Earthy Superstar

Chapter 740: : Intrigue

Huang Sanshi can't stay idle either. Li Tiezhu can rest when he comes to mushrooms, but every time he wanders around in the kitchen and asks questions about cutting and cutting vegetables, covering the pot, holding plates and so on.

"Tie Zhu, your fire is so small, can the chicken be cooked? It's covered with such a thick layer of mud."

Li Tiezhu put the mapo tofu that had been hooked three times on a plate, washed the pot, and prepared to fry the water spinach:

"Teacher Huang, the fire can't be too high. The chicken is not roasted, but simmered. The charcoal is not extinguished. If the fire is too large, it will burn. I have cooked it twice in primitive people, and it scorched the first time. ."

After busying for a while, the mushroom house started.

Li Tiezhu and Peng Yuchang are eager to eat, both of them are food lovers, while the others are relatively reserved. Girls are afraid of getting fat, while men are more afraid of fat. Especially Huang Sanshi and Du Haibo, they are very restrained in the face of food.

After a while, both Wei Jia and Du Haibo stopped. They looked at each other through Wu Xi'en, and then looked at He Ling. They thought it was time.

Wei Jia said, "No, after eating so much, I will run tomorrow."

Du Haibo said: "Me too, I have to run five kilometers, otherwise it will become fat."

Wu Xien: "You? Five kilometers? Bragging right?"

He Ling: "Bobo really didn't brag. When he was in the army, he ran five kilometers, still in the middle of the night. Right?"

Du Haibo smiled and said, "That time it didn't count. It was my comrades who helped me run, and they all ran and vomited. They ran with me while shouting ‘Don’t abandon, don’t give up", which made me especially touched. Actually I wanted to give up, but they believed me so, I could only finish the run with gritted teeth... The most important thing is to thank Tie Zhu, he was the first to take the lead in helping me run! "

In fact, Li Tiezhu was helping Du Haibo to run wildly, just to retaliate against him. Who told him to hide Li Tiezhu's shoes?

Du Haibo knows this very well, and now comes up with such a set of rhetoric, two purposes.

One is to take the initiative to lower his posture to ease the relationship with Li Tiezhu, and the other is to try to restore the bad image of quitting "The Real Man" halfway through. After the show was broadcast, he was ridiculed and despised by the entire network.

He Ling: "You have suffered when you participate in "Real Men". Everyone knows that you are too fat. You have to work twice as hard for the same exercise. However, I think you participated in the training and worked hard. There is nothing to regret! Right Tie Zhu?"

In the final analysis, this is a group cooperation of the Happy Family, in order to use Li Tiezhu's attitude to restore Du Haibo's image.

They are all in the circle, who still doesn't understand?

Therefore, everyone looked at Li Tiezhu and waited for his response. The Happy Family is already very low profile, just waiting for Li Tiezhu to let go.

Huang Sanshi doesn't care about these things. He has a good relationship with He Ling, but he is like the Happy Family. In total, he and Peng Yuchang, Zhang Zifeng, and Li Tiezhu belong to one side.

Peng Peng shrank his neck and ate wildly.

The younger sister Zhang Zifeng looked at Li Tiezhu worriedly. The four of the other party's posture was a little bit imposing, which made her feel unfriendly.

Li Tiezhu took a meal, paused for a while, and then said: "The Real Men" is not just a show. We are enlisting in the army. The heads of the army and comrades in arms regard us as real fighters, and the audience is the same. Now that Bogo knows If your body is not good, but you still want to participate, you should adjust your body first, instead of going to the army to lose weight. The army is where you fight, not where you lose weight."

【Ding! Seriousness +1】

Zhang Zifeng's heart twitched when he heard it, Zhu Ge is so cool! However, this is too slap in the face, right?

She saw that Teacher He's face diagonally turned dark. Although this person greeted everyone with a smile, it was definitely not a good match. Just look at the situation of the internal struggle in Xiangnantai in the past two years.

Du Haibo was also a little unconvinced, but he did not dare to choke Li Tiezhu in front of him, and was frightened by Li Tiezhu.


"Teacher He is for peace?"

"Li Tiezhu really doesn't give face."

"It's a bit embarrassing."

"Just finished!"

"That's why Li Tiezhu became so popular, he said whatever he wanted to say."

"I have to say, the serious brother said nothing wrong."

"I want to go to "Real Man" without getting good exercises in advance, when the barracks is a weight loss center?"

"Even Li Tiezhu had especially practiced before he left."

"Teacher He's face is wrong."

Wei Jia laughed and said, "Haibo had practiced before he went, and after coming back, he would run five kilometers every day. Tie Zhu is discriminating against fat people!"

Li Tiezhu: "I don't discriminate against fat people, right, Teacher Huang?"

Huang Sanshi: "Do you believe that I killed you?"

Li Tiezhu: "I just feel that Boge is not suitable for the barracks. It's a matter of fact, not just physically. Boge won't mind it, right?"

Du Haibo said: "Don't mind, don't mind... I'm really far behind..."

Li Tiezhu: "But anyway, we are all comrades who have carried guns together. All conflicts and frictions will not change this. Moreover, everyone misses you, especially Yuan Heng and Liu Yuan."

It's not that Li Tiezhu is soft, he really doesn't like Du Haibo, so he should do it all. After that, everyone is still a comrade-in-arms. This is a matter of principle. If something goes wrong, you should help and cooperate, as long as Du Haibo stays out of trouble.

Du Haibo's complexion immediately turned ruddy. First, Li Tiezhu had already let go, and second, he found that his popularity was okay: "Really? I thought they all regarded me as a burden!"

Li Tiezhu smiled: "Because after you left, they often counted to the bottom."

Many people laughed, and Peng Peng almost choked.

He Ling's complexion immediately improved a lot. Although Li Tiezhu didn't give much face to him, he was not wicked after all. Even if he didn't like Du Haibo and didn't mean to get into trouble, that's okay.

Li Tiezhu would not intrigue, but he was not afraid of intrigue.

Du Haibo: "Hahaha...have you found mine now? Huh? No! You still look down on me."

Li Tiezhu spread his hands: "How can I look down on it? We are considering the problem from the status of strength."

Du Haibo: "I have become stronger now. If you don't believe me, look at it tomorrow, you can finish the five kilometers easily."

Seeing that the relationship between the two sides has almost eased, Huang Sanshi came out to clean up the mess: "Teacher He, should we run with five of us tomorrow?"

He Ling looked around and refused to answer this question.

Suddenly a lightning bolt struck the sky.

He Ling smiled: "Brother Zhu, you can predict, will it rain tonight?"

Li Tiezhu: "Next, I saw the ants move this afternoon."

He Ling smoothly changed the subject: "Then let's go and collect the glue?"

Huang Sanshi didn't force him, and said, "I'm going to collect glue too, because I haven't been out much. I have to go out for a stroll while Tie Zhu is still in the mushroom house."

Then, three elderly people and a fat man went to collect glue. Poor Peng Peng was left at home to wash the dishes. Seeing that he was really miserable, Li Tiezhu went to help him wash it together.

The younger sister Zhang Zifeng is in charge of chatting with the old princess Wu Xien.

"Li Tiezhu is so scary, I was afraid that some of them would fight."

"That's not scary, all of them can't beat my brother together."

"Ahaha... also. Are you not worried at all?"

"Worry! But I can't help."

"What the idiot Du Haibo did, he got him to the last show, but he was rejected by others, and he also provoke Li Tiezhu..."

"Sister, can this be said?"

"Don't be afraid, our channel's program, they won't broadcast it."

Indeed, this paragraph was not broadcast either.

On the other side, after exiting the mushroom house, Huang Sanshi couldn't help asking: "Lingling, you three are pushing Tie Zhu together today, are you not afraid of him stab?"

He Ling: "Has he not exploded? He stepped on my old face!"

Huang Sanshi laughed and said, "That's not because you are pushing too hard. With Tiezhu's character, you will never be pinched like this. Therefore, he will definitely attack you, and he will take the initiative to relieve you when you have nothing to do. Contradiction. Tie Zhu is not smart, but he has experienced so many things, so you think of him simple."

He Ling was still upset: "Why? I pulled down my old face and begged him."

Huang Sanshi shook his head: "! You still underestimated Tie Zhu, he was not the same as he was three years ago. Three years ago, he was fledgling and helpless, and now? An international superstar! Ten billion actor! New director! Penguin's absolute brother! A person can single-handedly challenge the Kyoto circle and the Xiangjiang circle, he can't be soft, he can only hold on to it, and if he can't hold it, he will be attacked by a group. Every time he encounters a problem, he will It’s a routine, one punch to avoid a hundred punches."

He Ling: "I always look at people? His wings are hard now, and the backstage is hard..."

Huang Sanshi: "Just kidding? Penguin culture can't be considered too outrageous. The most outrageous thing is Li Tiezhu, appointed by the official high-level officials, who must help him in the upper position. At this time, if you go to mess with Li Tiezhu, who are you aiming at? It's not just for yourself. Is it at ease?"

He Ling was speechless, he knew all the truth, but he would inevitably be biased towards his own people.

Wei Jia said cautiously: "Can you say these things? How about recording the show."

He Ling: "It doesn't matter, my own programs, these won't be broadcast."

Huang Sanshi said to Du Haibo, who had not spoken, "Listen to me, Boge. You will get along with Li Tiezhu in the future. If you don’t commit a mess, he will not be able to bully you, maybe he will help you. He has a lot of problems, but people The product is absolutely fine."

Du Haibo was also sweated by Huang Sanshi's words just now, and repeatedly said: "Yes, yes, am I here to bear Jing's plea?"

Of course, the audience did not see the above. What they saw was the posture of four people laughing and joking to collect glue, and Huang Sanshi and a king sent me to patrol the mountain.

After collecting the glue, Du Haibo was exhausted again, and slumped at the door of the living room, shouting:

"Peng Peng, what kind of fan is that? Give me a whole one, it's too hot for me."

Li Tiezhu just came over with the prepared yogurt and stared at Du Haibo calmly.

Du Haibo was excited, and quickly jumped up and patted his butt: "Peng Peng doesn't need to take it! I'm going to rest in the yard for a while, it just happens to be windy~"

Only then did Li Tiezhu walk into the house and gave Zhang Zifeng the yogurt and asked her to share it with everyone.


"Just take Li Tiezhu's Slipper Terminator!"


"Du Haibo is too persuaded, right?"

"It looks like I saw my dad."

"Originally, he instigated Peng Peng like an uncle, so why?"

"My Zhu brother is never used to this kind of person."


"Is it handsome?"

"Master! It means to be handsome and handsome!"

When playing games at night, everyone's atmosphere was also good, mainly because Du Haibo solved this point, and everyone let go.

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