Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1088:  Common enemy


cpa300_4();Walking in the corridors of the imperial palace, Ryan's sight always fell on the swaying back of the maid leading the way, but he did not forget to say: "Princess Shusha is the beauty of the Naga clan married by the emperor not long ago. Please visit ~ Maopu~ novels, there are all the books you want to read,).. I heard that the emperor arranged her to stay in Bishui Palace, which was the palace where the concubine of the Naga tribe lived. After entering the palace, the princess rarely interacted with people , Even His Royal Highness Julian didn't know what she looked like, but she unexpectedly invited you to meet the earl..."

Ryan shook his head and laughed: "If this happens, it must be shocking."

Ellen frowned: "I have never met this princess, why did she want to see me?" Although Ellen and Naga Princess Lily have met several times, but this Princess Shusha does not know her, so she doesn’t know why she wants to invite each other. Up. Regarding this point, Rhein naturally couldn't tell.

Before long, Bishui Palace arrived. From the outside, there is nothing special about this palace, but as soon as you enter the palace, you will feel full of water, and you can see that it is a specially arranged residence for the Naga tribe. The maid brought Ellen and the two to a room. The maid pushed open the door depicting the blue waves of water, and said, "Earl Ellen, please, please." And politely said to Rin: "The princess only invites the earl alone. , This lord, please come with me."

Ryan had to stay, Allen walked through the door, and the door slowly closed behind him.

The room is elegantly furnished, and there is a glass water tank embedded in the east wall, which houses various fishes for viewing. Someone is standing in front of the water tank, even with their backs to Allen, but that Yingying's back is full of fragility, and any man will feel pity and protection when he sees it. This is the special charm of Naga women. Allen calmly said, "I have seen Princess Shusha."

The woman turned her head, she was indeed a beautiful face with a beautiful face, her brows, lips and amorous feelings. Surprisingly, Alan couldn't see the half scales. He looked at it again, and it turned out that the princess did not have the scales that are unique to the Naga clan on his body, which was strange. At this time, the princess's red lips lightly opened: "Earl Allen saved my life. There is no one around at this time. You can call me Shanna. As for Shusha, it is just a name used in your human race."

"Sanna?" Alan squinted, the princess's voice sounded so familiar, plus her "help" words. Alan moved in his heart and lost his voice: "You are Lily's..."

"Yes, it's me." Shana smiled and said, "Thanks to you, I finally survived. I can also contribute to the Naga clan, because I am a mixed race, and the Naga clan will only appear in the water. That’s why your king likes me very much, and the Naga tribe has also regained the protection of the human empire."

Allen didn't know what to say. Although Shana said it calmly, everyone knew that this kind of political transaction in disguise would not make people happy. .. The royal family of the Naga clan has amazing combat power after adulthood. It is not difficult to see that Lily temporarily entered adulthood with the help of secret methods, and it was not difficult to see that Segris was beaten without the strength to fight back. It's a pity that the number of royal families is too small, and the time of adulthood for the Naga clan is so long that Shanna will exchange herself for the protection of the empire.

"His Royal Highness Lily agrees with you?"

Shana glanced back at the water tank in the wall: "Of course she disagrees, but I persuaded her. If I don't do this, the Naga tribe may be imminent. During your journey north, Ma Mori’s people appeared again and again around our Styx promenade, this

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The Grand Duke of Swordsman looked at our fountain of youth. Although I entered the palace, it was like the fish in the tank no longer free. But at least, your king has sent a sea fleet captain to an island not far from our holy land to imply that our tribe has regained the protection of the empire. For me, this is enough. "

"Then the princess invites me this time to be as simple as getting old friends together, right?"

"You men, you always put utilitarianism in your eyes. Wouldn't it be okay to say a few words with me? You have to have any purpose to get Earl Ellen?" Shana's eyes were misty, like a sea of ​​smoke: "In I don't know anyone here, and it's rare that Earl Alan is here, so I can't help but ask someone to call you. If you don't want to, then please."

Allen smiled bitterly: "Can you count me wrong?"

"Okay, otherwise I'm not too stingy." Shanna came over and asked Allen to sit down. She said: "But you are not wrong. In addition to meeting old friends, there is one more thing to ask you to come here. I want to discuss with you."

Allen said in his heart, "What's the matter? Now you are the princess, I think your majesty will be happy to solve any problems for you."

"Your king is not omnipotent," Shanna pointed out. She was seated gracefully and flawlessly, and showed her femininity to the fullest. Compared to her, the knights of Nellie are as young as a little girl. Shanna looked at Alan and said slowly: "I want to get rid of Mason!"

Although Alan had been prepared, this word came out of Shana's mouth, still making him quite at a loss. After all, they were negotiating to kill an Imperial Grand Duke in the Dawn Castle Palace, which is not a trivial matter no matter how you look at it. Allen calmed down and said, "That's not easy."

"It's not easy, but he is our common enemy. I don't think Earl Alan will be happy to see Mason continue to jump like this when he is in public or private?"

Allen admitted in his heart because of Mason's relationship. There was Eric, the **** Count before, and Midian, the Ten Saints Strong, both came to kill him. Although he hasn't seen Ma Sen so far, the sword lord is undoubtedly his strong enemy. What's more, now he is on Julian's side, whether he wants to or not, Mason has become a life and death enemy.

Either he died, or I died!

"What plans does the princess have?" Allen asked.

Shana said happily: "It seems that we have reached a consensus initially, which is very good. In fact, the plan says that there are some, and that there is no and no, the key lies in your king."

"The Great?"

"Tangriou is a nostalgic person." Shanna shook her head and said, "Even though he is a hero, he can't get around this human weakness. When Tangliou fought for the crown prince, Mason gave him his strength and suffered. Sword. If it weren’t for this, how could the Mason family have risen. You probably don’t know. In fact, when Tangliou was young, Mason’s family had already declined. But because of Mason’s relationship, this family was nearly twenty The years have been brilliant. It can be said that the Grand Duke Mason returned with his life."

"The emperor is grateful for Ma Sen’s past merits. Even though Ma Sen’s deeds have surpassed his duties in recent years, your king is just pretending to be deaf and dumb. I heard that not long ago, the Prime Minister suggested that Ma Sen was threatening. I was scolded by your king, and it was Naib

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Especially, changing to someone else is probably not as simple as being scolded. "

Allen said frankly: "The emperor's nostalgia is not a weakness, it's just being used by Ma Sen."

Shana said disapprovingly: "The emperor is ruthless. If you are thinking about old feelings everywhere, you will be able to show off. But I think Tangierou is not that kind of pedantic person. According to me, he should have something in his heart. Use a ruler to measure how much the love you owe Mason is left. When the love you owe is paid off, it’s time for thunder anger. If he can’t even do this, then Tangliou It's just that."

"According to you, before the emperor pays off Ma Sen's affection, all our plans against Ma Sen will only be in vain."

"Yes, but it won't be long before the emperor can no longer bear what Ma Sen did."

"Oh?" Allen raised his head, listening intently.

"Not long ago, a hereditary marquis of the Empire disappeared for no reason. His whereabouts have not been found so far, but his whereabouts are suspected to be related to Ma Sen, and many clues point out that Ma Sen is planning a rebellion." Shanna Mi Eyes said: "Tangriou can tolerate all kinds of things before Mason, which can shake the fundamental things of the royal family, no matter how old he is, it is impossible to allow it. Unless he wants to hand over the throne, but that is impossible. So I said the chance to get rid of Mason is coming."

"Then what can I do here?"

"Naturally hope that Earl Allen can help when Mason is cut off."

Allen smiled bitterly: "Trust me, I'm happy to do this. But I still know that Mason is not an ordinary duke, he is a sword lord among the ten strongest men. If you give me a few years, there may be hope. Fight. But now, to be honest, I can't even beat Midian, let alone the swordsman Mason."

"That's true. Now in the palace, only Tangierou can stably defeat Mason. But your king won't make a move. As for Rodke, he can also fight, but the general is now busy spreading out in the north and south. Soldiers, prepare to meet the army of the Principality of Shadow. As for the count, you are indeed quite a distance from Mason, but you know a big man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen frowned: "Why don't I know myself, I even knew a big man who could threaten Mason? "

"Because she hides deep enough, and you are a little stupid." Shanna blinked and said a name: "Iris, is this prompt enough?"

"That's the same when she grows up, she is the younger sister of Lady Tatsuta..."

Shanna couldn't help laughing, and shook her head: "Earl Ellen, you are so smart and capable a lot of times, but occasionally you are stupid and cute. If you are more careful and inquire about it, you will know Lady Tsuta. There is no sister at all."

Alan opened his mouth wide: "Could it be that Elise is..."

"That's right, Elise is the daughter-in-law of Tsutahua, and Elise is her name. If it weren't for her, you think the two top ten sages, Jueyan and Shenyang, would deliberately go to the Old Great Wall to find Midian’s trouble?" Shana leaned forward slightly, squinting her eyes and said, "Then look, our lady-in-law Tinghua has told you even the little-known name, doesn’t it seem that your friendship is extraordinary? Believe it. I, I am also a woman, and I know what that means."

(End of this chapter)

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