Earthy Superstar

Chapter 448: : Return to the Mushroom House

That video was very simple. It was the soberness of Li Shenglong and his family after eating and drinking at home, but I don’t know if they were drinking, or uttering truth after drinking. When talking about major international events, they suddenly went off the subject and crooked to sensitive domestic historical topics. Coming up.

Li Shenglong said: "That XXX overthrew three big mountains and piled them into a bigger mountain."

Li Tianmu: "Isn't it? It beats away imperialism and fulfills XXism. They are all XXXXX."

These two sentences are fatal.

Perhaps the father and son had forgotten to say something like this before, but they didn't expect to be taken by Li Tiezhu. Can you not panic?

If this matter is stabbed out, it is not as simple as ruin. They came up with an official background, those with vested interests, and just like that, they still have such reactionary thoughts. Whose face did they slap?

In panic, they didn't even have time to control who made the video and how it leaked out.

In fact, this was discovered by Red Star Rabbit on the phone of Li Shenglong's 20-year-old little wife. She just took the video and forgot to delete it. She thought it wouldn't matter if she didn't send it, or she had some other cautious thinking.

This is not important, what is important is that Zhang Jianjun got this video easily, which is much more popular than Li Tianmu.

Li Tiezhu's hand holding this video is equivalent to grasping the life and death of Li Shenglong and Li Tianmu.

This is where Yang Mi's confidence lies in choosing to be tough after seeing it.

Li Tiezhu was no longer the man who flew thousands of kilometers to administer laxatives in the past three days. Although he was equally tricky, he was calmer and calmer.

Now, he not only has the top contacts in the entertainment industry, but also Penguin's most powerful capital and legal department, as well as the all-pervasive knife of Red Star Rabbit.

Li Tiezhu is stupid, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use crooked ways. In fact, he never talked about martial ethics when he was playing opponents.


On the other side, Li Tiezhu, Huang Sanshi and others stood on the ferry, chatting and laughing in the gentle breeze.

This season's "Mushroom House" is more fully prepared, shooting on March 23, and premiering on April 23, with a full one-month buffer period.

This is because the ratings of "Mushroom House" in the second season of last year have soared. From the non-mainstream slow variety show in the first season, it has become the variety show with the strongest ratings in the first half of the year, and the heart of the program group has increased.

The theme of the third season of "Mushroom House" is called "Peach Blossom Spring", which is derived from the dramas of Huang Sanshi and He Ling. Therefore, the location of this season is also selected in Taoyuan Town, Shonan Province, a village on Jiangxin Island. inside.

I have to say that this show is ready to go. When it first aired a month later, the barrage was dense and extremely enthusiastic.

"Yi Xing Yi Xing Yi Xing..."

"Li Tiezhu is high!"

"Little Sheep is coming, I look forward to it."

"February is red for green."

"My favorite show, it's starting again..."

"The only regret: Li Tiezhu can't stay here this season."

"Finally you are here."

"My happiness is back."

"Come for my sister."

"Last month there were people who blacked Li Tiezhu, laughing to death!"

"When will Yang Mi come for an issue?"

"It's been three seasons, and the first issue hasn't fallen yet..."

"I hope this show will continue!"

"When Huang Sanshi died, He Ling lost his teeth, Li Tiezhu became blessed, Huang Shaoshao brought his children as guests!"

"The devil in front!"

After more and more commercial titles were implanted, the first thing that appeared was an aerial shot. The crescent-shaped Jiangxin Island was lush and peaceful and graceful.

Little H and his daughter-in-law, Little O, were sitting in a hydrogen balloon basket, flying all the way, passing through the treetops, across the river, across the cauliflower field, through the peach forest... they came to the new mushroom house.

A dilapidated mushroom house like never before.

On the boat, Teacher He Ling was communicating with a little milk dog, but the little milk dog didn't want to pay attention to him. Instead, he was very interested in his younger sisters Zhang Zifeng and Peng Yuchang.

Huang Sanshi and Li Tiezhu were standing on the bow of the ship, wrapped in military coats, exchanging their worries.

"This... it looks a bit far away from grocery shopping."

"More than that! Even the guests are not convenient. Teacher Huang, the reason why I chose to be on the island this season is probably because there is no sponsorship from car companies?"

" makes sense, so you don't have to drive to town to buy groceries."

"The advertising department of Mango Channel is not good!"

"It's okay. The mushroom house is getting better year after year. The island looks partial, but in fact it should be pretty good."

"You are too optimistic, I think it might be miserable."

Huang Sanshi glanced at Li Tiezhu deeply: "Actually... if you don't say the last sentence, the environment may be really good, but if you say this, I will know the end! Your famous crow's mouth !"

Li Tiezhu: "This is called rational analysis. Teacher Huang, you are so old, why are you so naive?"

Huang Sanshi: "I...I won't talk to you anymore."

Turning around and leaving, Huang Sanshi was surprised at Li Tiezhu's growth, and he was also a little bit ashamed of Li Tiezhu now.


"This is my big Shonan!"

"I'm on the other side of the river, and I took a photo with Tie Zhu!"

"My sister is getting more and more beautiful!"

"Teacher Huang is fat again, thank Li Tiezhu!"

"Thank Li Tiezhu!"

"It's been a long time since the singers are over, how about this stalk?"

"It's the biggest regret that Songzhuer didn't come!"

Huang Sanshi shook his head slightly. When he first met Li Tiezhu in "Infinite Challenge", he was still a half amateur who didn't make his debut and dared to be so fierce. Later, when he partnered with the second season of "Mushroom House", Li Tiezhu had become a top performer in variety shows. .

And now?

"Mushroom House" can't afford him anymore. It's not a question of money. It's that his coffee position and sense of variety are no longer suitable for supporting roles. Not only does Li Tiezhu's studio disagree, but the main cafes are also under pressure for fear that they won't be able to resist.

Isn't Siha typical? The three variety show traffic figures couldn't help it, but Li Tiezhu was mixed into one of the main coffees.

This time, it was Li Tiezhu’s "friendship guest appearance", just because he himself liked the show, and the program crew also needed him to increase the ratings of the first and second episodes.

Among other things, Li Tiezhu's popularity can be imagined based on the record ratings of "Soldiers Assault".

Huang Sanshi was a little reluctant to be with Li Tiezhu. Not long ago, he received a call from Teacher Li Shenglong, saying that he would come to Li Tiezhu to apologize and beg him to raise his hand.

Although Huang Sanshi didn't know exactly what power Li Tiezhu had used, it was clear that Li Tiezhu, who was still joking with him at this time, was already very scary.

Fortunately, fortunately, I have always had a good relationship with him, and even managed to support him before he debuted.

Huang Sanshi wrapped an army coat and returned, and saw He Ling blinking at him with a questioning expression. Huang Sanshi nodded silently.

He Ling quietly showed a surprised expression, and naturally he was not photographed. He glanced at Li Tiezhu: "Tie Zhu, is the Jiang breeze cold?"

Li Tiezhu: "My body is strong and I am not afraid."

He Ling smiled bitterly and said to Huang Sanshi: "Isn't it strong? It's terribly strong!"

Li Shenglong, one of the leading figures of the third generation of directors, has been planted, which is enough to show how strong Li Tiezhu is.

When the boat arrived at the simple dock, a group of people got off the boat and followed the map to look for the mushroom house.

Peng Yuchang: "Master! Go straight on the map."

Teacher He: "Where to go straight? There is no way! Hahaha..."

Peng Yuchang: "Look at Tie Zhu, this map is a bit sloppy, box box box box box box..."

Li Tiezhu: "Why do you show it to me? I'm crazy, you don't know?"

Huang Sanshi: "Here, here..."

A group of people walked through a sparse peach blossom forest, with pink peach blossoms all over the branches.

Huang Sanshi knew that Peng Peng was in love, and joked: "Maybe Peng Peng is going to be lucky this year."

Li Tiezhu walked at the end: "I'm here waiting for you to come back, waiting for you to come back, and see that peach blossoms bloom~"

Sister: "Ah! Brother Tie Zhu is singing a new song again."

Everyone heard it.

He Ling said, "Tie Zhu, do you have new inspiration every time you come to Mushroom House? What is this song called? Is it the song from the new album?"

Li Tiezhu just tried to listen to this sentence in the system, and he didn't plan to use it, and said perfunctorily: "No, it's just a spare melody. The new album is still early, it will be in the second half of the year. One album a year! It's not good to release too much. ."

He Ling: "Why? High productivity is a good thing, and your songs are so good, I have never heard a dull one."

Li Tiezhu's serious face: "It's not good, it's easy to hit other singers, it's unfair. So, when I have time, I can go to variety shows and shoot TV shows and movies..."

Peng Yuchang grabbed Li Tiezhu's neck: "Senior Versailles! Brother Zhu!"

Huang Sanshi: "In ancient times, there was a story, but now Li Tiezhu opened his mouth to become a song. I have never seen a second person with this ability. I have to say that this is really talented."

Several people walked on the road, studying the map while walking forward.

"Welcome back to... "Mushroom House"!"

Villager: "Good Teacher He! Good Xu Sanduo!"

He Ling: "Hello, we are neighbors!"

Li Tiezhu: "Madame, come to the mushroom house to eat when you have time. Teacher Huang's cooking is delicious."

Huang Sanshi: "Don't talk nonsense, there is not much surplus grain in the mushroom house..."

Peng Yuchang: "Xu Sanduo ha ha ha! Just like me, now when I go to the street, many people call me brother dog, no one calls me Peng Yuchang!"

Li Tiezhu: "Some people call me Huangmao and Nima Ge, or you Gou Ge, because you don't have enough masterpieces."

Zhang Zifeng suddenly squatted on the ground and laughed wildly.

Along the way, everyone walked and picked up supplies from the baskets at the crossroads. Li Tiezhu folded several baskets on his back, and Peng Yuchang laughed at him.

Li Tiezhu said: "I have a foreboding that you will be miserable this season, so Luokung is also a material. When you can't afford to eat, Luokung can also exchange two steamed buns."

"Work hard to get rich, laziness returns to poverty!"

A few people passed by a warehouse-like It looked weird, and the sign read "five buckets of rice warehouse".

"The big lock is locked!"

He Ling went to the door to take a look, and Huang Sanshi also looked inside curiously.

Everyone surprisingly discovered that this is the warehouse of the program group. There are freezers, various beverages, temporary, meat, vegetables, fruits and kitchen utensils, etc., all related to life.

Then, they were surprised to see a familiar figure, picked up a banana in the room and peeled it off. Who else could be Li Tiezhu's uncle?

How did he get in?

(Note: Regarding some readers who reported that the plot progress is slow, the author humbly accepts it, but we are a daily essay. Even if we write conflict plots, we write in daily situations, so I hope everyone...Happy birthday!)

(Also: Thank you for the launch of Mushroom House. I have written something special. However, Mushroom House can’t keep up with my progress. I am going to make predictions for the second episode. See if I wrote the second episode wonderfully or if they filmed it. It's wonderful!)

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