Earthy Superstar

Chapter 445: : The counterattack has begun

It's not the first time Song Zhu'er and Yang Mi have met. In fact, they have known each other very early, but they haven't had much friendship. Most of them just met each other.

Until this time, because of Li Tiezhu and Leng Ba, the two people really had an in-depth exchange, and they both appreciated each other. Yang Mi found out that Song Zhu'er was not a brave neuropathy, this product was so insidious, her recklessness was just pretending. Song Zhu'er also learned that Yang Mi is not a scheming **** who is insidious, cunning, and profiteering, she is very stubborn for Lengba.

Drinking can show her temperament, Shochikuer is very cute, drinking Maotai with a straw with pink stripes, her cuteness reveals her mania. Sister Mi blows directly to the bottle, with a graceful and seductive in boldness.

The two of them drank positively, and the other side was even more enthusiastic. Lengba made weird calls one after another.

Yang Mi shook her head speechlessly, Shochill rolled her eyes.

"Li Tiezhu's filming of "Soldiers Assault" for the past two months, one of them is hungry!"

"Let's sleep together tonight and let the cats get full!"

"Ok, Ok……"

"Your Tie Zhu is really that great?"

"That is! Let me tell you this-King Kong is not bad!"

"I really envy."

"Would you like to try? Let's drink two more bottles, pretend to be drunk and rush in, hehehe...the so-called two fists are hard to beat four breasts..."

"You are so generous, I'm not as good as you."

"It's called living calmly. If we get married like this, can a man be worse? A man who is not bad, a woman?"

"Fart! Lengba told me that you are a pervert. Before Li Tiezhu wakes up, you give her to... hum!"

"Hey hey... just like watching her cry and fuck!"

"Fuck! Change to Wuliangye."

"No, there is Erguotou, okay?"

"Yes, Moutai is boring."

"Six, six, six, five chiefs..."

"you lose."

Song Zhu'er and Yang Mi have eaten self-heating small hot pot. His family stocks a lot because Li Tiezhu likes hot pot.

On the other side, it has already begun to breathe.

The so-called other side is actually inside the master bedroom. It turned out that Li Tiezhu and Lengba were still crooked in the living room at first, but then they went into the house unknowingly.

Yang Mi has a good drinker, but she is also a little drunk: "How long has this been? Li Tiezhu can toss too much, right?"

Song Zhuer: "Hey hey...what's this? Have you tried it for two or three hours without getting off the line?"

Yang Mi was scared and licked her lips: "Wow! Terrible!"

Song Zhu'er said proudly: "How about it? Would you like to see it? How about let's go to the door?"

Yang Mi: "Wow!"

With that said, the two drunk women tiptoed towards the bedroom, because the other warlord Song Zhuer had not yet entered, so the master bedroom was not locked.

The voice inside is clearer.

Lengba was begging for mercy, almost crying: "Don't do it! Please, good master, oh...ah..."

Li Tiezhu: "You asked me to do it yourself, you can't live by yourself! Huh!"

Song Zhu'er unscrewed the door quietly, beckoned to Yang Mi, and then the two of them stole their probes in.

Then, Song Zhu'er and Yang Mi were stunned, I'll go...too good at playing, right?

I saw...Lengba was sitting on the chair of the dressing table. Li Tiezhu stood behind and pinched her shoulders. With full strength and skill, Lengba was so painful and happy. Of course, Li Tiezhu's massage techniques were learned from Xiao. battle.

Yang Mi held the wine bottle: "That's it?"

Song Zhuer: "I made you laugh, hey hehe... next time, next time you come again, this time is an accident."

Lengba and Li Tiezhu looked at the door together and stayed blank.

Lengba: "Sister Mi, what are you doing?"

Yang Mi: "Drink! Are you blind?"

Li Tiezhu: "No, what are you doing at the door?"

Song Zhuer: "Look at your massage! Sister Mi is also exhausted, don't you press the button for Sister Mi?"

Yang Mi waved her hand: "Forget it! It's boring. Happy for nothing! I thought I could see that the legendary King Kong is not bad!"

Song Zhu'er shrugged boringly, and went back to drink with Yang Mi. There are not many people who can drink with her back and forth, so Song Zhu'er cherishes it.

The door was closed, and Li Tiezhu asked Lengba: "Aren't they here..."

Lengba: "Of course! Sister Mi is a pervert."

Li Tiezhu: "Song Zhu'er, too."

Lengba: "Go and close the door!"

Li Tiezhu took a deep look at Leng Ba, and Leng Ba called his master softly, and Li Tiezhu immediately went to lock the door.

Outside, Song Zhu'er and Yang Mi continued to drink, enjoying themselves. Hearing the tragic screams and crying from the bedroom, they couldn't help but shook their heads and squeezed their shoulders. All the fuss!

As everyone knows, Lengba is already devastated...

Early the next morning.

Li Tiezhu made a few calls, but Song Zhu'er didn't wake up, so he had to look for one guest bedroom and one guest bedroom. Finally, he found the two ladies lying on the bedside in the third guest bedroom, Song Zhu'er and Yang Mi.

However, Li Tiezhu immediately blushed, even Shochikuer, wearing Kumamoto's pajamas, while Ms. Mi was too much. She was asleep wearing only the very scarce underwear, and the grass couldn't cover it.

It's so lush!

At this moment, Li Tiezhu remembered the cloth strip that he found in Lengba’s guesthouse nearly two years ago, which made Young Master Wang so angry, exactly the same.

Only for a moment, Li Tiezhu reached out his hand to close the door, don't look at any indecent.

Li Tiezhu paused slightly when there was only one crack left in the door. Then, after gritting his teeth, he closed it.

Li Tiezhu took the subway to the school. As long as he was in Kyoto, he would not miss morning exercises and class. He originally wanted to ask Song Zhu'er to go with him, but due to sister Mi's overbearing sleeping posture, he chose to give up, and it would be embarrassing for everyone to wake up.

When Li Tiezhu left, Sister Mi slowly opened her eyes and smiled strangely in the room.


so amazing!

Although I drank with Shochikuer until late last night and slept late, who is Ms. Mi? She is a battle-tested veteran, no matter how much she drinks at night, she can wake up early the next day.

Just now, under the urging of the biological clock, Yang Mi woke up in a daze, and found that she was only wearing underwear. She was ashamed, but before she could react, the door opened.

She squinted her eyes and observed secretly, and found that Li Tiezhu had been admiring at the door for a long time, and finally reluctantly closed the door and left.

At this time, Yang Mi just thought... really interesting!

That guy blushed? ? ?

Sister Mi stood up, put on her clothes, and walked out of the room, watching Li Tiezhu walk out of the courtyard door from the window, and plunged into the master bedroom to play with the sleeping Lengba. Unexpectedly, as soon as she started, Song Zhuer would not Barged in kindly.

"Hey hey... I want to leave Lao Tzu? There are no doors? I pretend to sleep because I don't want to go to class! Take it to the cat!"

"Hello? Just relax, this cat will still make money for me, don't hurt..."

If Li Tiezhu saw this scene, he would be frightened. Girls are pure and gentle, most of the time just because men like them. In fact, who is not cruel anymore?

It's just that Lengba, who hasn't been awake, is so miserable.

When I came to the school to practice morning exercises, my classmates, as well as other classmates, saw that Li Tiezhu's expressions were not right, which was also expected.

As soon as the morning exercise was over, Guan Shuangshuang ran over: "Where is Zhu'er?"

Li Tiezhu: "What? Want to beat her again?"

Guan Shuangshuang glared: "Go! Is she angry with you? You said you are too. What's wrong with Zhu'er? I have to find an old woman..."

"Lengba is not old, only twenty-six."

"Your uncle! Are you admitting this?"


"Where is Zhu'er? I comfort her."

"She is sleeping at home, and she drank too much alcohol with Yang Mi last night."

"Ah? Why is she here? Isn't she with Lengba?"


"I've taken it! Really taken it, please, Uncle Li Tiezhu, please don't ruin my round-faced fat deer."

"Heh! He won't, he has football."


After speaking, Guan Shuangshuang flicked his single ponytail and left. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Li Tiezhu, revealing a thick... inexplicable, are they all blind?

If Song Zhuer was here, she would definitely appreciate her:

Seeing is futility, experience is believing!

Li Tiezhu continued to run for 5,000 meters. Huang Sanshi was not there because he usually ran near his home complex. That time he came to the school to run because Li Tiezhu said that he was looking for something to do.

There is no Huang Sanshi, but Wang Xiaokai.

Wang Xiaokai: "Tie Zhu, real or fake? How can you do it!"

Wu Lei: "Who do you look down on Chrysanthemum? Tie Zhu's charm is unstoppable! How about? Is it tight?"

Li Zhixuan: "Why are you asking me if you play with big tongue? Before you ask, you must at least talk about someone, Lengba? Or Xu Jiazhen?"

Li Tiezhu: "Go away! Get out of here! Hammer, go to the crew to report this weekend, your role is coming."

Li Zhixuan: "Wow!"

Wang Xiaokai: "I am actually quite worried about you, what should I do?"

Wu Lei: "It really doesn't work, don't you? You can avoid this trick, and with your position, you will be invincible in two or three years."

Li Tiezhu: "If you don't bother to worry about the three dogs, Lao Tzu has his own coup. Get out of here. If you don't go out, you will accompany Lao Tzu to run five kilometers."

In an instant, all three goods slipped away.

The three of them ran to the flower bed and winked at Xu Jiazhen who was hiding by the side. They didn't know what to say, and then ran away with a wretched smile.

Xu Jiazhen should have avoided the suspicion, but Song Zhuer specially greeted her and asked her to buy breakfast for Li Tiezhu today, saying that this matter must not be guilty of conscience, anyway, she and Li Tiezhu have never had a relationship~www.wuxiaspot. com~ So she had to come.

Li Tiezhu not only ate the breakfast she brought, but even sat with Xu Jiazhen during class because she couldn't finish asking questions. When they were rehearsing the sketch in the afternoon, the two continued to talk and were scolded by the teacher.

After class, Li Tiezhu returned home and Yang Mi had already left, which made Li Tiezhu a sigh of relief.

Then, he took Song Zhu'er and Leng Ba to the five-star hotel where Huang Shao Shao's birthday banquet was held.

Sung Zhuer, who had skipped class for a day, was extremely excited, but Leng Ba was a bit shy. This was the second time she appeared in public with Li Tiezhu in front of everyone after the last Majak cocktail party. She knew better than anyone what this meant.

This is also part of the "operation plan" formulated by Song Zhuer and Yang Mi. On this day, Internet public opinion is fermenting, but Li Tiezhu has not taken any action, but it does not mean surrendering. They are just waiting for the opportunity.

The birthday party tonight is the best opportunity!

The counterattack began.

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