Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1079:  Ode to Flames

The soldier with spots on his face said: "My mother once said that everything that shines is precious."

Another soldier sneered, "So your bed is full of glass slag? Those things will also shine."

"No, glass needs the refraction of light to shine. But look at that, hell, even the moonlight doesn't shine in that place. Tell me, what kind of glass can shine in the dark?"

The soldiers were silent, and the freckled soldier said, "I'll go over and see if it's a gem. So strong, you can **** a woman like Luo Wei, and we can drink a lot of alcohol, the best in Old Sam's Tavern The kind!"

"I'll go too." The soldier named Qiang En echoed, obviously his colleagues' proposal was very tempting.

"Well, you go quietly, and we are here to help you. If Mr. Darren asks about it, someone may distract him."

The two soldiers took a long rope, tied one end to the wall and the other end to the foot of the wall. The guard wall of Flame City is six meters high. If you fall down like this without a tool, you will not die, but you will be unavoidable. After getting ready, the soldier slid down the wall along the rope. They chose a relatively remote place on the side of the guard wall to ensure that they would not be seen by other soldiers who watched the night. After all, the more people you know, the less you can divide the spoils.

It took more than ten minutes before John and the streaked soldiers climbed up the low **** and found it in a bunch of drafts. The streaked soldier was pretty sure that it was a gem, at least a fragment of it. Otherwise, this irregular crystal will not emit light by itself, its faint blue light illuminates the two overjoyed faces, but...

"It's really cold." Qiang En planned to tear off the corners of his clothes to cover the things in his hands, which was chilly.

The streaked soldier said excitedly: "It's more cold, the gems are cold, or I will get it..."

Qiang En smiled and cursed: "What are you in a hurry, as if I will swallow it alone. Huh..." He suddenly saw through the gloom, in the darkness behind the face, a pair of gray hands covered in mud suddenly stretched out. Then he covered Madara's mouth with one hand, and inserted his sharp nails into the soldier's neck with the other. After tearing it again, the warm blood in his colleague's neck sprayed Qiang'en's face, Qiang'en could even see his companion's blood vessels beating violently!

"Ah! No!" Qiang En stood up, the light of the gems in his hand pouring away, illuminating the murderer's face. It was an ugly, deformed face. The eyes are surprisingly big, there is no nose, and the mouth is crooked to one side without lips, but every wrinkle on that strange face is full of maliciousness. Qiang En hurriedly slid down the hill, got up when he got to the bottom of the hill and rolled on the spot, and then ran back lifelessly.

He glanced back while running, the streaked corpse leaned forward and the strange man chased it down. And behind it, on the low slope, more and more dark shadows emerged from the shadows, and they chased down from the hillside. There was a terrifying light from those round eyes, and Qiang En couldn't help groaning: "What kind of monsters are these!"

"Look, John is back?"

"Huh, where is Downey?"

"Look over there, something followed Qiang En. Hell, is it a wolf?"

"No, what are those weird things?"

The few remaining soldiers on the wall found something wrong and instinctively set up

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Musket. Qiang En ran to the back, dragged the gem to his chest, and climbed up the rope in a panic. At this time, the closest monster was less than ten meters away, and he howled: "Shoot! Shoot!"

The soldier on the wall woke up like a dream, and he didn't care whether the gunfire would cause trouble for him, so he cursed and shot at the monster in front. As the gunshot sounded, the monster was shot in the head and fell to the ground for a while and rolled, but there were many monsters like this behind it.

This night, the caveman attacked the city of Flame. Gunshots and shouts rang all night, the flames of Flame City had never been so bright, and the flames of war rising around the city walls almost lit the sky.

Allen also saw the flames.

At this moment, he was in the void of will, and the volcano of void was above his head, and he was exploring the depths of the void. Just like that night in Frostwind City, after going deep into the void, he saw a dark red lava coming towards him. With psychological preparation this time, he squinted and slammed into the magma in an instant. Then he could feel that his body was undergoing some mysterious change, the flame was burning on him, and all tangible things in his body were turned away. He is like a butterfly breaking through a cocoon, eventually becoming a part of the flame.

Unspeakable joy rises in the depths of the heart, as if a wanderer is returning to his homeland, where flames and magma are his destination. He passed through flames and lava, and what he saw was a boiling sea of ​​flames. The sea of ​​flames has no borders, and from time to time a stream of hot magma erupts from the sea, where poisonous smoke rises and the heat waves are scorching. But Allen didn't feel terrible, but had the comfort of returning to the mother's womb.

He has no body here, just a burning flame. But he still imagined that he curled up like a baby, and then naturally fell into the sea of ​​flames. When he fell into the sea of ​​flames, the whole world was singing. The rising flame is an ode, and the song instantly spreads throughout the universe. Only a few people can detect the subtle changes in the nine star regions and hundreds of millions of creatures.

In the deepest part of the chaotic battlefield, east of the Agareth Sea of ​​Blood, a dark castle stands at the end of the sky and the earth. A storm is scouring the castle, with poisonous rain glide over the straight, curved, and various forms of ferocious iron thorns on the castle. They dripped onto many sculptures of gargoyles, then gathered on the ground, and then flowed into the ditch.

The lights in the main hall of the castle were dim, and Frios opened his eyes on the throne made of black steel. When his eyes lit up, the flames in the two braziers on the left and right lit up the entire hall. The door suddenly opened, and the fire demon Belukai, who once presided over the Death Star Project, flashed in from the door and looked at the high-burning firework in horror and said: "Your Majesty, this is..."

"It's nothing, just had a dream." Frius waved his hand, and the flames of the brazier dimmed again.

"Dream?" Beilukai didn't know what kind of dream would wake the Black Emperor from his deep sleep, and even uncontrollably release the source of terror, so that more than 80% of the slaves in the Deep Dark Castle died in an instant . Of course, he was not too stupid to ask, and Frius would not tell him. So the fire demon retreated and carefully closed the door for the emperor.

Frios did have a dream, in that dream, he had already cut off Spernak's head. But suddenly the whole world is burning

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It was on fire, and everything was spewing flames. In the sea of ​​flames with nowhere to hide, the tyrannical person was also burned to ashes.

"It's ridiculous," he said, then closed his eyes again.

Frius thought about many things, but he didn't think he would be destroyed. Even if Ofascius is here, it can't be done, it's impossible.

But he didn't know that when he opened his eyes, at the other end of the sea of ​​blood, in the ancient imperial city where Demon King Sponak was located, under the deepest abyss, one was covered by ten. The eight steel coffins fixed and suspended in pitch-black chains were constantly shaking. Suddenly the lid of the black iron coffin rose to the sky, and the coffin was filled with blood and dark red blood.

Then in the blood, a palm wrapped in a ferocious iron armor stretched out. On this day, Spinak, who had been sleeping for hundreds of years, woke up, and soon announced that he would crusade against Frius who had betrayed him. The civil war between the two supreme Agares is looming.

Return to the emptiness of Ellen's will.

In the sea of ​​flames deep in the will, Alan continued to sink, and he vaguely felt that something was calling him there. He looked, his gaze penetrated the ocean and flames, and landed on a burning trench, which was constantly spewing flames. Suddenly the angle of view was infinitely widened, and Allen realized that it was not a trench, but a line. There are lines on a huge figure, and there are many lines like these, and even countless.

Then a round of scorching sun rose on his head, and Alan squinted to see that a brown streak appeared in the scorching sun. Then he found that it was also not a sun, but an eye!

The body shook violently, and when he recovered, he saw Lucy with a look of shock, and several people beside Reges. The expressions on their faces were weird, and Allen opened his mouth and made a hoarse voice: "What's wrong with you?"

Lucy looked relieved when he saw him talking, she smiled bitterly: "This should be us asking you. Look, your tent has been burned out."

Allen looked around~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his vision was wide, and he should have been in his marching tent. After leaving Dragonlance, dozens of gunners, including Palo, joined Allen’s team, nominally following the caravan to Olisgar, but in fact Allen knew that they were intending to replenish their guards. Of inadequacy. Originally, according to their plan, they had to go from Dragonlance Town to Spirit Town, and then go to Devil's Throat through Flame City. However, the people of the Gaocang tribe knew a shortcut through the devil's throat, and now, Alan and the caravan were located in a forest called "Secret Realm" by Pai Luo and others.

When night fell, they were sleeping in the secret realm, and Allen sat in meditation to temper the source power and successfully entered the void of will. I imagined exploring the mystery of the depths of the will like the last time. Unexpectedly, after he entered the sea of ​​flames, the temperature in the camp rose sharply, and finally even Allen's tent burned. Lucy woke him up because he was worried about something wrong.

Allen now knows the cause and effect, but the experience deep in the will is now blurred again, like having a long dream. But when I woke up from the dream, I couldn't remember everything in the dream. Allen now only remembers the boundless sea of ​​flames and the figure of a giant with the lines on the sea and the eyes of the sun.

What is that?

(End of this chapter)


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