yue Yupeng.

"Ah? No! I am not a music genius, I am a cross talk genius. You know, I am the Teddy of the cross talk world! Wang!"

"What? I hate it~ Why am I the first brother Yunde? I haven't killed Guo Dalin yet, no, no, no...I mean, I haven't killed my master yet! If you can't kill him, I'll be with Li Tiezhu Let's stand on our own! Keep the big red and purple!"

"Song Zhu'er? Neuropathy? There is a problem with the brain shell? Why do you have this kind of prejudice? My Zhu'er is gentle and considerate. The most important thing is...not to bite."

"Ms. Jiang takes revenge on me? Hahaha... He is so respected and highly respected, and the two Xinde is not worthy... I'm not afraid!"


After another few minutes, Li Tiezhu and Yue Yupeng bowed and stepped down again.

Before stepping down, Li Tiezhu shouted: "Don't applaud, Yunde Society can't afford to pay! I'm expensive!"

The intention is obvious, and I don't want to return.

Yue Yupeng was so angry: "Can you not speak? These audiences are shameless."

Sure enough, when Lord Hou reported on the stage that Qi Xiaoxian was about to bring a cross talk, there was still a lot of noise below, applauding and yelling:

"Li Tiezhu, Li Tiezhu..."

The first cross talk is about to return three times! This is a rare honor in the cross talk world.

It doesn't matter whether some honest artists have this treatment or not! Even if they can slander the cross talk of Yunde Society, they dare not make irresponsible remarks to the audience, especially the cross talk audience in Jinmen! authority.

Whenever someone bites someone in the air and dares to say a word, the audience in the crosstalk world can scold him to death. Therefore, they only dared to slander the Yunde Society, and never dared to say that the audience was half-wordless.

Lord Hou was also dumbfounded! This is even more confusing than being run over by someone else driving him to death. What should I do? He also knows that these two people cooperated for the first time, and they didn't have much work, so they continued? Isn't that fatal?

Yue Yupeng, who had just arrived backstage, was also a little fictitious, and said to Guo Gangde: "Master! Can't hold it anymore!"

Guo Gangde was also surprised, and asked Li Tiezhu: "Are you still successful?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's not my Yunde Club, go! It doesn't matter to me if the place is broken."

Guo Gangde looked to the other side, and Yu Qian took a sip of wine, highlighting a cigarette ring: "Tie Zhu! How many times will you talk about every year? Everyone loves to see you. Go! You are a madman, take Qin Tao. This In World War I, if Qin Tao doesn't pull his hips, you have to enshrine the gods."

Li Tiezhu said modestly: "What **** is it! Qin Shou does not pull his hips, so as not to affect my fame."

Originally, Li Tiezhu’s performance should have ended long ago, but the cross talk is different, especially in the small theater. The audience applauds and you have to return. This is the necessary respect! Even if you don't perform anything at the return, you still have to give the audience a lot of face.

This is a small theater. After all, it is the best artists in the market. The professional ethics should be possessed. The audience is your parents.

Even Li Tiezhu is no He didn't understand before, and he has no shirk when he understands.

Li Tiezhu asked Qin Tao: "Are you afraid?"

Qin Tao: "I'm afraid."

Li Tiezhu: "Let's play, then."

Qin Tao: "Oh..."

With that said, Qin Tao got on, and he walked in the forefront. Li Tiezhu should have walked ahead. After all, the audience was calling Li Tiezhu's name, not Yue Yupeng, let alone Qin Tao, but Qin Tao was too nervous.

As soon as Qin Tao appeared on the stage, the audience heard a boo, not a boo in good faith, but a malicious one, obviously very, very dissatisfied.

(Note: Yunde Society will write in detail! It will be related to the development of the follow-up protagonist, because it will bring several people from Yunde Society to make movies and become popular! This is one of them! In addition, the author himself likes cross talk. Music , Movies, variety shows, most of them are copied, a few of the variety shows are original, but the cross talk is purely original, and I don’t waste too much thought, because I am good at it. So, I hope to show this part to everyone, I hope not to be too long-winded.)

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