Earthy Superstar

Chapter 490: : The terrible Procambarus clarkii

Three groups of men and horses were agreed, no, after the work responsibilities of the men and donkeys, everyone did not set off immediately because the weather was too hot.

Everyone rested on the coolest first floor of the bamboo house, but Li Tiezhu did not. His hometown is in the mountains. Compared with these mountains, although the altitude of the mountains is slightly lower, the absolute height difference is not large.

Before the construction of rural roads, there were 2.5 kinds of main vehicles, one was horses, mainly short and hill-climbing Yunnan horses, the other was western Sichuan donkeys domesticated by the Han, Tibetans and Qiangs, and half a species. It is a hybrid of a horse and a donkey, a hybrid that does not contain insults in the true sense-the mule.

There are not many mules, but because they cannot reproduce offspring, they are half a species at best.

Although the mule cannot breed offspring, it is a more popular pack animal because it eats less than a horse but has the same strength. However, his IQ is low and his temper is not good. He has the same virtue as a donkey.

But no matter what kind of pack animal, in western Sichuan, the method of transportation is the same, that is, pack transportation, because the mountain high road insurance does not have the conditions to pull a cart.

Li Tiezhu was very clear about this, so after grabbing the sponsorship for dinner, he began to use a saw to make a donkey saddle with wood. In fact, it is very simple. A slightly curved "匚"-shaped saddle is quickly completed. Connect the donkey with a strong grass rope, strangle the neck and waist, and strangle the buttocks at the back.

Next, Li Tiezhu woven two bamboo baskets with bamboo strips, which are similar to a fishing net and woven with the thickest bamboo strips to ensure firmness.

Two bamboo baskets, one on the left and the other on the right, put them on the donkey saddle, just right!

This is a kind of existence similar to a bayonet. The raised horizontal wooden strips on the saddle are slightly larger, and the wooden strips connected to the basket are slightly slaughtered and just click into it.

The bamboo basket is rough and the holes are the size of an egg, but this is not important. Whether it’s a horse, a mule or a donkey, the main consideration for the pack gear is fit and sturdiness. Under the bamboo basket is a thin bamboo frame, which is made of rope. Tethered. When things are transported to their destinations, the ropes are directly untied, and the goods in the baskets on both sides are dropped and emptied, tied up, and can continue to pull goods. This is the wisdom of the plain working people.

When Li Tiezhu was a child, he drove horses, mules and donkeys. He was familiar with them. Generally, there are horses at the two ends and two tails, and mules and donkeys in the middle. Because... the IQ of mules and donkeys is too low and they don’t know the way. One just needs to follow at the end.

Donkeys and mules wear metal chews and bamboo muzzles to prevent them from eating crops while walking halfway, but horses never need this stuff. They are very self-disciplined.

For hundreds of years, it has been almost the standard way of piggybacking in three provinces and one city in the southwest, even the ancient tea-horse road, which was extremely prosperous.

(The author used to sell tofu and bean sprouts, holding a mule to carry tofu and bean sprouts, and running a few large mountains, I am very emotional when I write here, I wrote a few more nonsense, forgive me!)

Then, the three waves of people and donkeys split up.

Zheng Yanzi said, "Is donkey meat really delicious? I haven't eaten it."

Li Tiezhu smiled and said: "It is delicious, but it is not a question of whether it is good or not. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that donkey meat is sweet in taste, cool in nature and non-toxic. It has health functions such as nourishing blood, nourishing qi and nourishing deficiency. It is more than just meat. , It's even more medicine!"


Li Tiezhu has been teaching Li Tiezhu's pharmacology since he was a child.

In the distant Western Hemisphere, Odin even had the urge to change his name. Odin’s Latin means violent and violent, which is not elegant at all.

It's still nice!

He took another sip of "a mixture of five grains", grinned, and began to take notes:

"After the doomsday, there will be no supply of oil, electricity and gas. We must find the best pack animals. In my opinion, the South American alpacas are really stupid! Give up. Doomsday needs to purchase a donkey from the East in advance. Horses and mules are not considered for the time being. They eat too much, but their meat is not very delicious! Donkeys are the best choice. According to the ancient oriental book "Compendium of Plants", it has the effect of replenishing blood. Of course, Replenishing gas and filling weak English cannot be accurately translated, doubtful! In addition, why a book on plant medicine records the effects of animal meat is also confusing... But we still have to learn how to make donkey saddles and bamboo baskets! Remember! ! Remember!"

The show continued, and Oting was all red and even dizzy.


This **** Eastern spirit is so fierce without zombies?

It's so cool! It's cooler than leaf smoke.

"Tractor, if you still pull your hips like this, I might choose to let you scrap it in advance!"

This is the fourth time that Zheng Yanzi has pushed her donkey's **** uphill, and she is already a little impatient.

The mountain road is steep, without a road, it will naturally be more difficult.

Li Tiezhu carried a **** to shovel the ridge a little bit smoother, and turned the **** over to pound the dug soil firm, and said: "The donkey can walk on the mountain road, but the hurdle is too high because of the legs. Short. Xiong Er, you calm down a bit. I really don’t like it. Let’s kill it. Although there is no shortage of meat in our family, we can still eat it with a bit of effort."

The tractor didn't know if it could understand people's words, so it immediately increased its horsepower and ran forward madly.

Zheng Yanzi said: "Let's observe again! It was given a name by me anyway. It was killed directly by eating meat, then I will lose face?"

Li Tiezhu: "Do you still have a face in front of me? Have you forgotten Feiduo Luding Bridge and riding a thousand miles alone?"

Zheng Yanzi blushed immediately, Bah!


Riding thousands of miles alone, Li Tiezhu took her on one leg and dragged her to jump around the playground twice. It was easier to fly over the Luding Bridge. Li Tiezhu split his legs and jumped over Zheng Yan’s purple head.

This is a great shame! There is no hope for revenge.

Zheng Yan was very angry and kicked the donkey: "Now it's on TV! Give me a face. People all over the world are watching. What should I do if I go to competitions all over the world in the future?"

Li Tiezhu also changed the subject sensibly: "Actually, if I say a few more words, you will kick the donkey to death by yourself, without me."

Anyway, Zheng Jing never knew what Lianxiangxiyu was.

Moreover, a woman of Zheng Yanzi's figure, fragrant and fragrant, but not jade, but angry King Kong, punched a strange eldest sister in the head, the entire zoo is not her enemy in total.

Zheng Yanzi said: "I have a sense of measure. Before the last issue, I won't kill it. The tractor is still useful."

The donkey climbed up harder, panting.

Digging fern roots is a very boring task, because there are too many pteridopsis ferns on the mountain, and there is no difficulty. You only need to dig them one by one. Phoenix fern is a species older than dinosaurs. Not only do they have a long history, they are... delicious.

Of course, eating alone is not enough.

Zheng Yanzi asked: "We have roasted the sweet potatoes. Can't we use fern root alone to make vermicelli?"


Li Tiezhu was extremely firm.


Zheng Yanzi asked again, she really wanted to eat roasted sweet potatoes, because roasted sweet potatoes...fragrant.

Li Tiezhu said: "Simple fern roots are slightly toxic. After eating, they are prone to irritability, headache, throat discomfort, gastrointestinal discomfort, discomfort from old injuries, etc., and it can also cause pain in the muscles and bones. Long-term consumption may cause the nervous system to decrease its self-control ability. Therefore, the fern root powder must also control the ratio of fern root to sweet potato, otherwise problems will occur!"

Zheng Yanzi: "Huh? Then we eat fern root powder, aren't we taking poison?"

Li Tiezhu said: "It's non-toxic. If you deviate from the measurement and proportion to say that it is toxic, you are playing a hooligan."

They have the highest working efficiency with a donkey, so the speed of digging fern roots is very fast, but because it is not yet autumn, the weight of fern roots is seriously insufficient, so more time is spent.

The two most productive people are picking lobsters in the Bay of the River.

Qin Tao is obviously much more reliable than Yi Xing, who has the burden of idols. The two of them held a remodeled trash can with a wooden lid on it, made by Li Tiezhu.

Qin Tao's bucket was almost full, but Yi Xing's bucket was still empty.

Normal style of barrage:

"Spicy crayfish! No thanks!"

"Garlic Crayfish! No thanks!"

"It's impossible to make garlic crayfish. A lot of primitive garlic is grown..."

"Southwesterners never eat garlic crayfish, they only eat spicy ones."

"Poor! The invasive species was eaten as an endangered species!"

"The crayfish are delicious!"

"The dog forced the show, so I ordered another 120 crayfish takeaway!"

"With the hot pot base, can the crayfish be far away?"

The comment styles of overseas netizens are very different:

"This is Procambarus clarkii? Oh! God, bless them."

"I heard that after the North American Procambarus clarkii invaded Asia, many countries have been on the verge of collapse, such as Japan, South Korea, Annan, etc..."

"I think they are making a show on the show, catching Procambarus clarkii to protect the ecological environment!"

"Is this the political correctness of China? To be honest, I like this show very much, but now I am a little disappointed!"

"Hey! Guys, why not be bold, this may be a piece of food."

"Oh my Are you serious? Can Procambarus clarkii eat it? Even if the Chinese eat everything, the heavy metals of this animal exceed the standard!"

"Procambarus clarkii has a strong ability to survive. They transfer heavy metals to the shell and reduce the heavy metals by removing the shell. However, to be honest, I don't think this thing is edible."

"Like the Asian carp flooding in North America, this thing belongs to an incomprehensible existence."

"Oh! Come on! This is an Asian show. Let's see how Asians eat Procambarus clarkii! Believe me, they are more passionate about eating than we are for cricket! Especially Ain Peila Lee, he is simply the **** of chefs..."

In the scenes of the show, the superstar Yi was frightened by a huge Procambarus clarkii, but Lang Qin was not afraid, grabbed it into the bucket, and said, "Brother! Don't waste such a big one. Ah! It must be shrimpy, super delicious."

In front of the screen, the eldest baby Odin shivered: "I knew it! I knew it! This must be food. The Chinese nation is at the top of the food chain! I want to see how you eat Procambarus clarkii, this thing. , It’s absolutely impossible to be delicious! Unless Li works a miracle again..."

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