Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1078:  Deadly calm


On a single ride, Father Ian sat on his thin horse and left the town. Seeing Ellen on the wall, he waved his hand, and then gradually became a black spot in the distance. Allen returned to a residential house in the town, where the mayor arranged for him to rest. Entering the hall on the first floor, Regis was wiping his iron sword, Adele sat by the window and turned over a book of poems, and Father Lucy and Father Miró were playing chess. Saying hello to everyone, Allen returned to his room.

Someone knocked on the door after a while, and it was Edward who came in. When he closed the door, he casually said: "I have settled his salary with the guide, paid him twice the original price, and reminded him not to disclose the affairs of Tallinn Asia."

Allen said "Um" and looked out the window and said, "I want to borrow your Tallinn gems for use."

"No problem." Edward squinted his eyes and said, "Do you want to trouble the Marquis Peel?"

"Do you think it is feasible?"

"Of course, you can also use the power of the marquis to help us clean up the remaining caveman, if he has that power." Edward walked to the door and slammed the door with his fingers. Not long after, a Dark Blade warrior appeared, Edward whispered a few words in his ear, and the warrior nodded and left. Edward only returned to the room: "It's done, the caveman will not march during the day, so we should still be able to catch up."

"Very well, then I have one more thing to ask you."

Edward's pupil color quietly turned into an ice blue, which made him look very cold, he said calmly: "No need to ask, I originally wanted to tell you today. Yes, when I was in Tallinn Aisha, I deliberately Let Tallinn gems be exposed to the eyes of the ice wind."

"This is only reasonable. Otherwise, with your caution, how could you get a corpse in a small amount." Allen said coldly: "Then, you are not going to explain?"

"What explanation do you want to hear?" Edward did not avoid Alan's eyes, his tone was almost indifferent: "In the complicated environment of Tallinn Aisha, it is very difficult to kill the ice wind. I don't think it can be removed from Tallinn gems. What's wrong with it from underground."

"Yes, but you didn't tell me beforehand."

"You also know that the reptile is not an ordinary beast, it is wise, and it is not low. First, there was no time at that time. Second, if I tell you, I'm afraid you will expose flaws for the ice wind to see through. Facts have also proved that ice The wind is indeed on the hook, we solved the biggest hidden danger in that underground city."

"Then do you know, in order to kill Bingfeng. How many people have we sacrificed, and how many people have been sacrificed in this town. If you tell me in advance, at least I can be prepared and won't die so many people!" Ai Lun Shen said.

The atmosphere in the room was dignified, and Edward lowered his gaze: "I admit that there were some mistakes on this point. First, I never thought that the ice wind would drive the cave dwellers out of the dungeon; second, I did not expect you to be a The unnamed town stayed. Both of these mistakes could have been made up. For the caveman, I had planned to drive overnight to lead them to the territory of the Marquis of Peel, so that we can use the army of the Marquis to deal with the ice wind, and you There is no need to take risks personally. If we do this, there will be no second mistake, and we will not sacrifice half of the soldiers."

"What about Dragon Spear Town?"

"This is what I can't understand. This town is just a chance encounter on the road. The people in the town are not your leaders. In my opinion, you don't have to take risks for them. They are not your responsibility, Lord Allen. We quote The caveman left, as for whether the town escaped or was captured by the caveman. To be honest, it doesn't affect my plan at all, but you..."

Suddenly Allen slammed a punch at Edward, and Edward's eyes changed slightly. Then he hit it straight, and the whole person flew out and hit the wall, then bounced off again. He lay on the ground for a long while and couldn't get up, and blood flowed from his nostrils and mouth. Allen asked coldly: "Why don't you avoid it?"

Edward stood up like a okay person, wiped his blood and said, "If it makes you more comfortable, it's not a big deal to get a punch."

"So this is where you scare me! Edward, although our races are different, I believe that no matter what kind of creatures are emotional. Even the residents of Chaos Star Territory, they also have it, but their emotions tend to Evil. But you, you are as calm as a machine anytime. Yes, Dragonlance is not my domain, and the people here are not my people. I have no obligation to protect them. But their disaster is ultimately due to us. Now, don't you feel a little guilty?" Allen said loudly.

Edward looked at him calmly: "Guilt, self-blame, such negative emotions will only affect my judgment. My job is to assist you and the brain of the entire team. What I need to do is to get the most out of the least cost. This is the measure by which I make all decisions. You are not calm now, and there will be no results if you continue to talk. I suggest you calm down first, and then we will talk about it. My lord, impulse will not Making things better will only make things worse. The important thing is that we can't afford to lose, so I have to be very careful every step of the way."

Seeing him leaving, Allen sighed: "Edward, I admit that you are right in many things. But you have to remember that you are not a machine, you also have life and soul. There are some things, we can't be pure Judging by the relationship of interest, otherwise, such a life is meaningless at all."

"I remember that when I make a decision in the future, I will refer to your emotional needs and make corrections."

He left, and Alan gave a wry smile, and the guy misunderstood his meaning. Lucy pushed in and blinked: "It seems that your conversation is very unpleasant."

Allen raised his forehead and said, "That fellow Edward doesn't know what he has experienced before. I don't believe he was born so coldly."

"He is indeed very smart and calm. But you have to be careful. He is a double-edged sword. If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid you will cut yourself." Lucy held Alan's face.

"He is very important to us, maybe I should try to understand his past."

Night fell again.

Two yellow lights lit up, and a black figure in the shape of a human crawled out of the cave. The night wind blew a few sparse yellow hairs on its head, and it squatted on the rock and looked around. Then I saw a gopher passing between the rocks, its eyes lit up, and it jumped sharply, and pounced on the gopher. The gopher struggled desperately, but held it to his mouth with both hands. A mouth without lips opened, it bit the gopher's head with full of fangs, and then gnawed with relish.

While eating the hamster, it turned its head left and right, glanced around randomly, suddenly something flickered in the night. The familiar faint blue light shocked his whole body, and he didn't even bother to eat that gopher. It threw it away, and then ran away with its hands and feet with the flashing light. More and more cavemen crawled out of that cave. These lives were reversed day and night, and their work and rest were no different from bats. Sleep during the day and act at night. There are still two or three days away from the entrance of the big tunnel, so every minute of the night can't be wasted. They must drive in the dark and find a place to hide before sunrise. Otherwise the sunlight on the surface will make them blind, although the effect of the eyes on them is not as great as the nose.

A few cavemen began to beat the rat corpse that was discarded by their companions, until a caveman with a totem pattern painted all over and a necklace made of Tallinn gemstones jumped over to them, punching and kicking them to separate them. Come. That was the leader of the cavemen, and the status was lofty. The ordinary cavemen didn't dare to resist and could only be beaten. At this time, there was a joyous roar in the distance, and the caveman ran back, holding a crystal shard in both hands and presented it to the leader.

The caveman leader took it and screamed. He compared this irregular fragment with the necklace between his neck and found that there was no essential difference between the two. It was clearly a fragment of a Tallinn gem. The leader caught the caveman screaming and kicked it again. The caveman pointed in the direction where the gem fragment was found, and then led the boss.

It didn't take long for them to find similar flashes in the northeast direction. Although it was several kilometers away, it was very obvious in the night. The leader of the caveman uttered a long roar, and all the others who came out of the hiding place understood the meaning of the roar. The remaining cavemen began to change directions. They could not allow Tallinn gems to remain on the surface, which would make them worse off than dead.

Under the dark night, a dark tide is moving quietly.

The city of flames was bathed in the tranquil moonlight.

The name of the city is derived from the family crest of the Marquis of Peel, a fire that rises enthusiastically. In order to make the city more suitable for its name, the Marquis of Peel placed braziers on the entire guard wall, and stipulated that all braziers must be lighted when night falls, so that the city looks like the flames are rising.

In this way, the soldiers who watched the night were exhausted. With the gods on top, everyone knows that if you run the guard wall of the Flame City, you will break your leg. After all, this city is not small, and the guard wall is naturally very long. The soldiers responsible for lighting the brazier tonight are sitting lazily behind an arrow, anyway, their commander is not on the guard wall now, but is hanging out with a woman in his office.

"Let’s make a bet. I said that sooner or later, Chief Darren would die on the belly of Luo Wei's woman." A soldier with a speckled face said: "I once passed by the Chief’s office by accident~www.wuxiaspot .com~You don’t know how loud Luo Wei screamed, yelling, you can imagine how hard our chief has put on her."

"You are not passing by, you are going to peep." Another yellow-haired soldier smiled: "But then, Luo Wei's woman is as big as a cow and has long legs. If I can **** her, I will die. ."

"Come on, then Lord Darren will cut off your pair of bird eggs to feed his hounds."

Several soldiers laughed suddenly, and one soldier was laughing fast on the wall. He smiled and calmed down, "Huh" pointed to a hillside outside the city: "Look over there, what is that?"

So a few heads poked out from behind the wall, and the soldiers saw that something on that hillside was emitting a faint blue light.

PS: Thanks to all the brothers who voted for rewards today, especially the friends who saw the piracy also came to support me, this is a great encouragement to me, thank you everyone. I will stick to it, hoping to use my efforts to win more genuine readers. This month should be the most popular month since I opened the book. Although I know that it is unlikely that I will be in the top ten, but when I am alive, there is a dispute, otherwise, what is the difference with the walking dead? So, continue to explode tomorrow, everyone feels free, just enjoy it!

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