Earthy Superstar

Chapter 750: : I am coming to you

Originally, the program team didn't plan to broadcast this segment, and even only took a cameraman to follow the film to use it as a highlight of the program. Because usually when I rest at night, I don't have much to take pictures.

How to do?

To broadcast or not to broadcast?

When broadcasting, there is only one fixed camera position. The other cameramen have already gone back to rest. Now it is too late to call, and the rest is a fixed camera position on the wall.

If you don't broadcast it...a loss!

Of course, you don’t have to decide whether to broadcast or not, but to shoot first. Finally, after editing, the program team determined that the quality was very high and was of great broadcast value, so this paragraph was added to the feature film.

This passage started with the soldiers singing. Of course, Liu Yuan's beautiful singing also "stunned" the audience. The focus is on Li Tiezhu, including what he said about A Diao...


"Wulitao is really a **** and man, can you sleep with this?"

"Grave head jump di!"

"Shen Te Mo is still in his father's body..."

"A little tadpole?"

"I would like to call Li Tiezhu the Iron Warrior! Dirty~"


"Liu Yuan, are you special..."

"Biochemical weapons, Liu Yuan's singing is definitely a biochemical weapon!"

"Our country promises never to use Liu Xiaohua first, we use Liu Yuan!"

"So, Xiaohua and Liu Yuan are brothers and sisters?"

"A Diao grew up?"

"very nice!"

"Eh! There are new songs to listen to."

"Li Tiezhu's products must be exquisite!"

"our target is……"

"No cavities!"

"The sea of ​​stars!"

"Just listen to this prelude to know that it is another classic!"

"What are you doing? Licking!"

The prelude is not long, it will be over soon.

Everyone listened very carefully, or looked forward to it. Both entertainers and soldiers had heard of Li Tiezhu's super original ability early on, but it was the first time to listen to him sing an original song on the spot, and even the first time to listen to him sing live.

Li Tiezhu began to sing softly, K is quite high, but the voice is not loud, after all, there is still one asleep.

I wish to become a star

Guarding the buzzer of the seabed

This is my dream

A miracle

Light up your heart

your love

How far is it

In fact, there are two sentences of English in the lyrics, Li Tiezhu changed them, because he thinks these two sentences of English... are unnecessary. Even if the changes are not good, they will recognize it.

The artists nodded one after another. Even if they were not in the music circle, they knew many singers and even sang the theme song themselves. They are no strangers to music. How do you say this song by Li Tiezhu? The previous paragraph... is quite satisfactory.

But the soldiers who have been in the barracks for a long time heard it a little bit surging, because they were in different units, and naturally they felt different. Almost every week, they have to organize learning courses, and the object of learning is naturally the general who was full of bark after the war.

Therefore, when they heard this song, they seemed to have heard the monologue of General Jingyu.

Isn't he shining like a star just like a star? His dreams and the miracle of fighting he completed have always illuminated the hearts of all officers and soldiers of this army.

Let them go forward courageously and fearlessly.

Of course, Li Tiezhu's song was not written for the general alone, so their understanding is somewhat far-fetched, and it's not wrong.

The program group even contributed to the flames. Later personnel directly added some black-and-white photos and data maps of General Jing Yu when Li Tiezhu sang the song, and the atmosphere was immediately set off.

And this stems from the interview with the soldiers after the program group, they think this song is about their general.

The melody at the beginning was slightly plain, but countless viewers were blushed because of the show's support and their own understanding. The barrage was very positive:

"The hairs are standing up~"

"General Jingyu's eternal god!"

"If only there were no traitors around him..."

"Although the melody is relatively flat, but the lyrics are really good."

"Don't worry, this is the beginning."

"Waiting to hear the orgasm!"

"Always support Li Tiezhu!"

"The nose is a bit sore..."

Li Tiezhu is plain, without much mood swings:

Don't stop when you cross the sea of ​​people

I still look forward to it now

Will we love

Will be blown to the sea by the wind

Never come back

Whenever you come to me

Tell me the stars and the sea

This was the climax of the first half, and the artists nodded in satisfaction and even began to applaud. Yeah! This section is what Li Tiezhu should have, with beautiful melody and passionate emotions.

But, why do you always feel bad breath?

The soldiers also felt it, when you want me to come, put your ideal master to us, then... and then? The sea of ​​stars, then what?

Stopped abruptly.


"It sounds good!"

"As expected, it is my brother Zhu."

"General Jing Yu is the sea of ​​stars!"

"Grandpa Yuan is also our sea of ​​stars!"

"They all form the ocean~"


"It feels like hearing "Dislocation Time and Space"..."

"Always believe that our journey is the sea of ​​stars."

"Love, love!"

"I want a single loop of this song!"

"Serious brother, hurry up and release an album!"

"Wow, I just laughed out of my nose, I was crying while listening to music?"

"Come on, dream catcher!"

After the interlude, Li Tiezhu continued to sing, his voice was not loud, but his mood was obviously fuller than the first half.


Will we love

Will be blown to the sea by the wind

Never come back

Whenever you come to me

Tell me the stars and the sea

Will we love

Like stars guarding the sea

Never left

At this time, Wu Litao in the upper bunk was finally awakened. He didn't sleep for a long time. His brain hurts and he wanted to curse, but he saw that his master was singing, so he swallowed the swear words as soon as he reached his mouth.

He listened in a daze, and it turned out to be very good. Isn't it me who wrote this song?

In order to pursue his dream, the beautiful boy who never stops!

If this song is sung for me, maybe... Forget it, I can't sing it because the tune is too high.

The soldiers were full of enthusiasm, but they couldn't express themselves because of the lyrics. Ambiguous words such as whether it will not come back or will it be unprofitable.

The barrage is also complaining about this:

"Not enough blood!"

"This song is a bit pessimistic?"

"What do you mean while still looking forward to it?"

"This word doesn't want to be serious brother's style!"

"I like it very much, not just beating chicken blood blindly."

"Very delicate!"

"Whenever you come to me, tell me the stars and the sea. Is it very burning?"

"It's the sound of dreams..."

"Whose dream is not lost?"

Finally, Li Tiezhu’s guitar sound faded, similar to a cappella:

I am coming to you (playing guitar)

You are the sea of ​​stars




I suppressed the emotion of a whole song and vented it out. Whether it is a singer or a listener, there is a feeling of scalp numbness. It's not like a burst like a volcanic eruption, it's more like a grand river rushing into the sea endlessly.

Several soldiers have begun to cry, even if they are iron men on the training ground, but at this moment they are not. If it weren't for beliefs and dreams, who could stand for so many years in a remote wasteland thousands of miles away from home?


What is the picture?

Follow in the footsteps of the general, like him to prop up the vast stars with iron, blood and life, and guard the peaceful sea behind! Let it be able to sing and dance, live and work in peace, and even quarrel for three years over whether Li Tiezhu is stupid or not.

They understand, but there are also grievances, right?

At this moment, Li Tiezhu sang their dreams and perseverance, and the iron man walking forward with the weight could not help but red eyes, because...understood and recognized.

The rough guy Liao Long was listening to the song while holding dumbbells to work out. Later, he slowly lowered the dumbbells. His eyes were red and he didn't cry.

After taking a few deep breaths, he said, "I suddenly don't want to be home."

The platoon leader turned his head and glanced at his soldier in surprise. This guy has always been careless, and would also miss home? Will he be homesick? I never heard him talk about it!

He found that Liao Long's cheeks were protruding muscles and his body was shaking. Knowing that he was not in the right state, he reached out and hugged his head.

With his head buried on the shoulders of the platoon leader, Liao Long still cried.

After Zhang Yifeng let out a long breath, he got up and patted Liao Long, who didn't want to raise his head to let everyone see him, and said, "Child, it's not easy!"

Then Guo Xiaoxi, he also came to pat Liao Long.

Yuan Heng shook his head slightly and said, "To be honest, let me stay here for a few are so great!"

Liu Yuan said: "I want to pay tribute to you!"


"Broken defense, broken defense..."

"Li Tiezhu is a real dog, crying Laozi again!"


"The words are really well written."

"The song is great too."

"The last two sentences are absolutely amazing!"

"I am coming to you, you are the sea of ​​stars!"

"It's numb, let me hear it numb."

"I've been back and listened to it ten times..."

"The soldiers are crying too!"

"Indeed, they are too bitter."

"How can the years be quiet? It's just that someone is going to carry your weight on your behalf!"

"Their troops are top elites. They are not conscripts for two or three years. The soldiers are all twenty-four or five years old."

"Fuck...My Long Brother is going to be homesick?"

"Still crying?"

"Brother Long, come on! You are great!"

"Wu Litao is crying, this hapless child."

Li Tiezhu's song hasn't finished yet, and there are two more lines, but now I can't sing it anymore. I want to say a few words to encourage these great fighters.


A drop of nose dripped on Li Tiezhu's hand.

"Asi!! Sinister!"

Li Tiezhu stood up and wiped off Wu Litao with disgust.

Wu Litao is wiping tears. He is the one who is the easiest to cry: "Sorry, I can't help it, I can't help it..."

The soldiers and the entertainers laughed at the same time, and the brief depression was wiped out.

Liao Long also took the opportunity to wipe away his tears secretly, and then laughed.

Li Tiezhu looked at Liao Long: "Brother Long, you should be the same talent as me. You will also miss home? Your thinking ability is so developed?"

Liao Long ignored Li Tiezhu's ridicule, and did not answer at the beginning, then turned his head back and grinned: "My third aunt introduced me to a daughter-in-law~ weird and cute..."

Li Tiezhu: "You are not homesick, you are greedy!"

Everyone leaned forward with a smile.

Liao Long scratched his head: "This passage won't be broadcast, right? My partner hasn't promised me yet, don't be seen by her..."

Li Tiezhu played the guitar and sang the last two lyrics in due course:

The hot star in my eyes

Walk along with me in the long night

After singing, everyone applauded again, these last two sentences added the finishing touch and set the tune of the whole song.

Li Tiezhu put down the guitar and said, "I can tell you clearly that if I don't sing the last two sentences, your sentence can be cut off. But now, for the sake of the continuity of the show, it can't be cut off."

Liao Long was anxious immediately: "What should I do then? I bragged with her, saying that I was on the show with Xu Sanduo, and asked her to wait and watch..."

Everyone gloated and made a fuss.

Li Tiezhu said: "I have a way, you can confess it directly! Sing to the camera: I am coming to you, you are the sea of ​​stars!"

Everyone suddenly realized, wow, this word can still be used like this?

Not to mention, it seems appropriate to use it in love.

Liao Long was embarrassed, and everyone kept encouraging and coercing him.

Finally he sang: "I am coming to you, you are the sea of ​​stars! Lily, wait for me for another two years!"

Then... the atmosphere became even more exciting, of course, the program group behind this did not dare to broadcast it.

Because everyone stopped singing and forced Liao Long to use his cell phone to video chat with Lily, and everyone wanted to help him confess. Of course Liao Long didn't do it. Wu Litao, a good deed, immediately jumped out of the bed and commanded his master Li Tiezhu to subdue Liao Long, grabbed the phone and unlocked his face, then opened WeChat to find Lily.

No need to look for it, the first one is, Huh! Liao Long, this silly fork, why do you say such nasty things?

Video video...

"Hello? Lily."

"Brother Long?"

"Oh~ it’s not Brother Long, I’m your Brother Tao~ This is Brother Zhu, here are your Uncle Guo and Grandpa Zhang... What? Brother Long, was captured by Li Tiezhu, look, Brother Long was pressed Isn't he handsome when he lives? Let me tell you..."

Wu Litao was cheap and wretched enough to torture Brother Long enough, and Lily felt distressed.

Fortunately, this **** finally did something to force Lily to agree to deal with Long Ge.

Liao Long was left with a smirk.

After hanging up the video call, everyone joked about Liao Long and chatted about his military career. It was late, and they went back to their houses.

Turn off the lights and sleep.

Wu Litao couldn't sleep anymore. He lay on the bedside and said to Li Tiezhu, who was in the lower bunk: "Master, what do you think about girls? Isn't it annoying to fall in love? How come so many people can't figure out how to fall in love?"

Li Tiezhu replied earnestly: "Huh, Hululu..."

Wu Litao: "Stupid Master."


A pair of shoes flew from below and hit Wu Litao's forehead, causing him to scream with pain.

"Ah... West! Sorry Master, I was wrong."

Li Tiezhu put away his shoes, and continued to sleep on a fake day. Zhu'er is right. Now that I have a higher IQ, I shouldn't talk to fools because I'm easily infected.


This song is accompanied by some heroic images carefully interspersed by the program group, which makes this segment very sensational. In the eyes of domestic audiences, it is enthusiastic and moved to tears, but in the eyes of foreign audiences, it is strange.

Many young netizens abroad are also watching this program through oil tanks, but the starting point is completely different.

The biggest group of people is because of love Empela Lee.

And there are some people who watch this program only because it is the only program that truly records life and training so far. After all, it is not only as powerful as a myth, but also as mysterious as a legend.

Therefore, in the comment area of ​​the oil tank, various messages can make people see...The gap in IQ between people is larger than that between people and dogs.

"The Chinese tank army doesn't look very strong."

"Hey! That's because they don't need to be too strong at all. There is no room for them to fight a tank battle in the East. Who can break into the hinterland of China?"

"Only the wide European plain is the best battlefield for the steel torrent!"

"Their soldiers are so thin!"

"Oriental body shape is like this."

"I feel I can beat all three of them."

"Don't forget Bruce Lee and Impera Lee! Chinese people are all "empty husbands"!"

"But the king of light infantry! MacArthur lost the war because of his arrogance."

"Indeed, their infantry is the strongest in the world, not one of them."

"But I always feel that their tactics and training are behind..."

"Know that we all use drones and electronic warfare."

"Please! UAVs have been monopolized by China for more than ten years! Do you think they will not?"

"In addition to drones, they also have flying swords! After practicing to a certain level, they can fly with swords and even become gods!"

"I am also puzzled. They obviously have so many gods beyond magic, why don't they unify the world?"

"Watt? What are you talking about?"

"Brother! You should know more about China. There is an app called qidian, which contains many records about Eastern Immortals and Mysticism."

"The real powerhouse can even blast the planet with his fists!"

"Then why don't they inform the world?"

"Maybe because they... love peace!"

Aoting and Camilla still summoned the core members to watch this issue of "Real Men", and tried to understand from this show what Impera wanted to convey to them-the teachings!

Tonight’s "Holy Communion" is-barbecue.

Oting's moustache has been burned in half, and he got it on a barbecue, but he still insisted on making the "Holy Communion" by himself, carefully fanning the fire with a fan, and then putting the meat skewers on it.

Before watching the show, they first looked at the comment area below.

Sleeping Dragon Odin said with a look of disdain: "These Westerners are so stupid that they are hopelessly stupid! The world is about to die, and they are still showing off their clumsy IQ there."

Feng Baobao Camilla said: "Just as Ainpela hinted...If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy. Isn't that right now?"

Odin: "Yes! Our Eastern wisdom is the light of mankind. I am studying Eastern beliefs recently."

"Do the Easterners have faith? They are atheists."

"Belief does not necessarily mean believing in God, nor are we. Although we believe in Ai Enpela, we believe in his unique Chinese wisdom! The East believes in Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Tao solves the problem between man and nature, and Confucianism solves the problem between man and nature. People’s problems can be solved by solving people’s and inner problems. Even if they don’t have faith, these three wisdoms have already penetrated their bones. For example... the great Ai Enpera!"

"It's really like pouring pure ghee on the head (Daigo initiation)! I am so inspired! Then, the enlightenment that Ainpela teaches us is to solve the problem of people and zombies?"

"Not bad! Look, the torrent of steel in this flower, have you...understood it?"

Camilla squinted and watched dozens of tanks rampant across the wasteland on the screen. The smoke was billowing, and his heart was agitated, but he didn't realize anything, and he was rather ashamed.

Heiwaer and Mandun'er who were on vacation also participated in this observation.

Heiwaer said: "I think what Ainpera wants to teach us is...we also want to engage in tank corps."

Odin was overjoyed and said: "Yes! You are fine! It seems that you are being guided by the light by following Impera."

The sleepy dragon secretly breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't realize it, but he realized it? good! not bad! It turned out to be an armored corps! It's also right... The doomsday is coming, and it must be thousands of zombies like locusts crossing the border, just ordinary armed forces, how can it be enough?

With tanks, it’s not the same, just push directly, they can’t hurt us, and we have artillery, machine guns and...mobility.

Believe in the light!

Thanks to the great Ainpera for his enlightenment!

Baby Feng also regained consciousness in an instant. After Camilla suddenly realized, she wondered again: "Weapons shop...Are there tanks for sale?"

Heiwaer: "Of course not."

Aoting was already winning the game, learning from the famous fate of a brother Zhu (Zhuge) who had the same name as him in history, he fanned himself with a fan of grilling charcoal, and pointed to the south:

"We are going there to form a torrent of steel belonging to Ainpela on the land of Mosco! Use what we can and cannot use, all the funds and power! Form a sacred one of Ainpela sword!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly brightened, yes, not in the United States, you can play anywhere in Mosgo, as long as you don't play nuclear bombs, you can do anything.

Everyone shouted in unison: "Believe in the light! We rush towards the light, and the iron torrent that will be established in the far south is ours-the sea of ​​stars!"

"Fuck... the lamb skewers are mushy..."

"Brother, your clothes are burning!"

"Bring the fire extinguisher!"

"Don't move, this is a miracle, Ain Pera's appreciation of our wisdom!"

"It's burning up, brother!"

"It's okay, it's called...believe in the light!"

"Believe in the light!"

"Big Brother is so smart!"

"I believe it, I believe it, let's put out the fire, if you don't put out the fire again, the police are brought in..."

"Fire out!"


In the show, five o'clock in the morning the next day.

God was photographed awake.

Ain Pera didn't procrastinate, and stood up and started putting on clothes.

Today it is their turn to help the kitchen to send two soldiers to the cooking class to help.

The veteran Liao Long is one, and the other has to be chosen from artists. Then, there is no doubt that it is Li Tiezhu.

It's not because he can cook, mainly because his comrades in the cooking squad have quietly sent two big watermelons to them. All the cooking squad members are looking forward to "fighting" with Li Tiezhu.

The sky was still dark, and the earth seemed to be covered with a heavy yarn.

Liao Long asked, "Tie Zhu, do you like steamed buns or rice at home?"

Li Tiezhu: "Rice, I am from the south."

Liao Long: "You don't want southerners depending on your physique, so do you know how to rub buns?"

They rarely watch variety shows. Naturally, they don't know how skillful Li Tiezhu is, but he just heard that he cooks very well.

Li Tiezhu said modestly: "Slightly knows, a little knows."

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