Earthy Superstar

Chapter 491: : No common sense

Anyway, deep-fried crayfish and crayfish pie are the food that Odin hates the most. Because of the stench, he is very curious about how Li would deal with Procambarus clarkii.

Just cooked and edible, that's definitely not Li's style, that's Bell's style.

At this time, the screen shifted to the other side. Huang Sanshi and He Ling with bamboo hats were fishing by the river. They already had two fishing rods, and even Li Tiezhu had already made a bamboo basket specially for holding fish.

The sweet potato has been polished into a white viscous slurry, and it is packed in a bamboo pocket covered with a tarp.

He Ling sat on a rock and said, "Teacher Huang, if we didn't catch a single fish all afternoon, would it be very shameless?"

Huang Sanshi: "I am not worried about this. I am afraid that Wang Zhengyu will see this show. He will think, oh, our mushroom house is so easy? You can be as tired as the primitive people. It seems that we have to increase the difficulty. ."

He Ling: "Should we not come to this show?"

Huang Sanshi: "No! We have to work less, we can't catch fish, and we can't make vermicelli. Wang Zhengyu saw that we were waste, so he didn't dare to increase the difficulty easily. All the guests at the mushroom house starved to death. What to do? Isn't it?"

He Ling: "You don't have to pay the notification fee if you starve to death!"

Huang Sanshi: "I won't die from starvation. The little ones, the lanterns, H and O are all there. A little little is enough for several periods."

He Ling: "Are you... still talking nonsense? Now there are conspiracy theorists on the Internet who are suspecting the cause of death of Tianba and Laodian. You are the first suspect."

Huang Sanshi: "Oh! Fish!"

Speaking, Huang Sanshi stood up, lifted the fishing rod, and caught a small fish **** wide.

He Ling helped remove the fish, put it in the bamboo basket soaked in water, covered it, and asked, "What kind of fish is this?"

Huang Sanshi: "Cold-water fish, small but very tasty with few spines."

At this time, Zheng Yanzi took the donkey full of fern roots and came to the waterwheel. Li Tiezhu carried a basket of fern root powder on his back and followed behind with a hoe. Then they removed the fern roots, the donkey went to eat grass, and they began to wash the fern roots.

Huang Sanshi said: "You guys made such a big move, how are we fishing?"

Li Tiezhu: "The fish here are not easy to catch. Take a cover tomorrow."

So everyone started to help wash the fern roots and let the donkey go home after washing. The fern roots were black and long, and they looked good. Put the fern roots in a mortar and pound them, and then add water to filter. The sieve for filtering is a bamboo sieve made in advance by Li Tiezhu, which is not big but very, very thin.

The sweet potato pulp was also poured into the fern root pulp and filtered together, adding water and then adding water continuously. The bamboo basket covered with tarps was slightly tilted, the excess water overflowed, and a thick layer of starch settled in the bamboo basket.

Then turn the starch into a paste and boil water.

Put the starch paste in a special large bamboo spoon with holes, stir and pat to let the starch paste leak down and form a strip, drop it into boiling water and boil until it is shaped, then remove it and soak it in cold water for a while, then remove it and hang it on the bamboo pole Let it dry and set.

It took about two hours to make fern root powder, and the harvest was good. To be less, there were ten catties of vermicelli and one catty of starch.


"To be reasonable, this is the biggest difference from the mushroom house. This is really self-reliant."

"I can't say which one is better, but I like both shows."

"In the beginning, it was a bit uncomfortable, but it was quite a sense of accomplishment to see that Zheng Jing and the others built the home in a decent way."

"The fern root powder originally did this! It's amazing."

"Brother Zhengjing, what did you go through in your childhood to make so many craftsmen?"

"I like Zheng Yanzi the most. I don't accept rebuttal."

"Like watching her hit the donkey..."

"I like to watch everything she plays, tennis, postpartum brother, donkey!"

"Isn't the cutest brother Jeong?"

Comments from overseas netizens:

"This kind of noodles made from the rhizomes of wild ferns must be delicious, otherwise Ain Peila would not have worked so hard to make them."

"I bought it at Yaxun right away, and the soup is delicious."

"That's why I like this show. They not only built sturdy houses, they also began to grow vegetables, and they could also use all the plants you can't imagine to make food, and use pine oil to make torches."

"Bell can live in the wild for three months or three years, but Lee's way can even live for thirty years."

"It's hard to imagine that they didn't have anything when they first came here, but now they even have running water and food that can be eaten for a long time."

Aoting: "I don't know if there is starch in the zombie's body. This method of making noodles seems very simple..."

"Wat Jafak? Did the guy upstairs go to the wrong set?"

Zheng Yanzi hung up some of the last noodles, and said to Li Tiezhu: "I want to eat hot and sour noodles tonight!"

Li Tiezhu: "Arrangement! But, you feed your donkey first, don't starve to death, I have to make a fire."

Zheng Yanzi took out some dried straw, chopped it up, and fetched the rice bran that was previously used to feed the chickens, added some water, mixed it well, and fed it to the donkey. You can feed the horse like this. I don’t know if the donkey will eat it. .

The donkey ate it!

The donkey eats straw, stalks, reeds, and so on. Adding chaff will give it a lot of face.

Besides, Zheng Yanzi still guarded it and whispered: "Tractor, this is the first meal I made for you, will you not give up face? Seeing you eat so fragrantly, it's not because I added more chaff, right? Remember, when you are not working, go out to eat more grass. The food at home is already tense. If you don’t have enough to eat, you can only use you to feed us..."

Although the tractor hadn't read a book, he was very polite. After the owner's loving dinner, he rubbed her forehead against Zheng Yanzi to show her intimacy. Then, the owner enthusiastically slapped it back.


The donkey was not tied, turned away the hot donkey face, and consciously went to eat the grass.

Overseas comments:

"Oh! Shet! I love this tennis star to death. She looks so cool **** playing a donkey. If I can see her, I will take the initiative to stretch my face."

"I guess the animal protectionists must hate her, but she will definitely not care, I like her character. I even believe that those who protect animals dare to beep in front of her, they will definitely be beaten by her!"

"Gad! I'm going to watch her US Open match, but there is still more than half a year..."

Li Tiezhu and He Ling worked together to build a very simple barn for the tractor, only the roof type.

However, there must be some details, such as the wooden stakes that tie the ropes, and the two straw ropes hung on the sturdy house beams. This is very important and can help the tractor be a self-disciplined donkey.

Huang Sanshi was cooking. Seeing that it was getting late, he consciously went into the kitchen to make trouble.

Soon, Qin Tao and Yi Xing also came back and gained a lot.

They brought back two buckets...shrimp balls.

That's right, because they caught too many shrimps and they kept crawling out, they picked the shrimps directly by the river and turned them into shrimp balls. The first half of the shrimps was "released"-if you have enough energy, go home and get a shot. Greetings leave a last word or something.

Li Tiezhu went over and carried it, which was about four or five catties.

He Ling: "Teacher Huang, I don't think there is any need to cook tonight!"

Huang Sanshi came out and took a look: "Good guy! There are so many pure shrimp balls? It seems that your products are very rich! I fry the bacon, cook the rice, and leave the rest alone. Tie Zhu will directly get the shrimp. Bar."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay!"

Then, Qin Tao summoned Brother Ye and fed a few leftovers into the box to let him go to sleep.

Zheng Yanzi looked at the little yellow chicken so obedient and moved a little, and Dama Jindao stood at the gate of the courtyard: "Tractor! I'm sleepy when I come back!"

The donkey ignored her, and then she rushed up, another tragedy was staged.

After a while, Zheng Yanzi came back with the howling donkey, let the donkey roll a few times and then tied it into the barn. She tied a knot with two hanging straw ropes, strangled the donkey's belly, and threatened Said: "Next time you don't be obedient, I will burn you directly!"

Donkey: "Yeah~"

Watching the lively Yi Xing was very scared, and tentatively said: "Yanzi, you can't be like this when you are angry. Why do you hang on its stomach and sleep on its stomach?"

Zheng Yanzi: "Stand to sleep!"

Yi Xing: "How can I sleep while standing?"

Zheng Yanzi: "Old watch! Are you screaming? Both donkeys and horses sleep standing up. This is common sense. You don't know how to step forward?"

Yi Xing: "Ah? Really? Hahaha..."

Zheng Yanzi: "If they fall asleep on their stomachs, they will have no energy to work the next day. The old man has a thousand li ambitions, haven't you learned it? Once the horse starts to fall asleep on its stomach, it's not far from death."

Yi Xing: "Really? Don't lie to me. I will check when I get my phone back."

Zheng Yanzi brazenly ran to the kitchen and laughed: "Li Tiezhu! Someone didn't know that the horse and the donkey were sleeping while standing, hahahaha..."

Yi Xing's face turned red.

He Ling and Teacher Huang shook their heads. This girl is also in the sports circle. If she is in the entertainment circle, she will not offend everyone in the circle.

Li Tiezhu said: "Brother Yi Xing originally has no common sense. Many idols and idols have no common sense!"

He Ling couldn't help being laughed even more, good fellow, this guy is even more ruthless and offensive.

Li Tiezhu also added: "For example, my good brother Xiao Zhen, he thought all the eggs could hatch chicks."

Zheng Yanzi: "So stupid?"

Yi Xing: "Is it wrong? Isn't an egg that can't hatch a fake egg?"

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Huang Sanshi: "Yi Xing, Master, I'm sorry! Please say a few words, Master can't afford to lose this person."

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, Huang Sanshi, the master, deserves to... have a fight with someone!


"Li Tiezhu fired a map cannon!"

"Xiong Da Xiong Er is really a real It's so natural to offend people."

"Look for the psychological shadow area of ​​Xiao Zhen."

"Don't all eggs hatch chicks?"

"Why does the donkey sleep while standing? Isn't it tired?"

"Donkey wants to ask too."

After the show was broadcast, Xiao Zhen immediately posted a scarf:

"As everyone knows, I really don't have common sense, what's wrong? Am I proud? I don't even know that Cai Xukun is an NBA-level player. @李铁柱"

Damn it!

The melon-eating crowd called the good guys, and then Cai Xukun's fans and Xiao Zhen's fans started doing it again.

In the show, Li Tiezhu is making crayfish.

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