Earthy Superstar

Chapter 489: : The highest challenge

Qin Tao said: "Sagittarius, don't sell it! Let's just say, what are the rules of this issue."

Sun Xixi said: "The lowest of the cards on the bamboo pole is 1.6 meters. Each card is raised by 20 centimeters and the highest is 3.4 meters. Choose three of you to challenge the heights and choose in advance. Touch the height, and then have three chances to get the item if you touch it."

The screen is aligned with the bamboo pole and the card above, and the height is marked with subtitles in the later stage:

Pure water 1.6 meters, raincoat 1.8 meters, water boots two meters, hot pot bottom material 2.2 meters, sesame oil 2.4 meters, slingshot 2.5 meters, binoculars 1.8 meters, tape measure 3 meters, electric lights 3.2 meters, stonemason tools 3. Meters four.

Qin Tao: "Are you kidding me? Three meters four, don't you have any points in your mind? The basket is only three and five meters."

Sun Xixi shrugged: "This is the rule. Give you a few minutes to discuss who to send to fight."

Now the program group is savvy. They are not allowed to participate in each of them, and each person can only choose one. This can limit the number of items they can obtain. Otherwise, if each person comes, how many?


"Three meters four? Seriously?"

"The program group deliberately."

"Still not used to the program group deliberately increasing the difficulty."

"This show is not easy at all."

"Looking a little tired."

"Isn't it funny to be serious?"

Hot comments from overseas netizens:

"I think Ain Peila needs to have NBA-level bounce to be able to get the tools of the stonemason."

"Perhaps Li will build a castle or city wall with stones."

"Our guess is definitely wrong. Li is Oriental thinking, far beyond our imagination."

"Hey, guys, you guys are discussing this too early. It's almost impossible for Li who is less than six feet to get the tallest item."

Yi Xing asked Li Tiezhu: "Can you dunk?"

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, but I can't jump that high. Height is a shortcoming."

Yi Xing: "How tall are you?"

Li Tiezhu: "Barefoot 181."

Yi Xing: "That's pretty good too, I can slam dunk."

Qin Tao said recklessly: "Brother Xing, isn't it 178 on your encyclopedia?"

Yi Xing smiled awkwardly: "I am the height of my shoes."

Huang Sanshi said, "Ms. Huang and I can't come with this stuff, nor can Little Fatty? Just go with Tie Zhu, Yan Zi and Yi Xing."

Qin Tao: "Who do you look down on? Go ahead."

Three people stood in a row. Zheng Yanzi, whose official height is 180, is half a head taller than Yi Xing, and her legs are longer than Li Tiezhu.

Zheng Yanzi: "Xiong Da, choose three items."

Li Tiezhu said: "Hot pot bottom material, tape measure and stonemason tools."

Yi Xing said: "Tie Zhu is the tallest one. I'm a boy, so the tape measure I'm here for? Three meters, wow, it's difficult!"

Zheng Yanzi said, "Brother, don't pretend! Just leave the hot pot bottom with two meters and three meters to me."

Yi Xing: "I can get a rebound!"

Zheng Yanzi: "The rebound is only 2.9 meters high, and it's muddy and soft."


"Or you try."

Just try and try, Yi Xing really couldn't touch three meters. After trying several times, his feet were a little soft and his expression gradually became awkward.

Zheng Yanzi was ignorant of human relationships and sophistication, and said: "Look! Let me tell you, you can't, let me come."

Run-up, take-off, arms extension.


Zheng Yan's purple-wheat-colored palm was firmly shot on the card. She can't finish dunking, but grabbing the basket is easy. As a tennis player, her legs are very powerful.

Yi Xing felt his face hurt.

Teacher He came out to make a round and said: "Yi Xing get the hot pot bottom material, this thing is super useful! Moreover, Yanzi is taller than you and a professional athlete, let her show her bounce!"

In other words, if you are a dancer, don't fight with the athletes.

Yi Xing obediently picked the hot pot bottom material of 2.2 meters, and reached out on tiptoe without jumping.

Then, Zheng Yanzi touched the three-meter tape measure.

Finally, it was Li Tiezhu's turn. At the first chance, Li Tiezhu jumped up on a run-up. The tip of his finger was still ten centimeters high from the card. This was also his limit.

Huang Sanshi: "It's too difficult. At a height of 1.8 meters and a touch of three meters, how high is the vertical bounce?"

He Ling: "It's estimated to be close to one meter."

Huang Sanshi walked out and pulled Li Tiezhu up to the bamboo pole, let him stand and try to reach a height of nearly two meters six, he said: "It's more than eighty or ninety centimeters of vertical bounce. He is almost eighty. Ten centimeters, this bounce is already very good!"

He Ling said: "Tie Zhu, let's forget it if it doesn't work! It's good to make some bamboo and wood tools."

Huang Sanshi asked: "Director! Can I change the options? You are a little bit difficult."

Sun Xixi: "No!"

Huang Sanshi said, "Don't even give me the face? I'll let you go back!"

Sun Xixi smiled triumphantly, because he and Wang Xiaokai knew very well where Li Tiezhu's jumping limit was.

He asked: "Li Tiezhu, do you want to give up?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Does it matter if I touch it with my feet?"

Sun Xixi was taken aback, and laughed: "You can touch it with your ass! This is your highest challenge. We know that you are less than three meters tall."

Li Tiezhu: "If you can't touch your ass, you still have a chance with your feet."

Yi Xing said blankly, "How do I touch it with my feet?"

He Ling: "I see! Tony really has a trick, flying kick! I seem to remember that he can play 3.5-meter basketball, Tie Zhu, can't you?"

Li Tiezhu took off his shoes and said, "He is kicking in the middle of the ball, so the height should be three meters six. Moreover, he is ten centimeters shorter than me. I think I can try!"

In fact, Li Tiezhu is also practicing Muay Thai at ordinary times, mainly because he was beaten badly by Fan Xiaohuang and sighed. He has also practiced flying kicks, but he hasn't measured how high he can kick, but visually it is a little higher than the hand touch.

Zheng Yanzi: "Come on, Xiong!"

Li Tiezhu took a deep breath, approached, jumped, turned and kicked, head down and legs up.


Li Tiezhu's toes almost swept across the card.


Everyone sighed with regret.

"Come again! Xiongda, your legs are not straight, you want to exert your strength too much, what are you doing with your strength? Just touch it!"


Once again, Li Tiezhu threw his body into the air and turned and kicked.


It's kicked!


"Too strong, isn't it?"

"Awesome! Tie Zhu is really amazing."

"Let's make kung fu movies in the future, it must be a big hit!"

"Siguo Yi..."

Everyone applauded and congratulated Li Tiezhu not only for getting the most wanted stonemason tool, but the most important thing is that his ability makes everyone understand that he has no problem making action movies.

Sun Xixi was dumbfounded, does this guy still have this trick? Miscalculation, miscalculation!

In this sponsorship session, you will get a German hot pot base material, a tape measure provided by the evil gang, and a set of stonemason tools provided by Bikuiyuan.

These sponsors are different from issue to issue. Anyway, it is more difficult to spend more money.

Odin on the other side of the earth jumped up, slammed his fist, and yelled: "Lord dead! Lord dead! Good job, Lee! I must learn this trick from you, and then jumped up and kicked the zombie on the ceiling. Head! That must be cool! It's hard to imagine that Ain Peila has such a great skill, not to go hunting, but to build. This is wisdom!"

Oting was very excited, poured himself a half cup of Wuliangye, took a sip, and his face flushed.

"Kang Muang Beibi! Hurry up and show me the craftsmanship of winemaking. I am referring to the spirit of'a mixture of five grains'. Of course, the'heads of two iron pots' are also good. I will definitely learn. Yes! If there is no such wine in the last days, it would be so boring! I heard that the Orientals have the habit of using poisonous insects to soak in wine, and there is even a movie with aliens, so if you are a zombie..."

In the show, Li Tiezhu put on his yellow rubber shoes and said, "What are you doing in a daze? Get a prize!"

Sun Xixi came back to his senses and waved helplessly. The staff brought the prizes, as always... not the same as imagined.

Hot pot base ingredients: butter, three kinds of pepper, two kinds of pepper, tempeh, glutinous rice, fermented bean curd, various spices, etc., packed in a vacuumized plastic bag.

Tape measure: a serious tape measure, but there is no serious scale on it, it is hand-painted, and the unit of length is a pure number.

Mason tools: a small chisel, a hammer, severely castrated version.

Huang Sanshi and He Ling laughed miserably. This show group is really not human, much harder than Mushroom House!

Yi Xing couldn't help but said: "You are not doing this right! Even the hot pot bottom material, you can fry it yourself. What do you mean with the measuring tape? Can you draw it yourself?"

Sun Xixi: "Although I drew it myself, the accuracy of each scale is 99%, and the error is not big."

Is this still not a big error?

Li Tiezhu sighed, "I won't talk about anything else. The reduction of your mason's tools is too serious, right? Where's the sledgehammer and the second hammer? Where's the steel wedges?"

Sun Xixi confidently said: "It's nice to have a hammer. We wrote about mason tools, but we didn't write a set of mason tools!"

Yi Xing: "But on the picture..."

Li Tiezhu and Zheng Yanzi said in unison: "Pictures are for reference only! Gan!"

The director team was withdrawn.

Li Tiezhu silently collects hard-won items, something is better than nothing!

Zheng Yanzi opened the two cans of oranges brought by He Ling as desserts, mainly because they needed the two glass bottles. This can is not small, it has a capacity of 1 liter and is not high enough to hold two bottles of mineral water.

Everyone was eating canned oranges, and Li Tiezhu began to arrange tasks:

"In the I, Yanzi and Donkey went to the mountain to dig fern roots. Qin Tao took Yi Xing to the river bay below to get crayfish. Brother, are you not afraid of crayfish?"

Yi Xing nodded: "Crayfish can do it."

He Ling: "Where are Teacher Huang and I? Although they are elderly people, they can still do things within their power."

Huang Sanshi: "Such as sleeping or something."

How could Li Tiezhu let them go? Said: "Pumping sweet potatoes and grinding sweet potatoes. After we transport back the fern roots, pound the fern roots and grind the fern roots. I have made a lot of hats, which can be used for sun protection. Please remember to bring them. By the way, when the waterwheel is grinding things, you can Bring a fishing rod to go fishing, it will be more fulfilling."

Huang Sanshi: "Fulfill your ass! Obviously you are squeezing surplus labor!"

He Ling: "Yes, we are so kind to him in the mushroom house..."

Huang Sanshi: "Okay... okay?"

He Ling: "Hi! I'll just say that."

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