Earthy Superstar

Chapter 696: : Play as a hooligan

Backstage, Hu Tao'er finally stopped laughing and asked: "Tie Zhu, you are so stubborn, aren't you afraid that he will target you during the next performance?"

This is not the doubt of her alone, but the doubt of all the guests.

Doesn't this guy know that people have to bow their heads under the eaves?

Li Tiezhu looked at a loss: "I'm a guest assistant, what is his use against me? I don't have an S card."

It makes sense.

Ni Wushuang asked: "Then what if he targets Xiaohua?"

Liu Xiaohua stopped typing on her sweater and looked up with a dazed expression, and found that everyone was looking at her.

Li Tiezhu was more open-minded: "What does it matter to me against Liu Xiaohua?"

Ni Wushuang: "..."

I rub!

Are you brothers and sisters?

Not dear? Oh that's all right.

Liu Xiaohua blinked her small eyes and said, "Director Guo? He certainly won't target me? Lao Zhou said that I am so cute. If I don't fight or lie, I will be liked wherever I go. Director Guo is the tutor of this show. , It will definitely be fair and just."

A group of artists are collectively speechless.

Master Xing has spoken, then Director Guo is afraid that he will be a fair and just man by pinching his nose.

It's so hard!

These brothers and sisters are so hardcore, let alone, they are really not afraid of you, Director Guo.

Anyway, seeing Director Guo being stunned by Li Tiezhu, not only the actors behind, but also the audience watching the show, the barrage is full of gongs, drums, and firecrackers:

"Famous scene achieved!"

"Congratulations to Director Guo for meeting Li Tiezhu."

"Guo Siwei: I used to sophis up the world's invincible hand until I met Li Tiezhu."

"I like to watch Li Tiezhu stun people."

"It's so cool."

"Why does that guy have the face to sit on the mentor's seat?"

"Belittling "People Are on the Way"? Why didn't you dare to comment on "Those Things That Hare That Year"?"

"My notice fee is five times yours! Haha!"

"The aesthetics of the urban-rural junction is so precise!"

"If you like western food, it's high-class? Isn't this to forget the ancestors and worship foreigners?"

"Don't be ashamed but proud..."

"Li Tiezhu: My taste is born elegant."


"Zhou Xingxing: Xiao Si, I think you should be a fair person. What do you think?"

"Laughing to death, let's see if Guo Gan dare to target Xiao Hua."

"Come on, itchy girl, if he targets you, you can sing "Itchy" to him!"

"Fuck! This is a magic cannon, use it with caution!"

"I promise not to use Liu Xiaohua first, unless the other party plays against it."

The game is still going on. This time it is a plot between the chubby Dong Sisi and two boys. The performance is quite remarkable. Of course, compared to the previous two, it was a hall-level performance.

After the four mentors gave the ratings, they commented again, and this group can leave.

But Dong Sisi said: "I have a question that I can ask? That is, what is the standard of the four directors? Is there a standard?"

This is another topic that Li Tiezhu had been struggling with.

But this time is different. It comes from the mouth of a real contestant, not an outsider like Li Tiezhu.

There was another commotion at the scene, and the actors backstage collectively applauded Dong Sisi.

Triumph asked: "It's your actors backstage, do you have any objections to the S card given by Director Guo?"

Dong Sisi: "Of course! We were all shocked at the time, can we do this?"

Guo Xiaosi was already pale, but the fat **** the stage didn't buy it, so she stared at him and waited for him to give an answer. Moreover, the other directors did not help with the siege, and they all looked at him.

Guo Siwei was so angry that he snarled his neck and said, "Let me talk about my standards first. If I give an S card, it means I want to find him for filming."



The audience's reaction was somewhat sarcastic.

Backstage, while the others looked contemptuous, they looked at Li Tiezhu, wanting to see how he was upset.

Li Tiezhu was knitting a sweater. Because Xiaohua made a mistake, Li Tiezhu couldn't stand her skills anymore and started teaching on the spot. At any rate, it is for Song Wangcai's clothes, so I can't beat it blindly. How can I say that my daughter-in-law also has his surname.

Li Tiezhu felt his gaze and said in a daze, "Why are you looking at me? Director Guo didn't want to find that person to film the movie, and he wouldn't have the box office. He said hard words at this time, just pretending to be coercive, do you believe?"

Everyone was relieved, but the serious brother said it hit the nail on the head, cool!

In the audience, Guo Siwei forced to find supplements: "So, I have my own standards, which represent my judgment on acting. I can't say, because I am a new director, I have to follow suit. If other directors say yes, I will say yes. I can't learn from others, I need to be myself in this position."

Li Tiezhu is skilled in knitting sweaters: "I can't learn anything yet? Has his head been stepped on by Hashimoto Daiki?"

Walnut: "Tie Zhu, you can even knit sweaters? Too great, right?"

Li Tiezhu said, "I don't have enough skills, but my old man taught me. Let me tell you that, among all the skills I know, directing and acting are the weakest."

Walnut: "Then it's 10 billion?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's all set off by peers."

The backstage actors roared with laughter, but we couldn't help but burst into tears. We are also one of the people who set off him.

On the other side, the three directors including Kaixuan also said their own standards, and knocked on the side to imply that Guo Xiaosi was not good enough to mess around.

Then, the film critic Li Chengxue's confused look finally attracted everyone's attention. Kaixuan and Dong Dapeng asked him what he thought of the S card just now.

Li Cheng needs to hold the microphone, doubled confused: "My position is to comment on the actors' acting. Now, if I want to comment on the director's standard for issuing S cards, can I say it?"

The old triumphant **** was with a subtle expression, Er Xiaobao shrank his neck with a gleeful smile, and Zhao Yanzi had a melon-eating expression on his face.

Dong Dapeng: "Of course! Speak freely."

Li Cheng needs to sit up straight in an instant, the confused expression on his face disappeared without a trace, and his temperament became sharp.

Backstage actors: "Wow~ It's interesting."

Barrage: "There's another surnamed Li, Xiao Si runs away."

Li Chengxue: "I don't like the various practices of turning hands for the cloud and raining for the rain. I said that I gave him the S card not to cooperate with him, and then I said that I wanted to cooperate with him..."

Guo Xiaosi leaned on the chair with a slightly disdainful expression. He smiled, turned his head and looked over: "Let me add..."

Li Cheng needs: "Wait until I finish, you must know how to respect people at a young age!"

Then, Guo Xiaosi could only shut up.

Li Chengxu started to criticize with justification and evidence. Unlike Li Tiezhu, this man is very familiar with the competition system and planning, and he is more in place, but he does not have the coquettishness of Li Tiezhu.

"Four mentors and eight S-cards...This is a fair and just question, not something you can come along with your sex..."

Guo Xiaosi began to dance and quibble: "In these movies I have made, not all the actors have particularly good acting skills, many of them are pure newcomers..."

Li Tiezhu: "I didn't act well, especially Yang Mi! It's not an actor's problem."

I don't know what the **** is the program group, Li Tiezhu's sentence suddenly spread to the big screen on the stage, and everyone heard it.

Guo Xiaosi: "..."

Li Chengxue: "Tie Zhu is right, I am embarrassed to be so direct."

Guo Xiaosi: "Tie must know how to respect people at a young age! Wait for me to say it all?"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm talking nonsense in the background, who knows what the director is crazy about. Hurry up and turn off the camera! Didn't you see that I was doing woolen yarn? How about counting stitches..."


The video was cut off, and it was quite exciting to run after it was over.

Guo Xiaosi is aggrieved!

Zhang Linlin, who was also in the background, was also taken aback. Is there any good thing? Li Tiezhu is openly not acting well for sister Mi Mi? Sister Mi's violent temper can let him go? In this way, she can still indulge Li Tiezhu to bully Lengba? Happiness came too suddenly...

He Xichang, who took the S card, felt that he was not human inside and out at this time. The actors laughed at him in their hearts, and the directors did not wait to see him.

However, the sophistry Wang Guo Xiaosi would not succumb, and after another ghost logic, he rounded the matter back:

"... This is the power given to me by the program team... I am happy that there are excellent students in the class, but I will not teach the poor students? I think we need to encourage newcomers! Encouraging newcomers is never a bad thing!"

There was applause at the scene, applauding Guo Xiaosi's sophistry.

The backstage actors were also convinced, and they all sighed that they were so good at talking, it was all nonsense.

Li Cheng needs to furrow his brows, obviously dissatisfied, because Guo Xiaosi evaded the core of his problem and changed his post, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Dong Dapeng asked: "Teacher Li Chengxue, do you have anything else to say?"

Li Cheng needs to shook his head: "You let Li Tiezhu say."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The scene burst into laughter again.

Guo Xiaosi hesitated to say something but stopped, what did I do wrong? You want Li Tiezhu to punish me? He was not afraid of Li Chengnei at all, because Li Chengnei couldn't talk about him.

Too much, the director team really gave Li Tiezhu the shot.

Li Tiezhu knits a sweater without raising his head: "The world is full of newcomers, and there are so many newcomers today. If you don't see you, I encourage you! After all, don't you want to be pleasing to your eyes? Your so-called feeling? You let the actors How do you perform? Let you see it right? The ghost knows what kind of tune you like? You tell me whoever you want to play! All standards that are not based on professional ability are hooliganism."

Li Cheng needs: "Okay!"

Damn, I almost committed high blood pressure in several games by the little dwarf. I didn't expect Li Tiezhu to come today! Cool!

The backstage actors couldn't hold back anymore and all laughed. Although no one could be seen on the big, but the sound could be heard, Walnut laughed the loudest, and many actors gave Li Tiezhu a thumbs up. Meng Zuoyi secretly blows a kiss to Li Tiezhu. The last time she was played by Song Zhuer and Zhao Liya, she did not hate Li Tiezhu.

Guo Xiaosi was not reconciled, and was stubborn for the last time: "I said one sentence last year, and I will say it again this year! Tell Li Tiezhu and Li Cheng that you need two... Teacher Li! You may not like something, but please allow it to exist."

Li Tiezhu: "If I don't like it, can't I still **** you? You can dislike us and **** you, but please allow us to **** you!"

Li Cheng needs to be more rigid, sitting up almost like a carp, "Hey! This is no longer possible! I didn't plan to talk anymore, but Guo Siwei, if you want to say that, I can't help it..."

The atmosphere suddenly became more tense.

Although Li Tiezhu’s original complaint style is embarrassing, it is fun and amused. It can be tolerated as a variety show. This is also the reason why many programs allow Li Tiezhu to mess around.

However, Guo Xiaosi's rogue words made Li Cheng intolerable, and the incident changed from laughing and scolding to going online.

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