Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1093: Extinction

[[I’m sorry to tell everyone here, that chapter was sent wrong last night, and I skipped two chapters. Fortunately, a book friend reminded me and revised it again. I replaced the equivalent number of words in that chapter, so everyone's money will not be wasted. But it still caused everyone's reading inconvenience, please forgive me~]]

Only then did Allen see that it was a moment of blood.

Lola, who threw the blood as a spear, jumped down from a tree and flew to the assassin's side, shook her head helplessly. The person's chest was penetrated by the blood, and the internal organs were cut and mixed into paste by the energy of the blood. This sword is more killing than Ellen's **** hide. Even if Laura wanted to stay alive, it was difficult to do it.

So far, this sudden attack came to an end.

After Fares picked up the scattered arrows, Ariza inspected the body of the deceased and found no obvious signs. Alan was not surprised by this, they were a killer method as soon as they made it clear that they wanted to put their side to death. How could the master behind the scenes easily leave clues, and even if they leave behind, most of them are misleading. As for who the envoy was, Allen probably guessed it.

Anyway, it was either Hausen or Seves, and only these two princes were able to take action in the royal spring hunter, and arranged for the dead who were not on the spring hunter list.

"Keep going."

The scope of the hunting ground is so large that it is just a waste of time to track these dead men. Allen decided to move on, and if they still refused to give up, they would send it to the door by themselves, saving him a lot of effort.

Sure enough, as Allen expected, when they saw the Silver Winter Mountains, they encountered two more attacks. The other party also retreated after dropping the bodies of two companions, acting very simply. It was dusk, Allen decided to camp at the foot of the mountain and only entered the mountain tomorrow. So Fares found a high **** as a camp, and after allocating the manpower on duty, Allen sat down with an arrow.

Laura walked to him, sat down with Shixue, took the arrow and said, "Something is wrong."

"It's really unusual." Allen nodded, looking in the direction of coming. At this moment, the evening light fell on the forest sea, as if it had coated the forest sea with a layer of blood, full of the smell of murder. Allen whispered: "Those assassins were able to accurately grasp the time and location of our rest. The three attacks occurred when we stopped to rest. Except for the first time that Yali found out, we killed them twice. We were caught off guard. How did they know our whereabouts? This is suspicious."

Lola whispered beside Ellen, who nodded and chuckled.

After dinner, Ariel took the longbow placed beside him, and suddenly one hand tapped it. Ari looked up, and Allen's smile came into view. Allen said, "You worked hard today. I'll go to watch the night for you."

"How can this work." Yali smiled: "We would be over if it weren't for Earl Alan to sit down today. Let me do this little thing."

Allen nodded: "Then I won't force you. Anyway, if you need help, you must tell me."

Yali put his long bow on his back and said straightforwardly: "Okay."

Then he jumped down the high slope, his figure disappeared into the night. Allen counted silently in his heart, and after a few minutes passed, Laura nodded at him not far away. Allen made a gesture to Gaohu: "Go around?"

Gaohu heard something in his words, squinted his eyes, but still stood up with his battle axe, grinned and said, "Where is the count going?"


Gao Hu was startled: "It's so late, still hunting?"

"Some prey always like to hang out in the dead of night. Because at this time, you can do something invisible." Allen said lightly.

The moonlight is bleak tonight, and thin clouds in the sky rush away, covering the stars and moon. Yali shuttled between the rocks, pressing his palms on the cold, hard rocks. Those sharp stone ridges squeezed his palms, leaving red marks, and he was pinching his teeth, presumably this feeling was very uncomfortable. Now he suspects that every night in Olísca, at least the soft **** of those women feel a hundred times better than stones.

The forest line not far away can already be seen, and the forest begins to become sparse when it comes to the foot of the mountain. The trees are extinct in the open space more than ten meters away, just like an invisible boundary. Yali looked around. At this moment, he was far away from the camp, and his location was far beyond the scope of the night patrol. The ranger had no idea about it. He hid in the shadow of the stone, he opened his mouth and let out a cry like a crow.

The hoarse and low voice sounded in the dark, four long and three short, obviously a signal.

After a while, figures continued to emerge from the edge of the forest line. The man dressed in black, carrying a longbow and a sword quickly swooped in. Yali went out without saying a word, just pointing in the direction of Gaopo. Under the dark night, there is a faint fire, which is very easy to recognize. The leader nodded and made a gesture, and the ten or so people turned silently and walked in the direction of the flashing fire. They acted silently like black ghosts, and it didn't take long for Yali to see half of them.

He retreated between the rocks and followed him.

When arriving near the hillside, the leader in black stopped and pointed towards the flames on the slope. Everyone immediately explored their hands and took out fire thunders. After lighting the fuses, they threw them toward the slope. The fire thunder burst into the air with a dull whistling, and in a flash, the **** exploded again and again, and the fire groups rushed to explode, and the gravel on the top of the **** splashed. After the explosion, the men in black flew uphill, but when they rushed through the smoke and fire, they found that there was no one in the camp except for a few burning tents.

The leader shouted angrily: "What's the matter?"

"That ranger betrayed us?"

"Asshole named Yali, get out and explain it to me!" The leader roared towards Poxia.

The sound echoed across the hillside.

Yali didn't dare to neglect, he slid up the top of the slope, and saw the empty camp's face changed greatly: "Impossible, they were here just now! No, this is a trap!"

He just yelled out, and suddenly there was a sharp whistling in the night sky, and the chest of a man in black next to him suddenly exploded. It happened so quickly that he couldn't even believe it. He looked down at the chest where a hole had been exploded, and he collapsed to death. The blood sprayed on Yali and the leader, and the men in black immediately dispersed, looking for battle positions. The leader and Yali were among them, and then an angry voice rang: "Yali, traitor! Have you forgotten who took you in when you were desperate? Your Royal Highness Julian! But you actually betrayed you. Your Highness, I want to chop off your stinky head!"

Yali smiled bitterly, of course he could hear that it was Gaohu. He didn't answer, and he shot the arrow in the direction of the sound!

Gao Hu emerged from a rock, and as soon as he finished cursing Yali, he saw a powerful arrow hit. He quickly tilted his head, the arrow passed, and brought up his beard. Gao Huowa yelled and jumped directly with his tomahawk. There were several other figures leaping to the hillside with him, including Allen, and the man in black immediately raised his bow and shot. Allen pushed a few arrows away with the scabbard, fell to the ground and rolled, then bounced, locking a man in black and hitting it with a knife. The man hit him into the air, and before he could land, he made Adele who was hiding in the sniper position shot a headshot.

Allen rushed to the other two people. Seeing that there was no time to open the bow, the two of them simply drew out their swords, the source of force burst out, and they rammed silently.

The Scarlet King unsheathed, and a cloud of fire swept across the slope, and Allen passed between the two and went straight to the one with the strongest breath. The two people behind him were shocked at this moment, a wave of blood sprayed from their waists, and the two men in black were slashed by Allen.

In a moment, the bow and the sword sounded in the camp on the slope, and the battle began.

As soon as Alan moved forward, he slammed his shoulders away from the two men in black who were trying to get in the way. Naturally, Regis's sword greeted them. The Scarlet King bounced up and drew a nearly perfect arc in the air. The dark red explosion on the blade lit up the leader's eyes. The leader of the black-clothed man burst out with a burst of energy, and a tornado rose on the ground, causing the Scarlet King to rise slightly. After grabbing such a gap, the leader shook his hands, and the two short blades behind his waist came to his hands, drew out a continuous and delicate crimson light, cutting and dispersing the high temperature explosion that the Red King spit.

Allen sneered, and Chi King made more than one cut in his hand. After the black-clothed leader took a few knives, he had to start to retreat in order to gain buffer space. The more he fought, he became more and more frightened, only to feel that Allen's offensive was overbearing and domineering, and every cut was like a jade mountain falling and a sea of ​​anger, with great power that manpower could not resist. Every time the leader took a step back, he would definitely leave a deep footprint on the ground. It was that he could not bear the heavy pressure of Allen's slash, and the remaining energy spread to the ground.

It was pressed down with another blade, and the blade's blade exploded with flames, like a comet's thick flame tail, pressing down with the blade's blade. In comparison between the two, the leader's pair of knives intertwined with the scarlet light as fragile as silk, and he finally couldn't stand Allen's attack. With a scream, the light of the delicate knife was swept away by the fire cloud, and the red king slashed across his chest, and the leader of the man in black flung the knife and fell down the high slope. The person was in the air, and the vermilion sky fire spewed out from the wound, instantly burning him into a fireball. After the fireball hit the ground, it still rolled a few times~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and stopped moving.

Allen converged and exploded, and the body of the Scarlet King's sword was red, and plumes of smoke were rising from the body of the sword. Looking at the camp again, the battle was over. Yali was still struggling to support him under Fares's battle spear, and the blade of his body climbed onto the frost, and his movements became more and more slow. Farez suddenly advanced with his spear, and the black ice turned into a black dragon and slammed into it, piercing through Yali's sword and stabbing him on the shoulder. Yali retreated with a scream, but the wound quickly froze, and there was no time to spray out the blood. At this time, Gaohu hit and rammed, knocking Yali down. When the tomahawk was raised, it was about to be cut off. Allen hurriedly shouted: "Keep him alive."

So the axe rested on the side of Yali's neck, pressing against his beating arteries, Gao Hu said angrily: "This kind of **** is still killed!"

"I also want to ask who he was supported by, and that His Royal Highness Julian is qualified to execute him." Allen said lightly.

Gao Hu snorted from his nostrils, but did not dare to object. Allen walked to ask him who was supporting him. Suddenly Yali's head bloomed, and the same small piece of scalp flew out on his forehead, and the spray of blood splashed Gaohu's face. Then there was a rough gunshot in the night sky in the distance, and then another scream appeared, that was the unique sound of Hu Xiao!

Watching Yali collapse and die, Gao Hu was stunned for a moment before saying, "What the **** is this?"

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