Earthy Superstar

Chapter 726: :leave

The barrage is very dense, and there is no pause or reduction due to the skipping of the program footage, because many people in this segment are specially paused to send barrage to Wu Litao and Li Tiezhu.

Although Wu Litao is a sand sculpture with a brain disabled, at least he did nothing wrong this time. Besides, isn't his master Li Tiezhu also a brain disabled?

this! Called inheritance! Also called the gathering of things...

"Brother Tao is stupid, but isn't this more decent than Du Haibo, who is kneeling on the stick?"

"Wuli Taotao is the top! I love you to death."

"I really want to fall in love with Tao~"

"The female fans are falling apart, we're talking about business, don't make trouble."

"I love you so much~"

"Tao Taozi is the most handsome! Love you, love you, love you..."

"Is that old foreign man with the surname special a star? Taotao doesn't sleep and scolds him most of the night. He should feel honored!"

"My Jiatao's English is great!"


"As a die-hard fan of Tie Zhu, I never fan idols. This time I fan you."

"What's wrong with swearing? Raise your breath!"

"Some people have been brainwashed by foreign slaves and can't be scolded? Hit me, idiot!"

"I found this sand sculpture with smokey makeup for the first time. It's pretty cute."

"The apprentices who have been enlightened by Brother Zheng are not the same."

"I only knew this person when I saw the Douyin reposted by Tie Zhu. Come on, Wu Litao, we support you!"

"It's so enjoyable to scold! It's cool!"

"Knowledgers are in a hurry, they are in a hurry!"

"Emperor Chuan Chuan who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night is the only one in the entertainment industry? I am laughing so hard!"

"This guy has a pit in his head, but the three views are quite right. Tie Zhu didn't look away."

It is still rare for an entertainer to blatantly insult the leader of a country. Although it has little influence abroad, it is a sensational event in China.

Even if Li Tiezhu himself stood on the platform, Wu Litao was still abused badly, and most of the critics were maggots with so-called "independent thinking".

But these verbal abuses, after the mobile phone was taken away by the monitor, Li Tiezhu and Wu Litao could not see them, and the training continued.

It happened unexpectedly.

"There seems to be a fire over there."

"A lot of smoke."

"what happened?"

"There is a fire in the playground, ready to fight the fire."

"All of them, running forward, fighting the fire..."

Li Tiezhu and five other artists immediately ran out with the squad leader, appearing extraordinarily impulsive, because when they came, the squad leader told them in the car-this is a special training they would never see on TV.

It turns out to be so realistic! The grasslands are burning!

Shocked, hahaha.

Zhang Yifeng: "This exercise is worth the money! It's too real."

Liu Yuan: "That's right, I have all my hairs up now."

Li Tiezhu: "Arson is illegal! This is not a drill, right? It seems that there was a real fire..."

Yuan Heng: "What's the truth? It's just the task of the troops at first glance! It's stupid."

Wu Litao: "Don't scold my master!"

Guo Xiaoxi: "How could it be so coincidental? I think it's an exercise."

Li Tiezhu was also a little confused, and asked Wu Litao, who was dozing off while running nearby, "Brother Tao, do you think this fire is real?"

Wu Litao: "I am a sand sculpture, I don't understand."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Wu Litao suddenly exclaimed: "It should be true! Look over there, the film crew has all left the machine to put out the fire..."

The process of fighting the fire is almost entirely a panoramic view, there is no close-up and no close-up, and it is difficult to see who is who. Because the cameraman dared not get close to the fire scene while carrying the machine, and the cameraman who was close to the fire scene was putting out the fire and had no time to shoot the video.

The fire was a genuine accident, but the swift reaction of the officers and soldiers of the entire company prevented the fire.

The barrage also became tense:

"Intentionally arson sits in a prison, it is impossible for the troops to do that!"

"This is an army and not a firefighter. Is it necessary to train on fire?"

"It's really an accident!"

"Dig into the barrier!"

"It's too late! The fire is fast, it seems to be windy..."

"This can never be the effect of the program, it is very dangerous! Even the army and the program group can't afford it."

"It is impossible to set fire for the show."

"People who say it's the effect of the show don't have any common sense of law."

"The staff went to put out the fire, and they shouted that it was either stupid or bad for deliberate arson."

"The program group is in a mess, how could it be a script?"

"Fortunately, the Hero Company is very calm, and it deserves to be an elite unit!"

"This is the Chinese soldier!"

Almost all the officers and men took washbasins and engineer shovel and beat them on the ground to put out the burning flames. Fortunately, in the early spring, the grassland is not high, and the fire is not too fast, so it is not too dangerous to extinguish.

Wu Litao made a violent rush, and he was still acting handsome. He screamed after smashing his legs and extinguishing a few flames.

Li Tiezhu pulled him back, threw him behind, and went up to put out the fire by himself.

Wu Litao touched his face and came up with a smile: "Master! I'm going to pinch off the betting contest last night!"

Li Tiezhu continued to put out the fire: "You don't count it."

Wu Litao also stepped on the flames: "My hair is burned out. This is a medal! It is a sign of a man, so I decided to shave my head. It looks more manly. I bet it would be shameful to lose my head."

Li Tiezhu glanced at him, and sure enough, his dark golden bangs were already rolled and burnt.

Wu Litao: "In this way, my charm has been greatly enhanced."

Li Tiezhu: "Don't worry, the program group is so terrible, it will definitely not be cut, and it will show you the stupid appearance of last night and play it back repeatedly."

So, the dog show group really started to replay.

It was his hideous expression after being hit by Li Tiezhu's Thousand Years Kill, which was replayed three times in a row:

"Oh~ Li Tiezhu... You don't speak martial ethics..."

"Oh~ Li Tiezhu... You don't speak martial ethics..."

"Oh~ Li Tiezhu... You don't speak martial ethics..."

The fire went out.

The pitch-black ashes the size of three football fields, shot from the air, looked like a huge scar.

It seems hypocritical that this was a successful military operation. But looking at it in a simple way, if it wasn't for this troop that happened to be nearby, then the spread of the fire would be unstoppable, and large areas of grassland would be swallowed up by the flames.

After the fire was completed, the troops assembled again without any praise or reward, because this was the natural mission of the soldiers. Even because about an hour was wasted to put out the fire, the following training and tasks became more tense.

There is a small detail that many people did not notice, and even the program crew did not pay attention to shooting, but Wu Litao noticed it.

"Master! Those previous missions and trainings have not been effective yet."

"How to say?"

"How do I feel that after fighting the fire, I really became a soldier of the company of heroes. Before... I thought I was an entertainer, and the soldiers didn't look down on me, but this time, they looked at me. It's different."

"It seems to be a little bit, not bad! People who are stupid have their own unique aspects."


"You look like me."


This passage did not appear in the program.

However, the follow-up impact is obvious. The six artists have truly integrated into this group, and they will be more involved in the following training.

Then Li Tiezhu was poisoned. He was poisoned during the anti-gas training. Wu Litao was so anxious to give Li Tiezhu artificial respiration on the spot. He was so scared that Li Tiezhu was dying and sat up in shock and told him that this was poisoning and not drowning. We must respect science.

Wu Litao gave up the immature idea of ​​artificial respiration and watched the medical soldiers tortured Master to death.

After the training came one by one, Li Tiezhu took the time to carry Wu Litao and shaved his head.

But... Even so, Wu Litao continued to fight with others in the middle of the night, and said something arrogant to the extreme:

"Lao Tzu is a soldier of the Xiaokaolin Company of Heroes. I am not afraid of paper tigers! What the red flag points to, I am going forward!"

As soon as this remark came out, because the gossip reported that they were recording a national defense program with heroes, many neutral netizens began to support him, and the online curse wars gradually subsided. After all, foreign slaves could not win on the Chinese soil.

After more than a week, the third period of recording ended and the fourth period began.

Actually, this show is not recorded on schedule, but the rhythm that the audience sees is like this. After the end of the third phase of the devil training and infantry coordinated training, the fourth phase began the final exam-actual combat training.

Including Li Tiezhu, all six artists were killed in battle, but they did not back down, and they still won the respect of the officers and soldiers of the army.

In particular, Li Tiezhu’s record of disposing of two bunkers, sniping four enemies, and killing one person can be regarded as shining, but he was a little lost behind, ran in the wrong direction, and was "dead" shot on the spot by the enemy's three directions. A bit miserable...

Remember, the company commander’s evaluation of Li Tiezhu was: “Fighting is brave and military is excellent, but his head is a bit unable to keep up. It is estimated that he will bid farewell to the special forces in this life...”

In short, from the start of the recruit company, in more than half a month, Li Tiezhu and others have "brought out and helped" become real fighters, which made them very proud.

When we parted, Jiang Wei, the squad leader who couldn't help laughing the most, cried and cried heartbreakingly.

At this time, Li Tiezhu hated the show a little bit. The recording was done in a fancy way. Three or four episodes of each unit were recorded. They didn't really blend in at all. Just as they blended in, they had to separate...

Li Tiezhu was considered strong and did not cry, but Wu Litao cried like a sand sculpture.

"Real Men" has a total of twelve issues, the first issue is the recruit company, the second to the fourth issue is the infantry hero company, the next two issues are the artillery, and you have to change places.

The program group also gave six artists a three-day break, not because the artists need to The most important thing is that the program group has to connect and organize the next program process and troop arrangements.

The program recording has timed out.

Fourteen days were recorded for the fourth phase. The original plan was ten days, but the artists had no complaints, and even collectively asked for a longer recording time and stayed in the army for a while.

In the guest house, the conditions are not very good, and the artists have lost their previous pampering, and some sigh.

In the evening, everyone got together to soak their feet, each with a pot of hot water.

Zhang Yifeng said: "I want to rest for three days and not go anywhere. You said how nice it is to have been in the company of heroes! Hey..."

Liu Yuan: "I like that army. It satisfies all my fantasies about the army."

Yuan Heng said: "This squad leader, I... can't even stand up."

Wu Litao: "I can! I can fight with anyone! I was videotaping the whole process when the monitor was crying, and I would look for him for a drink in a few years and show it to him. I laughed at him in public, hahaha..."

No one pays attention to Wu Litao, this guy said that he will find the monitor for a drink in a few years, and it is very likely that he will really go to him.

Guo Xiaoxi said: "I want to go home, how about you?"

Li Tiezhu put his head in his hands: "I'm going to southern record an issue of "Mushroom House"..."

To be honest, Li Tiezhu didn't want to go.

But there is no way, this show is a matchmaker between him and Song Zhuer, and Du Haibo has just been taken away, and he has to retaliate. This is Song Zhuer's teaching.

Go one day, record one day, come back one day, and then go to the artillery unit, just in time.

(Also, ask for a review, I can say something when I see it here! Otherwise, I feel like a stand-alone codeword...)

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