Earthy Superstar

Chapter 447: : Each shows his magical powers

When Li Tianmu hit the black ball, his hands did not shake, indicating that he still had a spectrum in his heart. He made a please gesture and asked Li Tiezhu to hit the ball. He said, "Let’s tell you this. That stuff is pretty exciting. I play it all. Yes! But if you get this video, it's useless."

Li Tiezhu carefully aimed at a red ball, and then hit it: "There is some other evidence, it should be able to prove it."

Li Tianmu sneered: "What can I prove? Are you stupid?"


"What am I... I am looking for you to cooperate. You are filming a "Soldiers Assault", and adding a "Soldiers Strike" is also filming, and it is directly made into a sister story. The quality of my play is definitely not weak. Is there any loss in the cameo?"


"That's right! Besides, I can bring you resources here. In the future, I will cover you in the Beijing circle. You can walk sideways."

"I don't like walking sideways, crabs go sideways."


"The crab is red and dead."

"What kind of **** logic, what can I do even if I smoke? I am abroad! Besides, even if I am blocked, is it good for you?"

"No way!"

"Look! You will win if you are together, and you will hurt if you are divided. Don't you know how to choose? Just about you and Lengba, I have a lot of things in my hands! You and her have long been open secrets in the circle, and , Don’t think that you have little influence on this matter. If the people of the whole country'discovered' that you had a relationship with her before the audition, what would you think? A good voice would you win fairness? Should you have your current status? ?"

"I have to think about it, you fight first."

Li Tiezhu was lost in thought.

It was crackling, and Li Tianmu quickly drew up the ball on the stage.

Li Tiezhu said: "No! This is not right. If you really want to cooperate, your attitude should be different. You should contact me first and give my studio enough interest and respect. It's not that we can't do sister TV series. But you copied it directly, and then pressed me with Lengba's affairs. This is not cooperation, this is bullying me."

"I'm special, is bullying or cooperation important? Isn't the result the most important?"

"No, I don't like being bullied, let alone cooperating with people who bully me, because... unhappy."

"Then there is nothing to talk about? Both lose and lose! I was banned, and you have to retreat."

"It's not a big problem."

Li Tiezhu thought very clearly, with his system, even if he retreats behind the scenes, he can still get mixed up.

Li Tianmu lost his club: "Are you special... pig brain?"

He felt very wronged, I kindly talked to you about cooperation, do you have to die? !

This is the problem of cognitive bias. He and his dad have always been at the top of the pyramid in the circle, and have never been used to sitting on an equal footing with others, so this time they threatened Li Tiezhu to lure Li Tiezhu. For them, it was a kind of "friendly cooperation". .

Li Tiezhu picked up the cue on the table and asked Li Tianmu, who was glaring at him, "Is it my time?"

Li Tianmu was furious. At this time, he still regretted a little, regretting that he shouldn't listen to his father. This matter was too strong and overbearing. After all, they didn't know that Li Tiezhu's brain lacked a string, so he was not a normal person.

Seeing that Li Tiezhu had missed again, Li Tianmu said slowly: "I can take a step back, and the screenwriter will write your name directly and add another director's name. In addition, I will not explode any of your illicit materials."

Li Tiezhu started to address the ball again.

Li Tianmu: "I'll give you another ten million! US dollars!"

He chose to persuade him. Even though he was arrogant, he knew that this was a good opportunity for him to get ahead. Li Tiezhu was ruined, and at best he just returned to his original appearance, but he was different, he was born with a golden key.

Li Tiezhu didn't score the last black ball, and regretted: "I have money!"

"Then what do you want? Make a price."

"Simply, stop filming and apologize publicly."

"Do you want me to die? I apologize for the first film directed by Lao Tzu? Am I still a mess?"

"You shouldn't plagiarize, it's immoral."

"Moral? Daonima's virtue! You **** Lengba on morality?"

"I am passive."


I met a idiot and couldn't communicate at all! Li Tianmu turned around and left, and stopped talking.

Li Tianmu greeted Huang Sanshi and a few people he knew, and left the hotel.

Everyone had received the new news, and they thought that Li Tianmu was involved in reading and was in great trouble, so they had to leave in embarrassment. This time, Li Tiezhu had the upper hand.

Actually not, Li Tianmu was forced to leave by a fool.

Li Tiezhu was a man with a start and a finish. He played around the only black ball for another ten minutes. He accidentally dropped the white ball or missed the black ball. He would give Li Tianmu extra points on the scoreboard on the side.

In the end, Honest Little Langjun Li Tiezhu finally scored a black goal, and the total score was defeated.

Li Tiezhu came to the mahjong room, supporting Lengba's shoulder with both hands: "How much did you lose?"

Song Zhuer: "She lost miserably and owes me more than 3,000, hahaha."

This Nima was playing a bit big, and if he was caught, he would gather a crowd for gambling! Definitely detained.

Sister Na: "Tie Zhu, what's the problem this time?"

Li Tiezhu smiled and said, "Thank you Sister Na for your concern. The problem is a little bit, and there is a lot of trouble, but it's still done."

Opposite, Hailan shook her head: "Is it a well-known director, bullshit!"

She was talking about Li Tiezhu's openly bringing Leng Ba to see Li Tianmu. Now everyone can tell that Li Tiezhu was not here to be soft, but to declare war, and Li Tiezhu's wave of counterattacks made Li Tianmu embarrassed.

It's not yet known who will win this matter, but no matter who wins, Lengba is afraid that it will not get better, why is she not worried?

Anyway, there are people with faces in the circle, and few of them care that the relationship between Li Tiezhu and Lengba is abnormal, they are commonplace.

After playing for a while, everyone was gone. After all, the protagonist Huang Shaoshao would still be in class tomorrow.


The next day, Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi, He Ling, Peng Yuchang, Zhang Zifeng and others took a plane to the southern province of Hunan to record the new season of "Mushroom House."

The newly joined Yi Xing has something to do and will not arrive until tomorrow, which also gives Yi Xing a chance to play alone.

This season, Li Tiezhu has withdrawn, but considering the ratings and the connection with the previous season, they still found Li Tiezhu. After all, Li Tiezhu is the most popular guest in the Mushroom House for several seasons.

As for Li Tiezhu's recent "scandal", the program crew has also considered it, but most of them believe that Li Tiezhu can survive it because... Li Tiezhu seems his wife and Jill are calm.

Even Lengba still came to the airport with Li Tiezhu in the morning, and many passengers had taken pictures of them having a close conversation at the airport.

Someone with good deeds shouted, "Li Tiezhu, are you together?"

Li Tiezhu: "We are together, can't you see it?"

"Do you sleep together?"

"Ah! I don't deserve it."

"It is said that you have an abnormal relationship on the Internet."

"Ms. Wang Feng didn't release any new songs, so what am I doing to grab his headlines?"


"Tie Zhu, Lengba, get closer, I'll take a picture for you."

"You can shoot, don't shoot me too dark."

Finally, Li Tiezhu said: "Thank you for your concern, thank you! Do not believe the rumors or spread the rumors!"

Lengba said, "I am not afraid of shadows when I am upright. I am his teacher."

The passengers have a ghostly expression on Lao Tzu's belief in you.

The Huang Sanshi, He Ling and others who arrived later had to admire these two people, bold and thick-skinned, let your rumors fly all over the sky, "evidence" spread all over the net, they continued to get tired of each other, that's how hard they are.

Later, at Lengba Feiheng Store, Li Tiezhu and the Mushroom House program group came to Shonan.

The people in Mushroom House were worried about Li Tiezhu and Li Tianmu. Both of them needed to clean up their “stigma”. The conflict between the two and Li was still in a stalemate. It was up to who could get rid of the shadows first.

When he arrived in Shonan, He Ling first took everyone to Shonan TV to record the launch ceremony of the new season of "Mushroom House".

After the simple ceremony, when it came time for the interview, friends in the media were very interested in Li Tiezhu.

"Is the video between you and Lengba true?"

"it is true."

"When did it start?"

"In the second half of the previous year, when I decided to take the Nortel exam, I often went to Lengba."

"Have you been together for more than a year?"

"Together? What to be together?"

"Then what are you two doing in the house? And there is a small bed and breakfast specially prepared in Hengdian."

"Of course it's studying! I have to take the Nortel exam. Zhu'er and Lengba take turns to give me supplementary lessons. They are both professional actors. Zhu'er teaches me the theoretical knowledge of the art test. Teacher Lengba teaches me acting skills, body shape, etc. , She danced, and she is in good shape."

"Huh? Is it just an art exam study?"

"Otherwise? What are you people thinking about!"


"Oh, yes, teacher Lengba said yesterday that if there are any more rumors in the online media, she will resort to the law. Don't talk nonsense."

"You were together yesterday?"

"Yes, my Zhuer and Lengba teachers are all here, and we went to have a drink with Teacher Huang and Teacher He."

Huang Sanshi looked at Li Tiezhu silently, thinking, this guy has made rapid progress in acting recently!

Huang Sanshi was the first person to see the relationship between Li Tiezhu and Lengba. As early as the year before, in "Infinite Challenge", Xiao Yueyue felt that Li Tiezhu was very afraid of Lengba. At that time, Huang Sanshi sneered. This is not afraid...

Xiu'er? !

Li Tiezhu insisted that he and Lengba were locked up in the room to study, and there was no evidence from others.

In fact, even if Li Tiezhu said that he was playing marbles with Lengba in the house, there is no evidence to say no, but the point is that someone should believe it, right?

There are really many people who believe that some are fans of Li Tiezhu, some are fans of Lengba, and some are fans of Song Zhuer. They firmly believe that no one likes Li Tiezhu except Song Zhuer's neuropathy.

At this moment, Li Tianmu of Kyoto also showed evidence that he did not study.

His father, Li Shenglong, managed the knife, found a setting that looked very similar to the scene in the video, and filmed a three-minute skit overnight. It is about the undercover undercover played by Li Tianmu, who was forced to read, and then successfully assisted the police to remove the evil forces.

Li Tianmu looked aggrieved, and his eyes were bloodshot: "I'm breaking the law when I take a scene to **** and read?"

Can you not have bloodshot eyes?

After a whole night, I finally produced such a short film, and the later stage and so on.

It's also a show operation!

Many people immediately complained about Li Tianmu's injustice, and they didn't know whether it was a real netizen or a navy, because Li Tianmu didn't have any fan groups before his debut.

Li Tiezhu and Li Tianmu can be regarded as having their own magical powers. Both sides have washed the ground, but the washing is not clean, it depends on whether the netizens buy it.

Soon, both Li Tiezhu’s interview video and Li Tianmu’s short film were uploaded to the Internet.

So the strange scene appeared.

It can be roughly divided into four viewpoints:

One, Li Tiezhu pretended to be dumb and stunned. There was no substantive evidence to prove that he had no relationship with Lengba. What's more, what did he say when he opened a room with a female classmate? And the short film shot by Li Tianmu was edited maliciously, which was obviously done deliberately by people with ulterior motives.

Second, Li Tiezhu is well-founded. Without professional training, it would be difficult for him to pass the art test. Li Tianmu's short film has never been published, and the authenticity is not known at all, and the scenes and furnishings in the short film are quite different from those in the video.

Third, Li Tiezhu and Li Tianmu both have problems. The two parties are at odds with each other because of their conflicts in their new TV series.

Fourth, Li Tiezhu and Li Tianmu are okay. Some evil external forces are dissatisfied with these two men shooting military themes and instilling patriotic ideas in the young people of the new era. They were targeted by the Leading Party.

Suddenly the water became muddy, from eating melon with the full name to a dispute among the whole people.

In fact, in a sense, as long as the water is muddled, it is already a victory. The more confused the information and opinions, the easier it is to cover up the truth.

Those who really knew all laughed. These two people were also great, and they were both pure and innocent. Many people still believed it. Another thing is that the whole family rushed out to produce a short film with a fairly standard online production overnight, and the eyes were red, and the desire to survive was also strong.

Is it equal?

But Li Tiezhu didn't think so. He knew he was going to win a long time ago. It wasn't how strong he was. It was because the opponent had too much black material and it was terrible. It was hard for him to lose. Sister Mi suggested that this point should be thrown out first to counteract the Lengba scandal.

Now, it's time to come up with the killer.

When rushing to the mushroom house in a luxury commercial vehicle, Li Tiezhu sat in the last row and sent Li Tianmu a new and old video in his spare time.

Li Tiezhu turned off his mobile phone and closed his eyes to rest after posting the Wechat added to him while playing billiards last night.

The victory is divided!

Zhang Xiaomeng's mobile phone in Kyoto was blown up. It was Li Tianmu and people around him who called him. Zhang Xiaomeng refused to answer them.

Soon, Li Shenglong took Li Tianmu and blocked Zhang Xiaomeng in the studio, and the father and son found Zhang Xiaomeng aggressively... apologizing, sincerely.

And, asked Zhang Xiaomeng to take them to Li Tiezhu.

Zhang Xiaomeng: "He went to record "Mushroom House", and the program team asked the phone to be turned off. In addition, I am very busy at work and I have no time to be a tour guide for you. Why should I have known it today?"

The father and son knew that it was useless to ask Zhang Xiaomeng, so they made a decisive decision and immediately flew to Xiangnan to plead guilty.

Even if they had the real hammer that Li Tiezhu and Lengba had in their hands, they didn't dare to use it, not to mention that they had no real hammer evidence yet.

Because, Li Tiezhu's new video is scarier than reading.

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