Earthy Superstar

Chapter 751: : CPU stuck

What's so difficult about kneading steamed buns? I can knead buns, big and small, round and flat ones.

Li Tiezhu didn't resist going to help the kitchen, he was quite interested. It’s just that I heard that morning exercises today are going to learn some new combat skills, so he is a little bit worried about gains and losses.

Asked Liao Long, "What did you learn in morning exercises today?"

Liao Long: "To fall forward and capture the enemy, Ren Quanjiao, who came to arrest you yesterday. You don't need to go, so let you help the cook."

Li Tiezhu thought for a while, it was the one who ran away after seeing the situation, it seemed that there was really no need to go. The opponent may be more standard about military skills, but he can't beat Li Tiezhu. If he goes, the instructor will be a bit embarrassed.

Li Tiezhu knows how to make pasta, but he is certainly not as professional as the northerners, so he also studied with them after he arrived at the cooking class.

Fortunately, he was very savvy in his cooking skills, and soon he became more like that, and then he fried two big pot dishes.

While eating, Li Tiezhu heard that Liu Yuan had bitten his lower lip during training, so he thoughtfully made him a small dish of kimchi in red oil.

Liu Yuan: "Brother, do you have grudges against me?"

Li Tiezhu said, "This is called fighting poison with poison, and it won't hurt soon. If you don't believe me, try it."

Liu Yuan was dubious and took a bite: "Ah..."

Drink milk quickly to be shocked, it hurts too much.

Others can't laugh or cry, Li Tiezhu is really hard to guard against this silly deception, poor Liu Yuan.

Wu Litao said: "No brains? Isn't this putting pepper on the wound? You really eat it?"

Liu Yuan: "How do I know that Brother Zhu will harm me?"

Li Tiezhu said seriously: "Does it feel less painful? Because the hot pepper stimulates the wound, it will be particularly painful. Once you have experienced this, you will find that the injury is not so painful."

Liu Yuan: "A word from the Lord is better than a word!"

This is so special, it really makes sense! After drinking a few big mouthfuls of milk, it really doesn't hurt so much. Compared with when I first ate chili, it really doesn't feel much anymore.

Holding a bun, Zhang Yifeng said to Li Tiezhu: "Tie Zhu, the stuffing on this bun is a bit salty."

Li Tiezhu: "I didn't make the filling, I just wrapped the buns."

Yuan Heng: "That's because you didn't wash your hands before making the buns."

Zhang Yifeng's expression suddenly changed.

I had breakfast and started professional training, but the last two of the physical training yesterday, Yuan Heng and Wu Litao, could not participate in the training and were taken to the training ground to do support work. To put it simply, the iron rod that serves as the road sign of the tank is taken down and straightened and replaced if it is bent.


"What a boring job."

"It's like making a mistake in prison and going to stone, haha..."

"I always thought that that kind of benchmark can be straightened by itself."

"Those who are not physically fit are sent to do physical work."

"Do it a few more times, and your physical strength will rise."

"Is it an assembly line operation?"

As for Li Tiezhu and other four artists to study tank communications, the instructors are a bit powerful. He is a fourth-rank sergeant major, thirty-five years old, and sixteen years old. What is exaggerated is that he has performed first-class merit once and third-class merit five times.

Several artists were also shocked, darling!

First class work!

People who came out of the two armies, Zhang Yifeng and Guo Xiaoxi, naturally understood this weight.

And Li Tiezhu and Liu Yuan, two young men, through this period of training, in fact, they are no longer Xiaobai anymore, and their eyes are shining when they look at the instructor.

The instructor said: "Welcome everyone to study tank communications. My teaching style is... I like to ask questions."

Li Tiezhu's head suddenly became big, and for the scumbag, this was simply a nightmare.

"This instructor is so strong!"

"The first-class merit of being alive?"

"Long knowledge."

"The third-class gong is standing, the second-class gong is lying down, and the first-class gong is received by the family."

"So, the first-class work of alive is too powerful!"

"What has this instructor experienced?"

"It is estimated that they have participated in peacekeeping."

"It may also be counter-terrorism."

"It's not the first class collective work, it's outrageous!"

"Oh my God!"

"Is it okay to like to ask questions?"

"Brother Zheng Jing has a guilty conscience, haha..."

Even Liu Yuan and Guo Xiaoxi turned their heads to look at Li Tiezhu at the same time, and saw Li Tiezhu under the scorching sun, sweating like rain.

The first lesson, digital pronunciation.

It is the military reading of Arabic numerals, from one to zero, respectively: one, two, three, four, five, six, and eight hook holes.

After changing the pronunciation of the numbers, the mouth shapes are all open. The purpose of opening your mouth is to roar. The sound is loud enough so that the sound of communication on the battlefield will not be overwhelmed by the sound of artillery.

Instructor: "Do you think simple is not easy?"

Zhang Yifeng: "It's not easy."

Li Tiezhu smiled: "It's not easy."

It turns out that it's not easy for me alone.

Instructor: "It's not simple, it means you didn't remember it. Zhang Yifeng, tell me."

Zhang Yifeng: "One two, three, four, five, six, and eight hook holes."

Instructor: "Don't you remember this?"

Zhang Yifeng: "That's me being humble."

Li Tiezhu's smile disappeared immediately. Uncle Zhang doesn't talk about martial ethics! Isn't this set me up?

The instructor looked at Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu: "One three or four... one, one two or three is five land? Guaiba hook...hole?"

The other three snickered.

Zhang Yifeng said it was not simple, it was humility, and Li Tiezhu said it was not simple, it was really not simple.

Li Tiezhu suddenly regretted that he would not return the IQ value if he knew it, or add it back now? It's too late, you can only add or subtract once in a week... It's over.

Instructor: "You... practice alone first."

Li Tiezhu could only read it twice, barely able to read it.

Instructor: "For example, it's half past ten. It should be read as Yaodong Three Holes. Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu: "Here!"

Instructor: "How do you pronounce eleven o'clock?"

Li Tiezhu was suddenly nervous, and muttered: "Eleven, eleven three o'clock..."

Guo Xiaoxi, who was beside him, reminded: "It's ten ten past eleven."

Li Tiezhu: "Yaoyao three holes."

Everyone was amazed, how did you come to this answer? I said at 11:30, Guo Xiaoxi said at 11:10, are you merging strange? Fusion out of brother at half past eleven?

The instructor was also a little surprised for a while, this... also unexpectedly.

"Guo Xiaoxi, read it again."


"Li Tiezhu, are you wrong?"


"How to do?"

Of course it’s doing push-ups. Li Tiezhu lay down and did ten push-ups. While doing push-ups, he shouted: "Yaoyao three holes, ah? Oh, Yaoyao holes, Yaoyao holes..."

Guo Xiaoxi and Liu Yuan can't laugh or cry, can this be wrong? Can only remind him.

Then, the instructor said: "Next we will conduct a digital test, Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu: "Here!"

Why me again?

Instructor: "What is your height?"

Li Tiezhu's people are all numb: "..."

Yes, how tall am I? Think about it...I just measured it some time ago...

Instructor: "Say quickly."

Li Tiezhu became even more flustered: "Ah, this one... Yaobadongdong."

"Are you eighteen meters?"


"Is it Yaobayao or Yaoba hole?"

"Eight every one."

The instructor looked at Li Tiezhu and didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Tiezhu had a guilty conscience, so... he went down to do push-ups again.

Then, the instructor looked at the information in his hand and said: "Li Tiezhu, you are 1.81 meter tall, you are right, why are you doing push-ups? Stand up."

Li Tiezhu: "Report! What if it's wrong? I'll do a few first. I'll be wrong later anyway."

It's so reasonable.

Liu Yuan: "Puff......"

Then, the instructor looked at Guo Xiaoxi: "What is your wedding anniversary?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "Yaoyaodong, eight and two holes."

Li Tiezhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally bypassed me, terribly! It's like reading a book.

Instructor: "Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu: "Here!"

The voice is a bit broken, and the professional singer's voice is broken. Nervous, why are you back again?

Instructor: "Excuse me, when is Guo Xiaoxi getting married?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ah... report, I didn't remember."

It is very confused, just like life, full of confusion.

So Li Tiezhu started doing push-ups again.

Zhang Yifeng couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was so funny, he liked Li Tiezhu's encounter with this kind of link.



"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Having pillars means happiness."

"The pain of learning scum, I understand you! But I still can't help but laugh!"

"The sense of variety show of serious brother is really not acting."

"He is not a variety show, he is really slow to react."

"That smirk is too emotional."

"Someone asked me why I like to watch Li Tiezhu."

"Of course it is to find confidence!"

Then, the instructor asked Liu Yuan: "When is your girlfriend's birthday?"

Li Tiezhu: "Report, he has no girlfriend, hahaha..."

Liu Yuan: "..."

Instructor: "Then tell me, Li Tiezhu."

Liu Yuan: "Puff~"

I like the way Li Tiezhu is dead.

Li Tiezhu suddenly became stupid: "Ah? Which... which one?"

Guo Xiaoxi, Liu Yuan and Zhang Yifeng were all shocked, can this be said? They collectively looked at Li Tiezhu.

The instructor didn't understand, and said, "How old are you? How many girlfriends are there?"

Li Tiezhu: "One."

"Then which one do you ask?"

"Which question I asked, I didn't remember."

"Girlfriend's birthday."

The instructor was also speechless.

Li Tiezhu screamed, and then fell into a daze state again, the cpu was severely stuck: "This, this...hole...hole hook...hook corner, hole five or three."

Instructor: "..."

Liu Yuan: "Report! He said his girlfriend was born in 1997."

Zhang Yifeng: "Old enough! Young people have a great appetite!"

Guo Xiaoxi said: "No, no, no, Tie Zhu was talking about 1997 BC, and Nezha might have caused the sea during that time."

Li Tiezhu: "Uh... Yaogougouguai, five or three holes."

Instructor: "Liu Yuan, you can translate."

Liu Yuan: "He said Song Zhu'er was born on May 23, 1997."

Instructor: "Li Tiezhu, is he right?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ah this..."

It seems to be right and it seems to be wrong, my mind is messed up.

Instructor: "Is it right?"

Liu Yuan: "Report! No, his girlfriend was born on May 23, 1988. He said it was a year earlier."

Instructor: "How do you know?"

Liu Yuan: "We know it, and it's on the encyclopedia."

Li Tiezhu: "Ah... yes."

Instructor: "Li Tiezhu, you can't even remember your girlfriend's birthday, how can you explain it when you go back?"

Li Tiezhu: "Report! need to explain, she can't beat me."

Instructor: "???"

(Last two hours, ask for a monthly pass!)


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