Earthy Superstar

Chapter 760: : Secret trading

The audience naturally did not see Li Tiezhu's hard-core persuasion skills, otherwise they would definitely be included in "Quotations from Serious Brothers".

After the meal, it’s game time. Just like the mushroom house, the shots are not enough for games. It was Truth or Dare, Yang Feiyue was too lazy to move and chose Truth or Dare.

Jin Hean: "I ask a question that your fans want to know, what kind of boy do you like?"

Yang Feiyue: "He looks handsome!"

Li Tiezhu looked disgusted: "Huh~ superficial!"

There are a total of four men here, the other three are handsome guys, but he is ugly.

Yang Feiyue: "Master, what kind of girl do you like?"

Wu Litao said: "Does this still need to be asked? Zhuer's chant."

Li Tiezhu said leisurely: "Pretty."

Zhen Nailiang: "Puff..."

Yang Feiyue pointed at Li Tiezhu: "Look at you, I am ashamed to say that I am also a face dog! I am still a double-standard dog!"

Li Tiezhu: "It doesn't matter, what kind of girl does Tao brother like?"

He is nominally the master of Yang Feiyue and Wu Litao, but in fact he is treated according to the relationship between brothers, and Feiyue is no longer used to it.

Wu Litao spread his hands: "Why should I like girls? Women will only delay my creation!"

Good guys!

If it weren't for your two overly obvious dark circles, I would have believed it.

Of course, Li Tiezhu knew that he and Liu Yuan had gone to northern Hufu to shoot, and his current intelligence capabilities could not be overstated.

Jin Hean touched the beer glass with Wu Litao: "Good job!"

Li Tiezhu asked again: "Brother Liang?"

Zhen Nailiang: "What?"

Li Tiezhu: "What kind of girl do you like?"

Zhen Nailiang: "..."

Which pot do you not open or lift?

However, this time Zhen Nailiang also learned to be smart, and after thinking about it, he said, "I like...decent girls."

In the later stage of the program group, Bi Lian was not shaken, and Li Tiezhu was directly turned into a woman's dress. He was extremely hot-eyed. He also made a gesture of scratching his head and posing with the words:

"Decent girl!"



"Lao Tzu's eyes..."

"I'm so blind, Li Tiezhu killed that later stage!"

"This girl is too serious!"

"Mom asked me why I washed my eyes in the middle of the night."

Then, Wang Fang called and said that for the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, he would not be able to come to meet tomorrow, and he sent a gift, a portable karaoke speaker.

In the end, Wang Fang couldn't help but issue a soul torture:

"Brother Zhu, take the liberty to ask, don't you have any programs on the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

Others also looked at Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu, who has been on the Spring Festival Gala twice after his debut for three years, is the son of CCTV. Isn't it the Spring Festival Gala this year?

Li Tiezhu ate the cherry tomatoes and said, "Go on."

Wang Fang: "Xiao Kai also said that you will be on the Spring Festival Gala, so why don't you come to the rehearsal?"

Li Tiezhu: "Because, I haven't decided which song to sing. The Spring Festival Gala is still more than half a year away. What anxious? The director said, I can go to the last three rehearsals in the second half of the year."

Wang Fang: "You take the liberty, take the liberty, goodbye..."

People are more dead than people!

Li Tiezhu also had privileges during the Spring Festival Gala, and Yang Ma personally gave it.

Other artists participate in all rehearsals, and the program must be finalized by the director, and even undergo the baptism of elimination. Only Li Tiezhu, what song to sing has the final say, rehearsal? No need, just come to familiarize yourself with the venue and costumes at the end.

After Wang Fang hung up the phone, Wu Litao said: "I see it, this is my master's rehearsal! It is not necessary to rehearse for the Spring Festival Gala."

Li Tiezhu said modestly: "Passed, passed. I don't go to the rehearsal because the director is afraid of being beaten."

Then Yang Feiyue turned on the speaker.

"Wait on board..."

The prelude of "Burning My Calories" sounded, which frightened Yang Feiyue. Zhen Nailiang handed her the microphone. Yang Feiyue was crying and running out of tune while singing.

Wu Litao ridiculed the whole process, wow, is this level still a girl group? Ghost crying wolf howling is almost the same! No wonder so many people are black!

Zhen Nailiang and Jin Hean are also at a loss, this girl is hopeless.

Li Tiezhu is the most calm.

After singing, Yang Feiyue said, "I'm sorry, Master, I've blinded you to this song."

Li Tiezhu waved his hand proudly: "It's okay, just feed the dog."

Yang Feiyue was so angry that he came over and pinched Li Tiezhu's neck.


"Are calories okay?"

"Yang Feiyue: scare me!"

"Scared by my own song?"

"Feiyue don't speak up, your own people!"

"Wulitao finally got back a city, and his singing skills are still online at least."

"This tune runs farther than Hashimoto Daiki's feet."

"Feiyue sings, nothing grows..."

"It's a pity Li Tiezhu's song."

"Is this song written by Serious Brother?"

"Yes, I wrote the song for Shen Mou Teng's movie "Charlotte's Troubles"."

"Then let the koi sister's girl group sing the song."

"It is said that Li Tiezhu personally guided for half a month, and finally only let Yang Feiyue shout that sentence to burn my calories."

"This is... the mud can't support the wall!"

"With Tie Zhu, I don't want Wang Fang anymore."

The people who had already drunk some beer were singing and they were accidentally hilarious. Yang Feiyue was the wildest, jumping and barking like a neurotic. After all, of the five people present, she was the only one who could not sing.

Well, an entertainer who has a lack of tone but made a debut with a girl group singer.

Li Tiezhu also sang his new song "The Sea of ​​Stars" specially to Brother Liang, and then Brother Liang cried very loudly.

Zhen Nailiang: Li Tiezhu, your uncle, I have persuaded Lao Tzu for so long, and suddenly you are my sea of ​​stars, and I directly broke the defenses for Lao Tzu, you...don't talk about martial arts!


The next day, it was bright, Li Tiezhu got up, grabbed a duck and tied it with straw, picked some radishes, greens, and ginger, and went for a run with a basket on his back.

The cameraman wondered: "Ms. Li, are you... running with a load? The duck is too strange. Why don't you change some bricks?"

Li Tiezhu said, "No, I'm going to sell ducks and vegetables."

The cameraman was a little panicked. The director hadn't gotten up yet, so he couldn't be the master: "Mr. Li, if you don't wait, please tell me the director..."

Li Tiezhu ran out carrying the duck on his back: "I never listen to the director."

At this time, Zhen Nailiang also walked down with the head of the chicken nest: "Well said, we live the life we ​​want, and ignore the director team!"

Li Tiezhu: "Brother Liang, go for a run together."


The cameraman can only call a staff member and ride an electric vehicle to follow him to take the shot. Well, he is Li Tiezhu. It depends on how he sells ducks. If the filming is good, the director will add chicken legs.

Li Tiezhu took Zhen Nailiang and ran a few kilometers along the small road in one breath, then stopped by a remote banana forest, put down his basket and started playing with his mobile phone.

The cameraman asked: "Are you tired? Teacher Li, would you like to take a battery car to sell vegetables at the entrance of the village?"

Li Tiezhu: "What are you going to do at the entrance of the village? I'll sell ducks and vegetables here."

Zhen Nailiang looked around blankly, panting: "There is no one here. Tie Zhu, let's go back to Murakami to sell it. There are many tourists there."

Li Tiezhu said, "Wait, it's coming soon."

A few minutes later, a few people ran in the distance, three staff, two videographers, and a four-wheel electric car followed.

This lineup is stronger than ours!

The cameraman is like an enemy.

The other party got closer, and the cameraman breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a friendly army! A TV station.

Huang Sanshi and Peng Yuchang ran fairly easily, but Zhang Zifeng in the back ran a little scribbled, and their hairstyles were messed up.

She was not allowed to come, but she insisted to follow her, but she was in the car most of the time, but when she was about to arrive, she had to get down and run over by herself.

At this moment, not only the camera and staff of "Ha, Farmer" were dumbfounded, but the camera and staff of the opposite "Mushroom House" were also dumbfounded.

Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi connected this "bartering for goods" transaction in private, and neither program group knew about it.

This is a real secret transaction.

Zhen Nailiang didn't know, everyone was stupid, and only knew to greet people mechanically: "Hello Teacher Huang! Peng Peng, Zifeng...Why are you here?"

Before she finished asking, Zhen Nailiang realized it herself.

This is Li Tiezhu's personal relationship advertising for the show!

The audience of "Mushroom House" will definitely see this scene, and then, the ratings of "Ha, Farmer" are not...After all, the styles of the two variety shows are similar, and the audiences are roughly the same.

As the patriarch of Haha Farm, Zhen Nailiang is very grateful, and Tie Zhu is angry!

In order to support Yang Feiyue, Li Tiezhu was really free.

Zhen Nailiang is still like this. It is conceivable that the audiences of "Ha, Farmer" and "Mushroom House" are all excited.

The barrage of the two shows is very dense:

"What is a surprise? What is a surprise?"

"Wow! Can this be the case?"

"Why is there Li Tiezhu in the last issue? Didn't he mean he won't come?"

"It seems to be recording another show is "Ha, Farmer", the young version of "Mushroom House."

"Too good at playing!"

"If you look at a farmer, you can see Teacher Huang?"

"Peng Peng, Haha Farm is calling you to chop wood!"

"Let's put the two shows together!"

"Is it okay to visit each other?"

"Hahaha... the staff on both sides are dumbfounded."

As soon as he met, Huang Sanshi asked, "Where are your goods?"

Li Tiezhu patted the basket and asked, "Where are your goods?"

Huang Sanshi pointed to Peng Yuchang: "Here!"

Li Tiezhu: "He is worthless."

Peng Yuchang yelled, "Brother Zhu! What the master said was what was in my backpack, not me, I know that I am worthless."

Zhen Nailiang: "Hahaha...Peng Peng, are you so humble?"

Peng Yuchang fluffed his hair: "In front of Brother Zhu, I have always had no face."

Zhen Nailiang immediately put on the pain mask: "Excuse me with you!"

Peng Yuchang: "Just get used to it! Come on, Brother Liang."

At this moment, Zhang Zifeng blushed and panted and walked over: "Brother!"

Li Tiezhu put down his back basket, took out a golden medal from his bag and handed it to her: "This is the medal I got the first pistol shooting in the tank company, and I give it to you. Didn't you say that you like the military medal last time? "

Zhang Zifeng: "Thank you brother!"

Peng Yuchang said, "He is Brother Zhu, and I am your brother."

Zhang Zifeng: "Brother Peng Peng, do you have a medal?"

Peng Peng: "..."

Zhen Nailiang whispered: "Peng Peng, your sister is serious!"

Peng Yuchang wanted to cry without tears: "Isn't it? I was behaved before, but now I am beating me dozens of times a day..."

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