Earthy Superstar

Chapter 739: : Ad placement master

After roasting the chicken, Li Tiezhu went outside the courtyard and called his home, very anxious.

"Old man! Is there anything wrong at home? Where is Xiaohua?"

"I was beaten by her mother for an hour. I just ate and fell asleep. It's okay, it's okay! Don't worry about it, and work hard."

"Can I not worry? The cram school that was checked was secretly opened by my former head teacher outside the school. Did you forget?"

"Yeah~ When I sent Xiaohua, I gave him a cigarette."

"A fool! Kill it!"

"It's not that serious?"

"This is a serious matter. Now that the police are forbidden to make up classes, the police must strictly investigate. If the school finds out, the little prince will be punished."

"Does the school know?"

"My goodness! This matter has spread all over the Internet, and the school doesn't know that there is a ghost! Forget it, you guys have a good life, I will find a way."

This is really miserable!

The new policy that just came out this year banned all off-campus training schools and cram schools.

Burden reduction is part of it. More importantly, it is to ensure fair education and prevent China from embarking on the old path of Western elite education and happy education. The descendants of the elite receive elite education, and the descendants of the bottom receive happy (mentally retarded) education.

The policy is very good, but the training course of The Little Prince against Wind has been running for many years, and I didn't expect it to be planted in Liu Xiaohua's hands. Following the good voice of the door-closing person, Liu Xiaohua has won a new title-the Destroyer of the Cram School.

Because Liu Xiaohua is famous, and her operation is too glamorous, it will be very difficult for the little prince against the wind. Not only did he fail to run the training class, he also had to be punished at school, and his job title evaluation would be affected in the future.

This made Li Tiezhu feel very sorry.

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiezhu went back to continue cooking, not in a good mood.

Others drank iced milk tea outside, chatting and laughing, only Zhang Zifeng noticed something was wrong with Li Tiezhu and came over and asked:

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"Look for yourself, this training class is run by my head teacher, and I only let her in through the relationship."

Li Tiezhu couldn't laugh or cry, turned on the vibrato of the phone and showed it to her.

Then Zhang Zifeng laughed madly: "Goose, goose... Sorry, puff! Brother, I can't help... Goose, goose, goose... The little flower is so cute... Hahaha The face of the little prince being taken away from the wind, so resentful..."

Others also gathered around to admire, and laughed wildly.

Li Tiezhu sighed up to the sky, his inspiration flashed, and said:

"Brother Peng, come over and play an ad for the Gang of Sinners."

Peng Peng suddenly realized: "Oh, yes! I haven't done implantation yet..."

He went back to the room and took a tablet computer. At this moment, other people were also around the kitchen. Peng Yuchang asked Wei Jia in a slanderous manner:

"Master Jia, do you have a niece?"

Wei Jia was stunned by the question, and Master Huang Sanshi ridiculed him wildly, and the others also laughed.

As always, He Ling's **** was as usual. He took Peng Yuchang's tablet and handed it to Du Haibo: "Come on, Peng Peng, let Boge show you what a great placement advertisement is, okay? I'm so sorry that this evildoer helped us. People, because Peng Peng does it every time, it's especially like a joke."

Peng Yuchang touched his face, but didn't dare to refuse: "Yes, I will do it."

Actually, he was very wronged...

He Ling made it clear that he was giving Du Haibo a chance to perform, but it was indeed a bit obvious.

Li Tiezhu called Peng Peng over for the implant. In fact, he wanted to do it by himself. In order to pull the little prince against the wind who was pitted by Liu Xiaohua, the result was...

It was cut off, okay.

Li Tiezhu is not used to anyone, and Teacher He is no exception. He immediately said:

"What do you mean by sorry for the evildoer? Brother Peng was sorry for implanting them? Then you didn't do it yourself! Moreover, although Brother Peng is funny every time, isn't it a good thing? The effect is pretty good."

He Ling explained: "I just made a joke to let Peng Pengdu learn. My Zhu brother is so irritable! Haha!"

Li Tiezhu: "Besides, you share the money for the evildoer's sponsorship together, but Brother Peng does the work alone. He also does the work, cutting materials, washing dishes, making fires, climbing trees, moving things..."

He Ling: "Uh..."

Peng Yuchang was also extremely embarrassed. He did feel wronged, but Li Tiezhu made him extremely guilty when he said so openly.

The three of the Happy Family stayed, so Li Tiezhu doesn't regard himself as an outsider, right? You are just a guest. Besides, what status is Teacher He? Du Haibo was even more at a loss with the tablet and was frightened.

Zhang Zifeng quietly exited the kitchen door, hiding in the shadows, damn, it was too scary.

Huang Sanshi was beside him helping to make soup, smiling very happily, he liked Li Tiezhu's kind, he has a sense of variety! See how little He Ling resolves it.

Li Tiezhu smiled and said, "I have been a resident guest, don't I know? Ha!"

He Ling also laughed: "That's my fault! I'm sorry for the gangster! Peng Peng is really good, so let me Boge do an implantation, let Teacher Peng Peng give pointers."

Peng Peng waved his hands again and again: "Don't dare! I'm not doing well...learn from Bogotá."

Therefore, Du Haibo bit his head and started: "Peng Peng, do you know the live broadcast of the Guilty Gang?"

Peng Peng: "I know, there are over 800 million users..."

The key information is all finished.

Du Haibo said: "Study hard and make progress with your niece."

Peng Peng took the tablet: "Oh, good, good..."

Teacher He smiled and said: "The Happy Family is particularly willing to cooperate with the show to implant something..."

Li Tiezhu: "That's it?"

He Ling: "..."

Du Haibo was also embarrassed, Wei Jia pouted and Wu Xien covered her mouth. What is this going to do?

Huang Sanshi: "Hahahahaha... Go on, Brother Zhu, when I am not smiling, hahahahaha..."

His position is superb, and he can watch the excitement happily.

Moreover, he does feel that Du Haibo is really not that good, so why compare with my apprentice? Just implant this one, today is the worst! Look at Peng Peng’s electric fan implantation last night. Regardless of Du Haibo being a professional host, he is really inferior to Peng Peng in variety and popularity.


"Although I like Teacher He, Peng Peng is indeed very good!"

"Du Haibo is far inferior to Peng Yuchang!"

"It's my brother Zhu to relieve his anger, even Teacher He is shocked."


"My sister is hiding, so cute!"

"Love, love, has Li Tiezhu always been so stubborn?"

"Brother Serious has always been so manic."

"I also think Du Haibo's implantation is really not good."

"Teacher He insists on Peng Du Haibo."

"A deserter, I'll hehe..."

"That's it? That's it?"

"I like the way Li Tiezhu speaks."

He Ling is also a person with superb field control ability, both IQ and EQ are high, so he turned around and respectfully cooperated with Li Tiezhu:

"Yes! Please comment on Brother Zhu! Both Peng Peng and Boge study hard."

Peng Peng is very rare for Li Tiezhu's "This is it", and said: "Brother Zhu, please advise!"

Du Haibo could only follow: "Brother Zhu advises."

Li Tiezhu was making Mapo tofu, wiped the hand after cutting the tofu with a rag, took the tablet and said to the camera: "Let’s take a paragraph! Later in the program group, please put the vibrato video of my sister Liu Xiaohua on my left hand. Side, yes, it's today's one."

Everyone just saw this hot spot, and laughed, Li Tiezhu really doesn't recognize it!

Li Tiezhu pointed to the left and said, "Did you see it? This is the destructive power of bear children! After this wave of operations, I believe that all cram schools across the country are shivering. Whose class does not have a bear child? Parents must be worried too. What are you waiting for? Let's take a live broadcast class for the evildoer! The teachers of the cram school, too, give the evildoer to give lectures, stay away from the bear children!"

The artists began to applaud, and Li Tiezhu did not follow the routine.

As soon as Liu Xiaohua’s news comes out, he will contact the live-streaming class of the gang, and it will definitely sell well. After all, you can watch the child at home and prevent him from calling the police...

Li Tiezhu added: "In addition, the teacher caught in the video is my former head teacher, the little prince against the wind. Yes, he has his hair transplanted. He is a gold medal math teacher in our school. He has first-rate teaching ability, a humorous and approachable style, and he has thick hair. Are the parents very envious? Don't worry, there are all such good teachers in the gang!"

Finish the work!

The barrage is dense again:


"Laughing so hard at me, Liu Xiaohua..."

"Fantastic, right?"

"I gave full marks to Liu Xiaohua's operations, and Li Tiezhu's operations also gave full marks!"

"It's said that serious brother is stupid, haha."

"This ad is good, it's too slippery."

"The little prince against the wind is going to be another wave..."

"Guess the evildoer gang wants to sign the little prince against the wind."

"Serious brother always has a show operation."

Li Tiezhu returned the flat plate to Peng Peng and went to turn the tofu.

Peng Peng was dumbfounded and applauded: "Brother Zhu, are you amazing? You are more stiff than me! But...the effect must be very good. Keep up with current events! It's your sister."

Li Tiezhu: "Your sister!"

Although Li Tiezhu's paragraph is hard, it is absolutely effective.

And the deeper routine is that if the boss of the gangster is not thinking about it, he will definitely sign the little prince against the wind immediately. Regardless of whether his teaching ability is so good, as long as he bears the two titles of Li Tiezhu's class teacher and being arrested by Liu Xiaohua on the spot, he can bring endless publicity dividends to the evildoer.

Liu Xiaohua pitted the little prince against the wind. Of course, Li Tiezhu, the elder brother, had to make up for the teacher's loss.

When the show was broadcast, the boss of the gang was also watching. He is a loyal fan of the show. He was quite satisfied with Peng Peng’s blunt implantation every time, because it seemed blunt, but in fact it was a little bit funny. very good.

But what stuff did Du Haibo implant? It's so embarrassing!


Li Tiezhu is still reliable, UU Reading This implant has both hot spots, policies and laughs, which is not bad. He immediately called his subordinates, no matter how much money he spent, he should sign the little prince against the wind to the evildoer and make him a gold medal teacher.

Li Tiezhu is an ad placement master!

In the show, Du Haibo was dumbfounded. He was really unconvinced, but he couldn't accept it. In contrast, his own paragraph really broke down to the extreme.

Brother Yinggoubi made a pair of eyes, and Wei Jia said, "What kind of brain hole is Tie Zhu?"

Wu Xien: "Strong! Too strong, Haibo was turned into a **** in seconds."

He Ling started to interrupt: "Hey? You said that if you ask Liu Xiaohua to endorse the gang, Liu Xiaohua won't call the police to catch the gang boss, right?"

Everyone laughed again, and the atmosphere warmed up.

The boss of the evil gang also laughed and picked up the phone: "Sign me Liu Xiaohua as the spokesperson of the evil gang! I thought about the advertisement, so I asked her to take the police to check the training class, and then took out the evil gang from her schoolbag. Help come and learn. Hahaha..."

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