Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1091: Crown of Blood

?? Among the people Allen knows, there is a man who will draw eyeliner, eye shadow, white flower foundation, and lip gloss on the face. There is no second man besides Diego. Tomato Novel Network▽○``-So he cut his head short, even with a two-handed beard to decorate him, but Alan recognized him all of a sudden. The young master of the Grant family, Diego who once lost contact with the family. Now he was wearing armor similar to Hausen's style, with a short black cloak hanging down, a long sword hanging from his waist, and a hand gun standing in front of Allen.

"Dia brother..." Allen nodded: "It's really unexpected. I didn't expect to see you here."

"Otherwise, Earl Ellen must have thought I was dead, right? It's a pity now that I am not only alive, but also alive." Diego blinked his eyes. This rather feminine expression made Alan The man behind him had a chill, but he didn't care about it, and said to Alan: "Look, I'm now at level 24."

"Really? Congratulations. After all, it is not easy for Young Master Diage to be promoted to this level, but I am already at level 26."

"Oh, so what. After the Spring Hunting this time, I am the Earl of the Empire."

"I am already."

Now anyone can hear that this pair of "old friends" is not right at all. The competition between the two talkers is full, and the camp seems to be filled with the smell of gunpowder. The eyes of Allen and Diego are almost in the air. Wipe out the flames. Tomato Novel ◇△Net ```-`

Diego shrugged: "No matter what, it's nice to be here to see you. Because this time, I will defeat you myself, Earl Alan."

"Then I will wait and see."

Diego didn't respond again, bowed exaggeratedly to the second prince, and then retreated behind Howson. The eldest prince smiled and said to Julian: "My brother, don't let me run into you on the hunting ground. I won't be merciful."

"I said the same, brother." Julian said.

Howson nodded and led Diage out. <>Before leaving the camp, Diego turned his head and stretched out a finger to wipe his neck, and he put out his tongue and watched Alan sneer. After he left, Julian coughed dryly: "You friend...really, special."

Allen shook his head. The situation now resembles a reenactment of the aristocratic autumn hunting scene in Babylon, but he is no longer that boy. Allen turned around and said: "It seems we have to be careful. I think the prince probably had the same idea as us."

Julian was dumbfounded: "He wants to kill Jueying too?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. Didn't His Royal Highness say that just now, he has nothing to arrange." "If you make up your mind to kill Jue Ying, you really don't have to worry about arranging anything."

The second prince frowned and said: "Although there are regulations in the process of spring hunting that the participants cannot be disabled or even died. However, there have been many accidents in spring hunting over the years..."

Allen narrowed his eyes: "His Royal Highness means that we can take this opportunity to make the prince have some accident?"

"No, no..." Julian shook his head: "I'm worried that they will cause you accidents. As for the big brother. In the past, I don't mind letting him make some accidents, but now the Shadow Principality is invading. Leading the soldiers, if something happens to Howson at this time, I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction from the military department and even ruin the state affairs. Although the position of the crown prince is necessary, but the state affairs are ruined because of the position of the prince, then I am too I don’t know the severity. I also ask you. In case of friction with Big Brother and the others, it’s better not to hurt his life."

Allen nodded: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I have a sense of measure."

In the camp, Diego walked behind Hausen. Back then, his hunting group landed in the dark forest unluckily, and after escaping nine deaths, they lost contact with the family. This is a terrible thing on a distant alien star. Losing contact means that there is no backup. The entire team, including Diego, is in a disadvantageous situation with Alan's first arrival on the heaven star. □Tomato◇ Novel Network ```--``

What's more sad is that Diego's team also came to the border of the empire, just as the Shadow Principality sent a assault team to invade the border, Diego and his party were strangely forced to fight a foreign race. <>When the black wolf army arrived, only Diego survived. Hausen was in that team at the time and knew Diego.

Later, Diego was taken back to the black wolf army camp. He made up an identity indiscriminately, but the black wolf army did not verify the identity that was full of errors. The fundamental reason lies in Hausen. At that time, Hausen was looking for candidates to form his own team. Diego's decent skill was taken by the prince. And Master Grant, who is a stranger, will naturally not let go of this opportunity to climb to the empire's nobility.

Since then, Diag Hausen is still practicing in the Black Wolf Army. Whether he likes it or not, the environment has forced the pampered noble master to change himself. Now Diego is very different from before. In addition to still liking to wipe things on his face, he has made great progress in military and personal force.

"His Royal Highness, I am very familiar with Count Allen's character. He dares to do anything. Although I hate that guy, I have to admit that he is crazy sometimes." Diego reminded: "So This time in Spring Hunt, based on what I know about Earl Alan, he is likely to attack Jueyo directly."

"Oh? That's interesting. Fan ○ Ji ☆ novel net △ ▽ △ ``-If Julian will pass this plan, then I will have to change Julian.” Hausen paused and sneered. Said: "But no matter what, Jueying will only be mine!"

"Of course." Diego said again: "Don't you think about it anymore? Actually, you can kill Jue Ying and let us report it. You don't have to take the risk."

At this time, the elder prince’s camp arrived, and Howson uncovered it. Seven or eight men and women were standing or sitting in the tent. Everyone had black armor and black clothes, with a deep breath. Seeing Howson, they all stand up and salute. Howson waved his hand and turned to look at Diego, squinting his eyes: "Do you think I am Julian? Or is Seves the trash who only relies on his uncle? I want to prove to my father that if I am the king, The crown must be decorated with blood. And the first drop of blood starts from Jueying!"

At this moment, Howson felt an invisible sense of oppression. Even though his source power was not the strongest in it, everyone was impressed by his courage. <>Dia Ge saw the opportunity and bowed quickly: "I am waiting to serve His Highness."

Others responded.

Howson laughed in satisfaction, but didn't know that Diago glanced at him, his eyes were full of smiles.

When Howson stopped, Diego began to say: "Hunting tomorrow, Your Highness must be careful of Allen and his party."

"It's okay, I have already figured out how to deal with them."

Oh, a long and low number of characters sounded outside the account. Howson turned around, his cloak soaring like flames: "Let's go, Father is here."

The camp was so lively that everyone got out of the camp and gathered to the side of the road. Two teams of knights with bright armor, and the guards of the "King's Sword" directly belonging to Tangliou separated the crowd. The knights kept yelling "Make way for your majesty", while the excited crowd rushed forward desperately. Just for a glimpse of Tangliou's kingly demeanor. As a result, dozens of powerful auras rose among the guards, suppressing the surging crowd, that was the master of the king's sword. They released their own breath one after another, which finally calmed people down.

Alan and Julian were standing together, and the two of them had a small open space. Berlin, Gaohu and others dispersed, separating the crowd from the second prince. Allen took Julian's light and didn't need to huddle with others, he stopped to look. At the entrance of the camp, a team of men and horses slowly moved away for Tangliou.

The emperor wore a golden armor, gleaming in the sun, as mighty as the **** of war descending to the earth. It is also extraordinary that he stepped off a war horse. It was a descendant of wild horses and some kind of powerful beasts. This horse was as big as a buffalo and was as strong as a beast. The coat is dark, and the head and body are covered in iron armor specially made for it. Flying golden lines are depicted on the black iron armor, and it looks like a war horse stepping on flames from a distance. The scent of this horse alone made other horses afraid to approach it, highlighting the emperor's power.

Sitting on the horse, Tangiero waved to the people who saluted him and screamed. When passing by Julian's side, the second prince bowed, and Allen and the others bowed. Tangerio's mount "Black Power" stopped, and the emperor said solemnly: "Julian, this year you will have the assistance of Earl Alan, and your chances of winning will increase greatly. Tell me, what is your goal for this spring hunt?"

Julian glanced at Allen, then looked up and said flatly: "Just strive for the first place!"

Tangierou squinted his eyes, and a smile was put on his rugged face: "Just strive for the first place? Well, my Tangierou son deserves this confidence."

"It looks like ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Julian and I have to compete." Howson's voice came from the other side of the road.

Tangerio turned his head to look, and Howson met his father's gaze and said: "Father, this year's Spring Hunter ranked first, it will only be mine!"

The emperor said cheerfully: "Then let me see, what wonderful performance your two brothers have!"

The voices of thunder, Julian and Howson's declaration of winning the championship, and the encouragement of the emperor all pushed the atmosphere to the strongest stage.

It's just a little strange, until the emperor entered his account, the four princes of Seves did not appear, as if he did not want to compete with the two elders for the first place. Many attentive people have noticed this, so it didn't take long for people to discover that Seves's tents were so few that they didn't look like they were going to participate in a spring hunt, but they seemed to be watching the excitement.

That night, a grand bonfire party was held in the camp. Spirits, grilled meats, fruits and vegetables, and various other delicacies were constantly placed on the table. Tangerio personally attended the event and wished all the contestants good results. That night, I don't know how many people can't afford to sleep drunk.

Then the next day, Spring Hunting began!

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