Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1095: Jueying (1)

A hare with gray and white fur ran across the ground. It stopped under the grass. There was a fork in front of it. The rabbit hesitated. The red eyes looked left and right, and finally the rabbit chose the mountain road on the right, a few ups and downs, and disappeared between the rocks.

Allen walked to the bush where the rabbit stopped just now, pointed to the mountain road to the left and said, "Go here."

He was tracking the traces that might have been left by Jueying, and when he encountered a fork in the road with no clues or difficult to determine the direction, he would let people release the hare, and then choose the opposite direction to the rabbit. At first Gaohu was very skeptical of this method, but after a few times, Allen found some traces left by the beasts, dispelling Gaohu's doubts.

Several of these traces are very new, which should have been left in the last one or two days.

Walking on the road, Gao Hu couldn't help asking: "My lord, how did you do it? These rabbits seem to really help us find Juying."

"Every kind of life that exists in the world has its own meaning, such as a rabbit. This animal is very weak, but such a weak life has never been extinct. It is not unreasonable that they can multiply so far, Gaohu. Rabbit. Rabbit. They are very sensitive to natural enemies. They don’t have the keen sense of smell of hunting dogs, but they have their own way of survival. These little guys know how to avoid bad luck, and where they can’t make a decision, they often choose the opposite direction. Gain. Because those places are where the rabbits think there are dangers, do you understand?" Alan would not tell this bearded man. When he was living on the surface, he often relied on rabbits to find some dangers. A very delicious beast.

It was a rare meal for Allen in his childhood.

The sun is in the sky.

Allen appeared on a gentle slope. The stone **** had rough ground and several clumps of stubborn weeds. After hiding in a clump of weeds, Allen reached out and gently separated the clumps of grass from both sides. The line of sight fell down the slope, which was a natural platform. There is a steep cliff in front, a mountain road turns around to the top of the slope, and a cave on the left. There are five or six wild wolves at the entrance of the cave, one of which is the largest, one-eyed, and its hair is dark and shiny. Lazily lying on the ground basking in the sun, other wild wolves are playing around. A poor hare fell into a pack of wolves, but the wild wolf did not rush to kill it, only teasing the rabbit to run around.

They are like guards of the cave.

"Jue Ying is there?"

"I don't know, but it's worth checking out." Allen looked at the beard: "But we have to kill the guard first."

Gao Hu picked up his battle axe: "Look at me!" Then he jumped straight down the slope. The wolves below who were teasing the rabbit were frightened and immediately dispersed. The **** wolf also stood up fiercely, his hair straight, and his teeth uttered a series of threatening low growls at the sudden appearance of Gaohu. Without the command of the black wolf that seems to be the leader, the other five wild wolves have already pounced on the beard.

This is an unequal battle at all. Although the wild wolf is extremely fierce, there is no such thing as Gaohu's opponent. Gaohu didn't even need to explode his source power, relying on his basic strength alone, he could not fight back the wolf. The five wild wolves were quickly beheaded by Gao Hu, and the remaining black wolf saw that the situation was wrong and turned and ran into the cave. Suddenly, a black lightning broke through the air and slashed into the black wolf's body, but it was Fareth's black ice.

Black ice nailed the wolf to death, and the wolf's carcass quickly froze. Fares jumped onto the platform, came to the wolf carcass and drew his gun. The corpse of the wolf immediately shattered to the ground, stunned, and got along with Alan and the others. The beard had already seen the extraordinary weapons in the hands of Alan.

Laura stood at the entrance of the cave with the blood brake on her back, and the wind blowing from the cave held up her hair. She looked back at Alan: "There are even more powerful beasts in the cave."

"Then it seems we have found the right place." Allen walked to the entrance of the cave and gestured to Laura. Laura nodded and held Adele. After Fareth and the others entered the cave, they did not follow. Laura said a few words in Adele's ear, and the latter nodded, and the two left together.

The cave is not dim, and the sky is falling from some of the rocks above, making the things in the cave faintly visible. The cave is very wide, and the deeper it goes, the more spacious it is. There was a peculiar smell floating in the air in the cave, and soon Allen found a goat that was chewing only bones. The carcasses of goats are covered with flies, and there are many animal bones nearby. Gao Hu murmured, "So this is their kitchen."

Allen glanced at the goat: "But obviously they lack a good cook."

"There is light over there." Regis raised Ju Jue and pointed to the left, where there was a light, like an exit.

At the same time, Diego climbed up a rock protruding from the mountain. He carefully set the magic sniper rifle on it, and then looked at the cave that Ellen and the others entered through the sight. A smile appeared on Diego’s face: "Ellen, Ellen, I really want to thank you. It seems you have We found Jueying for us. That's good, our Royal Highness Howson can't help it anymore."

He put down his sniper rifle, took out a mirror from under his suit, and then shook it towards a hill opposite. The mirror refracts sunlight and becomes a simple signal. Soon there were two kinds of flashes on the top of the hill, and Diego knew that Hausen and the others had received the signal, and began to move here. All he had to do next was to wait and stay at this hole. In case Allen and the others return, Diego is happy to give Allen some surprises.

But as soon as he got down, a harsh howling sounded from the mountain peak, like the howling of a sea banshee. Diego's hair and beards were erected, his heart was beating wildly, and the warning signs in his heart suddenly appeared. He didn't even have time to pick up his sniper rifle, and immediately backed away. It was almost on the toes that left the ground, and a spiral wave hit instantly. In front of that wave was a high-speed rotating source force sniper bomb, which easily blasted a hole in the ground! The power was incredible, and the rock that Diego was lying on just broke in the middle and fell down the cliff with his sniper rifle.

"Damn!" Diage cursed, his magic sniper rifle is a rare weapon, especially in places like Heaven Star. With this magic sniper rifle, Diego has killed many difficult characters. , Accumulated a lot of military exploits. But now, he didn't have time to be annoyed by the loss of the magic sniper rifle, a rough footstep was approaching, the heavy footsteps seemed to be stepping on his heart.

Diego looked up and saw an incredible figure approaching at high speed on a mountain wall on the left side of his head. It was a woman, and Diego believed that he would not look away, but this woman has too many characteristics of beasts. Animal pupils, leopard tails and anti-jointed legs like cloven hoofed animals make this woman look more like an orc . But as far as Diego knows, even in the shadow principality where monsters gather, there is no creature that fits this image.

At this moment, this wild woman is dragging a dark red long sword, violating the laws of physics, running across the mountain wall at high speed. Every step she falls, she will step on the mountain wall with large cracks. When Yage leaped in midair over his head, the sword pointed downward, and it fell straight down in an extremely powerful posture. Diego immediately slid back, and the woman had hit the ground, stirring up large pieces of rubble. The long sword in her hand bounced and drew awe-inspiringly, and the ground under the sword cracked all the way, spraying a large muddy powder from the crack, and an invisible sword force slammed into Diego.

Diego crossed his arms, squatted slightly, arched his legs, and assumed a defensive posture. Jian Jin banged on him, and Diage's body protection source force impacted each other, exploding flamboyant flames. Diego nailed his feet into the ground, plowed out two gullies and slid several meters away before stopping. He cursed "It's really painful", but he didn't dare to neglect, he pulled out two short sticks from the back of his waist, and they spun them together again. The two sides of the iron rod stretched out again, and a triangular spear head was raised from each end of the rod body, and Diego had a double-headed war gun in his hand.

Laura pursed her lips and lowered her blood. She suddenly exerted her strength and rushed towards Diego again in a rough and wild posture. Diego shot out and took Lola's noodle door. The latter arched her shoulders and slammed into her gun, without paying attention to the tip of the gun and making a cut in her shoulder. The blood was swept out, and the sword wind roared like thunder, Dia immediately leaned back, his head almost touching the ground. Seeing the blood passing by with an afterimage in front of his eyes, Diago drew a drop of sweat between his forehead.

The wind rose again, but Lola kicked it directly. Diego had no time to pull the gun back, so he could only go with one hand. With a muffled bang, he was kicked away by Laura. Diago, who took the opportunity to get away, rolled twice on the ground and bounced, posing for an attack. Suddenly the mountains screamed again~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dia's face finally changed: "Damn, two hit me and one, it's not fair!"

What responded to him was a spiral ripple that fell from the sky. At the center of that ripple, a source force sniper projectile spun wildly. Diego closed his gun and slid back. The sniper shell exploded a big hole in his feet. Diego didn't love fighting, so he dragged his gun and ran away. A Lola is no longer so easy to parry, and with Adele who is constantly looking for opportunities to snipe, Diego really has no interest in fighting.

Of course, Lola didn't intend to let him go like this, but finally led him out, but Lola didn't have the habit of letting go of her prey, so she dragged her sword quickly.

At the same time Adele and the others shot, Allen and the others got out of the cave. Outside the cave was a valley, and they were at the bottom of the valley. Here there is a lot of rocks and drafts, and the towering peaks block the sunlight and leave large shadows in the valley. The valley was strangely quiet, Gaohu wanted to say something, Allen stretched out a finger to his lips and shook his head. At this time, there was a sudden wind in the valley, and countless long grasses were blowing all over the sky. Amidst the swirling drafts, a dark shadow suddenly rushed towards Allen. Allen's sight was immediately filled with Bai Sensen's sharp teeth, and that huge mouth was big enough to bite off his upper body.

He leaned over and bent over, his upper body was almost parallel to the ground, and just like this he ejected forward. At the same time, the red king unsheathed, turning into a red electricity and crossing the black shadow, wiping out sparks.

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