Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1028:  Highland Lord (2)

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The next morning, Keller was already standing at the entrance of the valley with the army. The entrance is narrow and deep, like a crack split between a high mountain. Today's sunshine looks delicate and feeble, and the sky is full of large gray clouds. It is cloudy. Even outside the valley, the valley inside is even darker. At least from the direction of Keller, the entrance to the valley can only be seen through a hundred meters. Farther, in a mist, only the outline of some things can be seen vaguely.

Keller made a gesture, and the army moved out. Due to the terrain, it is impossible to make a solid formation. Keller had to put the shield soldier in front, centering himself, and the other soldiers following him. The army formation was like a long dragon, and drove into the valley entrance. The valley was extremely quiet, there was no wind, and an invisible sense of oppression fell on every soldier. Even though it was the regular army of the empire, the soldiers' breathing was heavier than usual by three points.

After advancing a hundred steps, I don't know who shouted "there is a snake". Keller's heart shrank, and he raised his hand to stop. Then separated the front shield soldiers and walked to the front of the formation. Sure enough, not far away, there were three or two small snakes coiling in the snake formation, looking in the direction of the formation. The small eyes on those triangular heads always make people feel bad. The rustle, at this moment, there was a small sound in the valley, and Keller could easily draw a picture of scales and stone rubbing in his mind. Then snakes, large and small, colorful, constantly pouring out from the valley. They were paved with the mountain road on which the army was advancing in an instant, and they were so numerous that even Keller was numb.

The Bucks finally had a good quality and were not stunned by this kind of battle, but the soldiers' breathing became heavy and the palms of their hands were sticky with sweat. No one can see that this situation is unusual. Ten thousand snakes are blocking the road, it is just like another army.

An army of snakes.

Then a voice rang: "Stop there, human. This is not where you should come, I ask you to exit immediately"

This voice was half childish, like a young boy. But there is a bit of majesty in the voice, especially since this voice does not sound in people's ears, but directly emerges in their minds, which is even more frightening.

Keller's heart beat violently. He knew that some strong men had very strong mental will, and he could directly imprint his will in the opponent's mind. But I haven’t heard of a strong person who can speak directly in the opponent’s mind, especially the four hundred soldiers "hearing" that the opponent’s mental will is so strong that the current situation is not good for the Bucks, and the soldiers are not afraid. In the face of a powerful opponent, this means of speaking directly in the mind has seriously affected their fighting spirit.

Keller's momentum rose sharply, and his source of force was released, stirring the air to form a rushing flow. He yelled coldly: "The guy who pretends to be a fool, get out of me"

The voice no longer answered, but left a sneer in everyone's mind. Then the light in the valley continued to dim, and the mist before it became thicker. The dense fog swallowed the sky and obscured the sun, quickly surging from the depths of the valley. But in a moment, it has already spread through the army. Keller snorted, raised his hand to strike at a distance, and blasted a fist of wind to cut the fog. But once the fist wind passed, the mist closed and it was hard to dissipate. Keller had to order the soldiers to move closer and move on.

A shield soldier of the Bucks raised his large shield in his hand and a hand axe, groping forward cautiously. At this moment, there seemed to be a figure twisting in the thick fog. Just as he was about to warn, he saw fully-armed soldiers thumping in the fog. These soldiers slammed into the sky, rushing up with swords and shields. The first person also held a shield and slammed into the shield soldier. Then a long knife slashed from behind the shield and slit the shield soldier's throat. The shield soldiers slashed at the same time, embedded them in the opponent's head, and both sides declared dead at the same time.

All the soldiers of the Bucks Army saw this army suddenly emerging from the dense fog, and without Keller's order, everyone assumed a fighting posture. The fog in the valley became thicker and thicker, making them almost invisible to their companions. But they never thought about how they could see the enemy army coming from the opposite side, even though they couldn’t even see people around them under such thick fog.

The killing didn't give them extra time to consider, the enemy soldiers came fiercely, and all of them were the same. The soldiers of the Bucks are falling continuously, and all they can do is to end the lives of their opponents before falling.

"What are you doing"

Keller's eyes widened, watching the chaotic army behind him. Not knowing what happened, the four hundred soldiers he had brought suddenly started to kill each other. You give me a knife, and I pay you a knife. The tactics used were brutal tactics, and they were all life-for-life deals. But in a moment, most of the soldiers fell, and they all died in the hands of their colleagues. For soldiers, there is nothing more sad.

"Stop" Keller rushed to the two shield soldiers who had collided with each other. The two of them seemed to be enchanted. Both sides desperately squeezed each other with red eyes, and then raised the battle axe to slash. Keller scored with both hands and forcibly pushed the two away. But the two of them didn't realize it, so they rushed back.

"I'm telling you to stop" Keller exploded, and coercion enveloped the audience. Suppressed by the immense power, Shengsheng stunned the remaining soldiers before finally letting them stop and stop fighting each other. The general was trembling with anger. He must be the ghost of that voice. He couldn't help but yell at the valley: "If you come out, if you don't come out again, I will level this valley."

He raised his fist and banged, the front of his fist flashed, and he pulled out a red light beam. The beam of light took off his fist and left, instantly condensing into a mountain-sized giant spirit fist in the air, blasting into the depths of the dense fog. The red light flickered in the fog, and there was no sound. Then the voice rang in Keller's mind: "It's up to you to level the valley?"

The voice was full of disdain.

Keller suddenly felt something and looked up awe-inspiringly.

Just above his head, in the thick fog, a golden snake eye slowly opened. When the snake eyes were fully opened, a dark gold ripple appeared out of thin air, sweeping through the dense fog, and drew toward Keller again. Keller didn't dodge, he threw his fist. The punch hit the ripples, the ripples were torn apart, and the source force exploded, generating continuous golden fire. Keller also shook his chest for a while, and his blood churned.

Astonishment flashed across his mind, and a sense of crisis suddenly emerged. Snake eyes opened continuously in the thick fog, and every time a snake eye opened, it was swept down by the dark golden ripples. There were hundreds of snake eyes, and the mist in the valley immediately churned, hundreds of gold patterns swept across the sky, intertwined and reflected, flying down.


Keller pierced and fought back in the ripples of the source force, and when he finally stood up, he couldn't help but startled. Before he knew it, he had already blasted the mysterious existence out of the valley. The general couldn't help but the old face blushed, and suddenly the mist in the valley was surging like a sea of ​​clouds. Then an air column spouted from the valley like a waterfall. In the mist waterfall, the soldiers of the stag army fell down, and the ground outside the valley was covered with a small mountain of people.

After the last soldier fell out of the fog column, the thick fog gradually shrank, and the valley returned to an unpredictable appearance.

Keller couldn't help but smile, and the attitude of the valley owner was already very obvious. This time it was the right to be a lesson and let them go. If Keller does not know what is good or bad, if he enters the valley again, I am afraid it will not end so well. After a fight with the mysterious existence, Keller asked himself that he was not an opponent, and only waited for the unconscious soldier to be awakened, and then took the corpse of the dead person and left. On the way, he kept thinking, what kind of creature is the owner of the valley, if it is a human being, it is fair to say that after such a demonstration, to leave a way out for the opponent, not to do things too extreme, to let both sides have steps to go down is the most human beings. Commonly used methods; but if it were other beings, it would be too unbelievable. Even if it is a beast with wisdom, it is absolutely impossible to make such a humane move.

The general scratched his head, thinking that this kind of thing could only be discussed with Kuru.

It took a day to get to the camp, and the next day, Kuru resumed work on the ruins. This time it went smoothly without any other biological spoilers. Soon the entrance of the ruins was cleaned up. Two days later, Kuru was standing in the ruins by himself. There is no doubt that this is an ancient ruin. But to Kuru's disappointment, there seemed to have been severe damage here, and there was nothing worth digging.

He didn't know that a few days ago, there were still many secrets in the emperor snake base. As for now, under the destruction of the iron-toothed ant colony, even the traces of the activities of Allen and others have long been erased.

The Bucks and the investigative team stationed in the highlands began to leave, and Kuru was the most disappointed. He came with hope, but got this ending. However, this result is the best for it. After the humans in the highlands left, two golden eyes were silently looking towards the peaceful lake. When the sun fell, a slender shadow appeared.

The whole body's snow-white scales refracted a pale golden halo in the sun, and the dark golden unicorn on his head was reflected by the sun with complicated and mysterious patterns. This beautiful and majestic snow-white giant snake slowly opened the thin fins located on both sides of its head. They spread like wings, adding to its power.

There was a rumbling sound. From the bottom of the lake where the bottom bed had been seen, a jet of water spurted up, and then two or three more and more jets of water spurted from the bottom of the lake, quickly filling the big lake, and gradually drying up the original. The big lake is filled, and the beautiful scenery like lakes and mountains is restored again.

The white snake squinted his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ opened her mouth and lowered her eyes. After a while, ripples appeared in the lake, and the ground was shaking, and the giant tortoise-like beast that was once the owner of the big lake slowly came to the big snake's side. The big snake turned flexibly, and a pair of golden snake eyes looked at the giant beast. A row of eyes on the giant beast's head turned sharply, and took two steps back, seeming to be rejecting something. The white snake leaned forward violently, the snake's fins were wide open, the dark gold unicorn on his head actually lit up slightly, and a majestic breath fell on the behemoth.

The behemoth's six short legs trembled and finally whispered. He opened his mouth wide and began to retching, and spit out turquoise acid water from the giant beast's mouth. After a while, a meat ball was spit out by the giant beast. After spitting out this meat ball, the breath of the giant beast became languid, and it lay directly on the ground and gasped. The white snake looked at the meat ball, and a dark gold ripple swept down from the snake's eyes. The meat ball was torn apart, revealing an emerald green crystal nucleus inside.

The white snake opened its mouth, and the green crystal nucleus floated up. In the beast's unwilling eyes, the crystal nucleus was sucked into the mouth of the white snake and swallowed again. The crystal nucleus entered the abdomen, and the scales of the white snake's body sprayed thousands of fine green fires from the gap. The white snake screamed, swam towards the giant lake, plunged into the lake with a plop, and slowly sank until it disappeared.

The highland and the big lake are peaceful.


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