Earthy Superstar

Chapter 449: : The most shabby new home

He Ling: "Wow! Everything in this warehouse is related to life~"

Huang Sanshi: "There is another bumpman!"

Sister Zhang Zifeng was surprised: "Eh! Eh!"

He Ling: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Zifeng: "Brother Tie Zhu flashed in! Are there flashes in the recording?"

Then, the four of them watched Li Tiezhu peeling bananas in the warehouse. Li Tiezhu waved to them. The meaning couldn't be simpler: Come in, be happy! There is so much food here!

Li Tiezhu bit off two-thirds of the banana and muttered: "Wow, this season's program group is really generous. It must not be Yan Min's handwriting!"

Peng Yuchang: "He, did he get in?"

He Ling: "Hahahaha..."

Huang Sanshi: "Oh! The window over there is not locked, IQ is in arrears for this program group... I'll go in, too."

The barrage can be hilarious:

"Energy ahead~"

"This show is suitable for Sun Lei!"

"It's more suitable for Li Tiezhu."

"Sun Lei is here, this lock can't be kept."

"If it's really locked, Li Tiezhu won't be able to keep it at this door."

"Yes, this is Li Tiezhu!"

"Do you believe in light?"

"Famous scene! Witness the famous scene!"

"Public toilets? Come and go as you like?"

"Wild Bumpman really can't guard the warehouse!"

"Locked up for loneliness."

"Program group: sloppy, sloppy..."

"This is especially recorded as "Infinite Challenge"!"

"The show crew was looted, and "Mushroom House" is over!"

Immediately afterwards, the slightly bloated Huang Sanshi also turned into the window and went straight to the hanging chicken, duck and fish.

He Ling and his sister burst into laughter, while Peng Yuchang was still shouting outside:

"Can this be done? Can this be done?"

Teacher Huang threw two pears to Peng Yuchang outside the window. He and his sister did not dare to come in. After all, they were newcomers and timid. Teacher He Ling is the pillar of the Mango Terrace. You can laugh or even laugh, but you can't take the lead in breaking the rules.

Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi didn't care so much. The two cooks were studying the hanging chicken, duck and fish. As they talked, five dishes and one soup came out.

"Look at this fish, fish head stew, fish fillets for boiled fish, pickled cabbage fish can also be used."

"Teacher Huang, look how awesome these ribs are! The meaty bones are just right to make sweet and sour ribs."

"This chicken is a native chicken, and it's an old hen, tut tut..."

"Stew soup, it's nourishing!"

"Right? Take it down and take it down..."


Just as Li Tiezhu climbed onto the stage and was about to pick up the meat "free" from the program group, the warehouse clerk rushed over after hearing the news.

No one else, but an old acquaintance, the producer Xixi.

Xixi opened the warehouse door and shouted, "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Huang Sanshi blocked the door and molested: "Oh, Xixi is here? A little thinner, kid! Get out!"

Once pushed, Xixi was pushed out by the larger-tonnage Huang Sanshi.

Xixi stubbornly said: "Our warehouse is not open today."

Huang Sanshi: "What can't be opened? The window is wide open! It hasn't been opened yet?"

Li Tiezhu held the fish in his left hand and the chicken in his right hand. He stood on the stage condescendingly: "Do you still have to return the chicken and fish I got by my skills? A warehouse can't handle it well, and you're a producer? "

Xixi squeezed Huang Sanshi away and ran in to beg for mercy: "Brother Zhu! Please, raise your hand! If you take away the chicken and fish, will I be a joke? Give some face, okay?"

Li Tiezhu: "Teacher Huang?"

Huang Sanshi said: "Okay! Let's put it down first, is it always okay to have a visit?"

Even Huang Sanshi started to follow the rules? This unscientific!

However, Li Tiezhu is no longer a resident guest this season, so he will put down the chicken and fish, otherwise, he will take them away in 10,000 ways.

Everyone was driven out of the warehouse by Sixi.

Peng Peng and his sister gnawed on the pears, and felt that they had made a profit, and they were also worthless.

He Ling optimistically carried the basket: "Go back! There is always a way."

Huang Sanshi thief pulled out the key to the door lock.

As a result, when Sixi was about to lock the door, she panicked: "Where is my key?"

Huang Sanshi turned his head: "Here I am, you have to get two eggs in exchange, but that's not too much, right? Your warehouse clerk, you didn't manage the warehouse well. Blame me?"

Sixi was speechless, so she took out two eggs and exchanged keys with Huang Sanshi.

"Unlucky too!"

Sixi murmured, took the key back to lock the door, and then suddenly found that the lock was missing.

Not far away, Li Tiezhu gnawed the banana and played with the lock:

"Wow, the warehouse is going to be locked, it's terrible."

Sissi: "..."

Huang Sanshi smiled and slapped his thigh, then gave Li Tiezhu a thumbs up, looking at the entire mushroom house, he could cooperate with him tacitly, and that was Li Tiezhu's evildoer.

In the distance, He Ling and Peng Yuchang both laughed, and the younger sister was even more stunned. Is this... okay?


"This is the five sequelae, right?"

"If you invite Sun Lei, you can eat what you grab for a season!"

"Forget Sun Lei, Tie Zhu is here, and Sun Lei is mad? It's just that Tie Zhu has converged."

"Fuck! Tie Zhu really grabbed chicken and fish!"

"Sun Lei possessed!"

"Wrong! This is called the enhanced version of Sun Lei."

"The program group is dumbfounded!"

"Five back to the dream!"

"Tie Zhu actually let go? Hey! This is not your style!"

"Laughing hard at me, hahaha..."

"Sixi is so miserable!"

"I'm going? Huang Sanshi took the key, cheating!"

"As expected of an old fox."

"I changed two eggs, I lost it!"

"Li Tiezhu was more silly and fierce, he took the lock away, hahaha..."

"How about Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi's perfect match?"

"This cooperation is no one."

"Sixi is stupid."

Xixi looked humble and compared to Li Tiezhu, "Two eggs?"

Li Tiezhu: "You look down on me?"


"You look down on this lock!"

"Four, no more."

Xixi was also very desperate, but if the warehouse was not locked, the ghost knew how much valuable resources would be lost, so he could only be soft. Although it was a recording of the show, but the window was not locked, it was his responsibility for the production of the film, and he could only admit it!

The four eggs were taken out and handed to He Ling.

Li Tiezhu also kept his word and returned the lock to Xixi, and Xixi quickly locked the warehouse door, and the windows inside had been closed in advance.

"Okay, go on to the mushroom house!"

Xixi became vigorous again.

Li Tiezhu: "Wait! I will try the quality of this lock."

With that said, Li Tiezhu walked to the door, pinched the lock, and with a click, the lock...opened.

Sissi: "..."

Huang Sanshi and others laughed crazy in an instant.

Li Tiezhu pressed the lock back again, serious face: "Just try it, don't put pressure on you, Xixi! I am not a resident guest this season."

Xixilian nodded and wiped his sweat: "Yes, yes..."

Li Tiezhu: "Otherwise, it only takes half an hour to empty your warehouse."

Sissi: "..."

Huang Sanshi was afraid that Li Tiezhu would go mad, so he dragged him away: "Let's go! Let's see you are so scared that Xixi is almost urinating."

Xixi said, I really want to pee, it's terrible!


"Earn four more eggs!"

"For stuttering, is it easy?"

"Li Tiezhu: Easy."

"Li Tiezhu is the devil, right?

"Grab the bamboo shoots!"

"It makes sense for Li Tiezhu to be inappropriate as a resident guest."

"The program group can't fight."

"Who remembers the scene of Li Tiezhu's castrated pig last season?"


"Tie Zhu is too cowhide!"

"In contrast, Peng Peng is too good to behave."

"Teacher Huang now has a sense of sight of my uncle!"

"Look forward to the five people and Li Tiezhu gathering in the mushroom house!"

"Don't, the director team is going crazy."

"This door and this lock can't hold Li Tiezhu's foot, what's the use?"

"Tie Zhu has become handsome, am I dazzled?"

"Isn't my Tie Zhu always so handsome? Wow..."

"Iron powder upstairs, identification is complete."

Finally, the mushroom house group of five came to the new mushroom house, the new mushroom house is very old, or very shabby, worse than the first season, it can be called the worst mushroom house in history.

The old wooden houses consist of four houses, plus a kitchen and tool room. The barns are rough and crude. In the small courtyard, there is a tree and a small pavilion with almost no roof...

This is no different from the poorest rural courtyard.

Huang Sanshi, He Ling and others sighed and complained, but Li Tiezhu felt cordial. Unfortunately, this season is not permanent, otherwise, he would definitely like it more.

Because this house and yard are the feeling of a real farmhouse.

After seeing the situation of the mushroom house roughly, the two dogs H and O warmly welcomed the owners back. Everyone interacted with the dogs for a while, and they still went to greet the boss very well, respectfully.

"Colorful lights!"

"Brother Deng..."

"Are you still alive?"

"Laoya soup and condiments need to be prepared. Brother Deng is old, maybe one day it won't work."

"Teacher Huang? I'm not resident this time, but if Brother Deng suddenly leaves one day, remember to inform me, I will rush over have soup."


"This is the lantern? Is it delicious?"

"Sister, this is Muscovy Duck. I have eaten it and it tastes pretty good."

The lanterns also felt everyone's enthusiasm, and they slapped their wings hard to respond to everyone's greetings. Of course, the old duck soup seasoning is not necessary. The lantern is still alive.

Then, Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi looked at the sheep pen outside the courtyard with hope. How many years of wish!

Small thing: "Hey~ (Go to Nima's two-legged monster

The old point is also hung up, unfortunately, it is not hung in the program recording, sad, sigh! How sorrow is the sheep to live without being able to live as a lamb skewers?

After greeting the animals, He Ling and Huang Sanshi began to study the most dilapidated and shabby mushroom house.

"Teacher Huang, this house is really broken! It's still a wooden wall and tiled house."

"And this pavilion is rotten. UU reading"

"It's okay to repair for a while."

"Do you think I can fix it? I won't change its image. After all, there is no such coolie as Tie Zhu this season."


"What is planted in the vegetable field in front of the house? Tie Zhu?"

"Shallots, garlic, lettuce, and strawberries, my sister can eat strawberries every day!"

"Have you been sprayed with pesticides?"

"The pesticides that I sprayed have been mixed with water, so I can't die."


My sister Zhang Zifeng couldn't help laughing so much that she spouted. Can she eat pesticide if she can't die? There is something wrong with this man!

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, you have never seen someone who hasn't died after drinking expired pesticides.

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