Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1075:   miserable victory

Alan was surprised that the ice ridge condensed by frost crystals in the ice wind actually had the ability to track it automatically. I think it was because the ice wind used some ability to lock the target to guide the ice ridge. However, each of the four had separated two or three icy ridges, and the ice wind was used for four purposes at the same time. It was not easy. Alan shook the King Crimson, and the blade's edge burst into flames. He flicked his wrist and struck out two swords. The fire cloud swept across the ice edge and exploded.

The ice edge exploded, forming two light blue frosty fog, still desperately chasing Allen. However, in the middle of the process, he exploded all the flames to the red king to catalyze annihilation.

The other three also used their own methods to detonate the ice ridges or flash to avoid them.

At this moment Allen heard an exclamation.

Following the voice, it turned out to be Nari. She detonated one of them with the green water arrow, but was hit in the leg by an ice edge while evading. Bing Ling touched Nari's calf and immediately exploded, turning into an irregular piece of ice to seal Nari's foot. The other ice ridge also hit Nari's left hand and fixed her to a wall. At this time, Bingfeng swam away quickly, apparently going to attack Neri.

Alan snorted, turning into a phantom and rushing towards Nellie.

Nellie's face was pale, and the ice that sealed her hands and feet was not simple. The chill that radiated from it was penetrating into her body through the pores of her hands and feet, causing her source force to run slowly. Slowly frozen. Nellie couldn't forcefully break the ice with her own strength. At this moment, seeing the ice wind swim, her forelimbs were raised, and the giant claws snapped it down. If it's true, you have to tear Nari apart along with the wall.

Neri closed her eyes and waited for death to come. Suddenly a strong wind blew his face, followed by a muffled noise and the anger of the ice wind. Nellie opened her eyes, but saw Alan blocking Bingfeng's body, with another long knife in his left hand that she had never seen before. The knife is nearly two meters long. The handle and even the spine of the knife are vermilion red, the blade is dark and deep, and the edge is full of black air. It seems that this knife is not a real thing, but is made of some kind of energy.

At this moment, Alan has a black sword in his left hand and Chi Wang in his right. Two long knives, one black and one red, crossed, holding Bingfeng's claws. But even so, the claws of the ice wind still made a blood groove on Allen's face, and the part that rests on the shoulders is borne by the inverse scale armor. Allen yelled, and the two knives pushed forward, pushing the ice wind away.

The two long knives dropped, and Allen's chest rose and fell. The left-handed long knife is the ultimate form of death anthem. When slashed by this knife, regardless of the size of the injury, the decay of the death anthem will invade the opponent's body from the wound, causing the opponent's body to decay, aging, and even to the end of life! Although Bingfeng didn't know what that knife was, but instinctively reminded it to be careful of that knife. Its threat was still above the Scarlet King who had pierced his head.

Allen turned around, tapped the icy parts of Nali of the Crimson Dynasty, and then started charging with double knives. Nali only felt that warm currents continued to emerge in those two places, and a vermilion glow appeared in the solid ice, and then the ice slowly melted away. Once the ice melted, she resumed sliding to the ground freely, but her hands and feet were still numb, and she couldn't go into battle for a while. She looked up and saw that Allen had started a stormy offensive around the ice wind.

There were two long swords in his hand, one red and one black. The long sword of the Scarlet King burst into flames and spit out, and the black energy of the death hymn was determined to be tangled around the ice wind body like two-color silk. The thick scales on Bingfeng's body were swept off by the blast and fell off directly, passing the death hymn, and the scales became gray, and the gray air spread inch by inch. Allen danced with both swords rapidly, Bingfeng's body continued to explode, and the black mist churned. This reptile also began to desperately, from time to time it took a frosty wind pillar towards Allen, or raised its giant claws to shoot. Even if Alan cannot be photographed, the ground cannot withstand its tremendous force, and every claw falls, the vicinity must be

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The ice thorn rises, constantly interfering with Allen's movement.

The inverse scale armor on Allen's body, even if it brushed the ice wind's claws, only brought sparks. But there was no armor protection on his feet, and the ice jingle was stroked from time to time, and the blood drenched, and the wound would climb into an unnatural blue color. The cold air penetrated Alan through the wound, gradually affecting his movement bit by bit.

While hauling the knife, Allen also used the source of heavenly fire to neutralize the cold invaded by the leg wound. With the heart divided into two uses, he was forced into danger by the ice wind. He squinted his eyes, and a fierceness came out of his body. He no longer pays attention to the wound on his leg, and even has the right to treat the ice thorn on the ground as nothing. Alan stared at the ice wind, like a wolf staring at his prey. He mobilized all the power of the sky fire, dragged his two knives in, and smashed countless ice jingle directly into the ice wind.

The red king drags the flames, and the death hymn pulls up the black mist. From a distance, Alan seemed to be holding two red and black flags before crashing into the ice wind. Bingfeng opened his mouth and was swept away by a frost wind pillar, but this time Alan did not dodge. It's just that the natural disaster circuit in the body lights up, and all the ash is floating on the surface, Allen goes all out to crash into the wind column, his body and even his hands and feet keep climbing up the frost, but it is catalyzed by heat and smokes. Frost and heat competed for every inch of Allen's body, and his body had become another battlefield.

Seeing Alan coming against the wind pillar, Bingfeng began to be afraid. No matter how fierce the wind pillar is, Alan still looks at it rather calmly. In those eyes, Bingfeng understood Alan's determination to kill it here!

The ice wind screamed, and more ice thorns appeared on the ground, and several ice ridges in the air quickly formed and shot.

Allen knocked out the wind column.

The ice thorn shattered, and the ice blasts behind Alan, forming icicles.

Allen flashed in front of Bingfeng, the reptile opened his mouth and bit, and instantly swallowed Allen!

Everyone was shocked.

Then they saw Bingfeng's big head gradually lifted up, and the two golden eyes turned sharply, and their eyes were full of fear. Bingfeng's big mouth was never closed, his palate teeth kept opening and closing, and saliva was dripping down the palate teeth. Under Bingfeng's big mouth, Nellie first saw a pair of feet, which were Alan's feet. Then came the body, and finally saw that Alan's double knives crossed into Bingfeng's palate. He kept raising the double knives, causing Bingfeng to raise his head in line with his movements.

Allen's body was already wet with Bingfeng's saliva. He could feel Bingfeng's fear, and sneered: "What? I want to escape now? Unfortunately, I won't let you run away this time!"

Bingfeng didn't know if he understood Alan's words, but the fear in the reptile's eyes became stronger. It was about to run away desperately, even the anger of humans stealing gems. But at this moment, both hind limbs suffered a pain at the same time, Bingfeng's eyes turned sharply, but only two blood waves on the left and right were seen in the corner of the eye, like flags flying!

There is a **** ripple on the left and bright stars on the right! Lola and Regis left and right, severing the two hind limbs of Bingfeng with blood brake and Zhu Jue. The reptiles made earth-shattering calls, so loud that they not only resounded through the town, but even covered the battlefield outside the town! Bingfeng knew exactly what it meant to lose two hind limbs, which made it more eager to escape. But Allen's double knives were inserted in its upper palate. One of the two knives had a high heat that burned everything into ashes, and the other had the cold of death, with completely different feelings, the same terrible! The terrible thing is that these two terrifying knives are in its upper palate, and even a slight movement of the ice wind will make it painful.

At this moment, Bingfeng clearly felt the heat and coldness in the palate.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) All kinds of different forces have exploded. Then his eyes lit up, and Bingfeng saw two-color flames spraying out of his eyes. The dark red explosions and the dark black fog and fire rose together, like the tail flames dragged by the comet when it fell to the earth! Under Bingfeng's big mouth, the flame patterns on Allen's whole body lit up, and sparks were flying around him in the burst of flames, and the flames reflected his silver hair red. In Allen's eyes, flames danced wildly!

The heavenly fire source power roared in his blood vessels, the natural disaster circuit was as bright as a galaxy, and the three circuit nodes shined brightly. All the power pushed to Alan's arms, so the red king and death hymn moved. They pushed forward, tearing open the palate in the ice. The ice wind screamed, desperately spraying frost wind pillars. Ellen roared, and the black and red flames finally crossed and cut down, forming a huge knife light.

The pillars of the ice wind suddenly stopped, and the brilliance in the two eyes on the big head gradually disappeared. The next moment, its head shattered into several pieces with a bang, and the headless giant fell to the ground with a bang. Alan pointed both swords to the ground, breathing continuously, frost on his face and body forming a few thick pieces of ice. As the sky's fire source shook and evaporated, the water vapor around Allen was filled, but the glory of the Red King and Death Song could not be covered.

From Bingfeng's corpse, clusters of strong blood began to float, slowly injecting into the blade of death hymn. The source device that had absorbed the blood gas quietly gave back a bit of the blood gas essence of the ice wind to Allen, which made Allen's beating heart slowly calmed down. He withdrew the death hymn, sat down on the ground, and said to Lola who came to him: "You go and take a look outside the town."

So Neri stayed, and the others rushed out of town.

The line of defense outside the town was already in jeopardy, but just after the icy wind broke down, the caveman played a strong role in the back. The cavemen, who were still attacking humans frantically, heard a dazed or panicked look in the eyes of this horn, and then they began to retreat. When Lola returned to the outside of the city, the caveman had already withdrawn from the battlefield and disappeared into the deep night.

After a while, a ray of morning light flashed from the clouds in the east, and the sky and the earth were no longer dim. Only then did the men outside the town come back to their senses. They laughed with their arms around the people nearby, and started crying ridiculously. On this line of defense, many familiar people became cold corpses, and their bodies were covered with wounds left by cavemen, but even if the **** of death took their lives, these people never let go of their weapons.

So that they can't take these weapons out of their hands, they can only be buried with the weapons. Dragon Spear Town finally defended ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but sacrificed hundreds of men. Even the soldiers under Allen were killed and wounded more than half, which was the result of the steel front samurai blocking the front line of defense. These unafraid samurai, who will not get tired, their heavy knives and axes are all stuck with flesh and blood. Soldiers help them clean up after the war, and even a layer of meat can be scraped off the knives and axes!

A tragic victory.

Alan thought as he watched the soldiers disassemble Bingfeng's body.

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(End of this chapter)



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