Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1069:  Glory



A call made Nebot come back to his senses. When the prime minister who has always been mentally focused rarely loses his mind, the stewardess next to him has an inexplicable smile on his face. Nebot looks at it. In the sunlight flowing in the corridor, a handsome young man is slightly leaning against him. . Nebot's wrinkled eyebrows stretched slightly: "Your Royal Highness Julian, morning."

"You too, sir." The second son of Emperor Tangliou, Julian has a sunny and handsome face. His reddish brown hair inherits from his mother, like the color of red leaves in the afterglow of the setting sun. The always gentle prince buckled his silver silk cloak on his shoulders with golden leaves today, and inside was silver armor and light blue coat. All this made the prince look sunny and unrestrained, he was like an elegant white poplar, but unfortunately the emperor's evaluation of him was more than beautiful and lacking in blood.

The empire is still a martial artist, and this eight-character evaluation undoubtedly forced Julian to a disadvantage from the battle for the crown prince. The important officials in the imperial court all guessed that the emperor meant that the empire needed an emperor who could conquer martial arts, not a humble and polite gentleman. As a result, Hausen, who has a military background, is naturally more respected.

What is rare is that Julian was not discouraged. His resilience has always been praised by Nebot. The prime minister also said to the emperor about this that the emperor who is brave and brave is naturally good, and can maintain the empire for a hundred years, and he needs the courage to face the wind and rain. In this regard, the emperor neither denied nor agreed, only smiled.

The maid-in-chief walked aside knowingly and wittily, and Nebtra asked Julian softly, "Have you seen your Majesty?"

Julian shook his head and smiled: "Father did not meet me because of the military parade."

Nebot said "Oh" and said, "Do you need me to help you say something?"

"I only ask my father to give Viscount Ellen a slightly fairer environment." Julian sighed: "I think the teacher has heard of what happened to Mosesor. The Bloody Earl was almost able to succeed, if he didn't get Arkham. The general’s approval, I would not believe it if I was killed. If my father didn’t comment on this matter, then I can imagine how many nasty methods they could use. In other words, the Jazz can die on the battlefield, but it cannot be compromised by the conspiracy. This is the foundation of the country. I want to ask my father, do the emperor’s precepts still count?"

Nebot smiled, regardless of Julian's meekness, but after all, he is of Tangliou's blood. Even the eldest prince Hausen may not have the courage to account for his father. The Prime Minister patted the student's hand and said: "I know, there will be a chance later, I will speak to your majesty."

At this moment, the housekeeper coughed slightly, Julian smiled back, and Neb walked away.

On the shooting range, a hundred gunmen lined up in three rows and took turns shooting the target under the command of the officer to "raise the gun" and "shoot" repeatedly. The sound of the gunpowder on the empty school field one after another, and the smell of gunpowder wafted in the air. Tangerio's black hair refracted a faint halo in the sun. The Emperor was sitting on an iron seat specially made for him, and the flaming fleece cloak fell from the chair and draped on the ground. On a large black iron table in front of him was filled with food, Tangerio was tearing off a turkey leg and placing it in a basin, and then watching the soldiers shooting on the field while picking grapes and strawberries Put it on the plate.

The chief maid walked to him and lowered his head and whispered softly, the emperor nodded. After a while, Nebot stood on the right side of the emperor, the Silver Frost Iron Guard moved a chair, and the Prime Minister was not welcome, and leaned on the cold chair. Tangriou glanced at him, grabbed the drumstick, and bit his mouth: "My good Prime Minister, you don't look good."

"Because of nightmares last night, Your Majesty."

Tangerio pushed a plate of fried steak to the Prime Minister's eyes. Naturally, someone brought napkins, knives and forks. Nebot was not as heroic as the emperor, he meticulously folded the napkin and stuffed it into the neckline, only then tore the steak with the knife and delivered the steaming beef to his mouth. Tangierou took a glass of strong wine next to him and drank, and said, "What have you dreamed of? Come and listen."

"It doesn't matter, your Majesty will not like to hear these things anyway." Nebot said blankly.

Tangerio cursed and said loudly: "I told you to just talk, and do so much nonsense. You guy likes to hang my appetite. If you don't say anything, you don't have to say anything and get out."

Nebot has long been accustomed to the emperor's vulgar words. He picked another grape for himself and threw it in his mouth before saying: "I woke up before dawn and looked out, the sky to the north was scarlet and weeping. Your Majesty, this is not a good sign."

Tangierou snorted: "Do you believe in the celestial phenomenon? I think only the farmer can look at the sky and observe the phenomenon. It turns out that our Prime Minister is also good at this.

I didn't hear the cynicism of the emperor Neb's privilege, and said indifferently: "Since the theory of astronomical phenomena exists, it has its own truth, so why bother to deny it?"

"I don't believe it anyway." Tangerou frowned and looked to the sky: "Let me believe in the sky. I would rather believe in my own sword."

"Marquis Sheila is missing." Nebot changed the subject coldly.

Tangriou squinted his eyes. "If you have a fart, let it go."

"Your Majesty should also know that Sheila is my best friend. Half a month ago, he secretly sent a letter. The letter said that he had received a mysterious invitation that might uncover a huge conspiracy. But he was silent. I rushed to see him overnight, but I was completely empty. Three days later, there was no news of him. Then ten days ago, Sheila's son came to see me and said Sheila hadn't come back since she left that day."

"He is missing, and the guard he took with him has also evaporated." Nebot's gaze moved to the plate, and he lightly saw a piece of beef with a knife: "The last stop Sheila appeared was the Forest of Angry Horns. That forest borders the Dragon Stone Icefield..."

After speaking, the Prime Minister gently lifted the plate, and the table suddenly shook the next moment, and the food, fruits and vegetables on it jumped into the air and rolled to the ground. When the shaking of the table stopped, Nebot put down the plate and continued to eat his beef slowly. Tangerio, who was next to him, opened his eyes wide and roared: "Nebold, what do you mean!"

The chief maid turned away, and the nearby Yinshuang Iron Guard just pretended not to hear anything. But at the bottom of their hearts, they really admired Naibot, and only the Prime Minister who dared to provoke the emperor still looked like a okay person, and changing to someone else would have scared the emperor's anger into the air.

Tangriou gasped, lowering his voice, but still like a rolling thunder: "You know who owns the Dragon Stone Icefield and dare to say that, meaning that the disappearance of the old man Sheila has something to do with him?"

"I didn't say that, Your Majesty. I just said that Sheila is missing. I didn't mean anything else from the beginning."

The emperor didn’t get angry and smiled: “Shit, I don’t know your thoughts. Well, anyway, Sheila is a marquis, and he can’t disappear so inexplicably. I’ll let someone investigate it. Are you satisfied, my good adult?"

"Thank your Majesty, let me finally have something to say to Sheila's family."

"Huh, what else is there?" Tangliou directly caught a roast chicken and chewed it up like a puff.

"It's nothing, I just want to remind you. The Principality of Shadows is starting to gather forces on the north and south sides. I don't think it will take long for a war. At this time, does Your Majesty put that piece in advance?"

"You mean to cut the army?" Tangerio rolled his eyes and said: "Why do you want to let it go? It should be carried out more quickly in my opinion. You also know that the war is at present, and once the war between the north and the south begins, I need the imperial team. Respond quickly, so those lords should hand over their troops and let the empire take command."

"Then they will come to Olísca, when your Majesty wakes up every day to hear their crying."

"They dare!" Tangriou waved his hand: "I have my own idea about this, you don't need to talk about it. I just saw you ran into Julian."

Nebot hummed.

Tangriou called the chief of the housekeeper and said, "You will pass the message to me later, and let the Department of Internal Affairs prepare a new set of Lord Earl's uniform. When the Viscount Allen arrives in Olisgar, he will be sent to him. At the same time arrange a time, I will personally honor the jazz."

The maid's eyes were slightly surprised, how glorious this is. Tangerio turned his head and said to Nebott: "You tell Julian, I know what he wants to say. I haven't forgotten the first emperor's legacy, and there is no need for him to come and teach me early in the morning. As soon as his little tail is raised, I know whether he is going to **** or eat, so I sent him back and don't waste my time."

Nebot smiled and said, "He personally conferred the honor on that knight, this Viscount Allen...no~www.wuxiaspot.com~Earl Allen is really a shame."

Tangerio laughed: "Whoever can survive Hoy's two shots and slaughter a powerful earl will have this face. Besides, this kid Julian seems to be very angry recently. I, by the way, push him. It’s so that he doesn’t think I’m partial to being a father.

"You are not fair."

"Stop farting, Prime Minister, you are far from flattering."

Nebot laughed and didn't say a word, Julian worried that the Southern Sir would be killed just like that, so he tried to interfere with the Emperor's Thunder Fury to give him a relatively fair environment. Unexpectedly, Tangliou spoke on the spot to award him honors. As long as today's words are passed on, those who want to move Sir Allen can only hold back their minds. After all, the emperor's sight has fallen on the jazz, and if the jazz cannot reach the imperial capital by then, the emperor's anger will not be so easy to bear.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages. The more the knight is concerned by the emperor, the greater the danger after arriving in the imperial capital. Because of Tangliou's words, the jazz's battlefield is no longer on the journey north, but in Olíga.

PS: The monthly ticket numbers are a bit embarrassing\\(^o^)/~

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