Earthy Superstar

Chapter 725: : Zu Fax Man

  Chapter 719 Ancestor faxed a man (add 33 for waste material END)

  Others looked at Wu Litao suspiciously, this guy is definitely sleeping, otherwise, why would he think Li Tiezhu lost? It's not like this is happening in class!

  Wu Litao was very sure that he was not asleep. He felt that he was just staring, seeing Li Tiezhu spinning around, and then seeing Li Tiezhu lose.

Isn't    right?

Huh? Four wins in five rounds, won?

  What am I missing?

  It’s weird.

  Li Tiezhu couldn’t help asking: "Brother Tao? Did you steal the cow last night? The dark circles are heavier than yesterday."

  Wu Litao: "Master, you can just call me a handsome boy. I didn't steal the cow last night, I went to beat the dog."

  Li Tiezhu ignored him. This guy ran the train with his mouth full, but he didn't have a word of truth.

  Clearly when he was fighting with people, Li Tiezhu saw Wu Litao sleeping on Liu Yuan’s shoulders, and he still didn’t admit it.

  Boys are skins, it is better to leap and be honest.

  The new team won the competition. A pack of compressed biscuits was rewarded. If you were tired, everyone shared it.

  After the game, the soldiers sat together to rest.

  The entertainers are exhausted. Although they perform very hard, they are indeed inferior in physical strength to real soldiers. Although the disabled among the old, the weak, sick and disabled have withdrawn, the old and the weak are still there. Therefore, they don't want to get up when they sit on the ground, watching other class performances in a daze.

  After some soldiers performed a martial arts session, the soldiers began to shout again:

  "Li Tiezhu, come one!"

   "A lot of three, come one!"

  Li Tiezhu is not tired. He just saw a certain scene in the distance and came to Yaxing and didn’t want to perform. He said:

   "I won't perform anymore. I considered performing when I buckled the pots just now. Let my apprentice show everyone his ugliness! Brother Tao!"

   "Suck! Huh? What are you doing?"

   "Wake up."

   "I didn't fall asleep, just...close your eyes and think about the meaning of life."

  Wu Litao rubbed his eyes and stood up, causing a lot of laughter around him.

  Li Tiezhu: "Did you hear what everyone shouted just now?"

  Wu Litao: "I heard it, say I'm handsome."


"Ha ha ha ha……"

  Fell asleep.

  Li Tiezhu said: "Everyone heard that you learned martial arts since childhood and asked you to perform for everyone. Go!"

   Wu Litao curled his lips: "Hi! What am I talking about? Isn't it just to see my handsome Kung Fu? Small point!"

  Speaking, he took off his helmet and threw it to Liu Yuan. He rushed into the field with three backflips, followed by a carp hitting, and then he played a set of gorgeous long boxing routines, which looked all the way.

  Li Tiezhu glanced twice, and it was indeed much better than his own moves, but it was not practical and belonged to the performance category.

   Then, he asked the instructor for instructions, and went to the barracks far away—the cooking class, with his hands behind his back.

   "Xu Sanduo! How about a stroll?"

   "I'm here to study."

  "How about this mapo tofu."

   "Suck, um! Authentic!"

   "Look at this braised pork in soy sauce?"

   "Fuck! Do you guys in the wilderness still make candies?"

   "That must be! Cooking soldiers who can't fry sugar are not qualified soldiers."


   "You are polite, you give me some pointers."

  "Dare not dare! Potato roast beef brisket is good, but also tomato, professional!"

  In a short while, Li Tiezhu ate an apple and stuffed him with an old watch from the cooking class. This is normal. Soldiers working in the army’s cooking squad have to check whether the food is fresh from time to time. This is very reasonable. Today, I will do it for Li Tiezhu.

   "Well, this apple is sweet!"

   "Sweet, right? Come here if you want to eat, but don't bring a cameraman next time."

   "Thanks to the old watch."

   "You are your own person. By the way, vinegared cabbage can fry, right? You can cook that way, sure."

  "Slightly will know..."

  Li Tiezhu was quickly put on aprons by the soldiers, and he was stuffed with a huge spatula. No stranger at all, Li Tiezhu instantly entered the state:

  "Big fire, hot pot and cold oil..."

  Next, Li Tiezhu started a cooking performance, and the surrounding cooks applauded. Although it was just frying a big pot of dishes, the cameraman of the program group was surprised to film "China on the Tip of the Tongue".

  A person with more than 100 people in a row, the daily lunch at noon is four dishes, one soup, two meats and two vegetables, plus one fruit.

  Even when training in the field, as long as conditions permit, the cooking class will cook hot dishes and hot meals instead of letting soldiers eat compressed biscuits. This is a fine tradition of the Chinese army.

  Da Guo Cai is a basic skill for Li Tiezhu. He started to learn the cooking skills from Da Guo Cai, which does not bother him at all.


  "Li Tiezhu's talent show time."

  "The martial arts performances are too outdated. My serious brother is just a pot of vinegar and cabbage!"

   "If he was a soldier, it would be either a reconnaissance company or a cooking squad."

  "Cooking class? How do you look down on Tie Zhu?"

   "Wrong! This is worthy of him."

  "Do you think the cooking class is so easy to enter?"

   "All those who can enter the cooking class are veterans with excellent military skills and physical abilities, and they also need to be able to fry sugar."

  "Can the cooking class steal apples?"

   "Wrong! That is to check whether the ingredients are fresh."

   "I remember when I was in the army, I watched the cooking class who came back from grocery shopping every morning eating an apple, crying with envy."

  Tomato sirloin is still stewing, there are still more than ten minutes before the meal.

  Li Tiezhu made a pot of vegetables, and he wandered back to prepare to wait in line for a meal. There must be some rules, after all, he has been given preferential treatment by this unit.

  Everyone can see that this unit is very ruthless to other artists, but very friendly to Li Tiezhu, perhaps because Li Tiezhu created "Chasing Dreams" and "Things about Rabbits That Year" for their troops.

When    came back, the instructor was performing a magic trick, and the soldiers broke down. The soldiers laughed wildly.

  Wu Litao held Yuan Heng with his left hand and Liu Yuan with his right hand, and fell asleep again.

  Li Tiezhu walked over and whispered: "Brother Tao! Woke up and peeed."

Wu Litao shook and opened his eyes: "I didn't sleep!"

  Li Tiezhu: "……"

  Liu Yuan snickered. He had just seen Wu Litao drooling. This guy slept for at least ten minutes. Of course, Liu Yuan didn’t watch the performance seriously. He was playing on his mobile phone.

  Mobile phones can be used in the army, except for foreign brands and recruits.

  However, it cannot be used when performing tasks. This training is not too confidential. At least it is not so strict with the artists. It can be used during the time when not being filmed.

  Liu Yuan took the phone and showed Wu Litao: "This is really yours? Not a trumpet?"

  Wu Litao glanced: "Yes! I don't have a trumpet."

  Liu Yuan admired: "I went to you too hard, right? You didn't go to bed at three in the middle of the night last night, and you posted curses on Facebook? What do you think?"

  Wu Litao: "I can't get used to it, so I scolded it."

  Li Tiezhu was curious: "Swearing is not a good habit, Brother Tao, please exercise restraint in the future."

  Liu Yuan handed the phone to Li Tiezhu.

  Li Tiezhu took a look and said to Wu Litao: "Good scolding! Next time continue to carry forward."

  Wu Litao flicked her long hair and smiled evilly: "Thank you, Master! My name is the ancestor fax man, I learned from Master."

  The latest content of Wulitao’s Facebook account is displayed on the phone screen:

  "Why do you want to ask Zhonghua? you-MTF? I force you to mention Zhonghua, really-Fak-you, SB! @Trump"

  It turned out that yesterday, the U.S. leader was asked by reporters about black life and racial discrimination. The leader was angry and clamored for reporters to ask about China. Their new Tibet in West Xinjiang was even more serious.

  So, there is this DISS of Wu Litao on the external network, and directly @米国大统领, of course, the leader did not reply.

  This paragraph of content that combines Chinese and English is well-founded and well-founded.

  Li Tiezhu only then realized that Wu Litao said that he went to beat the dog last night. It was not a mere talk, but a real thing.

On Facebook, many Chinese-speaking users scolded Wu Litao, saying that he has no quality, swears, and lowered the cultural level of the Chinese. Some people advised him not to use the phone and go to sleep. The eye circles are dark enough... (True facts) Son)

  Wu Litao scolded people with different opinions until four o'clock in the morning, which was...the time for urgent assembly.

   is also served!

  Li Tiezhu hesitated to say something, but you are a soldier so you don’t sleep at night to beat the leader of the United States. Should you praise you or praise you?

  Finally, Li Tiezhu said: “I still have to go to bed early at night, and what's the point of wasting time to call prostitutes a cousin? They are what they are.

  Wu Litao: "But Master, I heard people say that people who sleep less are smart, and people who sleep too much will be dull."

  Li Tiezhu: "Who told you? Don't contact this person anymore."

   Wu Litao: "Huh? Why?"

  Li Tiezhu: "He treats you as a fool."

  Wu Litao: "But, Little Pig said that time is like water in a sponge..."

  Li Tiezhu: "Don't contact me."

  Of course, this paragraph was not recorded in the show, but many viewers still knew about it. Because, long before the show was broadcast, Wu Litao and Li Tiezhu were ranked first in the hot search for criticizing the leader of the United States.

  The hot search name at the time was: "Li Tiezhuwu Litao insults the commander."

  Why did Li Tiezhu also get involved?

  Because, in the afternoon, Li Tiezhu heard that Wu Litao’s agent asked him to delete the post and apologize. Wu Litao opened the agent, and he insisted on the verbal abuse on the Internet.

  Li Tiezhu decided to take the apprentice, so he forwarded the screenshot of Wu Litao’s speech with Douyin, and accompanied the text: "I will introduce you to everyone. This is my new apprentice. He looks handsome and speaks nicely. @Trump"

  The domestic and international versions of Douyin were released at the same time.

  So, the incident was big, and it went on the hot search in an instant, which attracted a lot of abuse. At the same time, the fans of Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao were also extremely powerful, and the ten-day curse battle began.

  This did not affect Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao. Except for meals and rest, the mobile phones were taken away, not seeing and worrying.

  The most embarrassing thing is that before the mobile phone was taken away, Wu Litao once again issued a combat message on Facebook:

   "He has white eye circles and I have dark eye circles. He is innately unwilling to deal with it! What's up? Hit me, idiot!"

  This reason is absolutely perfect!

  When the program was broadcast to the soldiers eating, Wu Litao dozed off while eating, once again drew the audience's barrage of denunciation:

   "Eating and sleeping?"

  "I've been dozing off all't be a soldier!"

  "This kind of person is also worthy of being a soldier?"

  "Little fresh meat, go to death! Disgusting!"

   "Did you sleep at night?"

  "How could Li Tiezhu have a good relationship with this kind of person?"

   "The road turns black!"

   "Please! Do you know what he did last night? Just know how to spray!"

   "He scolded him last night until four o'clock in the morning urgently."

   "Fuck! Really?"

   "This is a hot search, is there no internet access in the village?"

   "I don't want to be disciplined, turn black to fan!"

   "If it's true, that's not bad..."

   "Li Tiezhu's disciple's eyesight is simply amazing!"

  (End of this chapter)

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