Earthy Superstar

Chapter 697: : Flammable and explosive

Li Cheng needs to say: "What is being reasonable? This is a fallacy. It is a random translation. There is a reason for the existence of other people's original words, and it is reasonable if there are reasons?"

Guo Xiaosi: "I didn't say that existence is reasonable, what I said is that since it exists, it needs to be allowed."

Li Chengxue: "You didn't say it just now, but I know you want to say it. Because you said what you said last season, what you said last season is that existence is reasonable! This is incorrect!"

Guo Xiaosi laughed, because he knew that he had won the sophistry: "But I did not say just now. What I said is that if you exist, you need to be allowed. You can reserve different opinions. Please allow me to vote for my S card! Good! ?"

Dong Dapeng interrupted and said: "Indeed, Li Cheng needs teacher, just now that Director Guo didn't say that it is reasonable. Every one of us can have opinions on this matter, and everyone is welcome to comment and speak freely, but this time I will stand with Director Guo."

Li Cheng needs to be so angry that his cheeks are bulging, but he is unable to refute it. A slick Guo Siwei is enough for him to drink a pot, not to mention another Dong Dapeng who can talk.

Dong Dapeng continued: "You said that we are young, yes, we are all young. But we have also made a few movies. You are an old man we all respect. Of course you can express your views, but There is no need to ask us to do things by your standards. Therefore, I think Director Guo is right. Since it exists, it should be allowed."

Guo Siwei showed a triumphant smile and raised his eyebrows at Dong Dapeng.

Li Cheng needs to be so angry that he tossed around in his chair, obviously very unreasonable, but could not say anything. People have allowed you to criticize. Can't you allow them to exist? This is not magnanimous! However, I always feel that something is wrong.

Seeing that Li Cheng needs to be speechless, Guo Siwei said again: "We are young, but this is our advantage. Our thinking is not rigid, and we also know how to respect what we don't like. Tolerance and diversity are the only things. The true colors of art, the times are advancing!"

This is a bit too much. Obviously, Guo Siwei can not say this sentence at all, because Li Chengxu has not spoken anymore, and this is a deliberate mockery. The words are high-sounding, but the meaning is very vicious.

Li Cheng needs to anger: "What do you mean? My pedantic dogma? I'm still wrong?"

Guo Siwei smiled freely and shrugged: "You don't think so, but I respect your way of thinking. I can only say that we are different and I am still very young."

Li Chengxue: "..."

Dong Dapeng just smiled: "Different times, there will inevitably be differences in concepts. What we need is this kind of collision! But the future belongs to young people after all."

This is a bit of a suspicion of being biased, and the host should not be biased.

The actors in the backstage were all eager to eat, but at the same time, holding a sigh of relief in their hearts, just choose the role of the co-directors? No wonder we are not popular. The mood of everyone is not too high, Li Chengxu, who speaks out of righteousness, is speechless, and Li Tiezhu is still knitting sweaters.

The program barrage is even more intense:

"It's disgusting! I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"Li Cheng needs to be too stupid..."

"Dapeng is so good at talking, he is really suitable as a host."

"Guo's eloquence is really amazing!"

"Who is this Li Chengneo? What is it for? Relying on the old to sell the old!"

"I think Director Guo's thinking is very open-minded, very innovative, and as powerful as a foreigner."

"I'm going, the three views of these barrage are bursting."

"Call Li Tiezhu!"

"Foreigners are a big hammer, a bunch of idiots!"

"Brother Serious came out to kill that bitch!"

"Li Tiezhu still dare to appear? Aren't you afraid that Director Guo and Director Dong will kill him?"

"Li Tiezhu: You don't know anything about real power."

"To be reasonable, Guo Misi is so quibble, no one can win, and neither can Li Tiezhu."

The other three directors had different expressions but did not speak.

Dong Dapeng thought he had settled the matter, and said: "Okay, please leave this group of guests..."

"Young? Am I young? Uncle, can I talk?"

Li Tiezhu's voice came from the backstage, which seemed too polite and made people a little bit into play for a while.

That really can't be compared with Li Tiezhu's age, Guo Siwei is an uncle.

Dong Dapeng: "Aren't you talking all the time? Why do you suddenly become polite?"

Guo Siwei: "Hmm..."

The villain's ambition jumped out, making the audience ticklish with hatred.

Li Tiezhu said: "I was just talking nonsense in private. Your program team cut things in. What does it have to do with me? I haven't asked you to add money. Moreover, even if I offended Director Guo just now, I tried my best. Restrained. But why would Director Guo use this gangster logic to humiliate an old artist in this way? I think it's very bad, and this unhealthy trend must be broken!"

Dong Dapeng smiled: "For what?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's still reasonable to exist. Or to put it another way, Guo said, we don't like it, but we allow it to exist. I don't think this sentence is right."

Guo Siwei: "Anyone who has the ability to think independently knows..."

Li Tiezhu is a flammable and explosive master: "Do murderers exist?"

Guo Siwei: "..."

Li Cheng needed a slap on his thigh, and his expression immediately became energetic, yes, why didn't I expect it? Whoever talks about Li Tiezhu stupid in the future, who am I in a hurry!

Li Tiezhu said again: "Does the study exist?"

Guo Siwei: "You are arrogant. Of course you can't commit crimes. But we are talking about some existing phenomena in the entertainment industry."

Li Tiezhu: "Such as plagiarism?"

Guo Siwei was speechless again, and finally learned to shut up.

Seeing that the matter could not end, Dong Dapeng said, "Tie Zhu, we respect your opinions and ideas, but we cannot use them to persecute others."

Li Tiezhu: "I don't persecute anyone, and I don't have to take back the S card once it is issued. I'm just talking about it. Plagiarism exists, right? Director Guo should understand! Obviously plagiarism is unreasonable, and no one says it should be allowed. Then I can't help but I have to ask, after the sentence was established, one of the penalties was a public apology. Did you apologize? Director Guo Siwei! Or in other words, writer Guo Siwei."

Guo Siwei's face suddenly became distorted, and his eyes were extremely hideous. It is hard to imagine that his small body also has such a cruel energy.

Dong Dapeng is also stupid, this guy just lifted the table! Talk about this too?

He looked in the direction where the director team was. It stands to reason that this kind of thing is a show accident and will definitely be cut.

However, the director and producer are there.

Dong Dapeng was shocked, I was on the wrong team!

And the other three directors are no different from the audience now. They have seen the world, but they have never seen such a world.


"Cowhide cowhide!"

"Li Tiezhu's eternal god!"

"Plaagiarism, hahaha..."

"This paragraph hasn't been cut? What the **** is this?"

"Because this is a penguin show!"

"Li Tiezhu is the first brother of Penguin, and his apprentice Yang Feiyue is the first sister of Penguin. Slightly~"

"Handsome blown up!"

"Who else? Who else?"

"Li Tiezhu is so red, isn't it what the **** should be?"

"Apologize! The plagiarism dog apologizes!"

Guo Siwei gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Li Tiezhu lowered his head to draw wool, and said slowly, "It doesn't matter to me whether you apologize or not! What I want to say is, should we allow plagiarism? Should we condone it? Therefore, existence should be allowed. This is not true."

Guo Siwei still did not speak because he had nothing to say.

When things reached this point, their faces were already torn apart, but the weird thing is that the program group did not pause the program, and the other directors did not help to get down the steps. Only Dong Dapeng supported it.

Because the Chinese entertainment circle consists of three circles, the Kyoto circle, the Xiangjiang circle and the East China Sea circle, unfortunately, Guo Siwei is the only one in the East China Sea circle.

As the Prince Penguin, shouldn't it be right for Li Tiezhu to have the privilege of firing freely?

By now, Guo Siwei was completely defeated, and he couldn't dispute it.

Dong Dapeng started to make rounds again: "Okay Tie Zhu, this will hurt your feelings, and what you said will be cut off, no need."

Li Tiezhu: "So, don't insult everyone's IQ, let alone humiliate veteran comrades. Isn't it good to make money with friendly recordings?"

Dong Dapeng: "Uh...this, this..."

Li Tiezhu continued to knit sweaters, very attentive, while Liu Xiaohua stole the teacher from the side.

Li Tiezhu said, "As the host, it's time to divert the topic, such as who is knitting a sweater for me. Isn't it messy enough?"

Dong Dapeng: "Then who do you knit a sweater for? It's really ingenious."

Li Tiezhu picked up the semi-finished sweater and showed it, "Who do you think is for this size?"

Dong Dapeng: "I think only Director Guo can wear it at the scene."

In the end, Guo Siwei's psychological quality is good, and he smiled without a smile. At this time, he also thought that the plagiarized paragraph would be cut off.

Li Tiezhu: "Huh? You can wear it so small? I beat Zhuer's dog."

Dong Dapeng: "..."

Guo Siwei, fuck, fuck! NS! ! !

Caught off guard!

Li Tiezhu's show, Su Daji's waist.

The laughter at the scene was too crazy, and it lasted for three full minutes before it stopped under the intervention of the program group. The three directors also wiped their tears, which was so funny.

Not to mention the chaos in the background, many people have respected Li Tiezhu since then.

Meng Zuoyi's teeth are even more grind.

On the other hand, Zhang Linlin took the cellphone and started to make a small report, reporting to the boss Yang Mi that Li Tiezhu said that her acting skills were bad, and he was ready to provoke the profit of the divorced fisherman.

After a while, the show continued.

After that, Guo Siwei had a dark face all the way, and was much more honest.

Li Tiezhu had been teaching Liu Xiaohua to knit sweaters, and he stopped making complaints, just like a quiet ugly man.

Soon, the performance of the five groups of actors ended, and almost two hours passed.

The show is suspended, and everyone rests for 20 minutes.

Li Tiezhu's cell phone rang. It was a video call from Yang Mi. He looked around and hesitated for a while before connecting: "Hello? Sister Mi, I'm recording a show."

Yang Mi asked sternly: "Li Tiezhu! You said in the show that my acting skills were bad when I worked with Director Guo?"

The actors around suddenly calmed down and raised their ears.

Zhang Linlin snickered, got it done! It's good if they fall out now, Lengba is mine!

Li Tiezhu had a calm expression: "Yes! You are already terrible."


This is not right!

Zhang Linlin's face was flushed with excitement. With sister Mi's temper, she would definitely explode! There is a good show.

However, on the phone, Yang Mi said, "Then prepare a role for me in the second part of the play, and see if I play well."


Zhang Linlin even showed the expression of a Japanese dog. What kind of **** plot is this? Why do I feel that Ms. Mi’s tone is a bit coquettish? Isn't she flammable and explosive?

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