Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1092: Attacked

[Thank you Young_YY, ZXS368938575, hong0329 Aries, Brother Xiang, manianLB and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards! ]

"Take your equipment, bring dry food and water, and set off!"

The next morning, in the golden sunlight, the sea of ​​trees gathered into a golden crown, and the lakes were jewels adorning the crown. As for the Silver Winter Mountains, it is a circle of silver edges on this crown. On this pleasant morning, various shouts were frequently heard in the camp, and teams left the camp, scattered into the forest, and rushed to their own predetermined hunting grounds. Before long, the teams will encounter each other, and then there will be fierce friction, as it is every year.

After Julian's hunting team entered the forest, Allen and his party gradually accelerated, and finally broke away from the second prince. Julian's team stayed on the edge of the forest and no longer went deep. Seeing the figure of Allen's team moving away, the second prince could only wish them in their hearts that they could eventually cut off their heads. But he didn't want to waste time. It didn't take long for Berlin to find a bush boar. Its two fangs were worth a lot!

The shadow of the tree kept moving back.

Allen galloped his horse, their team had a clear goal, and went straight to the Silver Winter Mountains. They passed through dense forests, drove up hills, and bypassed lakes. The Silver Winter Mountains were constantly zooming in Allen's eyes.

At noon, the team stopped to rest, and Allen gave them ten minutes of news. Yali left the scout, while the others seized the time to eat and rehydrate.

Allen tore off the bacon and delivered it to his mouth, while recalling Jue Ying's information. Jueying is a wolf-like creature that has lived in the Silver Winter Mountains since it was discovered. Imperial scholars called it the King of the Night, because Jueyo liked to move at night. According to Julian's description, Allen can probably piece together the image of Jueying in his mind. This demon wolf is seven or eight meters long, with a body like a hill, and a bony bulge like a mask on the head. There are three vertical eyeballs in the middle of the bone. Julian describes them as spider-like compound eyes, with many net-like crystal lattices.

Jueying has white hair like a snow mountain, which provides it with an excellent camouflage. This demon wolf is agile, and its claws are like sharp ice ridges. The prey injured by its claws will be invaded by the cold and eventually unable to move. Many hunters have found stiff, but still undead beasts on the Silver Winter Mountains. If you find such a thing, the hunter dare not bring it back, because these are Jueying's food.

Jueying is also protected by a suspected exoskeleton armor. Its howling can cause an avalanche. There is a large oval crystal on each side of its back. It looks like a pupil and its function is unknown.

From the information provided by Julian, it is not difficult to see that Jueying has excellent abilities in terms of speed and defense. And it can drive the ice source force, and it may be involved in high-frequency sound waves. Almost besides, it should also have some unknown abilities, such as the unexplained crystals on both sides of its back. But on the whole, Jueying should not be as difficult to deal with as Ice Wind. At the very least, Jueying has never heard of being able to drive other beings to act as his own guard. It would be a headache if it could drive cavemen like ice wind.

Soon the rest time was almost over, Alan frowned, and Yali seemed to have been going too long. Suddenly, a short horn sounded in the forest ahead. It was Yali's warning, and Allen's hand immediately rested on the hilt of the Scarlet King. He made a gesture, and everyone immediately started to act.

Lolasha's blood sweep provokes a wave of mud and sand to conceal the traces left by everyone on the scene; Adele put Hu Xiao behind her back, swiftly climbed an ancient tree, and hid it in the canopy of the tree. Sniper preparation; Gaohu raised his tomahawk and drank a swig before leaving. His beard was wet, and he cursed and followed Alan behind him; Regis and Fares spread out in a tacit understanding, and followed Alan. Swipe in the direction where the horn sounded.

Alan had just turned over a huge rock, and immediately hit a feather arrow in his sight. The strong arrow nailed head-on, and the triangular arrow was also covered with a layer of misty green light. Ellen immediately avoided him and pulled Gao Hu's beard casually. He pulled the strong man down on the rock, and the arrow flew out against Gao Hu's thick back, and nailed it to an ancient tree three meters away. The arrow's tail was still swaying irregularly, and the ancient tree suddenly exploded a shallow pit the size of a fist. The arrow of the feather arrow was completely shattered, and the shot fragments ripped out countless holes around the gap.

Strong arrows were chasing Yali away.

The ranger-like Yali walked high and low, turning back and shooting an arrow inside, but he was embarrassed. Behind Yali, seven or eight men in black pursued one after another. They were divided into two teams, one team shot, the other team chased. Under the alternate repetition, the arrow almost stopped for a moment.

Seeing this, Allen let go of Gao Hu and rushed forward. Feeling his strong sense of oppression, the archer who was chasing Yali began to greet Allen, who hadn't even shot a knife before, so he blocked the knife with a sheath and flew arrows one after another. At this time, the opponent rushed into a strong momentum, and one suddenly stopped, much behind his companions. A long bow in his hand draws strings like a full moon, and the whole body is full of green light with amazing determination.

He aimed at Alan, let go of his fingers, and there was a clear bow in the forest. The fallen leaves on the ground floated frantically, and an arrow wrapped around the green light soaring.

Alan snorted, his eyes burning. Suddenly a fire curtain burst into the space three meters in front of you, and the fire curtain pulled out an inverted arc and hit the arrow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two sides collided in mid-air without any effort, creating a series of cracklings. Murmur. The arrow exploded to smash, and the blue fire scattered away.

The longbowman seemed to have been hit in the chest by an invisible sledgehammer. But desperate, turned around and fled.

The other archers let off Yali and greeted Allen together. Immediately arrows fell like rain. Allen did not retreat but moved forward, and the arc-shaped fire curtain pushed forward with his movement. In the future, all the arrows will ignite and burn into the air!

Another arrow rain was shot, and someone blew a whistle in the arrow's hand, and everyone immediately retracted their bows and retreated into the depths of the woods. Alan squinted his eyes, dispersed the sky's flames, and the curtain of fire fell. But at this moment, the change took place again. Suddenly the leaves of an ancient tree crown above Allen's head flew out, and a figure in the crown rushed down like black electricity, volleying towards Allen. There was a sharp whistling sound in the air, and a half-meter long and dead gray paw prints were covered in the air.

Alan's pupils flushed, and the red king was half an inch out of her sheath, and the dark inflammation in her sheath was gushing. Suddenly, there was a red train across the air, and the assassin was startled in midair, caught Allen's claw temporarily changing direction, and patted the red light. The red electricity slammed into the paw prints, a series of crisp sounds like glass breaking, the source of the condensed paw prints was dissipated. However, the red trainer cast off and hit the assassin directly, traversing several meters of space, and nailed him to another ancient tree.

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