Earthy Superstar

Chapter 446: : Interview

The banquet hall of a five-star hotel was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and a few students and agents from Huang Sanshi were welcoming guests. It was a busy scene.

On the other side, Huang Shaoshao, the protagonist of this birthday party, is still...doing his homework, while Huang Sanshi is tutoring.

"Dad, if I also take Nortel in the future, don't I need to have good grades?"

"If you think this way, you will be unpromising to be an actor in the future."


"I know what you think. Li Tiezhu's grades are fine, right? But do you know how hard he works?"

"But when "Lu Yu had an appointment", he said it himself, he had never worked hard."

"Generally, the school bully said to play after school, and then secretly study. Li Tiezhu made TV series, but never left his studies, Lu Bo gave him remedial lessons in the crew! Two and a half hours a day, and he was still the director of the crew every day. Get up at six to practice morning exercises."

"Oh, I see."

Huang Shaoshao worked hard to do his homework again, obviously more serious.

In a short while, Huang Shaoshao finally finished his homework. The time came to half past six. Huang Sanshi took his daughter to the banquet hall. By this time, the guests were almost there.

In fact, there are not many people, only a dozen tables, and a half of them are relatives and friends, as well as Huang Shaoshao's classmates, friends and their parents.

Huang Sanshi didn't want to do something big, so there are actually quite a few people in the real circle. They are all Huang Sanshi's close friends and students.

Therefore, Li Tiezhu, Song Zhu'er and Leng Ba seemed a bit abrupt.

Among the three, Li Tiezhu, who has the best relationship with Huang Sanshi, does not necessarily have enough qualifications to participate in such a private party. The other two female stars are even more strange. Moreover, these three people happened to be the headlines of the past two days. The entire Internet is full of the content of their three chaotic relationships, but they did not avoid suspicion. They appeared here together. How not afraid of death?

However, no one was too embarrassed to ask Li Tiezhu what he thought.

After all, Li Tiezhu is very fierce now, film, television and song variety show, four in one, and everything is mixed.

The people at the table with Li Tiezhu were also very friendly, after all, they were too familiar. Except for Li Tiezhu and his two small animals, the rest of the table are He Ling, Yi Xing, Peng Yuchang, Zhang Zifeng, Meng Fei, Xie Nana, Xu Shanzheng, a total of ten people.

The positioning is obvious, this table is Huang Sanshi's friend and younger generation in the circle.

They know best about the recent storm Li Tiezhu has been caught in and the risks behind it. Therefore, if you don't talk about it, they will always catch Lengba's eyes either intentionally or unintentionally. She is the most abrupt.

Li Tiezhu can bring Song Zhu'er, which is a kind of response, but why do you bring Lengba? Provocative?

In fact, since Leng Ba served as Li Tiezhu's female companion last time, those on the top of the circle already knew the relationship between Li Tiezhu and Leng Ba.

This matter can't be hidden, but with Li Tiezhu's infinite future possibilities and Shuangma's full support, no one generally makes a fuss about this matter, but who knows that some people don't believe in evil recently.

Xie Nana couldn't hide her words, and said: "Tie Zhu, your baby's head is covered? At this time, you still..."

Her voice is not loud, but not too small. The star is worried about her fellow villagers.

Lengba's expression changed slightly.

He Ling is a human spirit and smiled and said, "Nana, are you jealous? Jealous Lengba is more beautiful than you today! Does Lengba represent the Jiahang company? Sister Mi asked you to come?"

As long as Lengba nodded, he would be down the stairs.

Nana laughed awkwardly.

Who knows, Lengba smiled and said: "No, I just happened to be in Kyoto, and I was having dinner with Tie Zhu, ha ha..."

I go!

Do you want to be so rigid?

The stars at the same table were all taken aback. Is Leng Ba infected by the iron head baby?

Xu Shan tried to help Li Tiezhu round the field: "Zhuzi, your Aunt Taohong said that you cooked everything on the set and fed her fat."

Li Tiezhu: "And Duan Yihong, always buy her snacks."

Xu Shanzheng picked up a pea and threw it over: "Get out!"

Rolling his eyes with anger, I will help you out, you are fine...

Song Zhu'er remained silent, looking around. Finally, she stood up and looked at a table of people at the far end, one of them was Li Tianmu, a thin and tall man in a suit.

After confirming the target, Song Zhuer took out his mobile phone and began to send a message: 1.

The good show began.

The hotel attendants were serving dishes one after another, and the guests at each table were chatting. Huang Sanshi led Huang Shaoshao to greet each other and receive gifts. The process was similar to that of ordinary people’s birthday banquets.

Soon they came to Li Tiezhu's table, everyone greeted warmly and gave gifts.

"Yo! Young man has grown so tall?"

"It's getting more and more beautiful."

"Fatty Huang, you're fat again!"

"Come here, my sister brought you a present."

"Huang Sanshi, have you eaten pig feed?"

"It's all Li Tiezhu. After finishing the show with him last year, I gained 20 pounds and couldn't lose weight anymore."

"Dad! How can you blame Brother Tie Zhu? You gained another ten pounds in the second half of last year."

"This little padded jacket is leaking..."

"Yo! Thank you Lengba, Shao Shao, what do you think Sister Lengba gave you?"

"Wow!! Tie Zhu's signed CD record! Thank you!"

Song Zhuer gave Shao Shao a Kumamoto bear schoolbag. Huang Shao Shao thanked him politely, but his expression when holding the schoolbag was hard to describe.

After everyone gave the gifts, Huang Shaoshao jumped to Li Tiezhu: "Brother Tiezhu, present!"

Li Tiezhu smiled and said, "I have prepared three sets of Huanggang secret scrolls.

Huang Shaoshao's face suddenly became bitter.

Everyone laughed too.

Li Tiezhu: "Just kidding, young. I wrote a song for you, and I will sing it to you later. I will also have this song on my next album. At that time, we will write-Zhu Huang after the title of the song. Happy birthday, Shao Shao. How is it?"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Really? Really?"

Huang Shaoshao jumped with excitement. As a fan, what gift is more exciting than this?

Other stars also applauded, this gift is indeed very heartwarming.

Huang Sanshi touched his daughter's head: "Say thank you."

"Thank you, Brother Tie Zhu!"

Li Tiezhu: "Shao Shao, happy birthday!"

Huang Sanshi was very happy, but suddenly his expression changed: "No... isn't it the birthday song of the free version?"

As an iron fan of Li Tiezhu, she is very clear about the wonderful songs that Li Tiezhu has sung.

Everyone was stunned and laughed even more, is that okay?

Li Tiezhu also smiled: "No! If I sing that song at your birthday party, your dad will have to fight me hard."

Huang Sanshi: "Just know!"

After chatting a few more words, Huang Sanshi and his daughter went to the next table.

Meng Fe suddenly said, "Tie Zhu gave this gift very well! No wonder Lao Guo praised you."

He and Guo Gangde are also good friends. At this time, they are talking like Li Tiezhu, and that's all he can do. In his opinion, Li Tiezhu's heart-to-heart friendship with Huang Sanshi can be the key to breaking the game. After all, Huang Sanshi can speak in front of the Li family and his son.

This circle is very large, but there are not many people at the top, basically there are not many secrets.

After a while, Huang Sanshi took his daughter to the small stage. After the father and daughter thanked the people present, they invited Li Tiezhu to the stage.

Li Tiezhu had already prepared the accompaniment of the song: "A new song "Childhood" is for you, I wish you a happy birthday and happy every day."

Then, the prelude sounded.

On the banyan tree by the pond

I'm screaming summer

On the swing by the playground

Only the butterfly stays on it


Looking forward to the holiday and looking forward to tomorrow

Looking forward to growing up childhood

Day after day year after year

Looking forward to growing up childhood

A folk song with a very beautiful melody, Li Tiezhu can also sing very well.

Everyone at the scene applauded, Huang Sanshi, who was listening to the song on the stage, smiled brightly, and Huang Shaoshao's eyes were dotted.

Li Tianmu is also applauding, it's so nice! But, so what? You have worked so hard to please Huang Sanshi, at most you will only kowtow two heads less, and you will surrender sooner or later.

Toast and not eat fine wine!

He didn't come to this banquet originally, it was Huang Sanshi who asked him to come and reconcile with Li Tiezhu. Huang Sanshi did not participate, just as a bridge.

Li Tianmu felt that this was Li Tiezhu's begging Huang Sanshi to invite him, which meant that Li Tiezhu was defeated.

But what does he mean by bringing Lengba?

I can't figure it out a bit.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and the assistant sent a WeChat message with a screenshot of the photo. A piece of news about Li Tianmu has just begun to go viral on the Internet. The news is that when he was sixteen years old, he drove and escaped without a license. The accident caused one person to be seriously injured and disabled.

Li Tianmu frowned slightly looking at Li Tiezhu who had stepped down, what do you mean? This news was also available on the Internet before, but it was only suppressed by his father's search for a relationship. The smashed idiot also got a large sum of money and became private.

What's so good about this kind of thing?

Think you can be a bargaining chip by getting some old things like this?

Another news followed that Li Tianmu had forcibly had a relationship with a female classmate when he was seventeen years old. Later, the case was temporarily dismissed, saying that the woman withdrew the lawsuit and said that the relationship was voluntary.

After this incident, Li Tianmu went abroad to study.

Li Tianmu felt even more weird, saying that it was "voluntary". What kind of speculation? If you doubt it at most, what can you do? Didn't that brother in the circle "volunteer" how many little girls? All the fuss!

It seemed that the dog was not convinced even to admit defeat, so he dared to bargain?

Oh, looking for death!

After the meal, they sang birthday songs and ate cakes. Some guests left, and the rest went to the entertainment hall on the side to continue playing. Some were singing, playing billiards, and some playing cards.

Li Tiezhu and Li Tianmu played snooker together, this is the tacit performance of other stars.

Song Zhu'er and Lengba didn't follow either, and went to play mahjong with Sister Na.

Li Tiezhu plays billiards very generally, but Li Tianmu is very strong, leading the way.

"Come on for a guest role? Put it in the "Soldiers Strike" promotional video."

Li Tianmu scored a red said.

Li Tiezhu didn't speak.

Li Tianmu looked at the black ball and the phone rang again. He glanced at the black ball again, but didn't hit it. Finally, he put down his cue and stared at Li Tiezhu:

"Where did you get this video?"

Li Tiezhu said dumbly: "Suck that? Oh, don't you know that I have a red guest team in my hand? It's called Red Star Rabbit."

Li Tianmu didn't expect such a thing to happen, because he himself didn't know that someone was filming the video at that time: "What do you want to do? Do you die together?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's time for you to play colored balls. I think pink **** are better to play."

Li Tianmu stared at Li Tiezhu twice, squatted down to hit the black ball, very accurate, the black ball rushed to the bottom bag.

Li Tiezhu reached out to block the black ball that must be scored:

"Look! I told you that the pink ball is better to play, I don't believe it. If you don't listen to the old man, the two towels are tucked into your stomach..."

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