Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1077:  Disaster and hope


Sitting on a cart, Allen put Aka King between his legs and looked at the street that turned into a slaughterhouse. (.) Soldiers are decomposing Bingfeng’s corpse on the street. Bingfeng’s scales and bones are good materials for making superior armor, especially its bones. After the soldiers washed the bones they took out with water, they would see blue silk entangled in the gray of the bones. And inside the head that was chopped off by Allen, its skull was even more covered with blue crystals.

It is a pity that Alan used death hymns to injure a lot of wounds on its body at the time. The ice wind was invaded by the decayed alien force, and the bone quality had dropped by a grade. Just think about how hard his skull was when even the Scarlet King couldn't pierce his brain with a knife when he was in Tallinn. Besides, if the death hymn hadn't weakened Bingfeng's bone hardness, Alan would not have been able to cut off its head smoothly.

Even so, the blacksmiths in Dragonlance are quite satisfied with Ice Wind's bones and scales. And it is sure to be able to use these materials to create high-quality armor. In addition, Bingfeng’s claws are high-quality materials for weapons, and its meat can be used to feed fierce beasts, and even be released and stored in The blood in the jar can also be sold for a good price. But the most valuable thing is the dozen or so Yuanli crystal nuclei taken out from Bingfeng's body. The largest one is nearly half a meter in diameter, and the smallest one is the size of a fist. These crystal nuclei contain a very pure source of frost, which is an important material for making magical armor, as well as the most advanced material for alchemy. It is no exaggeration to say that the value of these dozen crystal nuclei exceeds the sum of the other parts of Bingfeng's corpse.

Allen has already figured out how to allocate it. He intends to leave the crystal core of Ice Wind, whether it is for Lucy to make a special bullet or sell it, he can make a fortune. As for the other parts of Ice Wind, they were left to Dragonlance Town to make up for their losses. Only broken streets can be repaired, and collapsed buildings can be rebuilt. But the people who died in the battle last night will never come back. Allen can't forget that when the families of those deceased brought their bodies back, the children's crying and the wife's calling were deeply imprinted in his mind.

For him, those people may just be strangers who have not known each other for a day, but for those families, they are the pillars. Now that there are no pillars, their family will be shaky. Now Allen is wondering, if they leave the camp yesterday, will the cavemen still attack the town?

"What are you thinking, Master Ellen?"

I don’t know when, Father Milo sat next to him, and Allen said truthfully: “I’m wondering if things would be different now if I made another choice? Father, this shouldn’t be theirs. War, and I brought disasters to them. <>"

"It turns out that's the case." Father Milo squinted his eyes. "Sometimes I really doubt whether Archimedes is your father. Because you two have very different personalities. If it's the man I know, If this happened to him, he would say that these people are thanks to me, otherwise it would be more than just death."

Milo said, "Of course, that **** is an arrogant and selfish guy."

Allen smiled.

"Master Ellen, I often say that the Lord is omnipotent. But about this, I am actually quite skeptical. He made many prophecies, some of which were fulfilled, and some were not fulfilled. So you see, even the gods cannot fully see Clearly what happened in the next second, let alone you. Life is always faced with countless choices, and every choice is not absolutely correct, let alone absolutely wrong." Father Milo stroked the cross on his chest: "All we can do is listen to the inner voice and make one of the choices."

"Like what happened yesterday, yes, if we choose to leave, the cavemen will bypass this town and continue to hunt us. But it is also possible that they attacked this town by the way, and without our assistance, this little The town has become history forever. But this is a hypothesis after all. As for which ending will happen, even the gods cannot give an answer." Father Milo looked at the residents of the town: "Look at the present again, you chose to stay. Yes, some people have died because of this, but at least this town is still there. At least the children of those who have survived, they will be extremely hurt, but the bravery of the fathers will be remembered in their hearts and inspired them to become fathers. Men who sacrificed to defend their homeland. Maybe because of this, there will be more brave and fearless men in this town in ten years. They are the hope of continuing the town."

"You brought disaster, and you planted hope. As for which is more important, it depends on you." The priest patted Alan on the shoulder and walked away with a smile.

Allen sat in the car for a while, suddenly stretched out his hand and patted his face, then picked up Akwang and jumped out of the cart. At this time, the mayor, Palo and other men came over. Allen took the opportunity to tell about the distribution of the ice wind. After speaking, Allen said again: "I know this can't fully compensate for your losses, but it can at least solve some of the immediate problems. Difficult.<>"

The mayor sighed: "Since the incident has happened, now we blame you, the deceased will not survive. Besides, even if nothing happened last night, whether our town can continue to exist is a question."

Allen heard something in his words, frowned and asked, "Why does the mayor say that?"

"Because the Marquis Peel had ordered us to move the town not long ago, but did not compensate us for any land. The Marquis warned us that if we do not follow what he says, then he will reprimand us by force. It is impossible for us to move. Going, this town, this piece of land was given by the founding emperor that year, to be used for the proliferation of our noble tribe. Secondly, the heroic spirits of our ancestors will sleep on this land, and it is even more impossible for us to leave. That's it. So sooner or later there will be a conflict with that Marquis. Even if there are no cavemen, whether we can continue to exist in Dragonlance is still a question."

"There is such a thing?"

Palo nodded and said, "Before the lord came, in fact, we were already preparing to send people to the imperial capital, and would like to invite His Majesty Tangliou to preside over justice. It's just that the men here rarely leave the town, and the farthest we have been to spirits. Town. I heard that the adults are going to the imperial capital too, so I don’t know if Fang can take us along?"

Allen nodded: "No problem." He sneered again: "Marquis Peel, Speaking of Abel and the others, they set off yesterday but it was dark. As a result, until now, there is not half of the reinforcements... Don't worry about this. I'll deal with it for you. I can't guarantee success, but I'm sure I will never make the Marquis of Peel feel better."

The mayor and Palo were overjoyed, even though they had decided to ask God for an explanation. But after all, they are just civilians, it is still unknown whether they can see Emperor Tangliou. Now that Viscount Allen, the empire, is interfering, naturally there is more hope.

It wasn't until noon that the army of the Marquis of Peel slowly arrived at Dragonlance, and it arrived at the 500-man Vanguard. When Allen saw Abel and Mira, both of them looked angry. Abel said angrily: "Your Excellency, that Marquis of Peel is too hateful. We sent your letter, but although he promised to send troops, he was late to see the action. <>I urged several times and got all the answers. It is the army that is gathering. It wasn't until dawn that these five hundred vanguard groups left the city. Five hundred people, only five hundred people, should we gather for one night at this point. Isn't this perfunctory what we are?"

Allen finally replied, and one of them sneered: "What does a commoner know? You deserve to question Lord Marquis. This alone is enough to send you to the gallows!"

Abel flushed and was about to argue. Allen reached out and pressed his shoulders before looking at the man. That was the general under Peel, named Harley. In the prime of life, but with blue eyes and weak body energy. Not to mention that Regis or Lola under Allen can easily defeat him, even Higgs in the border land can safely defeat this person. Allen looked at the so-called corps commander and said lightly: "I don’t think Abel was wrong. Please Commander Halley tells me why an army of five hundred people has to spend an entire night? If my corps commander If you do this, it will be enough for me to cut off his head!"

Captain Halley said slowly: "The adults don't know, the marquis has always been in peace. The soldiers usually stay at home, and the city is there. It is indeed difficult to gather together."

"So Captain Halley wants to tell me that the standing army in the barracks of the Marquis of Peel doesn't even have five hundred?" Allen sneered.

Halley gave a dry cough and didn't answer. Instead, he said, "Since Lord Allen's crisis has been resolved, there is nothing for us here. If Lord Allen has nothing to say, then we will leave first."

"Wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen stopped him and said lightly: "Please tell the Marquis of Peel, I will discuss this matter today in Auris. "

Captain Halley did not respond directly, but leaned forward and said: "I will bring the words of the lord without omission."

Then he took a cloak and left the town with ten guards.

Peel's army came slowly, but moved quickly. Allen stood on the guard wall and watched them leave, clenched his fist and hammered the wall lightly. The Marquis of Peel made it clear that it was a violation of righteousness. He did not want to openly violate the constitution of the empire and did not intend to sincerely support it, so he simply made a big fuss about the time of sending troops. I don't know if Peel's move was his own idea or someone else behind it.

Allen thought for a while and asked Abel to call Edward. Peel put him along, and now Allen can't care about him, but can cause him some trouble.

"I hope you don't really have only five hundred troops in your barracks." Allen murmured.

PS: Will there be monthly reward tickets?

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