Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1027:  Highland Lord (1)

The attack came suddenly and went suddenly.

The hustle and bustle hadn't dissipated yet, the giant beast embedded in the ground broke free and crawled. The four golden eyes looked at Keller angrily through the dust, but turned and left. When it left, naturally it stepped on a avenue to the sky in the forest. Keller did not order the chase, but the general frowned and looked very worried.

With this sudden attack, the front line of the battlefield almost dashed across the monster. Had it not been for General Keller, the consequences would be disastrous. After the war, there were more than 30 dead, with more than 100 minor and serious injuries. The most tragic among them were the soldiers who were sprayed by the poison of the giant beasts. The nameplates on their bodies even melted into iron, making it impossible to distinguish their identity. Keller had to order the corpses to be buried together. When these things were done, it was dusk.

In the wooden shed, Kuru stared at the work area at the bottom of the lake. In the reddish light of dusk, the mud in the lake was like a dark red magma. Kuru sighed, and the excavation of the ruins was blocked one after another, as if there was something in the dark that would not let him uncover the mystery of the ruins.

With the sound of footsteps, Kuru saw a pair of mud-stained iron boots stepping into the wooden shed. Looking up again, I saw Kyler with a wry smile. Keller sat down beside Kuru and said straightforwardly: "I have something to discuss with you, Mr. Kuru."

"Please speak."

"I have an intuition. From the snake infestation a few days ago to today's behemoth, all this is not accidental." Keller squinted his eyes and said, "I always feel that there is an invisible hand behind these things. Promote their lives. If we don’t solve it from the source, I can be sure that things like today’s will continue to come."

Kuru said "Oh" and nodded: "General Keller thought about going with me. I was thinking that there are lords all over the empire, so in places like the wild highlands, there are also lords."

"Lord, you mean some kind of beast"

"From the current situation, it may be a beast with some kind of intelligence."

Keller took a breath: "Is there such a thing? Isn't it Irinal? The virgin forest where the garden called the Nemesis is located has such a murderous thing"

"Who knows, this world is constantly changing. Looking at the wild highlands, where there are few people, it is not surprising that even if there will be such a level of evil, and the highlands are regarded as their own lair." Kuru drank. Mouth the ale, shook his head and smiled: "This is the most reasonable explanation. We are like a group of invaders to the Highland Lord who has never met. I think General Keller is not unfamiliar with the invaders."

"If you say that, then I have a suggestion." Keller solemnly said: "Tomorrow I want to take four hundred elite soldiers away, and follow the traces left by the giant beasts to find the so-called Highland Lord, if there is any. Hell, I assume that there is such a thing, then we have to annihilate it. Otherwise, next time it sends such a monster or a murderous thing, it will be troublesome. Don’t forget, according to the current situation, the ruins seem to be In the belly of the mountain. Like the giant beast that attacked us today, it is not difficult for it to crash into the mountain."

"Please imagine, if we are investigating in the ruins, the behemoth suddenly strikes and hits the mountain. As a result, I think Mr. Kuru is not willing to run into it."

Kuru shuddered and smiled bitterly, "Who wants to bury it alive. Okay, General Keller, please solve this danger from the source. We will not enter the ruins before you come."

Keller nodded, still worried, and said: "If you encounter a beast attack again, Mr. Kuru, I will let someone send you out of the high ground when necessary."

"I know."

That night, Kuru slept very restlessly. He frequently wakes up in his sleep, fearing that the behemoths of the day will attack the camp again. Fortunately, during the day, the camp was calm. Keller organized an army of four hundred people, and after mixing several arms, he led the team and left the camp. Kuru, as he promised yesterday, did not rush into the ruins investigation.

Regardless of whether it was Keller or Kuru, they didn't know that although the ground was calm at the moment, the underground was very lively. Some tall subway tooth ants are advancing under the ground. These ants are densely packed with thousands of them. If you pry the ground open, there will be dense ants under the ground. This sea of ​​ants is divided into more than a dozen rivers, rolling along the natural cracks in the ground to the mountain where the remains are.

Before long, the ant colony entered the inner space of the emperor snake base. This is when the ant colony begins to separate, as if there is an invisible will commanding them, the iron-toothed ants diverted out like an army, with clear goals to go to the base. They entered the weapon warehouse, got into the main control room, power room, and other rooms that were fairly well preserved. Followed by destruction, the ant colony bit off energy pipes, brains, cables, everything that is still working. During this process, ants are constantly blasted by electric currents, so extremely corrosive acid will be splashed from their small bodies. These acid liquids increase the damage and turn the base into a real ruin.

In the whole process, the division of labor of the ant colony is clear and efficient. If anyone witnessed all of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it would have been cold. This work lasted for a day, and after the ant colony retreated, nothing of value was left in the base. At this time, even if Kuru could enter the base, he couldn't get any information or knowledge.

But at this moment, Kulu didn't know that earth-shattering changes had taken place in the ruins. He was still in the wooden shed fantasizing about unimaginable ancient knowledge after opening the ruins. He didn't know that everything he wanted had already vanished under the destruction of the ant colony.

Keller was advancing in the jungle, the traces of the giant beast were very obvious. The ancient trees and huge trees that were trampled down, the crushed rocks, and even the dung left by the giant beasts appeared in the team on the way. All these are guiding Keller and his army to the northwest of the highland. In the evening, Keller and the others camped on a high slope. Not far in front of the high slope, there is a natural valley, where the traces of the giant beast disappeared.

If there is no accident, the monster should have entered the valley. Keller doesn't know how deep this valley is, it can hold a giant beast, and it will not be too small. Looking at the direction of the valley in the camp, Keller always felt being watched, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at him deep in the valley.

A pair of eyes full of wisdom.


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