Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1090:  Only fight for number 1

The location of the spring hunter is in the royal hunting ground north of the imperial capital. There are vast virgin forests, dozens of scenic lakes, hills, valleys, and the Silver Winter Mountains that connect the mountains of dawn. Four days after Allen was awarded the honor, the camp at the entrance of the hunting ground forest suddenly became lively. Crowds poured in on the campsite. After a while, tents were propped up one after another. Shields with different signs were supported by crossed spears and were placed at the door of the camp. The long triangle silk war flag was erected. Under the camp, fluttering in the wind.

The long sword made of stainless steel and the gilded spurs refracted the sunlight. The horns at the entrance of the camp sounded frequently, and people and horses kept pouring in.

As usual, Chunkari will be held for three consecutive days. Participants are not limited to princes. Royal nobles and officials' children, as long as they are under 25 and over 13 are eligible to enter. Even though the Spring Hunting did not involve the assessment of the crown prince, the hunting grounds in previous years were full of competition. This is also an opportunity to show the strength of the family to others, so every spring hunting, there are many teams that sign up for it.

This year even more.

In the tent of the second prince, Julian wore a light silver armor and a cloak of the same color, which looked good. It's just that Julian's fighting strength is flat, and participation in the court is no more than a cutscene. To achieve good results in this spring hunting, and even win the championship, other members of the team are needed. At this time, the other members of the Julian team got into the camp one after another, led by Alan, who was covered in a battle suit with an inverted scale armor. Today, he has a simple uniform, with the Red King on his back, and the devil's praise hidden behind his waist.

Then Regis, Lola, Fares, Nellie, Adele and others filed in. In addition to these people, there are three unfamiliar faces. At the forefront is a man with abundance and calm attitude. The man's brown hair is arbitrarily dished, his cheeks are covered with beards, his body is made of brass, and a short cloak that hangs diagonally covers his right side. He carried a round shield and a long sword hanging from his waist. Holding the hilt with one hand, he walked up to Julian and bowed respectfully, then retreated to the left.

When I looked at Allen, I lowered my gaze slightly, and nodded to say hello.

Then a short middle-aged man came in, his height only reached Alan's chest, but his waist was as thick as a barrel, especially his shoulders were much wider than normal men. The man's hair was all braided into braids, and the braids were tied with colorful knots. He has a big beard that reaches his chest and wears thick plate armor. He carried a tomahawk with a dark red blade and grinned when he saw Julian, showing his mouth full of yellow teeth, which was really unflattering.

The last one was handsome and extraordinary, with long golden and white hair combed back meticulously, and a braid made from the left and right sides fixed the hair. He was wearing a light brown leather armor, with many pockets on the leather armor, which contained many things. A dark green cloak is worn on the body, with a hardwood longbow and a quiver on the back of the cloak, and a short sword hanging on the waist. It seems that this person has certain accomplishments in swordsmanship and archery.

Julian looked around the people and gently pulled Allen and said: "Come on, I will introduce you to you." The second prince looked at the brunette man and said, "This is Mr. Duncan Berlin. Berlin is an excellent soldier. He Good at horse warfare, and fighting under horse is also top-notch. What’s more rare is that his heart

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Thoughtful and careful, once served as the cavalry captain of the Bucks. The level of Twenty-two was expected to rise, but unfortunately..."

Julian did not say what a pity, but patted the shoulder of this man named Berlin. The latter bowed to Allen: "It's an honor to work with you, Earl Allen."

After speaking, he retreated.

Julian has not introduced yet, the bearded man has already stepped forward by himself: "You can call me Hu Gao, earl. I know nothing, I will hack people!" He shook his tomahawk and grinned. laughing out loud.

"Just like he said, Hu Gao. A brave warrior from the mountain tribe, he is not afraid of anything, he is afraid of not drinking." Julian smiled, and then pointed to the third person: "Yali, he is a generalist. He has superb archery skills and first-class fencing. He is also a natural hunter, no matter what kind of forest he cannot get lost. Besides, he is also a singer, poet, harpist and the dream lover of many young girls. "

Yali saluted Ellen gracefully and smiled: "Your Majesty, you should give this last title to Earl Ellen. Under the brilliance of Earl Ellen, I am nothing more than a joker. Now Olisga’s Ladies, the most talked about is the earl."

"Oh, that's the demeanor of Earl Alan's honorary day, but even I am ashamed." Julian joked, and said sternly: "Well, this spring hunt, I decided to let Allen the whole process. The earl is in charge. I will listen to the earl's orders, including me."

Hearing these words, both Berlin and Yali's faces flashed in surprise, only Gaohu still grinned and couldn't see any change. Julian gave a dry cough and said to Allen: "Earl, what plans do you have, you can tell us now."

Allen nodded and looked at the people: "The purpose of the Spring Hunting this time is only one, and that is to win the championship. We want to rank first, as other places are not considered!"

"Just strive for the first place? I like this, count, just say, what are we going to do!" Gao Hu said excitedly, clapping his big hand with his battle axe.

"Prior to this, Mr. Rein has told me the details of the Royal Spring Hunting. Each year Spring Hunting uses a points system, and different prey points are different. Three days of hunting, the highest points wins. But there is one thing. , If any team can kill the fierce beast "Zeying" in the Silver Winter Mountains and bring it back to its first level, it will be ranked first unconditionally. So my plan is to enter the Silver Winter Mountains directly and kill Jueying!"

The camp was quiet.

Jueying is naturally not a docile beast, on the contrary, it is almost the lord of the Silver Winter Mountains. It is a fierce beast that is more terrifying than the wild elephant king in the depths of the hunting ground, so even though there have been such regulations for spring hunters over the years, no one has brought the first level of Juying. Even Julian didn't expect Allen's plan to be so crazy, and he was speechless.

In Ellen's view, he even killed the icy wind of Tallinn Aisha, and the shadow of the Silver Winter Mountains shouldn't be more terrifying than the icy wind, right? Therefore, the feasibility of this plan is very high, it depends on whether Julian can let it go. At the same time, Edward suggested that he test Julian in order to grasp the prince’s temperament and bottom line, so as to use more suitable auxiliary methods in cooperation in the future. Edward’s arrangement is interlocking, as high as machine gears, Allen admits

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) His methods are very efficient, but they always give people a cold feeling.

Julian walked back and forth in the main tent, his eyebrows tucked, obviously Allen's decision exceeded his psychological expectations, and he was under invisible pressure at this moment. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Allen: "Earl's proposal is bold and crazy. The Spring Hunter has been held for so many years, but no one dared to fight the idea of ​​that end."

"What does your highness mean?"

"I just said that all the members of Spring Hunter followed the earl's orders this time, including me. If the earl finds it feasible, I don't mind taking a gamble!" Julian said calmly.

Allen knew that this decision was not easy for him, and that Julian was not Howson. It's not surprising that the prince who had fought **** the front line would agree to this decision, but Julian, who lived in the palace for a long time, took a risk, and that was another matter. Of course, he will not let Julian take a risk. Otherwise, if there is something wrong with the second prince, it would be meaningless even if Spring Hunter wins the championship.

Now Alan will make arrangements again.

During the spring hunting over the years, participants can organize their own hunting teams. The team generally cannot exceed 30 people, and it is rare for anyone to pull such a large team into the arena. After all, the number of people does not mean an advantage. Ten mediocre players are far less than a master, unless they can directly bring in an army, they will have an absolute advantage. Therefore, the participants will try their best to optimize the team. In addition to the powerhouses such as Allen, Julian also pulled the Silver Frost Guards given to him by ten kings. The final arrangement of Allen was led by Julian. Rei and Berlin accompanied, plus ten Silver Frost Guardians to form the first team.

This team is responsible for wandering and hunting in other areas of the hunting ground. There is no special requirement for Allen of this team. The only thing is to ensure the safety of Julian. As for him and others, including Gaohu and Yali, they formed the second team. Their team will go deep into the hunting area and head to the Silver Winter Mountains to be responsible for beheading Juesha.

After making detailed assignments, Allen gave the stage back to Julian. The second prince was about to say some words of encouragement, suddenly there was a burst of laughter outside the account, and then someone revealed the account, but it was the eldest prince Howson. The two Tie Shuang Tie Guards behind him hurriedly followed, looking helpless, obviously unable to stop Howson. Julian's eyes narrowed, and he was very unhappy with Howson's trespassing into the camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but did not show it on the surface. He just smiled and said: "Big brother is in good spirits. Come and hang out with me in some spare time."

Howson smiled and said: "What is there to set up? Anyway, I have not been alone in the spring hunting over the years, and this year is no exception." He is still a pattern that does not look at anyone. The prince continued He looked at Allen and said: "But this time, I am not here to visit you, but to bring an acquaintance to Earl Allen. According to him, you are old friends you met early in the morning. I heard that you are here. He is very excited."

Allen's brows wrinkled slightly, and he couldn't think of who fits Howson's description.

The prince raised his hands and clapped his hands. Someone from outside the account got in and said, "Earl Ellen, I haven't seen you for a long time."

It was a familiar voice. Allen looked up, was taken aback, and whispered, "Is it you?"

Come people smile.

p: Thank you everyone for letting me pass 4 monthly passes. It has been a long time since I have so many monthly passes. Thank you brothers!

(End of this chapter)


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