Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1026:  A giant beast strikes

"How could this happen!" Kuru hurriedly called: "Come up, come up. `Where are the soldiers? Quickly let people go and inform General Keller, come on!"

Yumi went hurriedly.

After a while, a hundred soldiers of the Bucks jumped out of the lake and sprayed a pungent yellowish powder on the snakes in the lake. No matter what snake inhales this powder, it is extremely uncomfortable. Soon, the snake swam out of the bottom of the lake, scattered into the jungle and disappeared. Although the snakes were gone, most of the workers in the lake were injured. Not all snakes at the bottom of the lake are venomous snakes, but they are really choking when they bite in important places.

On this day, the work in the lake was naturally delayed. Most of the workers were injured. A few unfortunately were bitten by a poisonous snake. They were not noticed for a while. By now, they were attacked by snake venom, and the rescue failed. This sudden accident made Kuru completely lost the excitement of the morning, so he could only wait until tomorrow to continue his work with a sigh.

But who expected a rustling in the camp at midnight. Then I didn't know who shouted "The snake is coming again", which awakened Kuru from his sleep. When the old man put on his clothes, he was stopped by two soldiers. Kuru used the fire to see the snakes in the camp, and the scene was numb. A few hapless eggs were covered by snakes all over, like individual cocoons, their appearance was even more terrifying. When the snakes on them swam away, these people had already become corpses.

In the next few days, the snakes became more and more rampant. They are almost everywhere, in the mud at the bottom of the lake, in the trunks of old trees, in the bushes, under the shade of trees... The snakes are like a group of demons, eyeing the campsite. The soldiers of the Bucks Army now sprinkle medicine every day to drive away snakes, but as time goes by, the snake population shows no signs of decreasing, but snake medicine is almost used.

In the end, there was no way, General Bloodmane personally went into battle and released his murderous aura in the camp, shocked that the snakes did not dare to approach. In the next two days, the workers finally started to work without seeing the snakes.

In the afternoon that day, the air was unbearably hot. `Kuru sits under the wooden shed on the lakeshore, personally overseeing the work site. Seeing that the stone at the entrance was gradually cleared out, the suffocation caused by the snakes in the past few days disappeared. There was the sound of footsteps, followed by a figure sitting next to Kuru, a sweat immediately filled the air. General Bloodmane Keller wiped his sweat, slightly opened the gap in the armor on his chest and smiled bitterly: "How long will I stay in such a ghost place?"

This middle-aged general who is well-known in the Bucks army has a fortified look, two thick eyebrows full of murderousness are raised diagonally, and a thick chin wraps a circle of light red beard tightly. This circle of beards is the origin of his nickname. Keller has also accumulated a lot of military exploits in the Bucks, but he is still the commander of several thousand soldiers. Even a Zhenjiang general who is in charge of the division can't become a general, and the aggrievedness in his heart is no less than Kulu.

In terms of military merit and strength, Keller is fully qualified to be in the position of Zhenjiang general. It's just that this person is too insensitive, and he has the strength, but because of his temperament, he has offended many high-ranking officials, and has been under pressure in the military headquarters. He was kicked here to take up the responsibility of protecting the ruins of the wild highlands. Not long ago, he even did the job of releasing the murderous intent to disperse the snakes, which made Keller feel quite overkill.

Kuru handed a relatively clean glass to the common sick general. There was half a glass of malt in the glass. The old man showed a row of yellow teeth and said, "Don't think about it when I go back. I have some wine here. Don't you dislike it. , Just ask you a few sips."

Keller took it with a smile, drank the malt in the glass, and sighed: "Actually, it's not bad here. You don't need to look at the faces of those people. It's just that this damned place is not for people at all. It's a good thing to go back earlier ."

"After I go back, continue to push people out of the army?" Kuru snorted and said, "General Keller, I am not afraid to tell you. If this ruin proves that it has research value and is valued by the royal family, then This will become the second blood king cemetery. `If you are willing to stay and help me, then I dare say that you stay in the wild highlands, it is better to look at people's faces."

"Mr. Kuru, you don't understand." Keller sighed and said, "People like us are idle without fighting in a day. If the ruins like the blood king graveyard are really good, at least they will be ancient. The creatures play for time. I'm afraid there is nothing in it. If you work in vain, I will get sick in the spare time...Huh.

Keller stood up suddenly, his face suddenly dignified, he shouted at Kuru: "Go and let them stop work, something is coming. Damn, it must be a big one. You have to hide, Mr. Kuru, I I’m afraid I won’t be able to take care of you.” Then he ran straight out of the wooden shed and shouted with all his energy, “The Bucks are obedient, there are enemies here. Prepare to fight, prepare to fight!"

The whole big lake boiled for this.

The workers evacuated the operating army at the bottom of the lake, and the Bucks drove into the camp and deployed a solid battlefield according to Keller's requirements, as if they were facing an enemy. When the battle formation was set up, ordinary people like Kuru felt a terrible sense of oppression coming toward the camp. The clever Yumi suddenly found that the water in the cup next to him kept ripples, and everyone was dizzy. Dazzled.

That is because the ground is shaking.

A strong shock, like a group of wild elephants in the North, can form such a strong shock at this moment. Kuru couldn't help grasping the wooden battle in his hand. He had long heard of a few dangerous beasts in the wild highlands. It may be one of them who came straight to the camp.

Keller squinted, the danger in the humid air getting thicker. Suddenly, he saw a series of noises from the woods on the opposite side of the battlefield, and then a huge tree fell over, shaking up patches of dust. Keller took a breath and shouted: "The musket shooter is ready, something is coming. The thick shield soldier pays attention to protect the shooter, the pikeman is ready to fight at any time."

Under the command of the general, the army entered a state of battle. At this moment, a mountain-like figure suddenly rammed into the dense forest, and the shadow cast by this giant beast enveloped a small battlefield. This is a strange beast that looks like a tortoise, if the tortoise is the size of a mountain bag. On the head of this alien beast are four golden eyes, with a thick and angular shell, six short and thick legs supporting the body, and a few fleshy tentacles flying on its back.

If Allen were here, he would recognize that the giant beast in front of him was the one that inhabited the big lake that day.

Now this giant beast broke out of the forest, with four eyeballs on its head shooting fiercely, and its tentacles flying on its back, drew like a whip toward the battlefield of the Bucks.

The shield soldiers in the front row immediately raised the tower shield, but the behemoth’s tentacles pulled more than a thousand catties. The force that extraordinary people could contend with hit the long wall of the shield knot, and the shield wall immediately pulled out a few cracks. One by one, the shield soldiers were led by Juli and screamed, and the battle began.

"Musketeer, set fire to attack!"

Two hundred shooters picked up their muskets. The behemoth is so big that you don't need to aim at it specially. It is a fierce shot at the oncoming big guy. The gunfire was continuous, and sparks appeared frequently on the behemoth's head, thick shell and tentacles. But apart from the tentacles blasting small blood flowers on the gun, whether it was the thick shell on the back or the dark purple scales on the head, the gun bullets were easily fired.

The giant beast roared, and the tentacles on its back suddenly rose up like a snake. A cross-shaped crack appeared at the front end, and the crack opened, turning out to be mouthparts with teeth inside. Each of the mouthparts sprayed out a green water column, the water column broke into the air, and a strong sour smell appeared in the air. Keller changed color and shouted desperately: "Spread out! The front row quickly fall out."

The battle formation split, but it was still three points late. Several jets of miserable green water poured into the crowd, and many soldiers poured all over. Immediately the armor eroded blue smoke, as for the battle uniform and skin, it melted directly. The drenched soldiers only had time to let out a few short screams before they fell to the ground and died, while their bodies continued to melt away. Obviously, the water column sprayed by the giant beast contains strong acid!

Kellepo regretted not having brought those artillery pieces with him. Like the giant beast in front of him, ordinary swords and muskets could hardly harm its roots. Only artillery is a battlefield killer, or if the strong is in battle, can it cause damage.

At this time, the giant beast was still 100 meters away from the battle formation, and it suddenly stopped. The six-legged stunned the ground, his body pressed down slightly, his body's vitality aura skyrocketed, and the behemoth's shell unexpectedly showed several lines. It screamed and opened its big mouth, and a ball of blue fire was boiling and rolling in its mouth.

"Get out of the way!" Keller's discoloration ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly boosted his power, of course he was so powerful. At this time, the giant beast spit out a beam of pure source power, without any skill or ability, only rude destructive power. The beam of light sprayed obliquely toward the ground, ploughing a scorched ravine on the ground, and pulling it toward the battle formation of the Bucks. Keller has jumped into the air, holding his hands empty and smashing them down. Suddenly two pale red fists the size of a mountain bag fell from the sky.

A smashed green beam of light, Shengsheng smashed the continuously spitting beam of light to flicker, and the beam of light exploded after a violent distortion, and a series of green fireballs bloomed in the sky one after another. The shock wave of the explosion alone crushed the soldiers of the Bucks to the ground. The other fist hit the giant beast's head, and the giant beast Zhiji's big head shrank and hid in its thick shell.

The giant fist banged on the turtle shell, and a string of harsh noises sounded over the entire lake. The giant beast smashed into the ground even more, and the extruded cracked texture quickly spread around it centered on it. Suddenly, large tracts of woodland undulated and collapsed, countless old trees and ancient trees swayed and swayed, and the uproar of the shaking even blocked the figure of the giant beast.

Keller landed, breathing heavily. It was also extremely difficult for him to blast these two punches in a hurry, and his breath dropped by three points out of thin air. The giant beast wailed constantly in the thick smoke, obviously it hid in the tortoise, but Keller's fist still made it hurt.


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