Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1073:  Long night

The Inch Fire Archers who were directly under Allen heard the order to cease fire immediately. Even if they have doubts in their hearts, Allen's order is above all else. This is the quality of the soldiers. But Palo and others didn't understand, Hulk yelled "why", or Palo raised his hand and ordered the shooter to stop. At this time, he chose to believe in Allen and the judgment of this outsider.

Allen nodded at him, held King Chi with his hand, and walked towards the defense line.

Sparks drifted in the sky.

Several unextinguished fires on the battlefield suddenly rose up like kerosene, igniting several pillars of fire.

Allen crossed the line of defense, and the cavemen who leaped on him suddenly ignited spontaneously, and then Sargeras the Balrog came across the air. He opened his mouth and spewed blazing flames in front of Alan, clearing him a clearing. Allen looked up, his eyes falling across the flames to the front. Without the interception of the firepower net, cave dwellers came like a tide, and the entire battlefield was densely packed.

Seeing this scene, Palo only felt his scalp exploded.

Allen inhaled and clenched the five fingers imaginary on the hilt of the Scarlet King one by one. The Qi machine spit out like a boiling flame in a furnace, and when a red light rose around the battlefield, the red king came out.

There was a sound of knives.

The sound overwhelmed the screaming of cavemen, the roar of human warriors, and even all the sounds in this space.

Palo's eyes widened and saw a scarlet light appear on the battlefield. When it first appeared, it was intermittent, and it was a hundred meters across in the blink of an eye, smoothly. So a wave of light swept across the battlefield outside the town, passed through the bodies of many cavemen, and disappeared into the darkness.

The red king scabbed, Allen turned and walked back.

Behind him, a caveman moved, and then separated from his waist. The body was broken in two and fell to the ground. Then the battlefield was like pushing a domino, starting from the town wall, rows of cavemen separated their bodies, falling down like a straw cut by a knife. In an instant, hundreds of cavemen on the battlefield died silently, and the impact of that sudden death left the brains of Palo and other town residents blank, and even forgot to breathe.

At this moment, the battlefield is as quiet as a ghost domain.

Behind Alan, the blood was overwhelming, but his breath fell to the bottom, and even the Balrog couldn't maintain it. The entire broken city that was cut just now directly cut out a death domain 100 meters wide and kilometers long. Wherever the knife light passed, blood filled every corner, soaking a trembling dead space.

"The Bingfeng probably can't help showing up now, and the reptile will be handed over to you later. I have to buy time to recover." Allen patted Fares on the shoulder, looked at Laura, and left. Go to the corner and sit down.

At this time, the Hulk on the wall uttered a loud shout, and then all the men raised their weapons and cheered. There was no joy in Alan's face, the knife almost wiped out his source force just now. He didn't want to, but it would be difficult to force the ice wind out without doing so. The ice wind is the key. As long as it hides in the dark, the cavemen can only continue to attack the town under its pressure.

Now the caveman has fallen down a blockbuster, I'm afraid that Bingfeng will have to play in person.

The darkness in the distance beat the drums, and the dull drums were accompanied by a short whistling sound, and Alan frowned. It was obviously not from the ice wind, but from the caveman! In the dim night of the small town, the cavemen used animal bones to beat the skin drums hung around their waists. The sound of the drums slowly and swiftly, urging countless cavemen to gallop in the direction of the fire. The Kuroshio surged across the ground and merged into the battlefield. They passed the corpses of their companions and attacked first with slings and wooden arrows.

Bingfeng did not appear, but continued to attack with cavemen. Alan was in a heavy heart. As Gertes said, it was a cunning reptile, and it planned to use cavemen to consume human power.

The battle started again.

The inch fire shooter and the gunner continued to shoot, the few bullets let out a final roar, and the kinetic energy blasted the hot metal into the caveman's fragile body. As for the gunners, some sturdy women sent them new iron spears, the ones in their hands had already been thrown. But there were not many iron spears newly sent, even if a powerful shooter like Palohuk, they could use iron spears to nail two or even three cavemen. But the gunners must admit that their proud skill is not much to be seen in the face of the rough firepower of the raging rifle.

The difference lies in efficiency. When an inch fire shooter bombards a row of cavemen, the shooter only kills two or three, which is naturally incomparable. Even if they can kill and penetrate several cavemen with a single throw, but the rifle bullet can only shoot one, the difference in killing speed is too big. When there were only two iron spears left in his hand, Palo yelled and fell from the wall with one in his hand, joining the front line of defense to fight to the death.

Hulk and other shooters followed suit. Everyone jumped off the wall and ran into the defense line quickly, using their guns and spears to continue to drink the enemy's blood.

Regis and Lola and other powerful men also joined the battle. The ice wind had never appeared, but the line of defense was at stake, and they could no longer stand idly by. Allen knew this too, so he didn't stop it. With the addition of the strong, the line of defense was stabilized again.

This is a long battle, testing people's physical strength and will. When the sound of the fierce fire rifle disappeared, and the inch fire shooters also drew their long swords into the battle, Allen's heart was very heavy. He had recovered his small half-source power, so he drew out the red king to join the battle.

The night is still so dim, but the fire in the town is gradually diminishing. On the bell tower, Adele shot with screams from time to time, shooting wherever cave dwellers were crowded. Every time a bullet breaks through the air, it must bring a spiral wave. Plowing through the enemy group can tear a hole, and then the wound of the enemy formation is filled, even the girl who has participated in the interstellar battlefield can't help but feel a bit of weakness.

Several cavemen pounced on Allen.

The Scarlet King swept out with the smallest amplitude, pulled out an just right arc of the knife, and beheaded these cavemen, and Allen waved the Scarlet King to the other side. Each of his movements has been accurately calculated, and Allen is like a defeated slave, stingyly calculating the energy of each sub-body and using them in the most appropriate places. But even so, Allen could feel the Akao in his hands getting heavier.

Endless battle.

Even when he was in a trance, Allen heard a scream. The cry came from the town, and he came back to his senses, his chest had been chopped with a caveman's stone knife, but although the blade tore the chest of his shirt, it couldn't help but the inverse scale armor inside. Allen killed the caveman with a single knife and shouted, "What happened?"

Adele's response came from the clock tower, "I don't know, but the ground is swelling, just over the warehouse..."

"The ground is uplifting?" Allen was surprised. "It's not good, it's the ice wind. That cunning crawler got in from the ground!"

Things couldn't be more obvious. With cavemen dragging the human warriors, Bingfeng entered the town from the ground to prepare to kill. Or attack from behind the line of defense, and flanking the caveman. No matter which possibility it is, it makes people unhappy. Allen immediately mobilized Regis, Laura and Nellie from the defense and hurried back into the town, while Adele turned in another direction on the clock tower. Seen from here, the ground over there is as if a bag of soil is rising, the ground is arched high, supporting the houses on both sides. The house is collapsing, the dog barking, the cows and sheep in the pen wailing...

Then there was a loud bang, a mud flow rose into the sky, and a huge gap was blasted into the ground. Two golden eyes lit up in the dim ground in the gap, and the ice wind drilled out of the gap in the ground. Its two long and powerful forelimbs slapped into the building, and the tail that was cut off by Allen regrown, but the newly grown tail was very short and looked very funny.

Bingfeng sniffed it with his nose, and he smelled the smell of human beings in the direction of the warehouse. Now it hates this kind of creature. Humans are thieves! If Bingfeng had the concept of a thief, it would never forget the Tallinn gem that was taken away by humans. This picture kept flashing in its mind.

All gems are mine! If Bingfeng could speak, it would absolutely roar like this, but now, it can only make a long neigh, and then intends to rush into the warehouse. A sharp whistling sound immediately sounded under the night, and Bingfeng's big head suddenly swayed, and a spiral ripple broke through the air, slamming the behemoth into the row of houses on the left. For a few seconds, Bingfeng lost consciousness, and when it recovered, it was extremely angry. Pressing on a stone wall with his claws, Bingfeng propped up his body and looked in the direction of the bell tower, then turned around and climbed up to a house.

There is no suspense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The big reptile crushed the house, and most of its body disappeared into the raging clamor. Then the triangular head bumped out from behind the wall of another house, it roared, its jaws were wide open, and its two eyes were fixed on Adele. But the picture of the clock tower and the girl was quickly replaced by a fire, and then a fist was thrown from the fire. This fist hit Bingfeng's head with a headache, pushing it back with great force. When the field of vision widened, Bingfeng saw the werewolf with lava as his armour, and then the flames and foe wind spewing out from the wolf population made the reptiles see nothing.

The flame demon spewed flames into the ice wind, sparks danced wildly, and a street was completely reduced to a sea of ​​flames. The ice wind roared in the flames, and with the roar of the collapse of the house, it suddenly threw out the flames. There was frost in the gaps between every scale of his body, and the ice wind directly pounced on Sargeras' body, biting and tearing.

Ellen snorted, red marks appeared on his arms and shoulders, and part of the attack of the ice wind fell on Ellen through the Balrog. He looked up and could see the short tail swaying of Bingfeng. Chi Wang pointed to him, and a red electric light flashed on the streets of the town. The red electric light rushed and hit Ice Wind on the side. The scales of the reptile flew, and fell off Sargeras with a scream, pressed into several small buildings, and shook into dust.

ps: Ask for a red ticket, ask for a monthly pass, ask for various Mondays~~


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