Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1076:  Coordinates

In a corner of the universe very far away from the heavenly stars, this space is monotonous and dead. Looking around, in the vast outer space, only a few planets of gray color and a handful of meteorites drifting slowly under the action of gravitational waves can be seen sporadically in the vast space. It is as quiet as a huge tomb, and even the fallen cosmic pirates don't bother to visit this place. Because it has nothing but stones.

A wave of ripples suddenly spread at a certain point in the void, and then the space split a gap like a torn curtain, and the strange-style starship jumped out of the gap in the space and rushed forward. After traveling for a certain distance, the engine behind the starship lifted up two black smoke, and the hull shuddered and gradually stopped. In the main control room of the starship, a slap was slapped on the console again, and a woman yelled: "Damn, it broke at this time. There is no repairman on this ship!"

It was indeed a woman who was speaking, but not a human being. At least no human being will be covered with lavender scales, let alone a lizard-like tail behind the buttocks. The humanoid alien woman with an exaggerated chest fell on a chair, her eyes blankly looking at the dome of the control room and muttered, "But if you are here, you won't find them anymore, right? To death, why does the Red Skull hunt me? , I didn't steal anything from them."

"I really miss you now, my Lord Seglisi."

The woman on the starship slowly closed her eyes, she was too tired. Chasing in space for several days caused her to consume a lot of energy, and now the starship engine could not be repaired for a while, she simply closed her eyes and slumbered. It's a pity that just after she closed her eyes, a larger space gap unfolded in the space in front of the starship. When the space gap opened, the wave shook the starship and awakened the woman.

When she saw the fissure through the window on the ship, the woman groaned: "Oh my god, what do you want! The big deal is that I will fight with you!"

In her hysterical cry, the space crack has expanded to its limit, forming a space channel like a black hole. In that passage, a starship leaped out of it. The starship was dark in color, and a huge skeleton was erected in front of the hull. What was terrible was that the skeleton was painted red. The woman's pupils shrank: "Red Skull? Oh my God, why is he here too... That devil!"

(To the end of this chapter, please turn the page) The woman was completely slumped on the chair. She knew very well whose car the Red Skull was. Since this starship appeared, it also meant that that person was coming.

Pirate Emperor Stark!

Not only did the Red Skull jump out of the space channel, there were also dozens of other starships, large and small, and the fleet came oncoming, without any suspense, surrounding the small ship that had lost its sense of dynamic three-dimensionality. The bow of the Red Skull fired two towing beams, pulling the small ship where the woman was on to move closer. After a while, the woman heard the harsh blasting from the door of the control room. She stood up with a wry smile and looked at the door.

The door crashed down, and a ball-like figure jumped in and pointed at the woman and screamed: "It's her, Lord Stark! She's Sanna, she knows a lot about Seglis!"

Sanna looked at the meat ball in surprise and lost her voice: "Brother Monli, is it you?"

Then a tall man came in from outside the door. The man had black hair and white skin, and his appearance was almost magical. He glanced at the woman faintly, nodded and said, "Excuse me, Miss Sanna, I want to ask you something."

"You are Stark?"

"If there is no other Stark, then I am." The man smiled, his smile as gentle as sunshine, not at all like the notorious demon in the legend.

But when Sanna was hooked on her collarbone by two iron chains with thick forearms and hung in the middle of this hall, she knew that the devil was still the devil. Although Stark has a handsome face, it does not mean that he has a good heart. At least from the way he looked at her, Sanna could not see any kindness, and she had no mercy. Some are just indifferent, just like the depths of the universe.

Stark sat in his seat, with one hand on his cheek and sideways looking at Sanna. Two enchanting purple-clothed sword slaves were sitting on his armrests and thighs. They kissed Stark and tried their best to make things provocative, but the pirate emperor's eyes remained unchanged: "Tell me, Sanna. Seglisi What happened?"

"We are just small people, why the great pirate emperor cares so much about us." Sanna asked not to answer.

"It's useless to delay time. You should know that you can't escape if you fall into my hands. Unless you are willing to cooperate, then I can let you go.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page Stark looked at the sword slave on the left and stroked her face with his hand. The sword slave caught his finger and put it in his mouth to suck. Stark said blankly. : "You are indeed a small person, but Seglisi is not. At least not to me. He is my brother, one of the voters on the Burning Road, how could he be a small person..."

"Your friend, um, it's the meatball. He told me something interesting, but he also said that you know Seglisi better than him. For example, on which planet he broke and killed him Who is it. The important thing is, I think you will be happy to provide me with the coordinates of that planet. Is that true? Miss Sanna."

Sanna looked at Monlige not far away: "So it's you..."

She looked at Stark again: "Segris is dead, but it doesn't hurt to tell you. But I have some conditions."

"Please speak."

"First, I want the meat ball to die here. Second, I can give you the coordinates, but you must give me a starship. After you let me leave safely, I will send you the coordinates."

"Don't listen to her, she is a cunning woman!" Monri screamed.

Stark just glanced at him lightly and said, "The first one is fine. As for the second one, how do you ensure that you won't break your promise?"

Sanna laughed: "No one dares to deceive you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ doesn't it? Lord Stark, I don't want to live the rest of my life while being hunted down by the Red Skull. One experience like that is enough. As you said, I am a small person. I just want to survive. As for the coordinates, it may be extremely important to you. To me, it doesn't make much sense."

Stark nodded.

Monlik shouted: "My lord, you promised me. Just help you find Sanna, and you will give her to me!"

"Well, that's right. Mr. Monrigo, I said so." Stark gave a gentle smile: "However, I regret it now."

He snapped his fingers and Monrigo immediately exploded like a real ball, splashing blood and internal organs on the ground. Stark didn't even look at it. He leaned forward slightly and said with a gentler smile: "Now, let's talk about that planet."

ps: Dafeng today, let's break it out~~

(End of this chapter)


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