Earthy Superstar

Chapter 760: :hostage

Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi engaged in improper transactions. Duck and vegetables exchanged half a bag of flour, a jar of pickles, a braised trotter, and...five catties of rapeseed oil.

No loss or no profit, Li Tiezhu uses surplus materials here, and Huang Sanshi uses surplus materials because they will finish recording tomorrow.

For Haha’s family, flour is the staple food, it is scarce, and rapeseed oil is also a must.

After the transaction was completed, Huang Sanshi patted Li Tiezhu on the shoulder and said, "It's so fast! It's been four years..."

Why are you talking about this suddenly?

Li Tiezhu debuted for three years, but he was connected to the Four Seasons Mushroom House. He is considered the most frequent artist to go to the Mushroom House, and he even became a resident guest of the Mushroom House for a time.

However, last year Huang Sanshi excluded Li Tiezhu in order to favor Yi Xing and Zhang Zifeng, and the relationship gradually became estranged.

Li Tiezhu didn't hate anyone, he was the person who helped him, he just knew the difference between closeness and closeness.

Li Tiezhu has also matured a lot, and said, "Yes! If it weren't for the mushroom house, I wouldn't know Zhu'er yet."

Huang Sanshi saw that Li Tiezhu was very provocative, and said, "You are the child who came out of our mushroom house. The mushroom house will be finished in the fourth season tomorrow. Are you free to come back and sit down?"

Zhen Nailiang said: "That's so embarrassing!"

Huang Sanshi: "It's okay, I need to add a pair of chopsticks. Tie Zhu is his own child."

Zhen Nailiang turned his head away and admired the sunrise. It was ashamed that the lover only invited Li Tiezhu...

Li Tiezhu: "Okay! I'll come to eat dinner at night."

His original plan was to return to the army tonight and to take a day off tomorrow.

However, since Huang Sanshi had already invited him face-to-face, he still had to show his face. He decided to go to the mushroom house tonight and return to the army tomorrow.

Huang Sanshi laughed: "Cengfan is no good. Anyone can come to the mushroom house to cengfan. You can't. I will prepare the dishes and wait for you to make them."

Li Tiezhu: "Thank you."



"Sahua! Tie Zhu is coming to the mushroom house!"

"Did I watch the series? Isn't this "Ha, Farmer"?"

"This is Ha, mushroom man."

"No channel, it's all a mango platform."

"This linkage is interesting."

Huang Sanshi patted Li Tiezhu and said nothing. Who on earth should say thank you? Hard to say.

Since the last season, the ratings of "Mushroom House" began to decline, and the beginning of this season was even more terrible. Thanks to Li Tiezhu's two episodes half a month ago, the ratings almost doubled.

They also understand that the core of this show is Huang Sanshi and He Ling, but Li Tiezhu is the soul.

The results in the first season were mediocre. In the second season, Li Tiezhu was resident, and he instantly became a top variety show. He even stepped on both "Flying" and "Infinite Challenge" at one time.

Therefore, for the viewing rate of the first issue of the closing season of this season, or for the influence of the next season, Huang Sanshi still invites Li Tiezhu.

Huang Sanshi went to follow Zhen Nailiang's words again, did this show go well for the first time? Life is difficult, right? Don't know how to cook? No money?

I can rest assured that.

The old fox gave Zhen Nailiang to the routine in a few words, and knew the general level of the first episode of this show.

Zhang Zifeng tweeted around Li Tiezhu about the interesting stories about the Mushroom House, especially about the little turtle Dongba and Susu. The words were so dense that Peng Yuchang on the side couldn't speak.

Li Tiezhu smiled and asked, "Who is in the last issue?"

Zhang Zifeng: "They are all musicians. Brother, you must be able to talk to them! Teacher Xu Han, Sister Ou Nana, Old Wolf, Zheng Yun, Liu Mei and her son Tuba."

Li Tiezhu: "So many people in this issue?"

Peng Yuchang finally answered: "There is also old uncle Chen Chichi, too lazy to be speechless."

Li Tiezhu smiled when he heard Chen Chichi's name: "Okay, I'll treat him!"

Zhang Zifeng: "Are you coming? Great!"

Peng Yuchang: "What's so good? The show crew is out of money!"

Li Tiezhu said, "How hurt is it to talk about money? So, if I come to your door, you will also come to our door for someone, how about it?"

Although it is not my own show, this is my apprentice's show! And she is also an artist under my banner.

Yang Feiyue's first A-level variety show.

Peng Yuchang pushed Zhang Zifeng forward: "Give you my sister! Anyway, she has nothing to do after the exam."

Zhang Zifeng lowered his head and said nothing.

Peng Yuchang: "Eh? You have no objection? Sister, when have you been so behaved? Hahaha...Is it true that being a elder brother is getting more and more majestic?"

Zhang Zifeng replied shyly: "Mentally retarded!"

After a few more conversations, the two groups of people turned around and each went back to each house.

"Ha, Farmer" was recorded in Manzhang Village and Manyuan Village, where "Mushroom House" is located. They are not far apart by their names. The two villages are less than ten miles apart, and each side ran half a round trip, exactly five kilometers away. .

As a result, Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi decided on the "deal" last night.

Li Tiezhu took what he had bought on his back and ran back, followed by Zhen Nailiang and...Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng is the "hostage" exchanged. He will play at Haha Farm for a day, and then go back to the mushroom house with Li Tiezhu in the evening.

Li Tiezhu ran in front, Zhen Nailiang walked behind, and couldn't run early.

Zhang Zifeng was even more miserable, and moved slowly with his hips akimbo.


"Sister, what do you picture?"

"I followed your dad and your brother out for a run early in the morning, and they were sold."

"Brother Zhengjing doesn't pity Xiangxiyu at all."

"Zheng Yanzi: Someone expects Li Tiezhu to pity and cherish jade?"

"These two shows are now stupidly unclear..."

Li Tiezhu had run away long ago.

Zhang Zifeng was a little lost, endured the pain and continued to walk.

Zhen Nailiang asked: "Zifeng, how about your exam?"

Zhang Zifeng: "It should be okay..."

"What do you do? Light a fire? Chopping wood? Cooking? Or do you do farm work?"

"I... basically never know it."

"Then how did you survive in the mushroom house?"

"Ms. Huang and Peng Peng are all working. My brother came to work. I will do the chores."

"That's it! It's okay, I will teach you work when I get to our place."

"I...thank you!"

Zhen Nailiang smiled and said, "You are welcome? You are one of our labor force today."

Zhang Zifeng: "I will work hard..."

She thought to herself: There should be no girlfriend...

Bell Bell Bell...

Li Tiezhu returned on his bicycle.

Zhang Zifeng smiled brightly and glanced at Zhen Nailiang: Look, my brother deserves so many girlfriends...

Li Tiezhu drove up at the speed of his car and shouted, "Sister, are you tired?"

Zhang Zifeng: "It's kind of."

Li Tiezhu said: "It's still far away, you are tired, hahaha... I'll ride twice."

While talking, Li Tiezhu rode past Zhen Nailiang and Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng's mouth twitched: "..."

How can such a person have so many girlfriends? ? ?

There must be something wrong!

What makes people bald is that when Zhang Zifeng came to Haha Farm after walking a few miles, Li Tiezhu happened to be back on the bike, and his sister rolled her eyes concealedly.

Li Tiezhu: "I'm tired after walking so far?"

He took out an ice cream for her.

Zhang Zifeng stopped being angry immediately, and said crisply: "Fortunately, not very tired, thank you brother."

Li Tiezhu said with enthusiasm: "Take advantage of the summer vacation to exercise more exercise. The intensity of military training in our school is much higher than that of other schools. You can't support your body now, you know?"

Zhang Zifeng was a little touched. It turned out that my brother was encouraging me to exercise...

Back at Haha's house, Jin Hean has already gotten up, Zhen Nailiang introduced Zhang Zifeng and his previous transaction with Mushroom House.

Jin Hean, who was gargling, regretted it and missed the big scene!

Li Tiezhu cooked tomato and egg noodles for everyone, then went up to kick Xingwu Litao, and asked Zhang Zifeng to call Yang Feiyue.

Zhang Zifeng was a bit social phobia, entered Yang Feiyue's room, hesitated for a long time, and then whispered with the ice cream: "Sister Feiyue, Sister Feiyue, it's time to get up..."

Yang Feiyue woke up in a daze, glanced at Zhang Zifeng, rubbed his eyes, glanced again, and instantly sat up:

"Who are you?"


"You are Zhang Zifeng! Teacher Huang, have they played? Hey, no, I didn't record "Mushroom House", am I? Have I crossed it? Two years ago?"

"No, I came to visit my brother and your master today..."

At any rate, he called Yang Feiyue down the Zhang Zifeng said, "Sister, your hairstyle..."

Yang Feiyue yawned: "Oh, whatever! Master, have you bought me ice cream?"

Li Tiezhu's voice came from the kitchen: "I put it in the refrigerator."

Yang Feiyue took ice cream and combed his hair with satisfaction.

Burning Wu Litao, the thief went to the refrigerator and found nothing. Obviously the master didn't buy him ice cream, so he didn't dare to ask.

The tomato and egg noodles are cooked and served.

Yang Feiyue and Zhang Zifeng, the neighbor's child, both bowed their heads and ate noodles in silence. Wu Litao was also relatively normal, and Zhen Nailiang and Jin Hean were dumbfounded.

"Tie Zhu, do you eat noodles with a basin?"

"Can you finish eating so much?"

"Huh? Why are neither sisters surprised?"


At this time, several people got today's work arrangement: cutting sugar cane and herding cattle.

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, it was as easy as a mushroom house.


"I'm coming……"

"The famous scene is here!"

"Nuclear energy ahead, please take protective measures."


Zhen Nailiang was pretending to arrange work again, and then there was a miserable rooster cry.

Jin Hean ran out: "The chicken is going to die!"

Yang Feiyue stomped the bowl and shouted: "Mom! Don't even think about leaving the dog!"

Zhen Nailiang looked blank: "What happened to the chicken?"

Zhang Zifeng is also dumbfounded. The chicken is equivalent to the lantern of the mushroom house, right?

Everyone ran out to see that the dog left on the chicken rack was hung tragically in the air, messy in the wind, and there were several roosters standing on the chicken rack.

They are... form a group to fight the dog leftovers! Hit to hang up!

It's so deceiving!

(Three changes are over, ask for a monthly pass!)

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