Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1068:   Bad Omen

The pillar of wind suddenly split into two, and a frosty wind carrying blue icy debris blew from the left and right of Alan and the people behind him. One~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the frosty wind passed, the ground was frozen first, and then clusters of ice thorns rose, and an ice crystal forest appeared on both sides of the crowd. The Warriors of the Mountain King looked at each other even more. They couldn't imagine that if Alan hadn't slashed the wind pillar, they would have become an ice sculpture at this moment.

After breaking the city blade lightly cut off the wind pillar, it still rushed forward, this time changing the ice wind and let out a startled hiss. The reptile turned around quickly, it didn't want to risk its own head. It's a pity that Bingfeng's body is too long, avoiding his head, but let the knife light flash past the root of the long tail. Bingfeng made a string of sharp sounds, his voice was painful. Its long tail full of bone spurs was chopped off by the knife, blood splattered.

Bingfeng's pain caused the limbs to be shaved, and the square was everywhere. Allen didn't dare to attack the reptile that was in the rampage. After the icy wind scooped up sharp edges, the cloud of smoke gradually disappeared. Edward raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the dust, and a whirlwind blew away the dust out of thin air. There was no ice wind in it, leaving only a long tail.

Allen was dumbfounded, and had a new understanding of Bingfeng's cunning.

A battle ended.

While the soldiers were resting, Allen distributed the equipment from Gertais to the few of Regis. ??一看书?·1 After they put on the new armor, Allen murmured "Let's go". Xiao En and others got into the carriage, and the team bypassed the caveman's body and left the temple. The ice wind is temporarily repelled, but Tallinn Aisha is still unsafe. To solve the caveman and the ice wind, and even regain Tallinn Aisha, you need to send an army to suppress it.

For the time being, Allen doesn't have that power, so it's better to leave early. What's more, gaining a lot of equipment in the dungeon this time, and also getting a group of steel front warriors, is already a worthwhile trip.

Lucy sighed slightly when she looked at the dark city, and Allen walked to her and took Lucy's hand gently and said, "We will be back again, I promise, you will realize Gertesz's last wish."

The girl smiled and looked at the red-armored warrior not far away, "The admiral is right beside me."

Seeing her still joking, Allen knew that she was letting go for a while, smiled and helped her into the carriage. Edward also walked to his carriage, but accidentally stirred the caveman's body on the ground. He staggered and quickly kept his balance, but the box containing the Tallinn gem fell to the ground. The gem rolled out of the box, radiating chill and light blue light on the ground.

Allen was right next to him, so he helped him pick up the gem and put it back in Edward's box. "Are you going to take this thing to the imperial capital?"

"Why not? There is a cold crystal vein in the underground of Tallinn Aisha, which is a treasure. Read a book????·1an??? But it is very difficult to mine by ourselves. Don’t forget that this is in the north. We need Partner, and this gem will play a vital role." Edward closed the box, patted it, and walked to the carriage.

Allen shrugged, thinking that this guy really missed Tallinn Jewels. Before leaving, he glanced at the corpse of the caveman. He was surprised how Edward would trip over a corpse.

The caravan left the temple, but the two rows of braziers in the temple were still extinguished. After a while, a shadow appeared under the square, and Bingfeng poked his head out of the shadow. It looked at the direction in which the caravan was leaving, and images of Tallinn gems continued to appear in its mind. The reptile's eyes gradually burst into anger, especially when he saw his docked tail lying on the ground, flames almost burst out of his golden pupils.

It twisted its head and blew a cold wind in the direction of the temple, blowing out the flames in the brazier.

Darkness fell again.

"Oh no!"

Before dawn, Sangnebot sat up on his big bed. The underwear on his body was already wet with sweat, and Nebot had a terrible dream. A nightmare, for him, has not had such an experience for a long time. He can't remember the specific content of the dream, but he still remembers some things. For example, the lingering smell of blood, and the high heat of the flame. In the dream, the banner of the empire was flaming, and malicious laughter echoed everywhere, but he could not find any helper, and finally woke up.

No drowsiness.

Nebot got out of bed and stepped barefoot on the bedroom floor. It's already spring, but the Northland is very cold, the chill is not going to end, the floor is like ice bricks. Mr. Xiang lights up the oil lamp on the table and lifts the heavy curtains. The sky in the northeast outside the window has a ray of white. But the sky is still deep, and the stars are dim with red light. He simply walked to the bedroom balcony. There was no wind outside, but it was cold. But Nebot could not wait to look towards the night sky to the north, and could not even wait to put on a cloak on himself.

The night sky to the north revealed firelight in a patch of indigo, like a flame falling outside the sky, and a large area of ​​firelight faintly appeared, like a tossing red battle flag, and like that gurgling blood. Nebot felt his heart beat violently, and his heart was covered with shadows, and he couldn't help but think of the scene in his dream.

Bad omen!

The appearance was so sure that the nails were pinched into the palms, pressing out a blood red, like a fire cloud in the sky.

After dawn, Nebot left the mansion in a carriage. In the carriage, he poked out the window. It was the early morning, the sun was shining and the sky was cloudless, it was a rare good weather. The important thing is that the sky is blue, and the depressing fire cloud is like the dreamland that I can't remember last night.

The lingering blood red ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nebot came to the palace in anxiety, and the carriage passed through the towering bronze gate of the palace and stopped on the square behind the gate. Nebot stepped out of the carriage, and the head of the palace, a white-faced man without a beard smiled and said, "How early you are, Lord Nebot."

"Have your majesty got up?" Nebot looked at the man in front of him, he was modest and polite, but there was always an imperceptible haze hidden between his eyes. Wearing the black clothes of the chief housekeeper, the cuffs have golden threads embroidered with a circle of intricate and fine patterns. The maid-in-chief does not have any official positions, but in the imperial officials, what he said is sometimes more useful than Nebot.

The manager nodded and said, "The emperor has always been diligent. At this time, should I patrol the training of soldiers at the shooting range? Your lord, please come with me."

Nebo nodded, and followed behind the chief cabinet officer. Behind them is a team of palace guards, with bright armor and snow-like cloaks. They were knights who pledged allegiance to the emperor, willing to dedicate their hearts and shed the last drop of blood for Tangliou. They are the Silver Frost Iron Guard, and their white cloak is a unique landscape in the palace.

But seeing them today, Nebert never once thought that their cloak would be stained red with blood. This makes him very distressed, all to blame for that **** dream!

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