Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1089:  Emperor's relatives

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Ellen couldn't help but patted her face, Elise turned out to be the "flower" and "female" father? The domineering eldest lady who acted ‘sex’ turned out to be the Duke of the Empire? He had to admit that the news was shocking enough. Then he looked up at Shana: "You know enough."

"If we can't even get the news, why should we bring down Mason?" Shanna sighed, "Earl Alan, the Naga clan is very weak, at least compared to humans and the Principality of Shadow. We are like a group of humble little fishes. To survive in the cracks of these giants, there must be some means of survival, right?"

Allen nodded, it seems that intelligence is the Naga's means of survival. Naga’s “female”, “sex”, and “yan” have spread far and wide. If any tribe is willing to make sacrifices like Shanna, most of the big figures are willing to live in the house, and these are important news channels. In addition, there are naturally some sources of intelligence that Allen didn't know, otherwise Shanna could not have known all the events of the Empire in such detail.

"Well, even if Elise is the Grand Duke of Tsuta. But Midian, the ruins of the old Great Wall, stopped by, and the favor that Grand Duke "Hua" owed me is almost the same. I probably can’t tell the Bolin family to move. The two top ten saints help us."

"She will." Shana laughed: "Don't forget that Grand Duke Tsuta's "Flower" encountered a terrible attack when he was in Sardinia."

Allen was startled and lost his voice: "You mean, Mason planned the attack?"

"Otherwise? Do you think that anyone can grasp the whereabouts of Grand Duke "Hua" with such precision and accuracy, and the "Female" Emperor Scorpion who bought one of the Ten Saints came forward to stop the two powerful men of the Bolin family, leading to Elizabeth almost died in Sardinia. Even if Grand Duke Tsuta's "Hua" doesn't look at your love for rescue, the fact that Mason wants her to die is enough for the Bolling family to mobilize a master to point Mason. Shana turned her sideways and said: "In order to help the grand prince make up his mind, I have sent the collected evidence to the grand duke's house. Moreover, it is also good for the Bolling family to settle Mason. These years, the Bolling family But Mason was suppressed with resentment."

Allen didn't know much about these imperial secrets. But from her words, it can be heard that there is a complete plan for how to bring down Ma Sen, Shanna, or the Naga clan. This plan probably started to bury the layout when they stole Eric's account at Tiger Shark Harbor, and now, what Allen can do is help from the side.

Now that they reached a consensus with the Naga clan, it is naturally impossible for Alan to sit back and harvest the victory without doing anything, so he said: "I understand, if I have a chance to see Elise. No, if Duke Tsuta's "Hua", I will try my best to convince her to deal with Mason together."

"Elizabeth is in the imperial capital. I guess it won’t be long before she will find you." Shanna blinked. It was obvious that she knew something that Ellen didn’t know, but she didn’t plan to tell Ellen: “Okay. , I have any new plans in the future, I will order someone to inform you. By the way, Earl Alan, the Royal Spring is hunting, I wish you and His Royal Highness Julian can win the first prize. Honestly, I don’t like that Howson , I saw too much in his eyes, not just ambition for the throne."

Allen nodded.

Leaving the Palace of Fort Dawn, returned to Julian's manor in a carriage. When I got to the big ‘door’, I heard the noise in the manor. Allen walked into the square and saw a row of strange Mosasaurus knights, knowing who was here.

In addition to Princess Naga Lily, who else would swagger to **** a team of Mosasaurus knights in Olisgari? Sure enough, before entering the main building lobby, a small white fist floated towards him. Allen smiled slightly, not evasive or avoiding, but "stiffened" his chest to welcome him. Several exclamations immediately sounded in the hall, and the fist suddenly opened and changed from beating to pressing. A light palm was pressed on Allen's body, and the other party drifted back with force. When she fell to the ground, Lily said with an angry face: "Do you want to die that way? Still look down on me, when I can't kill you with one punch?"

Allen grinned and said, "That's why I am sure that Your Highness will not hurt my'life'."

"Shameless! Your human races are all this virtue!" Lily stomped her feet, her face sulking. It doesn't make people afraid, but it makes people feel cute, at least Allen wants to go up and pinch her face. Of course, considering the Mossaurus knight outside, in order to prevent Julian's manor from becoming ruins, Allen thought about it in his heart.

At this time, the two sisters, Nellie and Mi'Lu' in the hall came up to relieve Allen. Although Lily was still stern, her anger finally disappeared. She gently twitched the twin sisters' ears and hummed: "You guys with arms turned away, you have only been with this bad guy for a long time, and then you started to move toward them."

"I'm not a bad person." Allen said wrongly.

Lily gave him a blank look: "Isn't it a badass to abduct the five knights from me?"

"That's..." Allen wanted to say that it was a ‘transaction’, but he swallowed it to his lips. After all, Nai Li and his colleagues are no longer a commodity for him to trade, but they can entrust their backs to their comrades and partners.

Lily squinted her eyes, seeming to perceive the subtle change in Alan's heart. She snorted and said, "If you didn't talk nonsense, if you gave Nali and the others a good armor, it would be considered cherish them. Nali said just now that you saved her. Okay. Well, you are a little better than the humans I know."

"His Royal Highness's praise."

"Come on, have you seen Sister Shana?" Lily's tone became a little heavy: "How is she?"

"The princess looks pretty good."

"Nice ghost!" Lily angrily found a chair and sat down: "Sister should be with me, how can she stand being surrounded by humans all day. Especially those men, they look at her sister's eyes like ......" Princess Naga couldn't give a specific description, she had to punch her fist and said, "It's annoying! Isn't it just a Mason? When I become an adult, it is not the same to beat him down and use it. Are you marrying yourself out?"

Alan's heart moved, and said: "Princess Shana and His Royal Highness have the same half-father, are they also royal?"

"I know what you want to say. Of course, my sister is also a royal family. But she is a'mixed' race. She has the traits of my race, but she also has half of the human blood. So my sister came of age earlier than me, but her combat power is only 25-6 levels. ..."

Allen said that it was so, no wonder the Naga tribe had to obtain the protection of the empire through political marriage. The fundamental reason was that there were no strong people in the tribe at present. Lily is an adult, but now, she is still a child, and Shana has to walk into Fort Dawn.

"Princess Shana is also considering the overall situation. What's more, even without Mason, the Naga clan still has many enemies. I dare not say that her actions must be right, but at least, before your Highness, the Naga clan will not There is too much crisis."

Lily shook her head and said: "Forget it, don't talk about this bad mood. I think you are not bad here. I lived here before I left Olisa! Although your king let me live. In the palace, it’s too boring, and my sister can’t see each other all day. It’s because you are comfortable here, and Nari and I have not seen each other for a long time, so there is so much to say!"

"This... His Royal Highness Julian will definitely feel very honored." Allen laughed dryly.

Of course Lily would not pay attention to Julian's feelings, and even told Allen that it was not a discussion with him, it was just a notice. Princess Naga jumped up and stood on the chair and patted Alan on the shoulder, and then took Neri to choose the room she liked. Allen can only smile with his hands, even Julian will be helpless here, after all, Lily is now a relative of the emperor.

In the evening, Julian arranged a semi-private banquet for Allen. In addition to the characters of the second prince and the first line, there were also big merchants who can be described as Olis Garry. Rin led Edward to deal with these businessmen, and Edward took the opportunity to reveal the North-South business road, which immediately aroused the interest of the businessmen. On the other side, Allen and Julian avoided entering the quiet room after meeting a few important people.

Julian poured his wine and said: "I heard that His Royal Highness Lily lived in your place?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't pass the approval of His Highness first."

"Where is Lily, I have seen her, because of her'sex', I won't ask for my approval." Julian smiled bitterly: "That one is more overbearing than Howson."

Allen laughed and said: "She does have the qualifications to dominate."

"Yes, once the Naga clan reaches adulthood, it is at least a strong man at the level of Midian. Unfortunately, the number of clan is so few, there are only one or two per generation, and the childhood is so long, otherwise there would be no human race and ours. 'Yin' Shadow Principality what happened reads;."

"Naga people don't like to live on land." Allen didn't worry about it.

Julian did not refute, and handed a glass of wine to Allen: "There are still a few days before the royal'spring' hunting. After a while, Ryan will give you a detailed description of the'spring' hunting rules and details that need attention. I only have One request, Ellen, I hope we can win the first prize in this'spring' hunting. You don't know, I've been holding my stomach for a long time!"

Allen simply said: "Unless they can find the Ten Saints ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or bring in an army. Otherwise, this time the ‘Spring’ hunter must belong to your Highness."

"Okay!" Julian smiled happily: "With your words, I'm relieved."

At this time Ryan pushed the'door' and entered, and Julian put down the glass and said, "I'll greet the outsiders, Alan, if you have any needs, just ask Ryan."

After watching the second prince leave, Ryan and Allen took their seats. The former sighed: "Earl Ellen may not know it. Due to your relationship, I finally came out under the second prince. If it weren't for recommending you to have merit, I would not be qualified to be here, let alone a place like this. Sit in this room."

"Really? Then you have to buy me a drink." Allen laughed.

Lein said sincerely: "Don't talk about a cup, even if you drink me as a pauper, I will recognize it!"

Then the two smiled at each other.

This book is from l/16/16987/


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