Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1074:  Marquis

? A string of silver bell-like laughter stirred Peel's excited heart. The lights here were dim, not gloomy, but made the atmosphere a bit ambiguous. www/xshuotxt/com has a healthy wheat complexion, and the woman wearing only a thin silk nightdress laughed again and escaped the marquis' clutches. She hid on the window sill and hooked her finger: "My good adult, hurry up and catch me. ."

"Baby, my dear Daishan. My little cat, you grinning little fairy, stand there and don't move." Although Peel is a marquis, it is a pity that his title does not come from force, but from family inheritance. Of glory. So he was awkwardly and slowly leaping towards the woman, and the woman easily avoided with a smile, making the fat marquis rush away.

Peel said a little annoyed: "Okay, dear. Don't let me waste my strength on this kind of thing, do you want me to put a weak offensive on you?"

Dai Shan gently bit her lips with her hand. This scene made Peel's heart beat wildly. The woman smiled: "My mother always said that women can't let men get themselves so easily, otherwise he won't know how to cherish."

"The gods are on top, and my favorite is you. For you, I even set up this mansion for you. For you, how much did I pay to prevent the woman from Kali from coming to trouble you. And you Saying this now breaks my heart."

The woman laughed: "Okay, okay, my good adult. So, do you like this?" She turned around and landed in her nightgown, wearing nothing inside. The proud mountain, the flat belly, and the mysterious jungle are looming under the ambiguous light.

Peel leaped forward with a roar like a lion, and this time he managed to knock down the woman. The two rolled on the floor, and Peel grabbed her **** and gasped and said "I love you". Just as he was about to drove in, the knock on the door rang untimely. Peel roared angrily: "What's the matter? Oh my god, it's better to have something important, otherwise, Mr. Matthew, you just wait for me to cut off your stinky head!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but there is an urgent letter. It was sent from Dragonlance Town, and there was a Viscount's seal on the letter. His messenger told me that the Viscount is in trouble in Dragonlance Town and needs your help." Marquis The captain of the guard carefully chose the wording.

"It doesn't matter what the Earl of Viscount, how can the Viscount go to the place where the birds don't **** in Dragonlance Town. Oh, my God, Dai Shan, you hateful kitten..." Peel panted heavily. The woman underneath took advantage of his distraction and fled to the window again, letting the majesty and majesty of the Marquis-sama leave nothing behind.

"It's the viscount, my lord. The one who will be honored by your majesty himself..."

"Your Majesty? What, that Southern Territory Sir?" Peel's eyes finally moved away from Dai Shan. Although the process was a bit difficult, the word "Your Majesty" was finally more powerful than Dai Shan's body. Peel patted his head to open the door and poked a head out: "Are you sure, it's the Sir Allen?"

"Yes, sir. The messenger reported this name." The chief guard Matthew said in a positive tone.

"Damn..." Peel said to himself: "He has entered your majesty's sight. If anything happens to him in my territory, your majesty will definitely punish me. But the lord obviously doesn't like him. This really embarrass me...wait..."

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The Marquis sneered and raised his head: "My captain, we must not be saved. So now you can gather the army for me. The more the better. I want to gather a team of five thousand. The army of men is going to help our Sir Allen!"

"Five thousand people?" The chief guard reminded: "My lord, it takes a lot of time to assemble so many troops. I heard the messenger say that the situation in Dragonlance Town is very urgent. Look, do you send out a thousand people first, then? Collect the rest..."

"Idiot! You are so stupid!" Peel slapped the head of the guard, "I just don't want to arrive so quickly, do you know? We can't help but send troops, but we can control when we will go out and when we will arrive. . Go and tell Captain Halley, he knows how to do it! As for the messenger of the adult, just entertain me. You want wine for wine and women for women, but you can’t let them leave, wait until dawn."

The chief guard touched his head and nodded.

Peel closed the door grinning, he knew he had been so wise once before. Then his eyes fell on Dai Shan by the window, and Peel's eyes burned again. Dai Shan wanted to run again, and the Marquis angrily said: "If you hide again, I will throw your mother and all your sisters into the barracks to become military prostitutes, and let them work with men every night until they die! "

"Okay, okay, don't be angry with your lord." Dai Shan said aggrievedly.

"Stop talking nonsense, turn around and raise your hips. Oh, open the window for me!"

"What, this way..."

"Do as I say!"

Dai Shan only opened the window, turned around, and tilted her elastic buttocks. When Peel attacked from behind, her screams echoed over the entire house, Peel was very satisfied, which made him very proud.

There was also a scream over Longlance Town, except that it was not the scream of a woman, but the roar of the ice wind. Bingfeng crawled out of the ruins of the house, looking at Alan's eyes full of resentment, it did not forget that this human being cut off its tail that day. The pain of tail docking is still fresh in my memory. Bingfeng sprayed two white air from his nostrils, and immediately spread a thin layer of frost on the ground.

Then it swam like flying, but was caught by the Balrog's hands on its new tail halfway. Bingfeng turned around fiercely, and opened his mouth to bite on one of Sargeras' arms. Alan immediately showed a row of tooth marks in the same position, and the Balrog roared and lifted it with one hand. The Bingfeng bite and pulled it up, and Sargeras raised his arm and hit the reptile's stomach with a punch. There was a dull loud noise in the town, ripples spread across the ground under the feet of the Balrog, and the streets crackled and cracked.

The ice wind flew out and crashed into a bullpen. The two old cows in the bullpen ran away in horror, and Bingfeng shook his head and climbed up again. In its golden eyes, a figure jumped from behind the spire of the house behind the Balrog. Judging from the physical characteristics, the opponent is a female, but the aura on her body is not human, which makes Bing Feng very puzzled. Of course, the reptiles that live underground do not know that there is a Naga clan deep in the sea.

Nali originally held the long blade of clear water in both hands, but she was in the air, so she let go. The two blue long blades each turn into blue light and meet in the middle to form a blue longbow. The Dragon Knight’s Lunhai Bibo has no specific

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The form, water vapor can be condensed into any weapon, but usually a certain weapon is used, and natural water vapor condenses to form a customary weapon.

Nari is accustomed to using longbows and double-edged blades, which makes her fine at melee and long-range attacks. Asking herself that it is difficult to harm Ice Wind in close combat, she decided to use her bow and arrow to contain the reptile from a distance, so as to create fighters for her companions.

When the person was in the air, Nellie slammed and pulled the string, and a few bright rays emerged spontaneously, forming three arrows. Nai Lisong pointed, the bi-colored arrow whizzed away, hitting Bing Feng's head hard. Sure enough, the strong arrow could not shoot through the thick scales of the ice wind, but the impact of the strong arrow caused the reptiles to eat pain. At this time, Nari hit the ground and rolled, running away from Bingfeng and shooting, and a shot of blue water arrows hit Bingfeng, and the success of a burst of cannons made Bingfeng's attention shift to Nellie.

When the reptile's triangular head moved with Nellie, Lola, dragging her blood, suddenly knocked out from behind a window. Laura had activated the orc posture, and the movement was full of tension. When Bingfeng first noticed her, Laura was already close to Bingfeng's hind limbs, and Shaying pulled out an afterimage across the reptile's short legs. Under the strength of Lola and the sharpness of the blood, the large scales on Bingfeng's leg flew up, and the long sword cut deeply into the muscles of Bingfeng's leg, and a sword almost cut off its leg!

The ice wind shouted angrily, and turned back to spray a pillar of icy wind towards Laura. When she was in Tallinn Aisha, Lola had seen the power of this frost pillar, and she immediately flickered and avoided. The wind column swept across the street, and a series of ice thorns emerged as frost filled the street, forming a long corridor of ice thorns.

The night sky suddenly rang, and a galaxy fell from the sky, blasting directly on the head of the ice wind. Bingfeng smashed the galaxy straight, his entire head banged on the ground, and his body turned sideways and fell. Regis stood up on Bingfeng's head, the iron-cutting and star-knife hung down, and the young man howled and rushed. One blade and one sword dragged Bingfeng's body, bringing up countless pieces of scale armor. The ice wind shook his body violently, and Reges was unstable and had to bounce off. The ice wind took the opportunity to turn around, and opened his mouth towards Regis to spray a frost wind column.

Regis made a decisive decision, raised his hand and threw Zhantie volley into the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhantiejian pulled out a dark shadow into the big mouth of the ice wind with strong wind pressure. Bingfeng immediately closed his mouth, cutting the iron sword through his body, not knowing how many meters it pierced into Bingfeng's throat. The reptile turned around in pain, digging its sharp claws, and digging out countless claw marks on the street.

Everyone opened the distance, divided into four corners and looked towards the ice wind. The reptiles caught in the rampage did not dare to approach at will, Allen thought, and Sargeras strode towards the ice wind, he planned to use the projection to charge the forward. At this time, the ice wind finally stopped, and it opened its mouth, and the iron-cut iron wrapped in thick liquid was vomited out by the reptile. Bingfeng's mouth was full of blood, and it roared to the sky in an unusually angry manner.

The temperature in the town dropped sharply, and ice and snow crystals drifted down on top of the ice wind. Bingfeng opened his mouth and roared again, and the ice crystals quickly condensed, forming roots and ice ridges that scattered away, blasting towards Allen.

Allen slipped back with the knife, jumped high, and landed on the roof of the building behind him. Two ice ridges shot in close contact, and blasted into the house as Allen expected. Alan didn't relax, but frowned, and he jumped out of the roof. Looking back, the roof exploded, and the two ice ridges broke out of the rock, turning around in midair and chasing him again!

(End of this chapter)



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